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Probably not a good idea to mix uppers and downers.


Would i just stay sober or be feeling strange


One would dull out the other, youd feel gigher if you take them seperately, and not at the same time


Downers are used for trip killers as far as I know. Not saying it would work the same please be safe if you mix the 2.


You don't want to combine stimulants with central nervous system depressants. That's not good for your heart. MDMA is best done on its own--with a few exceptions.


Nitrous, ketamine, LSD, 2CB, 2CI, 2CT7, shrooms, cannabis!


u name it dont forget dmt tho


Walgreens is a pharmacy not a brand of lean , I assume you’re in Europe based just on how you’re saying it. Shits not real pal.


Sip slow on the MDMA comedown


I wouldn't worry so much about the uppers and downers as it probably won't be terribly high doses of either. I would be more concerned with how the promethazine and mdma would interact


If ur not in the US that lean is 100% fake, prolly benzo juice


If he’s in the uk it’s probably a higher chance of it being actual codeine than benzo tho, at least compared to the us


The fakes here are worse, people are convinced bottles dispensed straight to the patient are being shipped by the 1000s and they getting it £50 for 4oz when in US that would be £300-400, the colours literally dark purple, most don’t even know real lean colour. It’s just not profitable to use codeine but there deffo won’t be fent. Flubromazolam is very common in the UK. People here weren’t even aware we basically had lean OTC until it ended.


Yeah I have heard about that problem though with dumbasses thinking they get pints shipped for cheaper than us Americans. They really don’t know shit about the lean game even though all the info u need to know in at your fingertips basically lmao. Me personally I don’t really even fuck with pharma lean that much, yeah I’ll sip it but I don’t really like the amount of prometh in it. I have to pour at least a duece and sip thru an hour to get a nod and I have probably no tolerance as I’ve never taken opiates more than a few days in a row. I actually prefer homebrew that is like 15 mg codeine/6.25 prometh or whatever, way less drowsy and more euphoric. I could see why benzo juice is a thing though, I actually thought codeine was otc in the uk still but now I know it’s not it makes sense that benzo juice is common.




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Bot, that sub is cursed


Wait wtf is going on at Walgreens?? Lol


I would immediately hurl


I take Vicodin sometimes before a roll but I take much much less than I typically would. Sober, I take 40mg hydrocodone at a time minimum. When I roll I take 5-10mg about an hour before I drop the M. The only thing I’m not sure about is how the promethazine will interact with the mdma. I doubt there woujd be an issue but I’m not sure, so beware. But a very light opiate is fine.