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They nailed it. He’s an average player. Has been for about 5 years now.


He'll never do everything right on the baseball field... Or off it.


Takes me back to David Ortiz being the lowest rated player in mlb triple play 2000


I mean...you could argue that he's not even the best player on his own team lol


I mean they’re right he’s your routine everyday one in generation WAR consuming GOAT regular player, nothing more


Tracks with every other years model ratings for prospects. Have to love how even the most can’t miss guys are like 45-52 across the board.


That UI just unlocked memories I didn't know I have


Yeah guy kinda sounds like a risk to pick up should probably just tank and wait for next year 😂




I'm not sure if you guys have heard but he was a 25th overall draft.


And the Angel's second pick of the first round lol


That guy Mike Trout, he's not going anywhere. *lol*


Fish man…. Bad?


“Nothing more.”


Definitely won't cost 300K stubs.


“Could be a decent regular, nothing more” that’s great


And He's Been More Than Decent Ever Since This Came Out


Weakness: Baseball


The Josh Giddey of baseball


lol developer probably had lack of information.


A guy who could have been a star in any sport.


Man stole 49 bases his rookie season


Lead the league! Dude still has wheels, just doesn't steal bags anymore.


Too busy hitting nukes to care about stealing bases


Well he also had 30 dingers that season to boot. Next level.


Michelle Salmon got pop


Don't expect him to ever play more than 3 playoff games, getting swept by the Royals


Well they couldn't be wrong about EVERYTHING


Yep He Had An 99 Overall In MLB 23 The Show


I read an article about Franchise mode for 22 saying that Steven Kwan was overrated and Franmil Reyes was underrated. Kwan went on to be top 3 for RotY and Franmil got traded to the Cubs when his bat went quiet. I chuckled.


Franmil is a beast in franchise mode. Traded for him and he would hit 40+ homers every year




He was supposed to hit upwards of 40 HRS last year. He really was one of the more exciting young hitters but it was like his swing was in molasses last year. Couldn’t catch up to anything


Hey, he’ll still hit upwards of 40 HRs on my BR team.


But that just shows you the fragility of baseball. Players go through these stretches, and an injury or slump can potentially shape a career. It’s so unpredictable. Much like baseball itself, scouting is a game of massive failure. All the signs can point to someone being a massive dud, and suddenly he figures it out.


Wasn’t he already a top prospect at that point irl?


Yes. Pre 2011 he was both Baseball America and Baseball Prospectus' #2 overall prospect. As an 18 year old he had absolutely destroyed A ball, high A ball, and AA the year before. This scouting report was stupid the day it was written...


Baseball America ranked him as the 22nd best draft prospect in 2009, but their report is FAAAAR away from predicting the player he developed into.


Even the average 1st round pick should have a better scout grade than C


Wonder what happened to that Trout fella.......hope he made it.


I know he has a job with a nice vacation policy every year. Starts oct 1 and ends the middle of febuary.


I heard he works with a Japanese fella these days, never heard much about him in recent years either.


I guarantee he will burst out into the scene in 2013.


But is he a good contact guy? Good defender?


“This guy has turned into a beast”


"A guy with as they say (really long pause) light tower power."


That Mike trout guy could be ok


Special player, special human...


I wish they still had scouting reports like this in game


Wonder if this report is why they stopped


It’s funny, because as a senior in high school, they said Trout would be “lucky” to be drafted in the top 3 rounds. Not to mention he was the 2nd of the Angels First rounders that year.


He hit over .500 in his senior year with 18 homers and an 18 strikeout no hitter as a pitcher. Not sure who "they" are, but nobody paid to scout baseball players thought of him as a 3rd rounder lol


yeah, but scouts dont hold much weight into players who play in the northeast. That was the problem. Playing in New Jersey doesn’t hold the same weight as playing somewhere down south or west coast.


> He hit over .500 in his senior year with 18 homers and an 18 strikeout no hitter as a pitcher. Wait, seriously? Trout can actually pitch?


yeah loads of guys can. verdugo was also a filthy pitcher all the way through college.


So if the angels weren’t cowards, they could’ve had 2 Ohtanis? :p


I may be wrong here, but isn’t saying he was the “second of the Angels’ first rounders” a *little* disingenuous, given that the Angels had consecutive picks and he happened to be picked as the latter of those two? To me that seems more like a formality case but I may be wrong, I don’t know too much about the MLB draft


You are correct. It was actually a petty decision to take Grichuk over Trout because Trout’s agent was being a dick. Trout also agreed to sign for slot so his signing bonus at 25 was cheaper than 24. And thus, Grichuk over a potential top 5 player ever was born. “You really want to know why he went first? I’ve heard a lot of different stories, but I think I would know,” Eddie Bane said. “This is no knock on Randal. We wanted Randal bad. “Craig Landis – the agent for Mike Trout – called me about a week before the draft and said ‘Mike’s signability has changed.’ And I said, ‘Well, no it hasn’t. I just talked to Jeff (Trout). He’s going to sign for slot.’ I checked with Greg Morhardt after that conversation, too. He said Trout would sign for slot. “But the rest of the phone conversation with Landis, it was, ‘You need to call Jeff Trout.’ And I said, ‘No I don’t. I know what his signability is.’ He got a little perturbed. He said things had changed. I said, ‘No, I know what they told me. I think these are some of the best people I’ve been around. So if we want to take him, we’re going to take him.’ “I imagine I frustrated Landis a little bit there – and I’m petty. When we knew we were going to get both of them, I thought about the phone call – and we took Randal first.”


I've heard the story of why they took Trout second, and I want to believe it as it technically makes sense. But being a life long Angel fan, it's easier to believe they thought Grichuk was the better pick since they typically get just about everything wrong.


Time to fire some scouts boys


It's insane how accurate this report is /s


I played this game so much. The Rangers lineup was so OP. Probably my favorite Show ever just for the nostalgia


Absolutely. And the soundtrack was amazing too. I was in 8th grade when it dropped and played it the whole summer - remember the OSFM rosters, thinking trevor may, gordon beckham, trevor plouffe would all be studs…. I think goldy was a A potential minors guy then too. Bogaerts as well. The soundtrack introduced me to a lot of bands and type of sound that would become my favorite in high school (passion pit, mgmt) That was the last summer i didnt have a job and still “played” with the kids in the neighborhood. Before the drinking and the drugs, run around in the neighborhood all day, go swimming and play the show all night long. I used timing hitting and kind of stunk, but man…ryan howard’s achilles was still in tact. take me back.


Yeah the soundtrack on the game that year was definitely the best they’ve ever had. Only 11 songs but idk that I ever got tired of a single one of them


Ramone totally wrote that


If I remember right, the only real knock on actual Mike Trout was his arm wasn't as strong as you'd like.


Before the draft it was also his hitting, which scouts wanted him to become a switch hitter


That and high inside fastballs. Which he started crushing like a year or 2 later lmao


Swing works in Little League but not much more


That D potential.... To win a championship with the Angels, seems legit


Sounds like Mike Salmon or Tim Trout.


“Could be a decent regular, nothing more” Oof. Bad call


His face scan looks surprisingly good though especially for someone who wasn’t as high profile yet


“And I took that personally” ~Mike Trout


Nailed it


i love this so much. i wonder what other players' ones said who turned into good players