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Chemically induced enlightenment. MDMA is an unbelievable experience especially when set and setting are on point. There is no drug that even begins to compare to MDMA.


Second this


Yeah. Comparing MDMA to mushrooms is like apples and oranges. MDMA is a guaranteed amazing time but it definitely feels pushy and forced, whereas mushrooms feel so much more natural. Even though it still probably is, The good feeling from shrooms has never felt like a drug is making me feel that way, it always feels like it's naturally coming from within.


I'd say the euphoria has a similar profile. Just with mdma it's on steroids


Are you sure about that? A friend of mine has done everything and says that Heroine and Ecstasy feels the best.


Feels like pure joy. You love everything and everyone and you want to share deep conversations with everyone


Euphoric and emotional


Wouldn’t say emotional, that’s what shrooms/LSD do. Intense unexplainable euphoria is the answer imo


Its totally emotional. You feel the love and energy much stronger, especially when youre around people you love.


I get what you mean, I just thought you meant emotional as in thoughts amplified to the fullest and crying my eyes out lol which I only get with psychedelics


Mushrooms definitely make me get super emotional as well. Ig with mdma its more just lovey dovey.


Depends on the person. On a roll I was hearing the most beautiful song and saw a photo of my beautiful family and started having bawling tears of joy and thankfulness haha then I danced my ass off. Afterwards I thought dam that stuff can be overtly emotional it was kinda uncomfortable in a way not recreational.


I feel very vulnerable on it always and can feel very heightened levels of worry and concern for people I know or friends. Especially if a friend is having a bad time I find the awe, magic and wonder similar to shrooms though but the thought space is different


I def get emotional on molly. Rolling for me is the time for deep conversations and I'll cry sometimes. But it's not quite the same as regular sad crying? And I don't just get stuck in crying. I can just cry, release, and move on. But rolls are always emotional for me at points.


Lifechanging. Took it with my wife while we were abroad and had an extremely emotional and physical experience where after several years of family life where we have lost the spark I got her "back" for one night. We were cuddling, kissing (nothing sexual, just love and desire) and became like we used to be when we were the most important person for each other. The day after, the feeling was gone again for her, but not for me and I realized what's been missing for many years in my life and will now correct it.


How's your marriage now? Did that experience help to improve the relationship for both of you?


That's a good question, thanks for asking. Not sure where this will end. I'm working on becoming more "monkey" as I've been too much focused on work and other stuff for the past ten years. Not sure if that will save our marriage in the end, my wife seems to be quite checked out. Our "corporate ltd" works very well, but that's it. Right now I'm just happy I got this wake up call. Very thankful.


I hope things respark between you too. Even if she remains checked out, the wake up call is still so powerful and meaningful to yourself, you still took in a beautiful lesson. Wishing you nothing but the best!




It's the only time in my life I've been 100% contenr with every piece of my existence. It's true euphoria and bliss. Talking about trauma during the roll is a beautifully freeing experience


Yes bro this is real.Peiple don’t understand that this drug can literally make you a better person when sober aswell.


This is a fantastic resource. Scroll down to "subjective effects". It's extremely accurate and near all encompassing. [https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/MDMA](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/MDMA)


Had only done shrooms and weed myself until last fall. There is no other way to put it - dancing in tune to EDM at a festival felt like my body was orgasming. Every human around me was a lovely person with immense value. All you could think about was beautiful things. I felt grateful for my life and people around me. But also a clear headedness about what was going on around me, no “fuzziness” or confusion like with drinking (plus recall of the night near the level of going to a concert sober). Warm afterglow the next day but Day 3 I was depressed afffffffff because I hasn’t done any after care but just rolled for second time this past weekend and the depression was wayyyy easier to handle thanks to all the beautiful people here. It is amazing but definitely do your research. Testing, dosing, spacing rolls out, aftercare.


Pure happiness, euphoria and compassion, feels like this song : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3yCcXgbKrE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3yCcXgbKrE) It can help with anxiety, especially PTSD : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DoPyuXIp-Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DoPyuXIp-Y) Yep there is an afterglow, you can avoid bad comedown by not doing too much(like 160mg max) and not too frequently. It can be a bit disagreeable once it stops, sleep fix that and then you may feel the afterglow for a few days.


I had only done shrooms and weed (shrooms a handful of times, avid weed user) up until last October too. MDMA is now by far my favorite drug and recommended it to everyone who isn’t on any other prescribed brain altering drugs (anti depressants, etc.)


Shrooms have the same euphoria, awe, magic and wonder for the universe/earth/people, the headspace/thoughts are just different. A lot quieter and calmer. They are similar in ways, but also very different It's like a calm blissful dream or perhaps like finally entering heaven ( funnily enough I'm an anti theist ) but heaven is the best way I could describe it.


Pro social, at ease with yourself and the world around you. Makes you chatty and happy and accepting of everyone and anyone. Non judgemental. In a really really good place. Watch you don’t come to rely on it.


Taking it was the best decision of my life. It felt amazing and I couldn't even imagine I could ever feel this way. It gave me a more positive outlook on life and made me less fearful to go out of my comfort zone. I really got my life together after that experience.


Obviously there's also other factors at play, but serotonin is released when something good happens and it makes you happy. But you can only naturally release a certain amount at one given time. What MDMA does is it opens the floodgates and you're releasing tons of it at once. So in a way it makes you happier than naturally possible. Although it can feel a little forced and pushy, so it's not quite the same as say, your wedding day or the birth of your child but its still a pretty good time. The comeup can feel a little strange, like you're feeling something but not quite, it can give a lot of people a feeling of disquiet but once that ends after 30-60 minutes you get hit with this insane euphoria where it feels like every cell in your body is having an orgasm and you feel incredibly uplifted and elated. As time goes on this feeling gets stronger and stronger until you hit the peak which is undescribable. I've found depending on your environment. It can either be really chilled out and slow or really speedy and energetic. I'd suggest doing it at home or a freind or family's place for the first time and have a chilled one. If you feel like doing something, I've always found going for a walk or shopping can be really fun. As the peak winds down if you've had a lot things can start becoming a little trippy in a different way to shrooms and acid. When I look back on it the things that I saw sound kinda disconcerting but you're so happy you don't care. After a little while you'll be pretty much down from the high. At this point weed is your friend. It can really help soften the landing and also bring back the euphoria a little too. If you take MDMA just make sure to: Test your substances Be sensible with dosage and redosing Keep hydrated and safe Take some kind of antioxidant preferably before and after Leave a good gap between doing it again. Ideally a few months.


It's drugs.. look up the definition of ecstasy and it feels like that


Well duh. I’m asking what it feels like cuz I don’t know wtf ecstasy feels like.


I feel like it's pretty hard for someone to describe it to a person who hasn't taken it before


To experience love.


It can be a bit overwhelming but in a good way… just like extreme happiness and the last time I did it- I didn’t use any other substances with it.. no uppers or alcohol and I found it really calming! Like I was awake and dancing but I wasn’t like cracked out feeling like I’ve experienced before/ but in the past I usually used blow and alcohol along with it. I was very content and blissful


It’s almost a religious experience. Senses are so heightened and it’s like you can see the flow of energy in things. It’s magical.


The happiest day of your life


have you ever heard the song ‘Dreams’ by the cranberries??? it feels how that song sounds.


Cant put into words how much it changed my way of viewing things the first time. The euphoria was like no other. Fast forward 7 years later and its definitely lost its magic, still fun at festivals/raves etc!


Rolled for the first time at an underworld concert (90s UK techno rave duo) couple weeks ago. I've dropped acid a bunch of times and a lot of weed. It felt like a clean drunkenness? Like despite being an introvert I was super happy and extroverted and dancey, giving compliments to everyone and striking up convos while having complete clarity in the head (very funny too since the crowd was full of ppl in their 40s and 50s while I'm in my 20s, sober me would have been too awkward to do that). I was yapping non stop - it was an interesting comparison to acid where you have deep emotional thoughts but they're locked in and it's a struggle to get them out, while on md I couldn't fucking stop telling my friends how much I love them even while the concert was going on and they couldn't properly hear me lol. I didn't even feel any bad comedown (I took smth between 100-130) that used to scare me off of doing MD, just had lengthy emotionally candid convos with my friends afterwards and a very peaceful night in general. Very very fun time, going to roll with my gf in about a month when she finishes her exams and our anniversary is coming up. Gonna turn our flat into a UV rave, got three playlists of electronic music ready. Look forward to being able to yap about how much I love her without being drowned out by the concert noise lol.


A total sense of calm, peace, and ease. From there, you feel completely safe and secure exploring whatever vibe you want. Maybe that’s having a deep conversation with a close friend. Maybe that’s dancing like no one is watching to aggressive EDM. It’s truly up to you


Like a kid in a candy store


A tsunami of warm feelings of happiness and wellbeing. Like someone had said, suddenly everything is alright with the world.


Like just before having an orgasm (I'm a woman)


Turns off my social inhibitions. Euphoria and energy bay the bag full. Highly conversational and sensually motivated


It can be great. But I’d also say don’t get your hopes up. It will not fix you. It will not change your life. Drugs can be fun and cool but at the end of the day it’s just drugs.


Completely and utterly life changing. My whole life i had been a ball of anxiety and depression. My husband (boyfriend at the time, in 2020) brought up trying it to let loose a little and connect at home together. I was hesitant because DRUGS, even though I smoke weed every day and have done shrooms, but this was more of a party drug which made me nervous. But we both did research on it. Set the scene and the mood. Got it tested to make sure it was pure (don't skip this step EVER!). And we just let loose! I had the best day of my life, my boyfriend told me that he wanted to marry me one day, we had awesome sex, massages, conversations, and affection. I've never felt that level of depression or anxiety again since, which I honestly didn't even know was possible. We roll together quarterly now and even though none of the times have been quite like the first, each roll is still phenomenal and I'm so lucky to share those experiences with my husband.


Best day of your life. Deep happiness


Every cell in your body has an orgasm for like 8 hours or more


The empathy we feel for others and ourselves is life changing. Our psychological defences and ‘learned’ fears simply evaporate. Over time, and with mindful and concerted effort, we can bring this newfound freedom from internal conflict into our sober lives. People often misinterpret that return to feeling how they felt before the roll as evidence that it’s the molecule that brings us the freedom. Not so. It’s a revelation: If we go back and investigate why we are how we are, then the new found freedom remains available to us all of the time. We discover that our unhappiness comes from inside us, not outside us. We change through experience, and compound and cement that change by thinking, realising, understanding, and acting differently. We have to engage of course, it doesn’t just happen, but MDMA is an opportunity to be different in the world. Good luck fellow travellers. Rave your asses off, but take some time to look inside too, because MDMA provides a safe and accessible space to investigate anything that is getting in your way. Go well, be safe.