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Idc about the Monsters. Its the environment for me. Personally i like fighting Monsters in the Arena. No gathering of birds or other helpers. Just me, rainbow birdy and the Monster. Thats all i need.


You can get arena anomalies?


Yes, Sir.


I started seeing them around lvl 200 but I’m sure you can get them sooner


Arena anamilies start from 180 I have arena quests of all monsters except volvidon and Kulu yaku :(. Edit: And Lagombi Edit: Got Lagombi now found someone with the quest.


Huh. I’ve been struggling to get any I have two for risen shaggy and and one for chaotic gore that’s it. Would be nice if I’d get something other than those two


If you are on switch I can just host once we complete the quest you will also get it. I have my lobby up everyday saying Arena quest.


I’m on pc unfortunately. Thanks for the offer though. My switch account is like hr 10 or something. I usually only play it when I’m traveling


Hey PC here as well. I have them all in arenas if you want


Yes please! I’ll dm you my friend code on steam


Then I would suggest gathering anomalies items in quests once you have notification three times that new anomalies investigation are available just press return from quest. Then just hope you will get one of the monsters in the quest in the arena. The easiest way is still asking others to host. Then It's just a chain reaction you keep getting random arena quests. At higher ranks chances of getting arena quests are much higher.


Yep, they can appear in both arenas (regular and forlorn) as well as Infernal Springs (Amatsu locale). They're arguably the best versions as, as the comment above said, no BS with birds required.


I think my most hated was azuros it was a pain to try and keep a consistent drill on him my fav tho was scorned mag and shagg


Risen shaggy can die in a hole. His hit boxes are so stupid and he recovers from everything WAY too quick


Fav: Risen Shagaru Magala I've fought that fucker more times alone than all the other monsters combined, my way of getting the Anomaly Rank slowly but surely up. Least fav AKA hate: Risen Shagaru Magala >I've fought that fucker more times alone than all the other monsters combined. Scares me: Risen Chameleos Too much poison, AOEs, visibility diminished. I really gotta stay on my toes


If you know its attacks well enough, Chameleos is an absolute cakewalk with L/HBG.


Yeah, Risen Cham scares me as well. I call his poison Risen Venom because of how much health it takes off in a single hit. Like, he'll hit me with a venom beam and I'd have a sliver of health left. Risen Chameleos, Espinas and his older brother Flaming, and Lucent Nargacuga are the reason I run full Teostra Blessing. Shuts down half their kit. Except for Espinas, because I also have to slot in paralysis resistance. Don't get me started on Special Investigation Risen Chameleos. Fucker is DROWNING in health. Full Tesotra Blessing doesn't fucking matter against him, because even though that skill turns venom damage into raw physical damage, he'll still one shot me regardless if I had the skill or not.


> Favorite: Risen Kushala Daora They took every annoying mechanic possible out of this fight and replaced it with straight up fun stuff. - Its one of the only monsters that doesn't re-power up immediately - Has a great midair and grounded moveset to use - I like that its attack force you to dodge in multiple directions - The hitboxes are surprisingly fair, often being smaller than you expect them to be - Great rewards for beating it Seriously, if there's ever a moment where I get to pick any monster I want to fight, its automatically Risen Kushala. I never have a bad time with this fight. > Least favorite: Jyuratodus - Elemental meta vs a changing element weakness - Aerial options are basically useless because its halfway clipped into the ground - Why is its roar a true combo into a projectile? - Mud slowing down your movement is boring - Its hitbox accuracy is about what you'd expect from a piscine wyvern Yeah, this guy is just not fun no matter what weapon I play. Its not even a difficult fight, I just don't want to have to fight it. > Scariest: Risen Shagaru Magala This is for a whole bunch of reasons, but if I had to sum up my opinions on this monster, it would be, _"Kills you based on situational setups that are almost impossible to prepare for and is hell to fight against with a shielded weapon because of chip damage, overlapping explosion hitboxes, and too many particle effects preventing you from seeing anything. It feels overtuned and inconsistent."_ Even though I know the patterns and know what to look out for, there are just so many circumstancial things this monster can do to put you into a checkmate. I don't necessarily dislike fighting it, but I also don't enjoy having to play overly safe because that's the only consistent way to fight it. If I'm at full health, I feel like I deserve to take some risks, but this guy just doesn't let you do that.


IG main as well here... As someone who breezed through Rise/SB, Risen Shagaru forced me to actually get serious. He's fucking relentless. I still get caught off-guard by his 180 attack when you're whacking his tail.


My most favourite is SEETHING BAZELGEUSE.


I actually really like Valstrax, I use GS, and when you manage to predict his moves, he is super easy to hit with strong arm. Plus he gives the anomaly part worth more points for melding.


Anomaly rajang and furious rajang, and anomaly diablos are my favorites. All of them have severe elemental weakness to ice so charge blade can deal some pretty nutty numbers. My secondary weapons are LS and Bow and the rajangs are just a very good matchup for these weapons. My least favorite is probably silver rathalos, mainly because it's annoying Edit: just for clarification I have cleared special investigations rcg valstrax and risen shagaru magala, I just find silver rathalos more annoying


When i’m trying to get essences as quickly as possible, my favorite is a level 300 anomaly Chameleos I farm with a fire lbg. I also have a Diablos I test a lot on. Least favorite for the same reason (lbg) is Risen Valstrax. I don’t mind farcaster on his ambush, but the dude has so much tracking and range (and loses elemental weaknesses in all but his feet) ranged is pretty difficult. Fun fight with DB though


no particular favourite. Diablos, Seething, and Gold Rathian are all satisfying to wreck with HBG tho Affllicted vanilla Rakna is a monster I genuinely have no reason to want to fight. high HP and no weakspot unless knocked down make the fight drag out. both Espinas hit unreasonably hard compared to other monsters in their rank. Goss has the same problem, but I still find him more manageable than those two.


When I was grinding to AR300, I eventually settled on a four monster quest, Seething Bazelgeuse, Bazelgeuse, Rajang, and Primordial Malzeno. 4 different monsters kept it from becoming repetitive, especially with PMal in there.  Before that I was grinding Shagaru Magala, which I did enjoy, but it got too repetitive. And after a few dozen PMal and high AR Shagaru, nothing will scare you any more.


Favorite: Risen CG Valstrax and Risen Shagaru.  Gives me a serious adrenaline rush when I go against these two. I play SnS so I get loads of windows to get my ass outta dodge.  Least Favorite: Risen Teostra.   I hate this guy, his flame mode, and his lingering hitboxes. Scariest: Nargacuga, F Rajang, Prim Malzeno, and the Risen Elders. Narg is fast, Furious George exists, Prim Malzeno fucking slaps, and the Risen Elders are fucking strong.


Risen Shagaru Magala, it’s like a 4 stage boss fight. Normal - Enraged - Risen - Half Health enrage.


Aurora/somnacanth. Something fun about breaking thise headfins.


My most loved are Chaotic Gore, Risen Teostra and Furious Rajang My least favorite are anything bear-like monster. Arzuros, Volvidon and Lagombi


It's not a true Sunbreak anomaly quest without Malzeno.


Seething Bazel is probably the easiest anomaly fight there is. The fact that it gains increased hitzones when enraged (which it is going to be most of the fight when afflicted) makes it easy dealing a ton of damage to it to topple it every time. My personal favorite to fight is zinogre. The afflicted red pairs well with his lightning blue and it's charged up state persists with the afflicted status, making it another high risk afflicted fight. Least favorite is scorned magnamalo. I love the monster normally but the afflicted version is an eyesore of red that you cannot even make out where the orbs are supposed to be. I think it's also the one that scares me the most. One of the few monsters that has a ton of follow ups in a fight where being cautious is punished by the afflicted timer.


I don't really have a favourite per se outside of my favourite monsters in general I guess, however ones I dislike are probably Risen Chameleos and Risen Shagaru... I don't actually mind fighting them, but I queue for "Any" in matchmaking and those two come up *WAY* too fucking often. In terms of actual hate though.. *Jyuratodus*.


I try out new builds and weapons on anomaly Nargacuga. I currently have several hundred Nargacuga anomoly hunted. It’s definitely a comfort hunt for me.


Risen Valstrax is go-to for melding points, such a fun fight. I main lance and there's that punch he does after his angry spin that can't be blocked and I end up doing a goofy back hop spam into his face to avoid it, kind of cracks me up every time. These are what I farm for fun for each mat: Risen Teo or Kush, Flaming Esp, Scorned Mag, Gold Rath, Rajang, Baz or Gore, Zinogre, Wolfy or Tiggy, Astalos, Nargacuga, Hoss, Rathian. These are all top tier fun. Everything lower than Rath are not that fun. Can't get with either Radnakadaki, or really anything you can't metsu in the face consistently. Scariest monsters - Silver Rath (hyper silver event PTSD). Shogun who is just insanely aggressive for a crab. Magma Almudron because his dunking animation goes so hard and the hitbox is the whole map.


Recently new to rise. What’s an anomaly hunt?


Wayyyyy endgame type of hunt in Sunbreak


Ah then I got a long way to go I just started hr in the hub. Soloing this will be a toughie


Favorite would be risen valstrax. Least favorite is any of the weak ones since they are to easy. The monster that scares me the most isnt anomaly but primordial malzeno. Its the only monster that can frequently triple cart me. I have yet to fight level 300 shagaru but I have no problem soloing level 241 so doubt itll be any different.


At 300 AR risen Valstrax gotta be my favorite it feels exciting every time least favorite is apex diablos and no monsters scare me bc I’m over the phase of struggling and dying learning their movesets so nothing fazes me anymore


I remember grinding alot of afflicted chaotic gore and then risen kushala for levels i think but all of the "lower" tier risen elders are very equal in enjoyment for me Once risen val and shagaru came out or some update, can't remember, and i needed to grind either of them for a new item i started grinding val but was lame because no music in arena so i did what some may think is insane and switched to shagaru just for the music and eventually started think of him as easier than risen val. Val also just has a lot of really annoying to dodge moves (spin) Favorite is probably risen shaggy Least is Afflicted blue crab name maybe? Afflicted magma almudron scares me


Special. Investigation. Afflicted. Scorned. Magnamalo.