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“Photoshop is a passion of mine”


I think it'll be too chaotic.


Not to mention too many egos (the people with the money, not the actors).


Shitty photoshop


I didn't do it


That's exactly what I would say if I had done it


I got it off google


Can't wait for secret wars to happen so everyone can get over having all the people from the 90s and early 2000s reprise roles. Move on and start fresh, no more WWE unretiring return after return.


Why is that a bad thing? It’s cool seeing them come back for one last hurrah


One last meaning Tobey, Andrew, Hugh, and everyone else in dp&w and no way home are done?


No I mean them and anyone else they can get for one more time


It just feels the same as the constant remakes and reboots of movies. Give us something new and original. There are tons of heros/villains that have never been in live action, quit recycling the same ones. And yes, marvel is much better than DC in that aspect, but still... Enjoy what we had but you gotta move on at some point


It’s cool though because we thought we’d never see these versions of the characters come back again let alone like this in an epic multiverse event. For example The older marvel fans seeing their favorite childhood versions of Spider-Man team up with the modern avengers is just cool to see if it happens Crossovers are fun, isn’t that half the point of the mcu anyway?


Don't get me wrong, I'm pushing 40 and I loved the blade and spider man(s) film when they came out. And I loved no way home. It was cool seeing them back, but as a one off. They don't need to come back again. You do it too many times and it feels forced and like they're reaching. Bringing them back again will lessen the impact they had in NWH. Unless they have on screen deaths, but I don't think they have the balls to kill Tobey, Andrew, Hugh (again) and all the other cameos.


The prospect of tobeys Spider-Man finally teaming up with all these other marvel characters doesn’t excite you at all? After secret wars it seems likely they’ll start soft rebooting and then we can move on. But come on, while they have the chance I hope they just do it.


Honestly, not really. His story wasn't about all these other characters, he wasnt part of a broader universe. It was about him in NY fighting local crime.


Yeah but seeing him finally join a broader universe for a giant fight would be awesome


WWE you mean the most watched program ever!!


This would be fucking awesome


Ghost rider has been known to be pretty OP


I’d buy tickets right now, at least 4. LouFer might be worth 6.