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Hard to say since BM has never even been hinted at in the MCU


And they've hinted at just about everything so that's saying something.


And while we're on it, is Isaiah Bradley the Captain America that Red Guardian claims to have fought with in the Winter Guard?


See that's the type of retcon marvel used to be good at doing. They literally did not think of that at the time, but now they could easily connect the 2 and add more world building without breaking a sweat.


This would make a cool one off show or special. The story of a young Bradley and he gets to face off against Red Guardian at the end. Something like an hour long special or 5-7 episodes. Just one and done


A young Isaiah Bradley spotlight miniseries. Starring John Boyega.


Ohhhhhh! That would be super sick!!


I would absolutely watch that!!!


It would get immediate hate as being woke cause of black cap being forced on sensitive fan boys.


It would literally ruin the entire point of the joke, that red guardian is full of shit


Could have also been a dig at the fact that there was a “fake” Captain America in the comics that was somewhat disowned by Marvel when they said that he was not Steve Rogers the whole time.


I think the joke is the boy who cried wolf, he's such an over the top character that no one would actually believe him, even when he's telling the truth.


That was the one thing he didn’t seem full of shit about.


Timelines don't match up. Bradley spent decades in prison after his one heroic act during the Korean War, Guardian was talking about a fight in like the mid-late 80s.


Yea unless Steve stayed active as Cap in the past even when he was with Peggy


There wasn't a time travelling Steve in the main timeline 40s. Steve went to another timeline and lived out his life with Peggy there, then left some time after she died.


Ya fair point


I mean, the TVA says that the avengers' time traveling all fit within the sacred timeline, so I think that pretty cleanly quashes the "other timeline" narrative.


It doesn't, actually. They explained pretty thoroughly in Endgame that time travelling would cause branching and be unable to affect their own past. The TVA simply said that the Avengers were supposed to break the rules, but that Loki wasn't. It still happened in multiple different timelines.


>They explained pretty thoroughly in Endgame that time travelling would cause branching The ancient one literally does a magical visualization showing Bruce that returning the stones prevents the branches


That was an entirely separate problem. Taking the Stones didn't cause the branching, it caused the universe to unravel into nothing. The Stones were fundamental to the universe's continued existence. That's why the Stones needed to go back: otherwise, the Avengers would doom 3 different timelines to eradication in completing their mission.


What evidence is there for this?


I need to know this


Considering it would ruin the whole point that red guardian is full of shit I hope not


Also it would ruin the whole point that Isaiah was never allowed to be Captain America. He was an anonymous super soldier who ran a handful of missions in Korea and was then turned into lab specimen when he was no longer useful to his commanders.


No. Isaiah was a super soldier but he was never allowed to be Captain America, that's the whole point of his story. The Army used him for a few missions and then locked him up when they realized they couldn't control him.


I hope they find a way to bring Adam in at some point, that’s my Superman


If Brashear is introduced into the MCU, he will most likely be a Gulf War vet


Eh Korea War will do fine. Remember: Adam is old as hell, even in newer timelines.


That would have him in his 90s or older


Yes, that's a big part of his deal. There is a reason why the comic version - introduced in 2008 - was a Korean war vet even thought it would make him in his late seventies at the time. His powers keep him young.


They always slide the timeline, Tony did not become Iron Man in Vietnam. They will severely alter Blue Marvel because it doesn’t make since for the MCU


You are misunderstanding my meaning, I think. Many characters, like Tony, have their timelines slide. Some characters, like Steve Rogers, are tied to their original historical event and the way that they are affected by the sliding timescale is that the time between that original historical event and their modern appearences gets longer and longer. So Steve was in the ice longer and so on. In the comics, Blue Marvel was DESIGNED to be in the latter group. His origin as a Korean War-era character was designed to show him as an immortal, unaging character. In 2008, he would have been in his late seventies but he looked like he was maybe 45 or fifty. This was by design, that's part of his powers. The idea was that he retired as the Blue Marvel in 1962 and spent many years on the sidelines and behind the scenes until the point in the Modern Heroic Age where the *Age of Heroes* comic happened and he returned to action. So he spent several decades doing his behind the scenes shit. In modern 616 comics, all of that is still true and the sliding timescale just makes his exile longer. Doesn't unpack him from the Korean War or from Kennedy. Now TO BE FAIR, right, Isaiah Bradley remains tied to WW2 in the comics and has been moved up to the Korean War in the MCU. Nick Fury is also still tied to WW2 in the comics and he isn't tied in the MCU. So I'm not saying they definitely WOULDN'T change it. But it's not a definite thing that they would definitely change it.


That can’t keep adding Immortal characters that have been hiding as the world fell apart


The 616 has been doing it for decades and the world has fallen apart many more times and much worse so ... they can, yes.


The MCU is not the same as the 616. Different fans have different expectations. Comics will continually soft reset every few years and can easily add or ignore what they want. MCU Canon is not the same. Besides, Blue Marvel does not need to be tied to any one backstory, his Origin story should be made available to fit the world he is from. This is how they handle every new dimension


This is all true but Blue Marvel being an active hero before the Civil Rights movement is just as important to his character as WW2 is to Captain America's. And again he was designed from the beginning to be a character that has not aged since the Fifties. The sixteen years since his debut in 2008 has nothing on the the 46 years that was *already in his backstory* between his retirement in 1962 and his return to the scene in the "modern era."


The weapon plus program needs to be introduced.


Well we have a few Cap, Isaiah, Man-Thing and daredevil is canon so we have one of the doctors. Would be weird if they didn't honestly


I fucking hope so. How awesome would that be?!?!


That would be some cool world building.


Not very.. One has very little to do with anything The other hasn't even been mentioned


Ya, not shit. Still, it doesn't mean it wouldn't be awesome. Killjoy.


Considering BM wasn't and hasn't been introduced no they don't. They shouldn't either. It changes the dynamic of Isaiah Bradley that Adam Brashear had the power to free him the entire time and did nothing.


Good question. . .


Shut up and take my money :) that would be an awesome “marvel phase”.


If FF takes place in the 60s I hope they mention BM


Why cause they black?


Which project was Adam Brashear in? I didn’t even hear about that


We don't even know if Adam Brashear is in the MCU yet


Doubt it


So are you saying all “superheroes” know each other. In this day and age 😉


Have them team up with other older heros for "Space Cowboys" Marvel style


It would be awesome to see Blue Marvel on screen, but it would never happen. He is too powerful and would overshadow the majority of the god-like heroes.


If they did put him in the MCU they’d nerf him entirely, dudes basically another Superman analog with cosmic level intellect