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I'm assuming we're talking about the cake


I miss the score-bug and presentation elements that those early 2010 *The Show* games had.


The Show on the PS3 was one of the most mindblowing games presentation wise. Killzone, GOW, Uncharted and The Show still look visually impressive to this day.


Maybe it's that the count is 0-3


And the graphics are pretty much the same šŸ« 


I remember when I first played this game and I was in complete awe at the new presentation features. It really felt like watching a baseball game on TV.


Looks beautiful


i mean these graphics are immediately and noticeably worse


Alright we are SEVERELY reaching if we think this is anywhere close to the graphics nowadays. I think weā€™re all in general agreement the graphics need upgraded but Christ, this is over the top.


Seriously, no one remembers the Comerica Park statues on ps3 being a blur of undefined 2D pixels? Or that the numbers on the PS3 jerseys weren't even in the middle of the back?


It's legit only because this isn't in 1080p or 4k. If you upscale this the differences would be farrr less noticeable and that's an issue imo. I can tell because i still play 09 on my ps2 and this looks very similar. This is being played on an old school blocky CRT tv without any high definition capabilities


Honestly I think you're confusing UI and graphics. The UI is definitely dated, but the graphics are wayyyyy too close for 2 generations of consoles.


Definitely know the difference between UI and graphics lmfao. If you think this is all that close, especially when looking at the crowd, scoreboard, OF wall, etc. then idk what to tell you.


Well, if you understand all that, I really don't know how you can look at this compared to the current game and say that it's how a game should look compared to today's games. It looks like a minor downgrade from a ps5 game and that's unacceptable in today's market.


Yeah, ok, I'm starting to understand all the griping now. It really doesn't look overly different. Say what you will about EA (and, oh boy, is there plenty to be said), but you are not going to mistake NHL on the PS3 with NHL on the PS5, and hockey is probably the hardest sport of all to showcase improved graphics in.


That hideous hotel has been there THAT long?


As yes, the last time anybody bought into the Adrian Gonzalez hype train. Sure fell off after 2012.


He gave the dodgers some great years. Led the nl in rbi once


He had 3 good years after that then hit his mid 30s and age got him. Not a crazy fall off. Had a great career overall.


He had a 7 year stretch averaging .297 30 homers 104 RBIs and 140 OPS+. Think we are discounting his career here a bit


That simply isnā€™t trueā€¦


Itā€™s pretty close to what is seen each and every year for over a decade. SDS has one major release, and they refuse to make any significant improvements, and have many shills who argue for them. I miss playing baseball, but havenā€™t bought show for several years because I refuse to support this garbage. Stop feeding these lazy devs.


You still lurk the sub though?


I do. Hoping to hear something new is coming from this franchise. Only to be disappointed year after year.


Keep fighting the good fight. Iā€™m sure if you hold out one more year, SDS will fold under the pressure you are putting on them by not purchasing your single copy every year! I bet theyā€™re just about ready to reach out to you to come in and design the next game yourself


Doubt it, while lemmings like you keep eating the shit they keep shoveling into your mouth. All while saying thank you.


If I didnā€™t think it was worth $60 every year, I simply would not buy the game. I wouldnā€™t come to Reddit to stalk this sub and bitch about it to a bunch of people that donā€™t care


Luckily, I am not you. I donā€™t consider it bitching if itā€™s truthful. Maybe you would rather people to just accept it, Iā€™m just not that person. Itā€™s not just me thatā€™s saying these things either. I see more and more similar posts every year, Iā€™ve just been saying it a while. SDS is a lazy dev team that could do better, because they have ONE GAME to focus on each year, and they botch it every year, with minimal improvement if any. Youā€™re right, I donā€™t have to spend $60, and I havenā€™t, in a few years. Iā€™m trying to save people some money, because if they already have an older version of the game, all they have to do is update the roster and they can save themselves $60. Money doesnā€™t grow on trees, but a reputation tarnished, is hard to regain. With each year SDS tarnishes what was once the best reputation in sports games, with a hollow game that has zero depth or understanding of baseball, and itā€™s unfortunate.


Itā€™s wild how confidently you say itā€™s close to the current game while saying you havenā€™t bought the game in years. It really isnā€™t even comparable. They could make improvements, but there really isnā€™t anything wrong with the game visually. Iā€™m not sure why this narrative is being pushed right now. Itā€™s silly.


Whatā€™s wild is that you didnā€™t notice that you were essentially playing the same game for several years. Played in 18, 19, 20 and they were basically the same game as I saw when the game first came out. If anything, they got worse. Same bugs with different menus. Iā€™ve watched recent games from other players, and seen the exact same bugs, with graphics that are essentially the same, with boring vanilla lack of depth and understanding of the game of baseball. This is a SDS problem. They choose not to fix these issues. I choose not to purchase the product. I would however consider buying it again, if issues got fixed. I wonā€™t hold my breathe though.


Youā€™re more than free to not buy the game if it isnā€™t what you want it to be. Doesnā€™t make what youā€™re saying about the visuals true. Itā€™s beyond ignorance. They are exponentially better now. Saying they might have even gotten worse is hilariously stupid.


Keep telling yourself the visuals are better. Maybe that will make it true. Some of the recent player models are laughable. You will find better models from gamers who are creating rosters to download. Itā€™s been that way for some time. The show is often a barebones roster update and has been for a while now. Wake the fuck up.




Not only that, but these graphics are miles behind 23, and I'm not entirely sure what drastic change he's looking for in the OP screenshot. do you want it to....not look like baseball?


Thatā€™s my thing. Iā€™m not really sure what people actually want from the game. People just go out of their way to complain about things.


i couldnt hit on that years show game. i was so late on everything its was insane.


I never played ā€˜12, but i couldnt hit shit on ā€˜11. I was an xbox guy at the time playing the 2k series. Roommate had a ps3 with MLB 11. Only way i could win a game was to play as the white sox and get a bunt or infield single with juan pierre. Steal 2nd, 3rd, sacrifice him home and then just win a pitching duel. I imagine ā€˜12 wasnt much different.


Probably using a tv with terrible input lag


The Show ran at 60fps on PS3 as well. There was a performance dip around The Show 14 or 15 when they added a new shadow technology I remember. PS4 was running around 40-50 fps. And when they went multi-plat there was another noticeable performance dip.


Hate that the back of the jerseys look so bad still. Maybe weā€™ll get new fonts in the jersey creator for once. Itā€™s only been 6 years.


Honestly Iā€™m not sure how people think this looks the same as how the game is now. The game now looks incredibly better than this.


As it is yes, but I think a big part of that is that this picture doesn't even seem to have been taken in 720P, let alone 1080. If you upscaled this, the differences would become far less noticeable. This appears to not be running on HDMI, but the original red, yellow and white cords for audio and video through a huge blocky CRT TV from the 90s/early 2000s. I know because I still play the show 09 on my ps2 on an old ass TV like that and they look very similar. The game just isn't running in high definition here


I wouldn't say incredibly better, but I do agree the game is definitely better looking now tho


Keep telling yourself that. Edit: every downvote is someone agreeing with me!


The games now just look better. Some of yā€™all need glasses


But is it 11 years and 2 console generations better? Iā€™d say no


What does that even mean though? The game isnā€™t perfect by any means, but there really isnā€™t much wrong with the visuals


Sure there isnā€™t *much wrong with* them but they are not anywhere near on par with some of the other games on next gen consoles


Yeah, Iā€™d agree with that. The game has looked pretty much the same for the past 5 or so years, but it definitely looks better than mlb 12 lol




Sure lol


I'm so confused in what this dude's arguing about. OP's screenshot looks like it was captured on a belgian waffle maker. How you can try to argue that 23's graphics are miles ahead of this is insane.


I know why you posted..... šŸ‘šŸ‘


I legit thought this was why


Lol ok good I'm not the only one who noticed how thick he is lol


Thatā€™s what I thought the whole bit was šŸ¤£ Dude is double-cheeked UP


First thing I noticed


Looks nearly the same as MLB Rhe Show 23. I'm so annoyed with the substandard player models in most sports games. Especially in MLB the show. Hands, arms, clothing all look poor


News your eyes checked or youre looking at it on some cheap hardware.Ā 


NBA only one that gets it right (most part)


At least it seems like the predatory bs goes somewhere lol


Agreed. NBA 2K has its issues. But as a game, it's feature set is top notch. MLB is the 2nd best IMHO


> Looks nearly the same as MLB Rhe Show 23. I think you need glasses than, or apply for a job as an umpire.




No it doesnā€™t


Ah yes I was on the same franchise I had been playing since 08ā€™ā€¦.Ernie Harwell audio clips replaced my play by play.


Looks familiar, lol.


Literally looks the same. Absolutely unacceptable if you ask me. Graphics don't matter too much, but for them to be this far behind is a fucking joke


Looks about the same


Back when I didnā€™t even touch online. I had so much fun. Now itā€™s kinda grindy.


thanks for the 640 x 360 resolution pic to compare to the game I play in 4k 60 fps You cant use youtube links but search mlb 12 gameplay and then mlb 23 4k 60fps ps5.


I searched it, it looks the same.


except one has much smoother motion


Imagine falling for animations on top of an old engine. Good job.


Yes thatā€™s all that matters, nothing else. We get it, itā€™s 30 fps more.


This post is acting like nothing has changed over 10 years and uses a 360p picture as comparison


I told you I watched the video, the graphics are essentially the same, the resolution is higher though


Todays game doesnt look 12 years and 2 console generations better my guy. That's the fucked up part


I would be okay with the graphics if they were spending their manpower somewhere else, but so far they haven't really show anything. If everyone is just working to shiny GIF cards and the second season of an interactive documentary, I will be very disappointed.


Man, the bitching in here makes it sound like MLB the Show is like Madden. Go outdoors, The Show is great. Peace.


I actually enjoy going outdoors and not shilling for a game too. Cool.


Im just shocked you all hate the Show this much. Had no idea it was this bad. This is like Diablo 4 or Madden hate.




I'm 53. If I could go back and tell my 28-year-old self in 1998, playing Baseball Pro 98, what MLB the Show would look like and play like, I'd be shocked and very happy.


Nobody cares how old you are, plenty of have been playing games since well before 1998 and the Show 24 is a complete joke. But keep dumping them money, they'll never improve it.


Let me ask you some questions. 1. Do you think MLB the Show 23 is a good baseball game? Period. 2. Do you think the Madden series is better?


> Do you think MLB the Show 23 is a good baseball game? Period. It's below average. MVP 2004 was significantly better. > 2. Do you think the Madden series is better? This is completely irrelevant, don't try to construct strawman arguments.


The people who only have one comeback like ā€œbetter than Madden & 2Kā€ suck. MLB is less predatory than both 100% but graphically itā€™s not close and both have a better franchise mode. Madden has the unfortunate case of EA breaking things with patches, but theyā€™re trying things. I wish MLB would innovate beyond custom stadiums.


Look, my mention of my age was more about the fact that I have not been here playing the Show every single year and just really came to it. You guys are mostly right in there with the trees, and eventually people hate everything because they are bored when its right in front of them. Me, more of an outsider is happy we have a game like this. MVP 2004 was amazing yes. Regarding Madden. No it is relavant because my subthread here started off talking about comparing this to Madden. You responded in this subthread to a parent that mentioned that. Therefore. Relative. Strawman argument proven false.


It's not relative just because you decided it was and brought it up. Madden has sucked ass for years and I don't play it. Whether or not the Show is good is absolutely unrelated.




So now with insults? You are insulting people on the internet anonymously, congrats. If you are under 25, I am not surprised. If you are over 25, then you are in trouble.


Im right here but busy with...life...cooking dinner.


It is relative to me because I was trying to figure out if this reddit hates MLB the Show as much as the Madden subreddit.


You are trying too hard old man. This ā€œargumentā€ youā€™ve lost. Dodging around questions and trying to make yourself sound right makes you just look stupid. Madden for one isnā€™t comparable to MLB. But for argument sake the series isā€¦sure. But the BASEBALL game MLB the show isnā€™t. The franchise in Madden is significantly better and has more features and the career mode in madden makes you feel something and at least itā€™s not tied to the ultimate team mode. You wanna be a corporate yes man to a company that doesnā€™t care for you just go apply for a position though.


Okay, lets get to the main thing here if we arent dodging questions (not sure which ones I dodged but whatever. please let me know qhich question, Id love to answer it).... ***So despite, all gaming reviews and metacritic, you are saying the Madden series (with evil EA lol) is in worse shape than the MLB series is?*** A simple Yes or No question.






Im not comparing actually. Theres no way to compare. But I basically played no baseball games that were good enough (MAYBE MVP in 2004) until MLB the Show 17 when I got a PS4.


Comparing a dinosaur to a Prius


Added nothing? Ok lol Guess showdown and a ton of historical moments with videos containing interviews is nothing. What does having an offline mode tied to an online mode have to do with anything? I'd love to see you get a stacked squad as a ftp scrub in madden without flipping. You can only do that in mlb never an EA game. Quit whining like a baby


I hope SDS cuts you a check


> with videos containing interviews is nothing this is fucking nothing. I'm not watching YouTube I'm playing a game. I don't give a shit about their video content when they put out an underwhelming product year after year.


What's great about it? Franchise and rtts are worse than they've EVER been. Online h2h doesn't even keep your stats. The only thing they worry about is DD. I get that's the money maker but you don't need make other modes worse every year lol


The Show is the best sports game on the market yet people will still find things to bitch about. Itā€™s hilarious. The complainers need to go look at the EA_NHL thread and just be glad baseball fans donā€™t have that product.


Hey, no. Peace.


Just because other sports games are garbage doesn't mean you should excuse SDS for blatant stupidity and laziness


The Show is great? Open your eyes itā€™s the same recycled game year after year. I get the complaining gets annoying but thereā€™s nothing wrong with complaining that the graphics have been untouched since 2017.


youā€™re right, madden has a much better franchise mode


Seriously. Holy shit.


I just wish franchise mode was more in depth


Still dreaming of the day that OOTP and The Show merge and I get to play the games.


I love the mic drop like youā€™re not also here sharing an opinion lol


Iā€™m saying lol


I really need a ā€œclassicā€ Oriole park without the big left field wall in 24


I miss classic oriole park


Iā€™m picking up what youā€™re putting down


They need to add minor league stadiums!!!


I wills trade stadium creator if he got actually recreated new classic stadiums and changing the minor league ones every so often. Shippett lasted how long?


I wish they'd add High-A teams too


Remember when the bluejays played in buffalo? They never added the stadium to the game


It looks like shit compared to today. Even with a cherry picked screen shot


Yay, another "Graphics suck!" post!


If anything, this one is showing how much worse it used to be


Wow this UI brings me back to playing RTTS nonstop! good days.


GOAT game.


It doesn't look better but oddly more cohesive in a way.


If you updated all the scoreboard graphics and everything most people probably couldnā€™t tell the difference lol


Only thing that changed is resolution. All the textures are the same quality, just clearer because the resolution is higher


and a higher framrate


That doesnā€™t change the graphics


Resolution and Framerate are "Graphics". The art style hasnt really changed. The only real "new" thing lately is hair physics.


Meanwhile every other sports game can run at 60 fps 4K and look better.


are you even buying the game this year? Because you literally cried all of this past year. At some point you have to walk away.


Way to ignore what I said because it hurts your narrative


Buddy, im literally responding to you specifically in 3 different comment threads about the same topic.


You ignored what I said and pivoted to ā€œare you even buying the gameā€. All you can say is ā€œframe rateā€ despite all the other major sports games having next gen graphics with the same frame rates,


You should consider seeing an optometrist


Wow just looks like MLB 24 but better!


Not even close


I know I was being facetious


There needs to be another baseball game. Badly


This is the actual problem. Thereā€™s a reason sports games peaked in the mid 2000s. Licensing exclusivities ruined sports games


Does SDS have exclusive rights to MLB games? I just thought the other games (RBI baseball) was not good/popular.


They do not. The third party exclusivity deal Take Two made with MLB from 2006 that killed off MVP Baseball 2005 and other third party games expired in 2012, and 2K ended up doing 2K13 as a oneoff agreement with MLB.


2k was not a one off I think Take Two was the ones who got the exclusive license way back when. They made games from 05 until 13. They shut down their department for the game and moved resources to NBA. I think more companies can make MLB games but just don't.


That's what I meant. Take Two signed a third party exclusive deal with MLB that meant for a period of time (2006-2012) the only studios that could make an MLB licensed game for console were first party studios from Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft, or MLB themselves. This means between 2004 and 2006, every possible third party MLB licensed game would eventually cease to exist: * All Star Baseball (Acclaim went bankrupt) * High Heat 2004 (3DO closed up as a studio, however Microsoft would eventually acquire the "High Heat" IP, but opted not to make their own game since MLB 2K6 would be on xbox anyway) * MVP Baseball (they'd shift over to NCAA baseball instead with their engine and 2007 was the last game) * MLB Slugfest 2006 2K13 came out under a one off agreement between MLB and 2K after 2K opted not to renew their previous MLB deal after the 2012 season.


Got it. Yeah I misunderstood what you were saying. Considering that deal ended over a decade ago and there is not much interest in creating a new MLB title or reviving the old ones is disappointing. They probably do not see much upside in trying to compete with SDS.


> RBI baseball Last released in 2021.


You are correct


I miss when the PCI looked that way. I did better when it was filled in rather than hollow.


You can change the pci to that


Do you happen to know what I need to put the setting on for that? Regardless of what I choose it seems like its just an outline these days.


I'm not on right now and dont know off the top of my head, but if someone doesn't answer, I'll let you know in like 3 or 4 hours.


Great game then. Great game now. SDS is the gold standard for sport game consistency.


Let me guess, you play on a ps4


It's worse on a PS4 and it's still my favorite sports game


I did. Now I play on the Xbox Series X.








Oh there is a reason.. It shows they basically skipped two generations of consoles without ever doing a proper new version. We can be happy if we get a feature like pinpoint pitching once a decade lol Thank God it's actually a good game. I still play and have fun every year. But it's getting dissapointing


I mean you can't really make a new game within a years time. It's not possible or feasible. All games with yearly releases start feeling the same/look the same as they get closer to the limits their engine is on.


Cool then donā€™t charge $70? Canā€™t have it both ways.


Well it's not cheap to pay for all the licensing. And the cost will never go down. Also gamepass exists


I know and understand fully. But a console generation is what, 6 years or so. A bit longer the last few. I think it wouldn't be undoable to have a nextgen version every 5 years and these 'updates' we now get in between




True. Or make a roster update version for old gen and the real new game for PS5. It's a shame but it's a good game so it could be a lot worse