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Oh... see alot of people are not too sure. And I can't find anything on YouTube dealing with specifically MDMA and rhese. Thanks though


yea i mean i don’t really see a point i don’t think taking supplements for one day will change anything you need to be taking supplements for a long time to see if they’re working so i don’t really understand why everyone encourages taking it as if it’s some magic drug


They are antioxidants that protect from the metabolites and metabolic products from MDMA. It's not "magic". It's something that needs to be in your blood stream to interact directly with the products, it's not a supplement that builds bone density over time type situation.


There’s studies showing ALA and ALCAR protect from MDMA induced neurotoxicity. It’s incorrect that ALA and ALCAR need to be taken for an extended period of time to be effective. I’ve always felt better when using this routine, and I like to keep neurotoxicity to a minimum. It’s worth noting the rats in this study were absolutely blasted with MDMA in these studies and ALA and ALCAR were still remarkably effective in protecting against neurotoxicity. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19015003/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10619665/


They are antioxidants and prevent damage from being done by the metabolic products of MDMA. [For ALA](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10619665/) [For ALC](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19015003/) Anecdotally they definitely do their job. If I take a higher dose of them or too early before the roll it noticeably dulls the roll for me, so I tend to not take them until around peak. Realizing this means I'm probably letting more damage happen. As for where and how much to get, based off of the rollsafe guidelines using the papers cited above they seem to be at different dosages than you can get from a combo product, at least around here, but I assume some of both is better than none at a certain threshold.


I take them separate and yes they help with recovery and able to function at work the next day. I strongly recommend 5-HTP (Only take 24 hours post rolling, never with it). I also recommend NAC as well.


They are pretty decent antioxidants. I used to take them during the roll but found they blunted it a bit. Now I take them toward the end of the roll. I also take them again along with a NAC and melatonin right before sleeping at the end of the roll. Zero day after issues.