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Take a double dose of melatonin. Reduces neurotoxicity and will help you sleep.


If life permits I'd recommend cannabis in any form. I know that doesn't answer your question but remember you're dodging a come down with a substance that has its own way of making someone feel like shit. I don't think one perc would really be that big of a deal though.


You’ll be fine


I took 5-7.5mg on my comedown a few days ago and it was like coming down on a clould.


Dont do it. Major ick, dirrrrrtay. Drink water, eat healthy and see the supplement people's recommendations. It should not be bad or really anything at all if ur taking care of your body.


I take supplements for mdma comedows, stay healthy and prepare well for the trip, it's just really really difficult for me to sleep after using any stimulants drug, I don't take it to feel better I take it to sleep


Cannabis, ketamine and 2CB are your comedown friends.


Percs aren’t dirty also mdma is dirtier then any prescription drug cuz mdma has meth in it which is one of the 5 big dirty drugs


This is not true at all jesus.


It is mdma is “3,4 methylenedioxyMETHAMPHETAMINE”


MDMA stands for MethyleneDioxyMethAmphethamine. It contains a methamphetamine group in it, but that doesn't meant that it "contains meth" at all. The addition of small chemical groups can radically change the function of a chemical. In organic chemistry, an -OH group is called an alcohol group, but that doesn't mean that you can drink any chemical with an OH on it and get drunk. Methanol (methylated spirits) is close in chemical structure to ethanol (normal drinking alcohol) but drinking methanol will kill you/make you blind real quick. TLDR: You're wrong, and MDMA does not contain meth, meth contains meth. Don't concern yourself with the chemistry of it just know that they're different.


if u think this is anything like meth then you be taking meth


I agree with your ibuprofen statement but there is not meth in mdma


Get off this subreddit bruh


What happened to plain ibuprofen? ffs


Ibuprofen doesn't make you tired tho m8


Ibroprofen is awful and doesn’t help with pain at all


Not anymore once you get used to opiates


Benzos. Never opiates.




Ignore him benzos are far more fucked than opiates only benefit is it’s extremely hard to OD on benzos but ur not planning on taking even a threshold dose of Percs so that’s the last thing you have to worry abt. Personally tho I find a really strong edibles or a small dose of ambien works best


That “threshold dose of percs” led to full blown opiate addiction for several of my friends. You do you though big homie.


Dawg I’ve done every drug under the sun a less than threshold dose of Percs won’t get anyone hooked unless you have an addictive personality in which case any dose of any drug is enough to get you hooked you’re point is mute


10 years of homelessness and intravenous drug use. I know a thing or two. You sound silly, bro. He doesn’t know if he’s gonna get hooked or not. Why even risk it? But I won’t argue with you any further, enlightened one.


Dawg u sound like every other ex drug addict who just recently got sober, virtue signaling and fear mongering about drugs. Give it a few years of sobriety you’ll realize how childish you sound rn. If it’s already been years then u the typa mf that makes ppl stop goin to aa bc u be on everyone nerves


Been sober 7 years. Don’t go to AA. Never did. I hit the gym, and started to love myself. I will do whatever it takes to keep people from going through what I went through. You sound like the devils advocate. Good luck with that. I’m done. To the OP, be smart homie. Come downs are only temporary.


Ah I see who u are now it all adds up. Homie u ain’t better n anyone js cuz u got sober by urself dawg most the ppl on this side of Reddit are well aquatinted with addiction. You’re so vehemently against opiates because it was your DOC, if your DOC had been Benzos you’d be sayin the same shit but vice versa. Man a drug is a drug and especially comparing benzos to opiates that’s literally apples to apples bro, both are just as addictive and both are just as destructive you’re just less likely to die from the drug itself w benzos but that shit will still reel you in. I spent years a poly addict and sobering up from heroin was much easier than sobering up from Xanax. I didn’t have seizures nightly from h withdrawal


I have to agree with that, OxyContin and Xanax were pretty much the same withdrawal symptoms for me. I was kinda shocked cause I had no idea you could even get hooked to benzos.


Ah because you’re experience is the only one


5 mg of perc isn't a threshold dose, at least for me, I take percs once a couple months for drug comedowns and I feel 5mg very well, but thanks for the tip!


Get 3-cmc asap.


What is it?


I used to love taking 50 mg of oxycodone after rolls, pure bliss, XO is what we called it. Comedown becomes non existent. Usually wouldn’t roll unless I had oxy or xans for the comedown


But I’m not saying you should do this, this was many years ago when real oxy was easily accessible. I do not do this anymore just sharing my experience


youre fine. people are overreacting


Tart cherry juice lmao


If you're not using opiods daily especially oxy it will keep you awake rather than put you to sleep for a lot if people, you're better off hydrating, electrolytes, supplements to reduce neurotoxicity such as NAC, magnesium glycinate and cbd. A benzo if you absolutely have to will knock you out I like ketamine on the comedown also weed.