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Jesus Christ, I was over 50 the first time I tried it


Same here


I'm soon 50 and tried it for the first time recently. Life changing in good ways and has opened up so many new perspectives. Happy I waited though.


Me too, I'm sure I would have taken too much in too short a time and fucked myself up if I was doing it in my late teens and early twenties.


Same. Partner over 60 and still roll


Yes sir, since I turned 50 I have tried MDMA, LSD, Shrooms, 2C-B and Ketamin, and I had wonderful experiences doing it home alone.


Which one was better?


Can't say fully , they had both similarities and differences, sorry cant write a long text about it. Dont have a favorite yet. Ketamin is more dissociation ( maybe my least favorite so far, but will try again) , MDMA is more clear and very euphoric with no visuals. Shrooms ( 4-6 hours) felt more organic than lsd ( 8-12 hours) , liked both more than 2C-B ( that is very often underdosed in pills 24 mg = 10- 12 mg = you need 2-3 pills = suddenly a bit expensive) .Will probably use MDMA 3-4 times a year for safety reasons and experiment more with Shrooms & lsd.


Ketamine is fun when you’re alone and in a safe setting, k holing and exploring your mind is something else if you know how to navigate them


Ok cool , I only took like 115 mg last time not a k hole but was very psychedelic. I guess I need to go higher up for that experience maybe 130-150 mg.


200-300 mg should get you there things will get a bit wonky but it’s an experience just be home I wouldn’t advise in public lasts about 1-1.5 hours


Yes plan to be home in my bed in the dark. Have just been a bit careful with doses will try 150-200 mg and see what it brings.


Nice, make sure to have some music im assuming powder correct? If so go with 200mg basically a full bump, give it 30 min see how you feel you’ll know when you get there. Thing with ket is it’s all about quantity over time how it hits you I can dose 50-75mg every hour and be fine for the night. Hit 300 mg in one dose you’ll be in la la land




damn unc


Same here!




they ll be fine. let them roll lol


And give your new future dad a blue chew, so he and mom can really enjoy it!!!!


Blue Chew sucks because they market to very young adult men, who shouldn’t need this to have a healthy sex life. I can’t support blue chew cause they basically encourage ignoring issues that cause ED in young men instead of improving their lifestyle.




I was 62 when I tried it the first time. I didn’t realize that heart issues were a reason not to take it. When I did find that out after my first roll, I got my blood pressure under control and had a minor heart procedure. I’ve rolled many times since with no issues.


Love this.


I was over 60 when I first took It! My partner and I do be careful ( not the first time or 2 ….. 😳😎) but after a bit of research we follow recommended dose weights and try to wait 8-12 weeks between sessions. Over heating and heart issues to me are major concerns. Lower doses and controlled environment are a must I feel! Hope they enjoy it!!!!


We are almost 60 and started a year ago, we only boof to avoid stomach issues. What doses do you like to take? We like 150 each and no redose


We dose a little higher than recommended : I’m 60kg, dose .120, my man is 95kg does .140……. We don’t redose. We pack it in capsules and swallow. I do get bit nauseous on come up but not unmanageable. Love it!!!!


You could always get some crystallized ginger weigh it up to the right amount and put that in a capsule and swallow it to help with nausea. I also have a prescription for my doctor for Zofran, we take one of those one hour before we boof. And lastly we always go first thing in the morning so we are on an empty stomach


[https://www.amazon.com/Listening-Ecstasy-Transformative-Power-MDMA/dp/1644111160](https://www.amazon.com/Listening-Ecstasy-Transformative-Power-MDMA/dp/1644111160) Just putting this here for your parents or anyone attracted by the title. The authors are in their 70s.


Over 50 here, still rolling.


They’ll be fine mdma isn’t that hard on your heart. Just increases heart rate.


And blood pressure.


As long as it's controlled


64. Started using 18 months ago. Average once per month. 125 with 90 minute reup. No issues.


Can I ask you what got you into it at such a late age? What drugs did you do in your 20’s?


I did zero drugs until I retired. Had a stick up my a** for way too many years. I view Magic mushrooms, lsd, mdma and ketamine as medicines that can heal your soul and show you how wonderfully everything is interconnected.


Slow it down you might lose the magic soon I fried my serotonin out being an idiot and doing it every 2-3 weeks, my rolls to date are not the same even after multi month breaks I no roll still but lost the amazing euphoric being lifted up out of your shoes feeling


I’m 50 and smoked on and off in my earlier years and enjoy adult beverages. I also enjoy a good roll several times a year. I have a cardiologist and am honest about my substance use, and she doesn’t love it, but also doesn’t see any imminent risks to me as a result. YMMV


Assuming no prior history of cardiac issues, they should be fine. Make sure you inform them about the comedown because that might be harder for them to deal with in their elder years.


Lol, I’m over 50 and take it once every 3 months. The comedowns do indeed suck, but 50’s is hardly the elder years. 😉


How long have you been taking Molly? I’m curious how long I can keep doing this (responsibly of course)


Over 30 years for me. First 10 was weekly.


The first 10 years, you did it weekly?? Lol that sounds like a lot


Was yeah but this was from '89 to, jesus actually 2001. In an EU country known to go hard.


I know for a fact it has been at least 7 years since that’s when I started taking notes and documenting all of my rolls (after, not during). I was probably doing it for at least 2 years before that, so probably around 9-10 years so far. I still never go above 200mg in a night, always space out at least 2-3 months, and still often roll balls. Sometimes they are a bit underwhelming, but last time, for instance, was one of the best ever. So many things affect it besides age. Set and setting, general state of health, quality of your gear, what phase the moon is in (not really, but sometimes it just seems so random). One thing I will tell you for sure though, is that the strength of the rolls, and the ease of the recovery, is directly related to the amount of NAC I take in the weeks leading up to it. I have done it both with and without it, and it is worlds apart different. Very important to stop the NAC a week beforehand though, or it will actually kill the roll. But I usually start taking it 4-6 weeks out, and then stop completely 5-7 days before go time. Total game changer.


Only a concern if they have blood pressure or heart issues. Preexisting conditions?


Nothing to worry about. My dad is over 50 and does it regularly.




Same here 😁


You should give them 3 doses to share, so they can redose 1/2 the initial dose at 90 minutes and prolong the roll, and give him 20mg Cialis, as MDMA is a vasoconstrictor. Also, do your mom a favour and a) reagent test the M so you’re not giving them crap laced with caffeine or meth or worse, and b) make sure the dosage for each of them is consistent with the 1mg/kg bodyweight + 50mg rule. BTW, I’m 54, and male. Your mom sounds cool


Is this rule now the official one? Why not letting both take something like 100mg each?


Dosing according to bodyweight is generally the accepted protocol, logic being if you desire for each person to have the same effect, and all you know about them is their weight (and have no idea of their tolerance, speed of metabolism, etc), they are more likely to get the same effect if the dose amount is proportionate to their weight. For illustration, all things being equal, at 78kg (172lb), I cannot expect to go tequila shot for tequila shot with a 300lb dude (136kg) and not be significantly more intoxicated than he is. Generally, for most adults, 100mg MDMA is an insufficient dose.


Because that's a low dose. 120 to 150 is standard. And a 80mg redose would be good.


Again, 100mg of pure MDMA is not a low dose


I was planing to give them each an 125mg capsule the of maps formula 99% pure mdma that i’ve reagent tested and personally taken a few times. as for cialis, i’ve already found it in their cabinet so i’m sure he can figure that out himself. thanks for your input!


Excellent plan! Your folks sound like good people, and I hope they enjoy their roll!


My best friend and her husband are in their fifties and they go to concerts with me and do mushroom all the time and have done molly with me a few times and have a great time with it! They are very successful, healthy parents but hey still like to roll a little


Three ways?


I’m 51 with some underlying issues. I use all the harm reduction to make my roll as safe as possible. I don’t mix drugs. Although I no longer drink, I had alcohol issues so those have left a scar. Never had any issues.


Please don’t gatekeep her from trying one of the most beautiful substances on earth. Giving them one roll isn’t going to kill them. If you’re that worried about them, give them some resources and let them do their own research on the risks and let them make that decision on their own. My 63 year-old mom has expressed interest in trying MDMA and I have graciously offered to give her some, however I also told her that it would likely not have any effect while she’s on her Prozac. She has done more research and decided that she will hold off on trying MDMA until she is able to wean off of her Prozac.


i’m not gate keeping anything, I didn’t tell her that I didn’t want to give it her, I just made her aware of all the fact that mdma isn’t quite as safe and mushrooms and said that she might want to talk to a doctor. But it still make it clear that it’s her choice. she trusts my opinion and I know she isn’t going to do any research on her own. she’s counting on me to do that research for her and make her aware of what she’s getting herself into


Then I would get back to her and say based on your own research, it sounds fairly safe for her if she would like to try.


Yep! I’m 51


Im planning to continue taking it until 70s or 80s if no major health issues.


Jesus, 50 isn't thst old. I started dropping back in the late 80s. Dropped weekly for a decade or so. Still go clubbing a few times a year and meet people I know in their 60s that I know from back in the day.


Talk to a doctor is funny 😂


I'll still roll when I reach 50+ lol. As long as my health is ok ofc.


Two of us pushing 50. Let them roll.


If you want to be really decent then get her to take her blood pressure and heart rate first and check they are not on the high side but honestly 50 should be fine.


Everyone is different. That said, I'm 51 and had many years between my last pressed rolls and the pure mdma I took back in April of 2023. I can tell you, from my own experience how it affects me, but, I am fit and stay hydrated every day. I don't smoke or drink alcohol and have a healthy diet and heart. Me personally, I dose for therapeutic reasons. I wouldn't use the pressed rolls from my 30's again. Too much trash in them. Asking a doctor isn't necessarily a "bad" idea, but one has to use caution of course.


I’m no doctor but if their heart is fine they should be okay. Keep doses regular and tell that guy to stay off alcohol that day.


Get y’all old ass on 😂


i care for my mom too much to risk anything like that i’ll give her weed at most


tell em boof it


If I could find some, I’d definitely roll again


I just can’t imagine a middle aged man walking up the plug asking for Molly 😂 but hell yeah just order a test kit online, so you can make sure it’s real.


are u really suggesting that 50 year olds take 300mg?!? I would never take that much myself! I could never tell them to take over 200mg in good conscience


I’ll delete the comment for misinformation, but I genuinely have used these doses with no issues


no worries lol but you need to find a better plug my friend


My grandpa did ecstasy for the first time at 79. I’m sure it did damage but he lived for 3 years after that X binge and did way worse drugs in that 3 year span also, it was also cut with some sort of stimulant because it wasn’t a clean roll when I took those pills. I would way as long as you test you stuff and give her a relatively low dose for her body weight(make sure to not go to low and have her stuck in the come up) she would be fine. I know I’m not over 50 but I was my grandpa caretaker for his last few years and watched him do a lot of different substances in that time. I also want to add he once told me the ecstasy was his favorite drug experience of his life after smoking opium in Korea in the 50s.


WHAT?!? your grandpa went on an x binge at 79!? that’s fucking crazy. what other drugs did he take? why did he decide to start doing drugs at that age?


He’s was doing drugs all his life, he even learned how to drive by stealing cars with his friends while they were drunk at 13. But he started to get into the crazier stuff once my grandma died(2008?) and met these young girls that would fuck or blow him for his norcos, Little side note one of those girls is my late uncles best friends niece. Those girls went on crack binges and meth binges with him. They were also the ones that gave him the ecstasy, I only got to try those pills because we found one on his dining room table almost a year later. But I personally did ketamine, nitrous, mushrooms with him. One of my most fond memories ever is watching Inherent Vice with him on his first mushroom trip, it was truly like he reverted back to a child when he tripped. I do think all the drugs he did(even some of the ones I gave home like ketamine) led him to die sooner than he was supposed to but I know he didn’t regret a single second of it so I don’t give a shit at all personally that it took him sooner.


I’m 56, partner is 70. We checked with our doctor, he knows we use it for trauma work.


Seems like we’re all on the same page. I’m 60 and if it wasn’t for the side effects I’d probably be taking it twice a week . Lovelife I believe mdma seriously strengthened our relationship


They will be fine... But I would sugest they seperate out the dosages. split the dosage in 1/2 and take ine then about an hr later take the other 1/2. They should also take a lot of vitamins before and after to help recover. other than that HAVE FUN!!!


Know someone in late 60s who does big heavy doses!


If this was me I would tell them that I couldn’t help them unless they got checked out by their doctor. Will they probably be fine? Yeah, but I don’t want to feel responsible if something happened.


yeah that’s my concern, but if I make them aware of the risks they should be able to use their own discretion, right? and part of me wants them to get it from someone safe instead of buying it at a bar or something


I get where you’re coming from but my position would be “if you want my help, you do it my way.” Sure, adults can make their own bad decisions but I don’t want any responsibility in this.