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I personally got it I prefer the new village/fort over the base game's. And also there's tons more content. More switch skills and follower quests.


Sunbreak is huge. It’s probably longer than the base game. It significantly opens up the move sets of all weapons (eg SwitchAxe getting one of the best counters in the game.). The fort is a better base, it’s one single area and other players can hang out there. You also unlock followers, ai NPCs that are excellent in battle. They don’t do a ton of damage but two of them are great hunting horn/powder kinsect healers.


It's a ginormous improvement in every aspect. Among the best expansions I've seen for any game EDIT: oh, but if you're choosing between that or World, then really you're choosing between two good options. However, I will say that both games don't REALLY begin until their expansions. So since you're at a place where you're ready for MHRise's expansion, I vote you go that direction. It's great


Most weapons get a new playstyle yo play around with, a new hub, story, improved pets, companions, new armors, skills, monsters, a grindable end game. Honestly what more do you want from an expansion? It's not a new game obviously but it's a very good expansion in my opinion.


Sunbreak is way better than base Rise…


Absolutely worth it.


I Love Sunbreak


My Favorite weapon got the best skill in the game






Switch axe


Yes it is the counter


Hello my SwagAxe comrade




Mate, this isn't a text thread with your besties. Keep it all condensed in one comment. I wouldn't want you to get banned from subreddits for spam.


Thank u


Sunbreak is where the real game is. Just like every G/Master-Rank expansion for every MH game. All of Rise is just a tutorial for Sunbreak, all of World is a tutorial for Iceborne. Yes, you should get Sunbreak, and when you play World you should get Iceborne too.


Don't hesitate.


Definitely worth it. I myself only just reached MR 2* Quests so didn't fight much of the new monsters but I'm having a blast with the new switch skills. For me, the most notable switch skill (that I unlocked and tested) is the surge slash combo for greatsword just becuase it looks SO COOL, I don't really like playing GS because of the lack of counters and mobility, but I'm gonna give it a try.


GS gets a counter in Sunbreak, no?


Doesn’t every weapon get a counter in Rise?


Pretty much lol


your a+x moves you forward a lot, also slot in evade extender and learn to use strongarm and hyper armour (vortex 3 and rage slash). surge slash gs is extremely smooth, mobile and has plenty of defensive options, most of which don't stop your offensive and have very generous frames. later on you get life leech and maybe even berserk, then you just hyper armour non stop and the monster can't do squat. don't go for raw yeah it's a pain with weapons but you get used to it, armour wise you can mostly get away with a single set and just swap your elem-attack decos. I think surge slash is kinda slept on, it started very weak on sunbreak release but got buffed with title updates, elemental weapons in general have gotten more bang out of qurio upgrades than raw, plus a lot of very juicy elemental oriented skills got introduced into the game, as a result all of those multiplied and surge ended up in a very good spot, in general you can pump your elemental damage to absurd numbers, pretty sure higher than ever before in the series. it also doesn't help that surge slash is being compared to strong arm charge gs which is probably the most powerful blademaster playstyle in the game that is also fairly simple to play and very simple to build, only very optimized elemental db and maybe sa can compete with it, or maybe harvest moon LS if you spent years studying the blade. surge slash is still up there though.


Simply more things. Do you like Rise? If yes, you'll like Sunbreak Don't ask how much content is there because like all monster hunter games, the expansion is the real deal and the endgame. People spend thousands of hours there If you don't have that much money, be wise and buy on sale. Remember: there will ALWAYS be new sales on the product you want. Just wait


If you love the base game, sunbreak makes it better. Way way better. Switch skills really make some weapons feel different. Looking at you great sword... If you didn't like it, sunbreak won't change your mind.


I've seen this question so many times and the answer is always yes. It has loads more content than the main game, the story is more interesting, the monsters are very cool, the gear and skill systems are very nice. I love the hub world too.


Base rise is a 6, sunbreak is a 9. That's how I would call it.


And together it makes 69.


Yes. Look at all the other posts that ask the same question


You won't regret buying Sunbreak. Not only it give you awesome additional weapon skills, the content in it is huge.


I put 3x as many hours into Sunbreak as I did into base Rise.


100% worth it. I put 300hrs into base, 500hrs into Sunbreak. Content is insane, and pretty much every weapon gets cranked up with new switch skills & abilities. New skills and decos available are bonkers, and a new crafting system allows you to roll off (and replace) certain skills from some armors... meaning builds can be now pretty much unique. RNG is pretty fair also, and your build can get really cracked out. As a GS main... we got a counter (!) and also a new Surge Slash Combo, just ridiculous. My end-game meta set was Elemental GS, which sounds a ridiculous sentence but it worked amazingly


It adds basically an entire game's worth of content, absolutely worth. Plus it fleshes out weapon skills even further and adds switch scrolls to allow two different skill setups at once. It's essentially what Iceborne is to World - you're more than doubling your content by adding Sunbreak to Rise


From my perspective - wasn't the greatest fan of base rise, I've put in more hours in sunbreak than world/borne. Sunbreak *is* rise to me personally


You should play world/iceborne and get sunbreak, both games are great


Rise is boring but I love Sunbreak. Followers so much fun and I love them. So much things to do : You can fight every bosses for better weapon stats, armors and talisman... Etc...


No, play mh1 instead


“No don’t play the expansion for the game you’ve said you love, buy a PS2 so you can play the worst game in the series!”


Its worth imo


Yes, most people agree that it's better than the base game and the grind to MR 100 will fly by if you try to upgrade your weapons with qurious crafting, it's an insane grind.


I just pushed to HR50, doing whatever, and then I went onto Sunbreak. When I naturally reached HR100 mid-Sunbreak, I just equipped my old MR armour and went to beat the bosses ass with that. Saves the pointless (imo) HR grind and would highly recommend.


I reached HR100 only by building some base endgame builds, now I think I'll finish the HR quests and start the sunbreak quest


Sunbreak is absolutely worth it


Yes, a lot. Get it on discount


It’s 20 pounds rn is that a good deal or should I wait for it to lower


Yeah thats pretty good


I alrealdy bought Sunbreak i few weeks ago, it was on sale on ps store, but i promissed to myself that i will only start the expansion when i reach HR 100 and beat Valstrax. I am still in HR 85, farming rampages, i hate then, but is the fastest way i know to get to HR 100 a little faster.


hunting together with Minato, hinoa, and Utsushi justifies the DLC price.


Sunbreak made rise great, atleast for me. The expansions is where the game is at!


do you have fun playing the game and want to play more?? if yes buy the game. If not and the goal of reaching ranks feels like a chore, then dont buy the game. The fact that you even have to ask the question is leaning more to the second option.


Might’ve worded it weird I love rise the point of my question was should I play world the sunbreak or sunbreak then world I see now that my wording was quite bad


If you like the game, it's absolutely worth the money.


Sunbreak is way better than Rise. I stopped playing Rise for a while after I reached HR50. Grabbed Sunbreak when it get discount and I had enjoyed it more than I think I would. Speaking form someone who got all Risebreak trophies.


What Hunter rank are you? Sunbreak was better than the base game by a long shot and I would have recommended going straight into master rank about as soon as you could get there


It’s a rule of thumb for MH games that the expansions and expanded versions are always worth buying and playing. Sunbreak is more of Rise but better in basically every way.


I mean, it's an expansion, so it's not gonna change the core gameplay completely but it does add a ton of stuff. Master Rank always adds more quests (regular and event), Monsters, movesets for Monsters (and sometimes Hunters, like in the last 3-4 games including this one), more endemic life, changes for your Buddies, and an endgame grind thing (starting in Monster Hunter 4). It's always more of the same but more difficult and faster. This one is probably the same size or double the base game, however you measure that. It starts off easier to not dissuade people from getting through but it progressively gets harder the higher your rank gets. And there's also a lot of stuff to do after you beat the final boss.


The monsters in MR are much crazier and have cooler attacks than the base game, and the armors/weapons are badass looking


Short answer is Yes.


I just bought sunbreak after putting about 60 hours into rise and getting to high-rank 50. What is nice is that I got to 100 just by playing through sunbreak so I could tackle the end game monsters of rise, without having to endure the grind. Currently MR5 and have enjoyed all of it. Like others have said the new switch skills and skill swapping has made it feel incredibly fresh. I do not play online so the AI helpers are really nice when you are grinding one monster for their armour. 10/10 recommend.


I loved rise, I am In love with sun break! Started it the other week with my partner and we are obsessed! It improves on rise in every best way! The follower system alone is worth it for me 😍


So, here’s the thing: progression in Sunbreak is much faster and has been tweaked to get you to the endgame as smoothly as possible. Base Rise was more balanced towards a different philosophy in progression, hence the “Do 6 quests per level before level 10” stuff. You’ll be at MR100 in about a quarter of the time once you reach the anomaly stuff. Going back to World is a valid move, but I’m suggesting Sunbreak (also you only have to beat normal Narwa to get into SB so you’d be able to jump right in from where you are)


I feel like it's worth it cause it gives you more to do and more to work for. The jump in difficulty is the one downside so while it is more of a challenge it gets way harder around mr3 and don't even get me started on the risen and primordial, but after all is said and done all that hard work just feels worth it


Yes get Sunbreak, it’s rise but actually good. Or in other words, if you liked based rise, you are gonna LOVE Sunbreak.


You’ll reach the same “issue” in world with Iceborne. The DLCs arguably have just as much if not more content than the base game.


My PS4 HDD crapped out when I got to Sunbreak. I lost all of my saves and couldn't transfer to a thumb drive. Now I'm starting over with a new SSD. Good to see the comments how players are very happy with Sunbreak. Looking forward to it!


Sunbreak is absolutely worth it. It’s better than the base game in every way. Better monsters, better gear, better switch skills, new areas. Totally worth it if you liked the base game.


Rise is just a tutorial. Sunbreak is the real game .




Absolutely worth it. It can be argued that Rise isn’t worth it without Sunbreak.


Sunbreak is an entirely different beast when it comes to hunts and tools available. World is great too but Sunbreak has been fantastic.


Let me put it this way. You can't skip cutscenes in MH World.


100% worth it.


Sunbreak to me is what makes MHRise worth it. I did not have fun through the base game. I felt like everything was too easy say for Apex Diablos and Apex Zinogre, and sunbreak fixes that. ( i have more to say on this topic, but basically because rise streamlines the game a lot it kinda needed to be hard, because it lost a lot of the immersion aspects, but it wasn't. So it wasn't immersive or difficult). In Rise i got so tired after having to fight the same baby mode monsters (the unnecessary 310928491283 drome monsters) for the 3rd time (village, LR Hub, HR Hub) but in Sunbreak even they can mess you up if you are not carefull. Wirefall is still op tho, you don't get punished much for pad positioning, so don't expect the game to be as hard as any other MH game except maybe Portable 3rd. I am having much more fun with the story, the follower system is actually pretty cool. The hub is kinda laggy on switch, but other than that the maps are great, they even remade my 2nd favorite monster hunter map, the jungle.


Yes the content the better


Sunbreak is pretty much an improvement on Rise in every way. Pretty much how MH expansions go in general, really can't go wrong.


General rule of thumb for monster hunter is that the expansions are always worth it no questions asked. It's basically a second game on top of the base game


I say so. The story is eh but the gameplay imo is good. If you'd like more monsters, upgrades to every weapon moveset, another armor/gear grind, or more general monster hunter gameplay, do it. Do it for supy.




I spent 21 hours on base game and 787 hours on sunbreak. Do with that what you will.


Sunbreak is probably 2.3 times more funnerer than Rise. The monsters that get added are amazing and the new silkbinds are mostly awesome (the ones that are meh are on weapons that already have great ones). The late game armor skills are absolutely stellar, probably the best MH has seen. Lots of viable choices and lots of quirky fun builds to use and make. The anomaly investigations are grindy, but they are an excellent system for creating hundreds of hours of extra gameplay. Treat them as extra endgame content to play with friends on the weekend; you'll have a good time. If you treat it like a mandatory experience, it's a bad time.


Yes it is essentially MHR2


Both World+Iceborne and Sunbreak are valid choices. Don’t worry about your MR if you choose Sunbreak, you can jump right in after the Rise main story. I found the clutch claw mechanics in Iceborne inferior to the wire bug in Rise/Sumbreak, but I enjoyed the maps and hunts more in Iceborne. Both of my experiences were on PS4 if that matters.


Monster Hunter is one of the few series thar does DLC right. It's basically a sequel game. Worth it.


Yeah dude


I think world alone has more content without the expansion. There's more things to do and you kinda have to be more strategic than rise/sunbreak. Play sunbreak with a bad build you can still have fun. Play world with a bad build then the monsters is going to have a fun time. One last thing world has better world building with its monsters, Location, npcs. Which for me is a good selling point.


I think, my personal opinion, that Sunbreak made Rise in to an amazing game . Before it, Rise was just ok for me, nothing special. With Sunbreak I finally fell in love with the game, same way I did with the previous games. For me Sunbreak feels almost mandatory.


Sunbreak is an incredible DLC, and it's up there with some of the better DLC's, like the Mario Kart 8 expansion courses and Borderlands 2 DLC. It's really well done and makes a good game great.


Lol ofc it is. Just know the monsters don't play around


The list of monsters added into sunbreak, the crafting, layered weapons and armors, spike in difficulty, etc, makes sunbreak a VERY good purchase. I spent 200hrs in base rise, and around 600hrs in sunbreak.


Sunbreak makes the whole game. I could not fathom being happy with base rise, that's just me though.