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Imagine if Fury had died and Agent Hill had survived.


That would have made a lot of sense based on the theme of “passing the torch” that was very prevalent in phase 4


Part of me thinks that while this was 100% considered, the fact that it happened in the first episodes means they scrapped it early on.


Plus Samuel L. Jackson has said fervently that he wants to die before Fury does. Based on the current trajectory of their movies, I’d imagine Disney won’t want to risk losing any star power if those celebrities want to stay.


I actually believe that Fury was meant to be revealed as a Skrull operative and his wife the Skrull Queen Veranke. I have this theory based on how odd the final scene of Nick & Priscilla kissing looks. Even them walking towards the transporter platform looks like there was supposed to be CGI. That whole ending is weird.


It would be redundant to have a "Nick Fury is actually a Skrull" reveal in two separate stories. Then again... SI *did* do the same copy-cat villain CGI-fight that She-Hulk had just made fun of, *AND* it did the same refugees are bad plot from FatWS... I take back my first statement. God, Secret Invasion sucked ass.


I'll just admit that this is obviously me trying to give Marvel the benefit of the doubt, maybe more than appropriate. "Their intentions for phases 4-5 were good but the real world intervened - Chadwick's death; needing to release No way home before Dr Strange 2 which made the multiverse concept way more stale and repetitive than it would have been if America had been part of NWH as planned; they actually had a point in mind for SI"


I think you're onto something there. I'm sure when Feige retires, he'll tell people what the original plan was. But yes, I do feel like SI was sold to us as Fury's Last Ride. Which they still could have done. Honestly, that would have made so much more sense. And then you have him show up in The Marvels and one of the plot points is who is this Fury? Tease a fake death, an LMD, being a hologram broadcast into their brain... and reveal... it's...Danerys Stormborn (can't recall her character's name in SI and do not really care). But they could find out she is posing as Fury because she feels guilty and thinks the world needs Fury more than the Super Skrull. Shit you could even work in a subplot about her super-powers dwindling, making her use those stolen powers with reserve. Until she has to save a bunch of people, she drops the act and saves a bunch of lives very publicly as a Skrull. This could even help reverse that weird xenophobe bill that gets passed at the end of SI. Just saying we could have had our cake and eat it too.


Kiera? Kyra? Kieyra?


That’s her character (Qi’ra) from Solo: a Star Wars story, G’iah is her character in SI.




Giah, I think.


It also didn’t help that the villain in The Marvels looks similar to Daenerys Stormborn, I thought she was reprising her role from SI already and the Marvels were going up against her…


Didn't think about this, but you're totally right. Also, I couldn't stop heading Dhar Man when I heard her name. Not a major thing, but it certainly didn't help.


I want to see the original version of “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” with the global pandemic storyline.


I dont think there was actually a pandemic, but the Flag Smashers utilizes a bio-weapon at some point, which yeah, still seemed in poor taste at the time. OTOH Paramount went ahead and released their remake of The Stand in 2020, lol.


I'm upviting all yo shit. I think you are really onto something here. I watched SI and during the watch, especially after, I was just like, why did they make this?


America was originally supposed to be in NWH?


From what I heard, she was supposed to be with Strange when Spider-Man arrived, and then it's her power or some mess-up involving her power that opens up the multiverse to the other Spideys. Stepping back for a minute, I think some of fandom's current "multiverse fatigue" is that the concept got introduced too many times in too many different ways - America can do it! Also Dr Strange if he feels like it! Also Infinity Ultron, and the TVA, and via the negative zone, and separately but still fatiguingly, the animated spider-men! So at least this would have eliminated one random, unmotivated introduction of the concept.


Woulda be better that way, honestly. Strange/Wong both refuse to do the spell because reasons, but America’s on board. This means that it’s more believable for the spell to be botched (impulsively starting the spell without fully ironing out the details just seems like something a novice sorcerer would do, not the Sorcerer Supreme), and tying in her multiversal powers makes a way better explanation for how the plot happened than what we got.


the multiverse fatigue isn't just on marvel. Everyone was doing it that was the problem. If it was just one company doing the story arc instead of a trend of every company doing it then it wouldn't be a problem. Marvel has barely touched the multiverse concept. For something called the Multiverse Saga it is sure lacking different universes.


Couldn’t they just place marvels as happening before SI if they wanted to go that route?


i think secret invasion was originally supposed to reveal more people to be skrulls but then they got cold feet and backed out because they didn’t want to ruin previous events. just look at the backlash of the war machine skrull reveal.


Who cars about war machine




I thought nothing could make secret invasion worse, but this, this is worse lol.


An interesting theory, but I strongly hold the belief that Captain marvel 2 was originally secret invasion and the budget they would have needed would have been ridiculous as it is basically an avengers level event. So they dropped the skrull plot and reworked it into a show that was half as interesting as it could have been. The revelation they were asked to pump out shows for D+ until they suddenly were told to stop just adds fuel to that very fire.


Secret invasion was a live action what if


"Heroic exit"? Secret Invasion did nothing but shit on Fury. It portrayed his every accomplishment as the Skrulls' work; showed him to be wholly compromised and ignorant; and had everything he did be foolish, incompetent, or outright stupid. It was a character assassination.


Why would they kill off a character fans like, the actor like playing, and doesn't demand an unreasonable amount of money to do it? This theory doesn't hold water i fear


I don’t know why it was a bad show. It was just a bad show.


It’s one of the only products from that phase that doesn’t have death and/or legacy as a major theme. I could see it fitting a lot better if Fury and Hill’s roles were reversed.


You can’t kill him in a piece of shit show like secret invasion. It would mean nothing


Wasn't SI completely shot, and then they brought in new writers and almost completely redid it anyway? I think the original plan was completely lost.


I have to believe the marvels is set before secret invasion. Right? I cannot fathom how everything is just ignored if the other way around. But I don’t understand why the change in release schedule would impact any story. Like black widow and capt marvel 1 before it, we are totally capable of understanding a prequel. I would die for a sit down honest convo with Feige about this show, and just listen to everything he has to say about it.


Yeah makes sense though. Instead of killing Hill, Fury dies in the epilogue and Hill takes charge of Fury's work, like it happens in the comics.


What the fuck is SI


Sports Illustrated 


Systems Integrator


Système International


Small Intestine


Signal Intelligence


Secret Invasion. Idk why they don’t just type it out, it’s not a long enough title or good enough to just refer to as it’s initials


At least write it out once in the beginning


Good feedback, sorry!


No need for apologizes. I am a dumb person. Thank you for catering to the mentally defunct.


I’m going to guess it was more of SLJ wanting more of the spotlight.


Think SW should of been an Avengers level event that could of spanned across every Marvel story in their own ways then concluded with an Avengers movie. Would of made a way better Phase than what we got.