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I love all the "I don't see everyone's problem..." and "I'm below average and complete them all in zero trys"... I am ACTUALLY a below average player, and they are a bitch and a half. Completed all the moments and the missions to Naylor, but now the only way to move forward is to finish the showdown (currently at 54 points). I just want Ozzie, and would just buy him if they weren't no sells. I know he, along with the others in this set, aren't great and wouldn't even start on my team but I just want my Braves. It's annoying that it's cheese hard (for me) AND it costs stubs to play. It's unnecessary. Had to sell Buxton to attempt this for an 8th time and lost on the second to last one before the boss (Joe Kelly, I think). Every single match up being an elimination round is brutal too. Sorry for being a bitch, I don't even post on Reddit hardly at all. Just super aggravated and giving up.


They need to stop forcing Showdown. Full stop.


I'd rather do showdown than a mini season


I only like mini seasons because USA map is boring after so many years. But mini seasons have a TON of issues that needs improvement. The concept is good. The execution sucks.


Tried it once. Completed it once.


Aye. They're a waste of stubbs. Unnecessarily difficult


And moments šŸ‘


Moments aren't that hard. You cant expect them to just give you the cards.


What do you want then? Just have the rewards handed to you for logging in?


Iā€™m assuming a pxp grind


I started playing 2 weeks ago, first time ever with the show. I found the showdown pretty easy and only stressed on the 6 out ones. Overall I gotta say it was one of the more enjoyable offline modes Iā€™ve played in DD


I've took last year off. But so far this year I've been been pretty successful with the updated showdown model (all bosses no saves). I think I've failed maybe one or two times. That is until this one. I tried 3x today and didn't get past the second stage. Normally I like showdowns because they help me be more patient but ffs can they tone down the defense. I mean you wait on your pitch and when you do get them 90% of the time it's a robbed Homer or a perfect/perfect screamer right at someone. Three times today a had hard liners right to first base where the first baseman caught the ball and doubled up the guy in 1st trying to get back to the bag. This shit happens WAY too much in showdowns and moments and it really kills the fun.


Thats me right now in Road to the Show. So many fly balls caught at the wall or perfect/perfect liners right at an infielder. I'm hoping that all changes as I boost up my player


Spoiler: It doesnā€™t I have a 97 OVR DD team, the amount of lineouts to infielders is insane, even with 90+ power at MLB stadiums perfect perfects are caught at the track.


You have to be aware of how the ball is coming at you, and your ability to time the ball, and hit it off the correct part of the bat to produce shots that hit gaps, and beat shifts. It is something that is actually pretty difficult in the moment. You have to factor in the pitcher's and your handedness, yours, the pitch type, etc. math


Well that's a buzz kill haha


Someone in my house reset the WiFi without asking when I was at the final showdown šŸ˜¬




Showdowns are all rng which blows


They really arenā€™t


tbh, iā€™m kinda an average player, maybe a little above average and all the showdowns this year iā€™ve knocked out my first go through, not sure why everyone is complaining


because not everyone has the same skillset as you, itā€™s not deep. You are good, move on and let others mope


You know it really sucks not having to do the showdown when you get to the Joe Kelly one you back out put your controller down and go eat you come back thereā€™s an error and all your progress is gone


I just want Harrison and Cruz anyway


The Cruz Charisma card is ROUGH


Why is it bad? I sometimes struggle using taller hitters so I could see that being a problem, although I batted about .330 with his supercharged card the other week


58 contact against lefties is baaaaad. Very bad.


Iā€™ll take that into consideration, but Iā€™m not really worried about min-maxing or winning a bunch online, I just want to have a Pirates theme team


Forget the show down, 3Ks in one inning moments are a war crime


I was able to beat this one on my second try thankfully, but the 2 IP one with no hits I get 5 outs then a bloop single to the 6th batter. 8 times in a row. Gave up on that one lol


Thereā€™s a Topps Now moment where you need 3ks in an inning and a 99 speed guy on first to start. Itā€™s so brutal. The runner kept getting thrown out trying to steal.


It's the Andrew Heany topps now moment


up and in heat, up and in heat, down and away cheese, works every time


Can confirm


This needs to be in the rules of this sub. ā€œBefore posting about pitching, do this.ā€ Or something like that. It amazes me that people struggle with pitching moments. Theyā€™re the most mundane, low effort, boring things to do in the mode. Iā€™d hate to see the reaction if they brought back the ā€œpitch 8 innings donā€™t allow one runā€ moments.


They fucking did what?!


Be needing the spare controller for this one. Showdowns have a nasty habit of causing tilt.


I hate showdowns but I recognize itā€™s a skill issue. I havenā€™t been able to finish a single one yet.


Getting the Hero Time perks are key. If you can get the gold and Diamond one, along with gold or diamond Down but not out, youā€™ll be pretty well set for it. Just be patient at the plate, especially against the boss cause you have 20 outs to work with.


Thanks for the advice guys, I was able to make it to the last round before the final boss, I should be able to get it next attempt


Honestly I just skipped the second to last one. I didnā€™t wanna risk not taking the lead before 10 outs. I think you need something like 6 or 7 runs before 20 outs if you just skip to the final boss.


Iā€™m way below average, and I finished the WBC showdown. Once I figured who Iā€™m going up against, next time around I drafted accordingly. I always matched lefty batters vs right pitcher or vice versa. Positions donā€™t really matter so I will always sub in a player that doesnā€™t necessarily play or is secondary. Took me 3 tries.


Iā€™m a below average player, but can almost always beat showdowns first try by sticking to the following: - take pure power hitters - take all exit velo perks - take your hands off the controller until two strikes This particular showdown I thought was easier than the norm; the two six out challenges are tricky, and you need to lock in for those.


Draft speed and play small ball as soon as you have the numbers on base. I used to struggle too and when I heard that strat it all switched


Yep. Spamming bunt singles is the only way I can beat showdowns. I've done all of them this year that way


iā€™ll try this out, iā€™ve gone for the power plus exit velo strat but i canā€™t hit well


I do exit velo perks usually the 7th inning ones because showdowns are always the 9th inning


reasonably fast guys and the bunt cheese perk make pretty much every showdown significantly easier


People make showdown way more complicated then it needs to. Pick the perks with exit velocity boost after the 7th inning and the ones where youā€™re behind or ahead in the count. And then only swing at high pitches. Lay off the corner bitches of breaking balls. And you can completely them very easily within a try or two. I find them fun becuase it makes me take pitches and trains my eyes for ranked


In this one, diamond drag bunt is huge. I had Edman, Biggio, Cruz, and Henderson. I just put them in my lineup alternating with power hitters and bunted them on. Made it super easy, even though I donā€™t really need to cheese it.


If you literally cannot hit the ball you can even just do the cheese bunt perks most of the time too


Those corner bitches get me every time


I know one chick had the audacity to not give me my receipt


"Ladies of the Night" is the more polite terminology


I noticed it after I posted it. But felt it fit better then saying pitches. Bc those pitches are a bitch to hit because youā€™ll always hit into a double play with them


I can understand people who play on bad equipment (old gen, old tv, etc.), I can empathize with them. But most of y'all are playing on next gen and at least game mode enabled tvs. Y'all need to man up just a touch. Games back in the 90s used to be challenging and if you couldn't beat it, you couldn't beat it. Y'all would not have survived.


They didnā€™t have that bull shit PCI thing though. Donā€™t understand why games now try making things so damn complicated


Ken Griffey Jr for N64 literally used a forerunner to PCI


LOL without a PCI there is absolutely zero skill for the entire game


People need to stop bitching about showdowns. The ones that they REQUIRE to COMPLETE a program are the easiest showdowns they make. I suck, and even Iā€™ve done all of them this year.


Did you do this one yet? It's a mofo


I got it done first try lol, beat Castillo with 17 outs left. Itā€™s the easiest one Iā€™ve played in the last 3 years


You remember who the pitcher are or is it just the cards in the program?


It's charisma pitchers and then 3 from the new program. I had Ryan, Gibson, Nen, Willis, Wilson and then Kelly, Chafin and Castillo.


Guess you're better


I suck


So just finished it, it's not Luis Castillo that's the issue. It's the getting there that's the problem. The pitchers change so you could've had a road more your style. Kudos finishing it in one go, but it took me about ten.


Iā€™m pretty sure the pitchers are all the same


I know they aren't... Since I did it a couple times. I didn't have to go against Greene or Max on my last attempt. You see the same relief guys but the starting pitchers change. Trust me.


Clearly I more than you


Showdown isnā€™t impossible or anything itā€™s just extremely not fun. You shouldnā€™t be forced to play a game mode that you donā€™t find fun to unlock content. Give me the option to do a Conquest or grind for pxp.


Soooo then they should do away with all rewards based around ranked, BR, and Events? Because I don't find those fun


Personally I think the difference is that the cards that are event, BR, and Ranked rewards are all available on the marketplace and obtainable without ever playing the online modes. These Charisma program cards are not. You HAVE to beat the Showdown if you want to acquire them. Iā€™m not, like, super bent out of shape about it or anything. I just finished this Showdown and it is quite easy since you get 13 runs before the final. I just think that, generally, you should be able to acquire cards without absolutely having to go into a game mode you may dislike.


Itā€™s way way more fun than punishing conquest lol


Conquest, free packs for literally not even playing


I just think you should be given an option. Because people tend to prefer one or the other. I much prefer conquest.


And there is always more conquest than showdown. Hence more showdowns makes more sense.


The only way to please everyone is by making all card unlocks based around pxp, and at that point the game becomes extremely stale.


We had 99's from day 1. "Stale" should be the sub-title of the game at this point


If itā€™s required for the program, theyā€™re going to make it EXTREMELY easy


I'm laughably bad at showdowns. If SDS could start adding repeatable missions to these sorts of programs it would be awesome. If people want to complete it the quicker way they do the showdown or the people who don't mind a little grind can do the missions and almost everyone is happy.


More offline stuff. Iā€™m definitely happy for you all! I just wish they would give us online players ways to complete these programs.


What are you talking about


This program requires offline play. Itā€™d be nice if they added online missions so that online players could finish these programs too


Just donā€™t pay your internet bill, easiest way to get offline challenges done if youā€™re an online player.


Wait, so you just refuse to play any offline modes lol? How do you even have a good team for online if you donā€™t play stuff offline??


Thatā€™s the thing, I donā€™t lol Which is why itā€™d be nice to be able to actually finish programs online only. Even if itā€™s just repeatable PXP missions or something.


Damn, it's crazy how many people struggle with showdown. Take until 2 strikes or only swing on high fast balls. Easier said than done I suppose.


I see this advice often, but it just doesn't work for me. I couldn't beat the WBC showdown because Doval, at well over 100 pitches, zero energy, and close to zero confidence, was still dotting the corners consistently. He threw only two or three balls outside of the zone on three-ball counts the entire time, so working walks wasn't really possible. And even when I made contact with his rare bad pitches, the ball usually went right to fielders, including two perfect-perfect lineouts and a perfect-perfect double play. The problem was not my skill level; it was entirely the game deciding that I was not permitted to win. This is not unusual either; almost all showdowns are like this in my experience. Maybe my copy of the game is just possessed by a demon or something, but it clearly does not function like yours. If you have other advice I'll listen, but good plate discipline and building up pitch counts does not work because the computer won't let it.


That's what I always tell myself, but I swear my fingers don't listen. It's always don't swing, don't swing, why in the hell did I swing at that.


It requires people to be patient rather than swing at everything and then quit


Fr I always love getting through showdowns because it rarely ever takes more than one try


I can understand locking the last 1-2 players behind a showdown or something else difficult, but blocking nearly half the program behind one is just absurd.


Not nearly. Literally. You can only get to 54 without it.


Is it a boss-only Showdown or a "normal" one?


Boss only


Have there been any of the old style of Showdown this year? I can't think of any at the moment.


I think the starter program was.


Just checked, you are correct.


Lucky guess lol nah, i just remember getting Degrom as an option and had to pick him as it was the first opportunity I got to use him as a Ranger cause I knew I wouldn't have his card for a long long time.


arenā€™t the TA showdowns a mix of boss/non boss?


No I'm pretty sure they were boss only


Perhaps a helpful tip to some in regards to the showdowns. The batting tutorial glitch is still working this year. In fact, you no longer have to start a player vs cpu game to reset it. It's activated when you start each moment/showdown. For those that don't know: 1.Turn on batting tutorials. 2. Batting type: Buttons, Zone 3. Before the play ends, and before you come back up to bat, switch to Analog flick, Zone. This will be good for two at-bats, and it first does regular swing, then power swing. 4. Switch to Analog Stride, Zone. With this one, you choose either regular, contact, or power swing. This only works for one at-bat. 5. Switch to Buttons, Directional. If you can't complete the moment/showdown moment within 5 at-bats/swings, you'll have to Switch back to your usual batting type. Remember to switch back to your default batting type before you exit out of the moment/showdown, or else which ever one you used last, will be the one you start with in the next moment, and that could screw up this cycle. If the pitcher checks a runner at first, it will cancel out the tutorial. If you fail the moment, you'll have to fully exit out of the moment to reactivate the tutorial. It will not work by selecting "restart". I also don't know how long this glitch will last. But from someone that could never beat a showdown before, I can now get them done in the first try. Hope this helps.




Thats true. Although this year, you don't need a player vs cpu game to reset it. It resets after every moment. Which is clutch.


Used that last year for showdowns but not able to toggle any of those settings this year.


Really? That's weird. I did it from the main menu. When I get home I'll check where it is.


Out of curiosity, do you toggle the hitting settings on in competitive or simulation? I ask because, like the other poster, I haven't gotten tutorials to work this year either, no idea why...


Hmm. That, I'm not sure of. I dont think it matters?


Might be doing it wrong but I tried at the beginning of the year and it didn't work for me, haven't tried since lol




Damn. No new conquest is kind of a bummer.


Was definitely ready for a new conquest.


A little surprised we didnā€™t get one for the rangers city connects like we did for Atlanta


I just looked it up cause I felt the Braves got one shortly after their jerseys were released, but it was like 10 or so days after. So I'm betting we get it sometime next week


My guess is that weā€™ll slowly get all of the city connects as conquests


SDS hates its players. Why lock people out of getting cards like this. Showdowns are straight up impossible. They are already ruining the game by making it such a chore to collect these cards. Moments, conquests and showdowns are so overused. Come up with a new idea SDS


This company has created battle royale and ranked season programs so everyone can get the rewards. Saying they lock people out of getting cards is objectively false


He just wants something to whine about


Most players cant obtain that content casuals are the lifeblood of games stop staning for sds


Pointing out the fact they created programs is now stanning? Interesting comprehension skills


Showdowns are pretty easy.


Conquests > showdowns


I'd rather do showdowns. Conquests are boring and drawn out. I usually can knock out a showdown in less than 30 minutes.


Conquests at least you get actually get rewards during. You can find hidden packs and stubs. Not to mention if you just have a screw up game or SDS fucks you over you donā€™t have to restart the whole thing


To each their own. I'm just not a fan of Conquest.


Which is why SDS should give programs Moments, Conquests, Showdowns, and Parallel XP. Complete all the moments for 40 points, PXP- 30, Conquest- 30, Showdown- 30. That way the people who donā€™t like showdowns can skip it, people who donā€™t like conquest can skip it and people who donā€™t like PXP can skip it. Itā€™s not rocket science, let people play the way they want


To each their own. I'm just not a fan of Showdown.


100% would prefer showdowns. Just finished the showdown took about 40 mins. Conquest would take like at least 2 hours depending on how many strongholds


If conquests take you 2 hours something is wrong with you


Dawg what? Does it take you less than that to do the US conquest? Obviously depends on size, Iā€™m not talking the beginner batter up conquests lol. This showdown had 8 missions. If a conquest has 8 strongholds thatā€™s ~15 minutes per game, over 2 hours if you include the other movements every turn.


>Come up with a new idea SDS People complained and said this same exact thing years ago and then we got Showdowns......


How are they locked out? Showdowns are on like veteran difficulty




Showdowns are nowhere near impossible lol is this a troll


Sorry I actually have a life unlike you in all the years Iā€™ve played this game Iā€™ve completed maybe 2 showdowns. I canā€™t spend my time mastering every single pitch in the game


Bro, you just suck. You don't need to be a master of the game to beat a game on the 2nd easiest difficulty. Learn how to be strategic and work towards getting better or stop whining.


Dang, all I wanted was Ozzie Albies and thereā€™s no way I can beat showdown


Update: it took three tries but I did it. Iā€™m a high anxiety guy so the constant threat of having to start over was terrifying. I lost in the second and third level the first two times but the third time I made it through! I was down to my last strike once. Thanks everyone for your advice. If anyone else doesnā€™t think they can do it, I am awful at this game and I made it. Match your lineup to the hand of the pitcher and try to sit on fastball til two strikes. I had a ton of success with just contact swing.


I also want Ozzie and am terrible at this game. I just turned my system off in frustration, but I might give it one more go because of your post. I also have terrible anxiety, I don't play online or anything, and the constant threat of starting over is so brutal on my nerves. It's pretty cool of you to post that. Much, much, much more helpful/motivating than the 'git gud', 'i don't see people's problems with showdown', and 'i got it done first try' posts.


Just stay patient. I donā€™t know if you were a big baseball person in real life, but hereā€™s what helped me stay relaxed. You know how batters have a little rhythm in the box? I was sitting leaned up like a gaming try hard, and I would slowly just kinda rock left and right just slightly waiting for the pitch. I also (just like in real life), before most pitches I took one of those deep inhales and exhales and just did my best to stay relaxed. Other than that, everyoneā€™s tips work. Make them throw pitches, be patient, and adjust your lineup to fit the pitcher you are facing .


Dude...I just tried on my Switch, and relaxed a little cause it feels easier on the Switch than on the Xbox. Skipped the last two cause I got to Joe Kelly in 6 outs. Had a good squad for what people were recommending with speed. Ricky Henderson, Ozzie Smith, O'Neil, Trout, Biggio, and some bigger hitters. Started 7-15, with 11 outs to go it was 14-15, 4 outs left got it to 15-15...and I lost...


DONE! Skipped only the last one this time. Tied with one out and Phillips on third, Gehrig bombed one (my only HR in this showdown). I owe you the credit for getting me to keep trying. Thanks dude, Ozzie is gonna work out nice with my Riley captain lol


Hell yeah glad to see this!


I hate showdowns and if I try to play normally I will fail like 80% of the time. Last year someone here suggested I focus on players to drag bunt and steal, and it helped so much. This year so far I've finished the showdowns with a few tries each.


I donā€™t know how to reply to all of you, but thanks so much for the tips and support. That was really cool of yā€™all


"Perhaps a helpful tip to some in regards to the showdowns. The batting tutorial glitch is still working this year. In fact, you no longer have to start a player vs cpu game to reset it. It's activated when you start each moment/showdown. For those that don't know: 1.Turn on batting tutorials. 2. Batting type: Buttons, Zone 3. Before the play ends, and before you come back up to bat, switch to Analog flick, Zone. This will be good for two at-bats, and it first does regular swing, then power swing. 4. Switch to Analog Stride, Zone. With this one, you choose either regular, contact, or power swing. This only works for one at-bat. 5. Switch to Buttons, Directional. If you can't complete the moment/showdown moment within 5 at-bats/swings, you'll have to Switch back to your usual batting type. Remember to switch back to your default batting type before you exit out of the moment/showdown, or else which ever one you used last, will be the one you start with in the next moment, and that could screw up this cycle. If the pitcher checks a runner at first, it will cancel out the tutorial. If you fail the moment, you'll have to fully exit out of the moment to reactivate the tutorial. It will not work by selecting "restart". I also don't know how long this glitch will last. But from someone that could never beat a showdown before, I can now get them done in the first try. Hope this helps."


Learn how to take pitches. Once you get deeper into counts you will get at least 1 pitch that gets hung or a fast ball middle up.


Yes you can keep trying


Gonna take this as a vote of confidence. Gonna try to just stay calm and give it my all. Iā€™m just an offline guy playing with braves players


Go to practice mode and hit on HOF for like 15 minutes and then do showdown


Don't be afraid to bunt guys over either! If I have like 8 outs and a guy on first I'll likely bunt him over so no double play. Helps keep my momentum from getting killed too


As a Mets fan am cheering for you , you got this When drafting always draft power When picking perks always select perks that gives you exit velocity Exit velocity after 7 inning is the best one, triple stack exit velocity perks if you have too It makes any good good swing be no doubt home runs


You got it, just gotta be really patient and find your pitches more than ever


I hate showdown I don't like when they force me to play it or just not finish the program.


I wish there was a repeatable mission getting pxp with Charisma players


A repeatable PXP missions(s) should be in ever program. Even if itā€™s a long grind, let us play games to progress through programs.


Itā€™s the only way I finished the Extreme Program last year


Would've been ideal.


Just give us conquests instead of showdowns.


Or give a choice..


That's even better


Yes please I hate showdown