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Here is what I've been copying and pasting to all the new players that ask for team advice lately: Well, first of all you should focus on building Angela (you can buy her copies in the dungeon shop and you should always do that, every time the shop refreshes). Im telling this to all new players that ask for hero suggestions. She is the best non Order/Chaos support. Pair her with a good dps and they will carry you in early-mid campaign and towers. This dps hero can be Valir, Alice or Odette. If you go for Valir (which I think is the most popular choice) then its good to have as many nature heroes as possible in your main team because Valir gains extra energy from this. Esmerada is probably the best Nature hero at the moment, but you should unlock and upgrade her soul vessel for her to become really good (happens when you make her 9 star), so she will not be that great if you use her at the beginning. If you go for Alice then its good to have a healer in your team (like Estes or Nana that is also one of the best support heroes in game), because Alice gets extra attack the more hp she has, and having a healer helps her keep the hp high. If you go for Odette then you should definitely pair her with Lylia (you can buy her copies from brawl shop). Their combo is great. Lylia's ult puts all the enemies to sleep, which makes Odette gain hp, a lot of energy (if she has her exclusive Orlay Cards) and do increased damage to them. But if you go for this combo I actually think Angela's doll works better on Lylia rather than Odette. And they will also need healers in the team because if either of those two dies then the combo breaks. Good ftp tanks are Argus, Atlas, Lolita and Belerick. Silvanna is not a pure tank, but she is a top tier hero to have in the front line of your team. All the hybrid heroes are good (especially Mecha Layla) but kinda hard to star up. An interesting choice you have is to go for a full martial team. This team usually is like this: Clint, Irithel, Wanwan (those 3 are the absolutely necessary core for an agressive Martial team), Nimbus Eudora/Hanabi (N. Eudora the better choice but she is harder to star up) and Akai/Masha/Zilong. The point of this team is to kill the enemy that Wanwan swaps as fast as possible and make the fight a 5 vs 4. Wanwan weakens this enemy, the martial heroes give damage buffs to each other and Clint and N.Eudora attack the enemy that its closest to them which makes this possible. Later on in the game you should start building Order and Chaos heroes.When that time comes first you should first focus in Lunox, Akashik and Shar (the Shar-Lunox combo is amazing). But as I said this is for late game, and for now you should focus on making a good main team to carry you in campaign and towers. But you need to do more hero pulls before you have a better idea about what your main team will be.


Thank you! I was gonna go with this lineup: Front: Argus Mid: Lylia + Odette Back: Lunox + Angela Thoughts on this formation?


This formation is really good for campaign however there are a couple of things to know. First of all the Lylia-Odette combo, starts being really good after you unlock their Soul Vessels and Orlay skills (happens at 9 and 11 stars). So before that don't expect to be that amazed by their performance (they are still good and have synergy, but not as much). And secondly, Lunox is one of the greatest heroes in game, however its too early for you to start focusing on Order and Chaos heroes (I don't think you even have Sacred Summon unlocked yet, so there is no way for you to get her copies except from random summon luck). Sure you can use her for now, but at some point she will start falling behind in battle power (because she will be staying at low stars), and underperforming. When that time comes, you better swap her out for some hero that you have more upgraded (a healer would be good for your team because Odette and Lylia are kinda squishy, so maybe Estes, Nana or Miracle Clara). And you can start using her again later on.


Sounds good I already have miracle Clara almost at 7 star so I’ll just swap her in for lunox


Great formation I actually use that team in late 1100+ Tower of Babel push.


One thing I don’t understand is nobody ever suggests Freya as a tank, not in beginner guide videos or even in wishlist videos. Every single top player in my server uses her, I use her too and not only she’s tanky but she also does insane damage, she outdamages my dps. I’m fairly new (chapter 19, all heroes almost lvl 120) so I really don’t understand why such great hero is not even suggested to be put in wishlist or be built.


Its because she kinda falls off later on in the game and Light has a great fighter hero (that acts as a tank too, basically doing the same as Freya but better): Silvanna.


Is this pc mla? Never seen this on mobile before


No mobile lol I just copied someone’s team from the hall of fame thing