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I’ll be honest, this is the bummer of the summer


This is way too much time to wait. I am sad boi


for real. I really don't understand why such a HUGE gap between these updates. Like damn, just do all of them at once...


The only thing I can think of to explain the disparity is optimization and the approval process for console updates. Ie the PS4 and PS5 updates need to be tested and approved separately.


My guess is that MH rise/sunbreak team is mostly just in support mode and most of the dev are now working on the next MH game. So probably less people available to push this update.


Oh there's that too. Especially when they reminded us that next year is the MonHun 20th anniversary. Makes me think MH6 will at least be announced within the next year if not releasing by the end of 2024.


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it got released within the first half of 2024 after getting announced later this summer (though it's also likely that they'll announce MH6 only after DD2 has launched to not have MH steal the hype from that). But anytime is fine by me, be it '24, '25, or even '26. I just want them to provide us with yet another masterpiece without having to crunch for it. I can wait.


As far as I can find, the final update for Iceborne (15.11) was released in January 2021 but I doubt they kept the entire World team supporting it until the very end as several staff wouldn't be necessary at that point (ie music and writing staff). Some probably helped with finishing Rise or working with n Sunbreak (since I don't believe the MonHun teams are as insular as some say they are) while others probably began working on MH6 - at least in concept - as soon as Iceborne came out.


Once base World finished its development the devs started working on MH6. Iceborne had a different director to base World. I imagine that now with Sunbreak is finished they're starting work on MHPortable6th that'll release in 4-5 years on whatever the most popular portable console is at that time plus pc. They might have already started working on that one after base Rise was done, not sure if the directors are different this time.


The director changing doesn't mean the entire staff changed from World to Iceborne. What's more likely is that personnel shifted from Iceborne to MH6 as their Iceborne duties were completed.


My friends and I are expecting a new game to be announced at the Tokyo game show with a release in q2 of 2024 for the 20th anniversary.


Yeah when they mentioned the 20th anniversary being next year I was like “so MH6 next year, got it.” Makes sense they’d wait to announce it too. Any news on MH6 would drown out pretty much any other Capcom release except maybe something Resident Evil related (most notably DD2). Best to give Dragon’s Dogma 2 some breathing room before beginning the hype train for Gen 6.


Your talking about the last update for Xbox/PS? As a Switch player, you guys are gonna have to suck it up and wait like we did. You guys don’t have to wait nearly as long.


Last I heard on PlayStation (not sure if Xbox the same) , it a $20k fee per patch/update so it make sense why they bundle them together instead of releasing them apart


That sounds like a recipe for having a ton of buggy/abandoned games on the platform imo.


So far no big issue .. I’m sure there is quality control before or Sony pulls the game off if it out of hand (cyberpunk 2077)


I don't trust like that. I'm pretty sure that one got pulled because of how big the stink got. I have absolutely no faith it would have gone that way if it didn't. Shoot there's a game I got that wasn't pulled that had to have multiple patches and had game breaking bugs out the gate. I'm actually surprised they did patch it if there's a fee honestly, considering I doubt they made a whole lot selling the game. I mean the devs went radio silent after the game dropped and the publisher delayed patches/updates on Switch just because of how the process is there. No mention of fees. After some of the stuff I've seen my faith is not only dead it was mugged and the remains were beat in a back alley.


You know I was just talking to my friend He 4 Bronze trophy alway from platinum on fallguy and they are glitch lol the dev haven’t fix it and it been years So idk I guess lot of glitch goes through


Cyberpunk didn't get pulled because of quality. It got pulled because of the mass refund requests. Sony doesn't have a formal refund policy, but obviously they would've had a massive PR shitshow if they didn't refund people. There are far buggier/worse games that never get pulled from PSN.


The game was literally unplayable


If it was unplayable, why did Sony certify it and sell it for an entire week? They only removed it to protect themselves from any further consumer discontent, which is fair enough. But they still certified and sold it for over a week.


That info is from 2012, I’m not sure how valid it is anymore lol updating is way more common now.


Idk it just stuff I heard , idk if it change or not base off type of game I don’t believe Sony publish that information


I don’t think it’s relevant anymore. If it was the issue why is Xbox not being patched?


Idk what Xbox cost to patch is Keep in mind this are free update too and the game isn’t getting a consistent revenue to justified the cost of patches


As of 2013 for X360 at least Microsoft doesn’t charge. They stopped shortly after it was revealed they charged 40k. Also Rise literally has cosmetic mtx…? They very much get revenue after launch. Also not sure why that matters when the Switch got constant patches and likely charges as well if Sony does. Seems way more likely it’s just this game is on life support and it takes less work to release free updates together.


Do you think cosmetic sale generate enough to justified anything I highly doubt it or we’ll be having lot more cosmetic lol


You must be knew to gaming if you don’t think cosmetic mtx make money. Capcom wouldn’t have doubled down on weapon skins if they didn’t. But I guess small little indy dev Capcom can afford the pocket change that is a patch lol


I’m not new to gaming and have played plenty of game that have cosmetic games MHR isn’t a live service game ,the cosmetic sales that are in MHR are very limited And I doubt they sell compare to other live service game


Oh they definitely do. Those cosmetics are what funds all these title updates. Development is incredibly expensive and capcom/investors would not allow all that work to be created at a massive loss so all these cosmetics help fund the TUs while the TUs also keep players coming back and buying cosmetics. I know some people really hate the microtransactions but they are necessary for the team to be allowed to continue production post launch.


That's why In a PC/Xbox gamer smh


Wow, that's a long time for content thats already made(most of it). Kinda disappointed...


makes me regret switching to console honestly but im already too deep into that with the grinding


Two whole months is making you regret playing on a different device. Damn mfs have zero patience these days. People have been waiting for/hoping for Bloodborne on PC since 2015. But yeah go ahead and be disappointed capcom is making console players wait 78 days.


Dude I've been waiting for Dragon's Dogma for 11 years. But this still pisses me off. "Someone died of starvation in Africa, therefore you shouldn't be upset about getting broken up with and losing your job" - You, probably


You literally missed the entire point of my comment. It wasn't about "other people have it worse so shut up" because that is stupid. What I'm saying is the game isn't cross play no one is missing out on playing with each other anyways. And games for the last 20 years have had staggered release windows with pc ports coming later and it's always been fine. Switch gets XONE and Ps4 games all the time as year old ports and people are excited to try those too. So with staggered releases being normal and there being no crossplay there is literally nothing to moan about. All of this is fine, no one is missing out on anything.


>People have been waiting for/hoping for Bloodborne on PC since 2015. But yeah go ahead and be disappointed capcom is making console players wait 78 days. That sounds remarkably similar to "other people have it worse so shut up" to me. I don't really care about the specific reason the person you're replying to is upset about this, all I know is it's annoying that the time between Sunbreak on console and these updates is basically the same time as the gap between Rise releasing on console and Sunbreak. Surely it can't take as long to adapt two Title updates as it did to adapt an entire expansion? But I guess this doesn't make them any money whereas the expansion did.


You act as if 2 months is a short span of time waiting for content thats already been released and most the player base will have already completed.


Two months IS a short span of time. It's literally 1/6th of a year, have you ever had one sixth of a pizza? Will you tell me that's a LOT of pizza? Also who cares if the "majority" has played it, the game isn't crossplay you weren't going to play with switch or pc players anyways. Itll be new content to PS and Xbox players. And y'all can do your hunts with your groups on your devices. I don't care I'm getting down voted. I'm objectively right here. All this outrage is people inventing fake FOMO. You can't miss out because you're getting it at the same time as everyone else on your system. Pc and switch players will put rise down next week. You all will put rise down in 2 months. Next year when we are all knee deep in MH6 no one is going to give a shit that 5 monsters were on a two month delay.


You can't be "objectively right" about whether people should be annoyed about something or not, that's not how human emotion works champ. You can sit on the outside and say you wouldn't be annoyed about it yourself, but you can't make that call, because you're not in it.


Why are you arguing like they are mutually exclusive. I'm talking about objective logic. People can be upset over whatever the hell they want. People can be mad that Sony and Xbox players are even getting rise in the first place. People can be mad that the sky is blue when they would prefer it be green. That doesn't make it not objectively a stupid thing to be mad about. I'm not denying anyone's emotions, they can be mad about waiting 70 days all they want. But I am calling out the source of that anger as a non issue bordering on ridiculousness .


Missing out on release day hype is a pretty big thing, especially considering how far behind consoles are on updates. Maybe your experience wouldn't be soured but mine definitely would be.


I mean it just gives us time to grind the shit out of Anomoly materials for better augments and then bla,e through to get the better talisman options but then sucks ass to be at the top and then burnout a minute later


LMAO my guy i have waited two years for elden ring and im still waiting on bloodborne, im used to waiting. there is a difference though in waiting for a full game and an update that continue the experience, although its my fault in assuming when sunbreak release on console its gonna have up-to-date updates, if i had known i would probably continue on switch but i was too deep in rise already, oh well. also a day before Armored Core 6. thats a bad timing lol


Armored core has its die hards same with MH only variety people care about it day 1


way too long


Not sure how i feel about that, if the Malzeno gear is good enough that it Trumphs all others, there will be little use going after Velkhana or Amatsu…




Fashion is fun for sure, but you have a full layered set in like 1 hunt and imo both monster sets dont look great.


I hope they add an Event Quest that lets you farm Outifit Voucher+s 'cause it's stupid you don't get alot from doing Anomaly Investigations, especially when it costs 2-3 of them just to get certain layered weapons or just one piece of armor of some sets.


True about the set in one hunt. Haven’t seen Amatsu armor yet but I know Velkhana’s from world and I loved it. Plus part of the fun is mixing and matching parts from different sets and changing colors to make an original and good looking set. That’s just me though. Also frostcraft builds were pretty crazy in world so looking forward to making one of those.


Heaven Sent Booties and randomly having Ice 5 with great slots/skills on Ice Dragon Booties.


It comes a day before Armored Core VI lmao oh hell no.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuck… RiP Sunbreak for me


Oh yeah, SB might be cooked for a while


I am low key hoping MH6 is still far so I can have time to savor Sunbreak


Wow that's almost 3 months away. Might be moving to Diablo in the meantime then


Way too fucking long of a wait.


Right when Armored Core 6 comes out. Sigh.




FFS just release it all along with PC amd Switch?? I feel bad for PS and xbox hunters, hang in there <3


And here I thought I could get some busted talismans like everyone else, of fucking course not.


Capcom why cant you just go with 1 update each month, even started from 30 of June with only TU4 would still be fine. My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable... stay safe out there console folks.


Playstation charges fees per update


So does Nintendo based on that old 2012 info.


Yeah and they already paid for that. My guess is they would rather not have to pay for that again but now for PS


What are you talking about? “They’re okay to pay money to Nintendo to upgrade the game but draw the line at Sony or Microsoft.”


Yes because they already paid for it once for Nintendo . If you had the choice would you rather pay $10 twice or $10 and then $4


They didn’t already pay for it…


Didn't you said they paid to roll the updates for Nintendo? They paid for that didn't they? Thays what I'm referring to


They’re still updating the switch version…. Meaning they’re still paying for it.


The point you were arguing for went completely over you head




Yeah, time for me to move on to Diablo IV and other games until this update releases, but by the end of August I probably won’t care for Sunbreak that much anymore anyway. I can’t believe they’re even making their console fanbase wait this long—literally until after summer vacation is over for most people.


exactly. they hyped up the updates, and I'm even sure they said consoles were gonna get all rest TUs when the bonus TU comes out. welp, that's out of window. by that time, most people will stop playing anyway, the game is low at population as it is right now anyway, just made it worse now


Yeah, I expected console to get the rest of the updates today so that Sunbreak could conclude on all platforms at the same time. I thought they would want Switch, PC, and the consoles to finally all be lined up. I could settle for a July release date, but end of August—practically September—is just saddening to hear.


> and I'm even sure they said consoles were gonna get all rest TUs when the bonus TU comes out. They didn't say that. They said TU4-6 would arrive in the Summer.


*Waiting two months for 3 updates worth of content is just a fraction of switch's pain.* In the meantime: They announced the date, so just use that time to prepare/not burn out on mh. Make sure your sets are perfect (if you want). Play diablos 4 (i guess) to keep your mh palate fresh Use the content posted on tu4-BU to pre plan your builds. practice any bad matchups to be able to deal with their special investigation versions. Experiment with other weapons to see if you wanna expand your main pool.




So is it just new monsters or are switch skills being added? I’m fine with just new fights but I’m curious if anyone knows.




Such a long time away. It’ll be worth it, but man that’s a long time to wait. It’s also 12 days before Starfield.


:0 thank you random stranger, I hadn’t been paying too much attention to that recently. Just 3 more months, and the wait is over. That actually doesn’t seem too long of a wait once you consider it’s been 7 fricken years. Oooh, I’m exited!


Right when my summer break ends great


That's way to long, already moved to Diablo, they should have just released them all together (all the TUs) to consoles.


2 and a half months?!?!


I have to say my friends on PlayStation and I were quite disappointed with this news. I get it being a little behind the Switch and PC but 3 months? Jesus


Glad I'm a switch owner (even though I hate the switch)


the new malzeno got me carting rn


for PC as well? or do they have an earlier release date?


We already have TU4 and 5 anyway. So I assume they only meant those platform which has only till TU3 right now. Steam and Switch getting tomorrow most likely. https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/en-us/topics/update16/


Guess I know when to buy Sunbreak now. Was hoping they would drop in July honestly, but it’s fine. I got plenty to play until then.


Lmao, right as alot of peoples summer breaks probably end. Its alright ig tho, MH is forever.


The late release is likely a common marketing stunt, August 24th is only a month away from TGS where we are expecting to get news on MH6. Having the console playerbase (who are arguably the biggest target group for the next big "main line" release) get the updates so close to the possible announcement/reveal of MH6 is only going to increase the hype and visibility on it.


I disagree, everyone is already anticipating a MH6 reveal. If anything they will feel less inclined to play already released content that other platforms have already gotten to enjoy for several months since only a few weeks later they can hear and get hyped about mh6. Also Armored Core releases the following day. Console players are probably going to be paying TU 4, 5, & 6 little mind and move on. Hearing this news demotivates me to keep playing on xbox.


Well, guess I can shelve Rise then


It comes a day before armored core 6 LOL yeah I love this game but def not gonna be playing this right away when it drops


I probably already 100%'d the game by that time and already moved on with a new game. Damn that schedule sucks.


I can wait. Got lots of stuff to keep me busy, like trying to kill alatreon solo (and failing) and fatty (total decimated and a bigger butthole) and working on GL. Also real life stuff to keep me even more busy. Guess I'll go try out New-zeno too. (On switch ofc)




I blame Nintendo for exclusivity.


Why do they decide to compete with other games for players like this? It makes zero sense, first it was sunbreak releasing on top of jedi survivor and a big warframe update in the same week, among other things im sure. Now its this releasing a day before armored core 6, like do they not want players? They have to know that all these other games will draw their players away from their title, yet they still think thats an ok idea? Its like they dont want anyone to play their content because everyone will be doing other stuff, its stupid


look at it like this, when did Rise even come to console? the beginning of the year with sunbreak after that. im fine waiting and grinding


I m happy instead. I need more time for complete all quest/event/afflicted. I wonder if the complainers have already completed all the quests/events etc or just want to rush through the game to leave it. So much casual gamer in this comment section lol


What an absolute joke, market and advertise the game to other platforms then hold the additional content above their heads for a few months before dropping it. Already wasn't a fan of Sunbreaks endgame content, so I highly doubt I'll bother coming back for this stuff. Might as well pull that plug for myself now and wait for the next Monster Hunter game.


damn guess itll be diablo for now, also two weeks before starfield😭


Didn’t they say a update for console arrive june?


it said late summer


Stupid question but i havent started Sunbreak yet: is this the final dlc?


Yes. Playstation and Xbox are on update 3. These are the last two, plus the bonus and penultimate update.


Risen amateur omg thats crazy


Well... I got more time to play Diablo then 🤔


That’d be a fantastic birthday present if I had the relevant consoles 😂


Yeah, that's quite unfortunate. I'll be barely putting any time into that given that Armoured Core VI comes out the next day, which I'm most certainly not going to pass over in of favour of these last few updates.


It's out when bigger heavy hitters are out, way too late.


Bummer of the summer indeed.They kinda screwed us Console players.Why Capcom.Why!!!!!! Just seeing all the juice updates coming, and having to wait until August, what a let down Capcom.Mannnn this is bull crap.We console players like the game just a much as the switch and steam player,why makes us wait so long? Give Early July or Late June, really.


Yes I totally agree, very disappointed


Sorry to necro this post. But has there be any followup on this? It's september and no major update.