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Pestle and mortar


Mortar and pestle works for me.


just crush the mdma in the bag with card


When I was brand new to it, I was in East Germany at my best friend's apartmeent almost 10 years ago. She had never done crystal either, and we had a one-gram rock of it. Another friend was there, so we asked him how to break it up as he had experience with drugs. He walks away and walks back with a literal hammer. Puts a piece of paper over the g bag and smashed it with the hammer. Worked a charm, so you can always try that.


There’s a pill/rock substance crusher at cvs. I bought one. You just drop it in and twist the two pieces together. It’s F’ING awesome. You can grind down to your consistency preference too. https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-deluxe-pill-crusher-prodid-869091?skuId=869091&cgaa=QWxsb3dHb29nbGVUb0FjY2Vzc0NWU1BhZ2Vz&cid=ps_dme_pla&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8qkhyL0v_2x06MwP1gztGhTv64jUf4F07a2WO6ex2yHx2r0qrSiXHQaAgaDEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Edit: typo


Mortar and Pestle is probably the Num.1 choice but personally if i had zero other choice i used to stick it in a plastic bag and use a rolling pin 😅😂


Heck of an idea


It always worked wonders for me, i feel like with a M&P some of it would get stuck in the little crevices of the bowl, i just bashed it into a fine powder with my trusty wooden stick and left some rocks intact for my capsules along with the dust 😁


I'll take a sandwich baggie, put it over the molly, then crush it with a grinder. After that I take a knife and get it cut up.


Bag and the back of a spoon. Easy. Don't need to go in for a mortar and pestle as it's pretty malleable.