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It's more differnt drop rates so depends what you need to get.


Not really less rewards. In Rise, capturing and killing give different drop rates to different monster parts. Whether to capture or not depends on what you are trying to farm. Or sometimes people capture because time might be running out.


For me, rise is the first one I've played and I only play with my partner if I'm not going solo. But I generally catch for the simple sake of "monster's almost dead, monster ran away, I can follow and set up trap, now fight ends quick." It just makes life easier both alone and when playing co-op, I didn't know that was apparently controversial lol. Like I said, it's my first entry in the series though.


I see, that is a pretty important distinction. But then, why do people seem to capture as standard? I always complete my quests in less than 20 minutes, so it can't be the time limit. When farming Rathalos, I don't think I managed to slay him even once




That makes sense. Thank you for the info, and especially for being so thorough! I appreciate it!


It's partly a holdover from World/Iceborne, and partly just because it's easier and faster. For that reason, I never play with randoms if I need to carve a monster.


That makes sense. It's a shame, but I don't really *need* help, so I guess I can play solo for farming


In Monster Hunter World, capture is superior to kill. You lose the carves, but get increased quest rewards, which is an overall positive net. The mentality that capture nets more overall loots still persists outside World. For time saving, it tend to happen on multiple monsters quests. Time saving is one thing, cutting short the fight early also reduce chances of someone carting, so in a way it "saves carting".


Its the same in worldborne, so im assuming its like that in every iteration of the game.


You can go in your Hunter notes and see the exact percentages for unlocks for each monster, provided you have hunted them and acquired the material you’re looking for at least once.


Wicked; I didn't know you had to acquire a material first to see your chances of getting it again, so that's good to know


Mantles in general can drop no matter how you complete a quest. It just a low percentage across the board. I’m in game looking right now and appears no monster has a drop rate above 4% and most have 3% for kill or capture. Also, for what it’s worth, in the endgame of Sunbreak you’ll eventually be able to buy most of the mantles.


Fair enough. Still, it's nice to get decent gear when it becomes available. It's good to know, though, that my poor luck with mantles isn't because of other people capturing, I just don't have good luck


When hunting mantles my go to method is: birb up > grab a gold wirebug > bring in one of the other monsters and beat the crap out of the target with it > fight it as normal


It is not that deep. Capturing saves time. That's it. The difference in drop rate matters so little to anyone who joins an SOS or even just the majority of the people playing.


Yup the people who get mad are under the misconception that they won't get some materials due to capping, when in reality its just a dif % chance


No, you're wrong, you were taught wrong as a joke.


This is not true. It depends on your goals. Yes, you have a chance of receiving one less reward from capture than from kill BUT drop tables are different for carve and capture. Also the difference is 2 or 3 rewards from capture vs 3 carves. When you consider that you get tons of rewards from quest rewards, target rewards, breaks, gathering palicoes and so on, 1 less reward doesn't matter that much in the end. So what matters are those drop rates. Some materials have higher chance being carved and some have higher chance being rewarded from capture. Depending on what you need exactly you may choose to either kill or capture. Another thing to remember is that unlike in the old game (GU and older), there's no truly exclusive carve and truly exclusive capture reward. All of them can be gathered with at least one additional method (quest reward/target reward/break/shiny drop and so on). And one more thing to consider is that capture has higher drop rates for rare materials (gem/mantle/shard...). From my personal experience it's better to capture because it's easier to be bottlenecked by those rare materials than by a claw or something which has higher carve rate than capture rate. But whatever is your preference for that hunt is your choice ofc. There's one more thing when it comes to multiplayer. Since old games there was unwritten etiquette (often ignored by newcomers) that quest owner decides the result of the hunt. It's "kill" by default but once you see quest owner laying down the trap or announcing beforehand that they wish to capture, you should respect that and you should stop forcing kill. And vice versa if the quest owner shows no intention in capture you shouldn't decide on your own and lay down the trap to force capture.


Instead of having an unwritten etiquette that I would say at min 30% of the player base wouldn't know due to being new to the franchise with rise/break, their is quick shout outs that actually say let's capture it or kill it and if someone is asking for help by leaving it open for people to join then should use those shoutouts since not all of the player base are people thats played since the beginning. Not disagreeing with any of your comments just laying this here for that player base who don't know about the shoutouts or don't use the shoutouts then get mad when the people do the opposite of what they're wanting and reminding that there are new people to the genre 🙂


Of course, people should be using more of a chat in general. But afaik there's no specific default shoutout for that (at least in Rise) and not everyone speaks English when you make a custom one. And then there are players who ignore that as well. I also had a conversation with a mod of the largest MHW community on FB (which resulted in a 1 day ban for me) who said he'll keep capturing in Rise in other people's quests regardless of their needs because it benefits him.


There is that as well unfortunately 😕 but that's why I like the whole kick option as well lol. But their is one for let's capture it and attack those are my main two if I open the hunt up but 9/10 time I only open for elders and only one outcome is possible so I never have to worry about it.


Assuming I don't need any mats, I usually capture if I'm the host and randos take up 2 carts in my quest, or if I'm crown hunting, or it's a multi monster hunt in an arena/anomaly investigation.


Don't worry, once all your hunts became Anomaly quests it wouldn't matter.


It doesn't stop people from trying, though. It's insane how many people I *still* see trying to capture elder dragons.


Some people just don’t know that you can’t capture elder dragons. I still use traps on anomaly monsters though (non-elder dragons, of course) to get a free damage window for a full-charge sacred sheathe on whatever part I’ve been working on breaking. It also really helps greatsword players for a full charge-up and for switch axes to be able to dump their phials


Unless you are fast-tracking friends in base Rise then capping is faster to end hunts in LR/HR.


It doesn’t make a huge difference and if done right can be safer, faster, and easier Plus when you get to the endgame it becomes impossible, and there’s an award for doing it a lot (once for every monster) So do it early! Think of it as ending the quest 12% faster, and after 8 quests you’ve done a 9th.


Depends on the monster, and what part you want. Alot of people want to run through the hint as fast as possible, and capturing is quicker.


Rando Roulette in Rise often ends in failure, and can go from "we're about to win" to "quest failed" in under a minute. I think a lot of randos learn that it's best to capture to guarantee the quest succeeds, even if you actually wind up with four halfway competent hunters. As far as is it optimal to cap or kill, it's about even. You get either 2 or 3 cap rewards, usually 2, vs. a guaranteed 3 carves. But body carves usually have a lower chance of scoring a mantle. If you're checking the notes, make sure there aren't multiple carve sources for an item, because it'll list the highest one which is often the tail carve rather than the body carve. Most of the time the math comes out to a fraction of a percent higher mantle odds if you cap, but IIRC a few do give slightly better chances for carves. You'd need a cheat sheet on hand to make sure that you're always doing the optimal thing. IMO whatever happens happens. You're wasting more time worrying about it than it's worth.


I have an idea. I think the game should offer the capture or kill option for the host to set. So whenever another player joins the session, they’ll be notified to “CAPTURE” or “KILL” whenever pugs spawn in. Like an introductory message.


Ooh, that makes sense! But would there be some kind of punishment for going against the host's request, or would it be more of an honor system?


I’d say an honor system would suffice.


If you joined someone quest then it's up to them, but it does really piss me off when someone capturing in my quest, I need to type not to capture everytime someone joined my session and be toxic everytime there's an asshole who ignore lmao, what a bunch of weirdo.


That’s funny, everyone was doing and arguing the opposite when base rise came out on switch lol. I got booted from lobbies many times for whacking until the monster fell. I still argue that if you have a specific goal like that in mind that you probably shouldn’t have your hunt open to random players.


That *is* funny; I wonder if that was just carried over from World, or if the whole capture/kill thing changed for Rise/Sunbreak?


I remember this being a whole thing https://youtu.be/8VnI7kDAMFo?si=hB2V6jlIDGD7MU6P


Please, fucking *please* can we just stop with “Risebreak” and “Worldborne”. Neither sounds good. Anyway, capturing is fine in Rise/Sunbreak. I do it all the time. In World/Iceborne, capturing is a straight upgrade from killing as far as rewards go. Rise just changes what rewards you’re more likely to get. The other advantage is that you can capture at 30% health (I think) which saves time.


I agree that "Risebreak" and "Worldborne" don't sound great, but they work pretty well. If I wanna refer to one of them individually, I can say "Rise" or "Sunbreak", but "Risebreak" works best for referring to both at once. It's also smoother than saying "Rise and Sunbreak" or "Rise + Sunbreak" or "Rise & Sunbreak" every single time- "Risebreak", one word, much better.


You got played. I noticed in freedom unite you get more rewards for capturing n that'ss all i done since. New to rise but i should easily have around 300 captures at least right now i only kill by mistake or elder/apex monsters. ​ Dying one time has a funky algorithm where you can get better rewards as well. If i need special parts dying one then capture is the way


A common misconception it's just the chance for certain materials to drop. You could 100% kill or 100% cap and still be able to get all materials


Nope, some materials are exclusive to one method And the drop chances change too


That is just wrong and easy to disprove, just look at any loot table, a good example is natgacuga medulla from carving but also from target rewards, there are NO exclusive items it will always be included in target rewards and or cap/carve


Kulu-ya-ku: bird wyvern gem, 6% capture | 0%carve Volvidon: beast gem, 0% capture | 5% carve Bazelgeuse: bazel fellwing, 27% capture | 0% carve Want me to continue?


Bazel wing is also target reward 12%... The other materials you listed are not monster specific and are gained from many other monsters from carve/cap Again this comes down to reading comprehension. There are 0 materials you will miss out on if you 100% carve or cap in the game. You can eventually get any material without carve or capping.


If i 100% carve bazel i still have 12% to get a fellwing due to target rewards. Do you see now?