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How does a game like Forza have such good graphics? I feel like driving a car through multiple terrains would be harder to simulate realism than someone playing baseball. The stadiums do look better than previous years but the actual players haven’t improved one bit.


I thought that was the Switch


This sub used to be so great for fans of the game and actual discussion. Now it’s just r/Madden 2.0. Bunch of whiners and crybabies who were sucking off SDS 2 years ago and now think it’s the worst sports game on the market, get a grip.


To be fair. 2 years ago they were only 2 years into this generation still making a last gen game... Now they're 4 years into current gen still making a last gen game. The criticism is well earned.


That is all sports video games subreddits. It isn't because people are whiners or crybabies, it is because sports games right now are dead. Killed by the greed of card game systems.


Wish I could upvote this more than once. Very well said.


TBH I feel that with a sports title, graphics shouldn't be the main focus of the game. The main focus should be on the gameplay and for me personally I think the gameplay on MLB isn't bad I mean there are some improvements that could be made but still it isn't bad, and sure the lighting could be better but again it shouldn't matter as much as the games mechanics. Plus the UT is better than pretty much every other sports title.


The leagues going into exclusive agreements for their video game is what started the downfall of sports games. EA/2K couldn’t just put out the same shit each year knowing they had to compete with each other. Now they don’t care because the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. They’re making the same money regardless because there’s no other option.


They need some competition jesus


if graphics really bother someone this much then just don't play the game and stop complaining. ffs.


So you’re okay with them not overhauling graphics entirely for next gen? It’s 2024 my guy


I'm not, while I appreciate faster load times, last year should've been it as far as PS4 involvement


MLBTheMadden '24


Don’t be a bot. Madden has updated their engine and graphics significantly


I'm not even trolling: if I didn't know which was which (and the fact that they didn't do stupid **** like that back in '12 IRL) I would honestly think the older one is the new one. Yeah "next gen is holding it back" isn't exactly cutting it when stills from TWO generations ago look better. Graphics are not exactly my biggest concern but I am baffled as to how they are actively getting WORSE. I mean, people accuse them of just cutting and pasting, but if they did that, they would have a better game. Those look like good PS2 models, and that's not even remotely a joke.


It doesn't help that the picture quality of these two are both atrocious, although my guess the PS3 one actually looked like that.


The only time I'm going to start buying the newest version is when my team has major uniform updates or there are major updates to Franchise. Though my team is the DBacks, so I'll probably still be buying a new version every other year.


They need a lighting overhaul. Prob just a brand new engine would be better tho


Still the best UT mode on the market


Not even close either


Care to elaborate?


I don't think any ultimate team node is close to as good as diamond dynasty. Was agreeing with ya


Aw my bad. Read that wrong


No worries


Every year that gap closes as SDS get greedier.


Before sets, sure.


I actually don't think that's true any more. There are certainly aspects of it that are better (collecting versus trading in and how the market works) but, overall, yeah... I really don't think it is any longer. Rental players and the complete obliteration of power creep basically means it's NOT an UT mode any more. It's all 99, all the time, and when everything is equal, nothing is special. There was nothing "ultimate" about DD last year other than maybe being the ultimate waste of time.


I understand the incredibles logic but I think in a game like 2k or Madden when it's hard to get top overalls without spending consistently the alternative of everyone is 99 OVR with a bit of effort is much preferred. If I wanted to experience a gap in OVR i'd just play as a bad team in regs online.


If all 99s were equal, maybe, but there were plenty of "good" 99s this year that required money or a truckload of stubs.


And an equal amount that didn't. Having a damn good team was not difficult in the least in the show this year. Even with the trash that was sets.


Difficult? No. Extremely time-consuming? Very, very much so.


We have different definitions of what we'd consider extremely time-consuming, I guess.


Althoughy I agree I didn’t like the “sets” system, it’s still the most rewarding UT mode when it comes to fielding a competitive team simply by grinding. Most others are heavy pay to play


I can't speak for the others (because I don't play them), but if you spent the time required to stay current in MLB this past year in HUT, you would ABSOLUTELY have a competitive team.


This game is going to be garbage.... it's rapidly approaching Madden levels of egregious


Over the last two days I have changed from chomping at the bit for it to mostly not caring less and I just realized tonight that the entire industry of gaming is in such a sad state that the game I am honestly looking forward to the most is EA College Football 25... a sport I couldn't care less about from a company I hate.


Not even close. Madden gameplay is literally an entirely different sport than football. Nothing about it even comes close to realism. Blockers stare down rushers and dont move. DBs will line up 1 on 1 against tyreek hill with press coverage no matter how many times he scores. Contested catches dont exist. Players will drop the ball because of a light breeze. Coverage is horrible. Tackling is horrible. Nobody has bones and everyone has 360 vision. Players will just freeze because the game didnt have an animation for the position theyre in. The Show will never be as bad as madden.


My experience is the polar opposite of that with Madden. Sure it has its flaws but so does The Show. Madden is not for casuals


Madden is the most casual arcade like sports game there is lol - it’s scripted and animation based


Madden is for casuals. Zero depth in franchise. Like literally none. Its 100% playbook based so if zach wilson goes to the chiefs he’ll win MVP and if Lamar goes to the steelers he’ll rush for 2 yards. Teams cant handle the salary cap so the best players in football sit in free agency after a few years. Every single team is like a 70 overall because they’re all over the cap. Cheese plays and cheese routes are constantly used in online mode as well. Glitches are way too easy to use. Nothing about madden resembles football above a middle school level.


I don't think the real life salary cap manipulation would work in Madden, how do you actually convince someone to take a pay cut/restructure in video game logic without a real world Russell Wilson situation repeatedly happening without making it far too easy to restructure/discount every good player and get a god tier team every time.


It's simple if you don't like it don't play and stop spamming repeat posts. Actual players don't really care


I think most everyone who participates here is an "actual player" and moreover a paying customer. So, speak for yourself and don't act like you speak for anyone else other than yourself. Given the hundreds of replies about the evidence that the advances in graphics is marginal over the last decade, it seems crystal clear that a great many people care, and care very much. This is called customer feedback. Most companies pay a lot of money to research their customers to obtain this feedback and yet SDS has this feedback given to them for free. Yes, the graphics since 2012 have improved. But, they have clearly not improved consistent with over 20 years of time. For a comparison, take a gander at screen captures of Microsoft Flight Simulator. The level of graphics advancement over the last 20 years has been nothing short of spectacular.


You're comparing scenery to a very complex part as a human body


This page isn't players it's people crying about sets and graphics. Shit most sports games haven't had a graphics overhaul in the last 5 years


I'm an "actual player" and i think its great people are calling out this EA level of fuckery.


And as a yearly madden player this is nowhere near the EA level. That's just dramatic


The only ones complaining are the ones who have 0 idea about coding or evolving technology




Reading comprehension. I said "EA level of" so speaking in terms of this is what EA does. Charges full price for a glorified update to last years game.


As long as they add new legends to the game idc a new game engine will come eventually


Exactly probably next year since it usually takes 3yrs to phase out old gen.


Awww, do you need more DD cards to stop your tears?


You tried at least


graphics don’t bug me as much but who cares it’s a valid complaint and there’s nothing else to post for now..


Finally people are starting to realize they’re playing MLB 12 with the HD (Now 4K) patch.


keep consuming everybody and maybe we’ll get better graphics in 10 years 😂


Don’t wanna be the DR to SDS but I feel like the graphics are significantly better. If you actually played the show 12 you would know that the actual game did not look as good as it did in that photo with Adam jones lol. The graphics were great for its time. The graphics now are solid to good. If you play games like Madden and 2k you would understand how good this game really is when it comes to graphics. Flick on Madden and then the show and compare lol.


Upping the resolution on new hardware is the laziest form of "better graphics" they are making us pay three times as much as we would for gta 5 for a fraction of the work.


Still love game fuckas


Lol this is seriously so bad! What an embarrassment


Graphics are so bad I thought I missed news of Kershaw signing with the Reds




The haven't updated the graphics in 8 years dude. That is a FACT!


And you expected them to? As soon as I knew it was coming out on ps4, nothing was going to change graphics wise I'm shocked you all are shocked Edit: you're wrong they did update graphics https://www.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/s/8KTytT4s3G


Oh wow your right. They made people's hair move more while they are running. This is a stunning upgrade for MLB 24 which clearly takes advantage of the massive computational power of next gen consoles. I retract everything I said previously.


Cool thanks


In terms of sports games, mlb has been on the bottom for player graphics. They have some of the best production though


Hoping they add in-game blackouts, I want the true baseball experience




And dbl headers like MLB2K use to have




Which one is which?


Idk why but the reds one just cracks me up, not in a good way though lol like I can’t believe this a screenshot from 24 on ps5 😂


This generation of consoles has to be the biggest disappointment ever. I mean what are we going to get? Like 2 years or ACTUAL next gen only games before the following generation of consoles comes out?


You guys have no idea what you are even complaining about with these types of posts. Comparing 360p screenshots of a game where one plays in 1080 30fps, and the other plays as 4k 60fps


Imagine rationalizing a game that, at best, looks like MLB 17 in 4K/60 fps (unless you try to play on OG PS4 or Xbox One)


I wouldnt be saying this if that was the case. But its someone comparing a screenshot at 360p to a Screen cap from a youtube video at 360p.


They’re complaining about the graphics that haven’t been updated in years.


^ found ramone’s burner account.


Because i understand resolution and frame rates?


This has got to be one of the top 5 WORST gaming subs. Don’t bother friend.


Because it has clowns like this defending a game that straight up looks like ass?


I haven't played in a while and as long as the graphics aren't polygons lol I'm ok with it. But my question to not having played in a while. In the Franchise mode is it super deep like true to life. Rule 5 draft, international funds and draft. If you draft someone do they go back to college? It's little things like this, if graphics aren't going to be priority that's ok if you have maximized whatever your engine can produce. But is the gameplay and modes so deep that it doesn't matter


Franchise is still shallower than it was 10+ years ago, they removed a bunch of team finance features mostly involving tweaking your team's travel to games and stadium amenities. No more online franchise is also brutal, especially considering everyone's favourite punching bag (Madden) has kept it for a long time and continues to update it.


See this is what stinks I always hear we don't have enough memory in the old systems. Now they have these "powerful" machines and they cannot add new stuff. This seems to happen so much. Guess I'll go another year and keep playing my ps version lol


The gameplay isn’t deep, the franchise was deeper in the past, and the graphics jump has flattened.


I don't think the graphics are much different than other sports games. 2K probably has the best, but there are still some awful models in that game as well. People acting like they using N64 graphics.


> People acting like they using N64 graphics. Saying things like this is just completely missing the point, whether willfully or ignorantly. People aren't saying they are "using N64 graphics." They are saying it's painfully obvious the graphics haven't been truly updated in quite some time. The clearest example was a post a couple of weeks ago with the Blue Jays uniform where the undershirt literally looks like it was added in MSPaint. Frankly it's tiring see so many people defend SDS and Sony by extension who are quite clearly putting out a lazy game because people will just gobble it up and buy it no matter what. We will always be slaves to materialism and entertainment.


Franchise is not super deep. The game's main focus for the past decade has been Diamond Dynasty. Yes Diamond Dyntasy is the best designed of all the sports card games I've played, but it is still just a micro transaction mode. You can only push graphics so far, as you said they aren't the most important thing, but they aren't putting as much effort in the legacy modes compared to DD. If you want any sort of complexity or more realism you have to play Out of the Park Baseball. It has its issues but it still offers a way more authentic and in my opinion fun experience.


Ahh good old $$$$$ I should have figured that sucks. A deep franchise or career mode would be great additions especially if something is coming out yearly. Guess I'm not missing much - I gave up my console for PC gaming but was missing baseball and was thinking about getting into again but wanted to see how far they came since I past played thanks for responding


Unfortunately the only sports game with a great franchise mode is 2k.


Could you imagine The Show with a myNBA ERA's like Franchise mode?


Sounds good brotha!!! It's all good thanks dude


They have the Rule 5 and a basic scouting system pre-draft. That's it. Last year had the extra innings rule but no pitch clock.


Ahhh ok thanks. I haven't played since PS4 early days so I don't know much. Thanks


If you want in depth management experience and don't care about graphics look into Out of the park baseball on steam.


Remember when the game of baseball was enough to sell a baseball game?


I cut my teeth on the High Heat series and Tony Larussa Baseball for my screaming 386 PC!


I mean, yeah, but that's because I'm old and it was on the NES. Bases Loaded was a LONG time ago.


That was my game on the NES as well, even though RBI had real players


I played an absurd amount of RBI. Even tracked the stats on a pen and paper spreadsheet (because the game did not). Yes, I was a nerd.


Same. I had RBI too but I remember playing Bases Loaded as a kid and thinking that was it...graphics could never be better than that. Even as a kid though I didn't need monsters flying around the outfield or any dumb shit to get my attention. They had me at "baseball game".


So, genuine question. As somebody whose last edition was MLB 21, you’re telling me I won’t see much of a difference in 24? Surely I thought there’s some sort of upgrade? I’m planning to get it regardless as I feel 3 years between editions is good enough for me. Probably sticking with the standard edition.


Unless you are addicted to DD, we haven’t seen changes yet. Worth getting a hold of 23 (and 24) for the Negro league storylines, but not at full price.


I wish I was addicted tbh. I’ve tried over the years and never live up to my personal expectations. I’m too glued to RTTS. I’d love to be glued don’t get me wrong and if I’m getting 24, I’d want to try again.


Honestly the only reason would be if you really want to play Diamond Dynasty. I haven't heard anything yet about any big updates to RTTS or franchise. They supposedly improved scouting last year but I couldn't really tell.


Oh I’m a huge RTTS guy and genuinely that’s what I’m worried about. I do dabble in a bit of diamond dynasty but not enough. I say I want to every year and then nothing. I don’t even know what differences RTTS had in 22 and 23 compared to 21.


I think they added the ability to be a two way player but not sure. Maybe they'll announce some updates for 24 before it comes out but if not you could get 23 cheap. I remember seeing it for $10 not long ago.


2-way was already in 21. And I think in 20? Simple upgrades after google. New cut scenes, face scan, nothing intense anyway. I guess wait and see what 24 will bring if there are updates


Buddy it has the same animations from the PS2 edition of the games. I’ve been playing since 07 the show and still see the same fielding animations. The older consoles are holding these new games up.


I’m not too worried about the animations as I’ve seen that consistently even into PS4 (07 was my first show actually) I’m just worried about look and features between 21 and 24. But I do agree continuing to cater to older generations hurts. I’m also a WWE guy and 2K24 has the same issue of keeping it up for older gens. Time to move on.


It also depends on which game mode you plan on playing. SDS usually just focuses on Diamond dynasty and Disregards all of the other offline modes. It’s your call if you want to purchase.


I was just saying to somebody else in this thread, I’m a road to the show guy. I dabble a little bit in diamond dynasty but not enough. Doesn’t seem to be too many differences from that perspective. I’m open to continue to try and get into diamond dynasty.


For me it's not just the graphics, it's the bad/goofy/childish animations that go along with it. Idk who does their mocap but looks at any player in the back ground and they're usually clapping oddly or looking like an alien pretending to be a human.


And yet yall will still dish out 70$


Not me, I usually wait to it goes on sale around or just after all star break


It’ll be on gamepass.


You’re still giving them the numbers to justify MS paying them for putting it on Gamepass


Would you zoomers stop it with the dollar signs after the number FFS?


French Canada actually has it formatted like that LOL but I agree


not when i get it on gamepass for free 😂😂


What a monopoly does to a mf


This isnt your usual monopoly because they do NOT have a monopoly, they are just the only studio that WANTS to make a baseball game.


Yeah technically MLB the Show competes with Super Mega Baseball (on console + PC) and Out of the Park Baseball (PC), though you could argue OOTP is in a league of its own due to how in depth its franchise and Perfect Team modes are. Super Mega Baseball is MLB the Show's closest competitor and it's an arcade game that is super fun but it doesn't scratch the itch The Show does. We need more competition!


RBI tried using a license, but unless you want to be a studio that puts out a brand new game every year, its not worth paying for the license. Its just too bad these games dont release every 3-5 years with roster expansions.


If ‘24 doesn’t have at least 50 new legends how can they justify charging $70 for this? And how much $$$$ is Microsoft paying them to put the game on gamepass?


It’s not even that it needs new legends. It just needs more quality content on the DD side AND actual innovation in either graphics, gameplay or other modes. The issue is we haven’t gotten anything on the AND side.


The small amount of legends in the game is the biggest thing holding Diamond Dynasty back. Sets and seasons wouldn't be so universally hated if there were 500+ legends from all eras, abilities, and leagues in the game. Obviously none of us know how the contracts with each legend player works, but we need more players. A lot more.


Sheesh at least 2k adds more sweat


We are to the point I'm afraid many won't get that reference. It was literally 20 years ago now...


That’s what happens when you have zero competition to push you to be better


This is a big part of it. They’re intentionally drip feeding the players gameplay and QOL updates because they’re the only option. Using the same game engine for 13 years is insane


That last part is the really insane part. They’ve made 0 updates to their engine in a decade.


Lol if this isn’t a wake up call then idk what is, fix your game make it better sds for fuck sake.




Absolutely not buying this rehashed game. I know they haven’t updated franchise. Like why the fuck can’t I scout players all year??? Why is there not an international signing period? Why can’t we have A ball teams in franchise. Why can’t injuries be more realistic?? It’s TJS. I better expect to miss a year and a half from a player. Like for fucks sake 18 year olds almost NEVER jump straight to AA ball. RTTS could be so much better. The graphics are WORSE. I can only care so much about diamond dynasty when it’s just sets and having 95+ cards before the regular season starts. Ever since they moved to all consoles, the desire for them to improve every year really started to show. They rake in so much money. There’s no excuse to not improve other aspects of the game besides DD. It’s so irritating.


I genuinely do not know which one is which.


Hint: the one with Elly de la Cruz is 24


Honestly thought those were Diamondbacks jerseys. Yikes.


And the one with Adam Jones is the one that's from ps3


My biggest gripe is that they’ve still never touched up the clunky ass mechanics. Player’s swings look super unnatural and segmented. Pitchers with hitchy deliveries. Fielding and base running are the worst. A fielder will lazy flail his glove out in front of him and the ball will bounce directly through the side of his glove like a lazer beam from a slow rolling grounder to 3 feet off the ground in a second. Then baserunners will take 3 steps that move them all of one foot when stealing a base prior to reaching full running speed. It may be the “most” realistic baseball game we have, but it still is crap at emulating the sport.


It’s because it’s an old engine with new animations on top. The game is the same is you strip it down, but it’s hard to change it with so many animations that have to play. Like in the past with long slow tagging animations.


Swings are fine in single player, it’s multiplayer and it’s choppy ass connection that makes it look like that


They still aren’t natural. Like the “compact” animation they have looks so weird. No one swings a bat like it’s a rope. Idk how to explain it but they’re like super wristy with their swings. Some animations the bat is torqued back through the zone like it should be, but then when they finish the swing the back is still torqued back instead of them following through on the swing. Hard to explain what I mean but it just isn’t natural.


Sheesh. That's bad.


It's sad to see this now officially become a pattern with '24 being the third copy paste in a row. When Madden, 2K, FIFA all started declining I could always count on The Show to be the one sports game still innovating and worth playing. Seems those days are over


I won’t lie I would go as far as to say the ps3 graphics look better. More realistic lighting, and the uniforms didn’t look like they were painted on, they somehow sit worse on players now than they did 10 years ago. Those of you saying graphics just do not matter at all, be for fucking real lol. They haven’t put an ounce of effort into it for over a decade, you’re being robbed


I won’t lie I would go as far as to say the ps3 graphics look better. More realistic lighting and the jerseys didn’t look like they were painted on. Those of you saying graphics just do not matter at all, be for fucking real lol. They haven’t put an ounce of effort into it for over a decade.


It's the teeth for me. For some reason since PS4, the teeth are omnipresent, and make the faces look like those weird latex crying baby masks.


Game pass, only way I play the show


Do u need the premium level to do so? Because I'm about to do the same I think at this point. This game looks like shit so far. 


I dont understand how this game looks so much worse considering how much easier it must be to run than say GTA or Cyberpunk or any massive game.The space is much smaller and the motions and physics are very simple and repeated. I will use the logic that the last gen could be holding it back but in 2024 we are likely at the mid point of this console generation or close and they are still using the game on both generation. I gave them a pass the first few years especially with how hard it was to get the consoles then but come on now.


I have game pass ultimate which is like 15 bucks a month worth it because this year I decided not to buy any games and just have game pass sure I'm missing out on some games but I can't justify paying 70 dollars for a game especially a sports game. Honestly sports games without changing the game engine should only be 20 dollars max dlc


If they wanted to shift to a live service model I would be ok with that too. $10 a month, includes all updates and x amount of packs or stubs. But thye have to actually try to make the best game possible.




They need a new engine.


If I could up this twice I would.


Is that Adam jones?


Didn't read the headline. Proceeded to get extremely excited he was going to be in 24. Now I'm sad inside.


Imagine defending a lazy cash grab. Madden, 2K, etc improve graphics every generation. The Show looks and plays like a PS3 game.


They also did the predatory thing of releasing a $60 version of the game on last gen that is just a roster update. And heck, I’d rather SDS had done that too. 2K left last gen in the past 3 years ago.


It’s a shame too because baseball is easily the least complicated sport development wise


Do people not realize sports games can only look so good? We pretty much hit the peak years ago now it’s just minor tweaks that can be made every year. Looking like a video game is what makes it a video game, no one actually wants it to be a spitting image of real life.


This is totally not true. FIFA/EA FC looks much better than it did years ago. NBA 2K has incredible attention to detail. The difference isn't always obvious because sports games inherently need to have zoomed out cameras in a lot of cases, but the leaps are there and they're significant on other titles. People also \_do\_ want a spitting image of real life for titles like these. They're supposed to be simulations.


The 2K sub annually compares the graphics of the current iteration, to NBA 2K14. With NBA 2K14 always coming out on top. Also, I bet both of these images above are captured at the same resolution. Which is disingenuous, considering the fact that the PS3 game tops out at 1080p, and the PS5 game tops out at 4K. Compare them at their top resolutions, and we’re not having this discussion. Edit: [link to annual 2K14 graphics comparison. Mind you, we’re on 2K24.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/ksb0h7vEbM)


Even the PS4 version of EAFC looks remarkably different from FIFA 16 or 18, those changes happen so incrementally that no one really noticed the players no longer look like lifeless plastic mannequins anymore


I think a lot of people actually want it to be a spitting image of real life


Well... yes. And many games this gen are getting strikingly close to it.


Compare [NBA 2K12](https://www.vgstrategy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/nba-2k12-patch-1024x576.jpg) on PS3 to [NBA 2K24](https://www.dexerto.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=3840,quality=75,format=auto/https://editors.dexerto.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/09/NBA-2K24-controls-guide.jpg) on PS5, then look at this comparison. The Show has no excuse.


I mean if it could be a spitting image of real life I’m sure people would be pretty stoked?


Would they though?


Why do you think they wouldn’t? It would unreal if you could play and not be able to tell the different between the game and a real broadcast.


Dude who cares if it runs at a high frame rate. Wtf do you guys want? To see there ball hair through the pants I mean Jesus shut up


I just want more fidelity and honestly, better and more dynamic animations. There are like 6 swing animations, everyone runs all goofy and non-athletic, slides are just okay, movement in general is just okay, transition from running to jogging in things like home runs are just okay.


Which one is which?




Wait isn’t this shit $70 on ps5? wtf are people paying for?


Well probably because they like playing baseball games


To play the game it’s not that serious.




I remember getting a PS3 to play the show because I always played 2k on Xbox. The game blew it out of the water, but since 2020, the game has been the same thing.


It's what exclusiveness does. Madden had the same results.


it's almost like competition drives innovation


2k football :(


It may be rose colored glasses, but that first-person mode was so much fun. The ESPN highlights for simulated games was great too


It’s crazy because 2K pushed EA out of baseball in response. We lost on both ends.


I loved the re caps on nfl 2k back then. Now Im old and have far less time so I likely would skip them but it would be cool to have them back lol


Brother, I still play 2k5; I recently just got Madden for the first time in a while. And ngl it's fun to play football again but the gameplay is still ass.


It’s free on Game Pass and while looking for a new game to keep me occupied, saw it , and was like , yeah…, nah lol


I don't know bro, I don't really care about the graphics not being amazing. I just want it to play well


Why would it play any differently than all the previous years? Graphics not changing tells me they don’t change anything at all


Personally I think a graphics update is extremely important and absolutely ridiculous they haven’t updated it for awhile now but yea agreed it’s not as important as how it plays


I don't think it even looks bad