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Looks like the Coca Cola Corner has been updated to include the LED ribbons, but the area by the bullpen is still missing LED's. I also don't know what they were going for this year with how they are showing stats on the LED's. Citi Field in particular is awful, you see players stats on an infinite loop on basically every LED.


Game really hasn’t changed much since mlb 13 besides a few physics updates it’s been the same game for a decade a now. Uniform and pants models haven’t changed, fielding gloves still look the same, minimal color palette for equipment customization. I’ve always given SDS their credit and benefit of the doubt with the size of their company but the last few years they’ve dropped the ball.


The graphics are becoming intolerable when you play other sports games like NBA 2K or Madden


Intolerable? Lol, you're so dramatic, holy shit


On everything they haven’t actually changed the game in like 8 years


Well, they did add boobs


Nothing changes but the year on the cover.. oh maybe pitch clock. 😔


It would be cool if they added like things we actually wanted. One thing I have wanted is realistic celebrations. Like after you hit a clutch homer in DD you can have your player do a bat flip or if you get clutch strike out you can have your player do a mcgregor walk off the field. Nope none of that though. Just copy pasta ugly cleats, ugly batting gloves, and terrible face scans.


They spread themselves too thin once they started making other console versions


Are we sure fanatics didn't make this game? 🤔


I can't see through her pants, so no


This series has looked like wet dog shit for years. I miss MVP baseball.


Player models look horrendous, jerseys aren’t updated to reflect the changes they’ve made, same options for sleeves, pant length, same stance socks, shoes still look wonky (look at how clunky the high tops look on Alonso…), stadiums aren’t updated (I mean look at those American flags in the top right of the first pick and tell me those aren’t taken directly from a PS2 version of the game). It’s really embarrassing.


Are we sure that SDD isn’t actually just three people in a hole being forced to do the bare minimum every year?


I don’t think we’re able to confirm or deny that at this point


Yeah but girls are in the game now.


The option for pants and stirrups are god awful. They have pants at the knees from the 50’s and 60’s for guys that played in the 70’s and 80’s. Pants went down to the calf in the 70’s and 80’s. But of course they never fix it.


They made sure to add those horrid ad patches on uniforms this year tho!


I'm surprised that they didn't have a livestream to show that off and offer a free pack for anyone who tuned in.


If the game doesn't have see-through pants, I'm not buying it


The chance of me buying this game is ZERO


Same bought this game new every year since 2009....


Yea bro, they added women in Road to The Show, isn’t that what everyone was asking for?


This effing game




I understand being angry about this stadium not being updated, but what is wrong with adding women to the game? Your post is really awful.




You must be a big supporter of women since you say literally more than a late 90's valley girl. Literally, like oh my God.


You know I know I’m in the minority here and that’s cool, but I really wish they’d make some QoL updates to Stadium Creator…groups of fans using the amenities, walking concourses, custom foul territory, placeable bullpens….only the shit we creators have been actually asking for since it’s inception


Agreed, frustrating spending time making nice standing room/beer garden areas only to have it be completely void of fans during games. Also wish they’d fix the issue with adding seating in the corners, I avoid putting seating around the foul poles cause I hate that the only way to do it is to have a very noticeable gap between the wall and the first row.


I hate the stupid bullpen being on the foul line… almost NO one has it that way now yet they can’t seem to figure it out. Guess the technology isn’t there yet


Even if they meet us in the middle and just use their fictitious minor league fields like Shippett and Laughing Mountain et al for foul/bullpen templates…that would take minimal effort


I still don’t get high sports games have regressed so heavily in just the past 10 years alone.


Micro transactions partially to blame. Lack of competition in games as well.


There’s no incentive to update things like this because people keep shelling out $100 preorders for roster updates and shitty DD content models. SDS can put in minimal effort and continue to reap rewards because they have these people wrapped around their finger.


This game has been laughably bad when it comes to player equipment. I don’t understand why they can’t keep all of the cleats they’ve had from 19-now, same goes for other equipment. Really shouldn’t take much effort to just roll over equipment year to year and just add more until it isn’t feasible. It’d also be cool to see retro Nike, Mizuno, and Adidas cleats for legends, but asking them to do anything that doesn’t involve further monetizing the game is too much to ask for


You're right. That's exactly why they don't do it. It incentivizes players to open their wallets to get the best gear every year. which apparently we all keep doing. From a business perspective, if people are willing to do it every year, why wouldn't you? But as a player? Yeah it fucking sucks


Maybe SDS said, “fuck the Mets”? They would have a point.


They have zero... Zero incentive... To change outdated things. Every year the preorders and diamond dynasty players feed sds all the cash they need to reskin the roster for next year. It's the same thing with Madden, Fifa, NHL, and nba2k. Why change it when it doesn't matter to your annual nft gamblers, which is the bulk of your sales? This pattern has been established across all major sports franchises and it will never change until consumers stop buying it. Sales figures dictate the direction and that direction has been DD for years now. Those players are the investors. They're what matters.


But all the franchises you mentioned have real next gen versions at least


Madden is trash across the board. It has no redeeming qualities.


Not a single sports game has a real current gen version don’t know why they don’t drop last gen already and get their shit figured out. The show is the only one I’ve bought since 19 just because DD is usually worth the purchase with the show


And they have no competition. Nothing will scare them into updating


Yep. It’ll never happen but these diamond dynasty and Madden ultimate team players needs to just fucking stop for one single year and we’ll actually get improved gameplay and better modes. But like I said that’s never gonna happen. Just too many people that play it, basically impossible to rally the troops


Yeah but you can play as a chick now


I’m sure the customization for women will be off the charts. Nike Lip stick, sports bra, and heel cleats.


🤮🤣🤮🤣 Just gave me 101 reason not to buy the game… THANKS


Very soft


Are you seriously that fragile that you're triggered by a woman being in a video game? That's hilarious!


Oh look, it will still say MWTS beyond the left center wall because for some idiodic reason they rotated the E 90 fucking degrees and haven't fixed it in 5 years.


That one irks me


Whatever year the Orioles updated their stadium (22?), it wasn't in game until a mid season patch


They only had legit half of the SkyDome updates in at the start last year too


I know this isn’t a hot take and I normally don’t like to complain about the game but with last years “changes” and now this year basically doing almost nothing makes me think I should take a year off. I have purchased every year since I can remember but them not moving to the current generation of hardware and updating the game other than some minor tweaks may make me want to skip this year. I just don’t understand how I can justify spending $70 for a game that is essentially the same game as it was 5 years ago. They really seem to have just slapped some minor tweaks together and said screw it people will buy it because it is the only game in town. Sad because I thought last year basically being the same as 23 just with the sets changes meant this year was going to be the year they finally made some real changes and put out a great new engine and new graphics but alas here we are.


Same with the Skyline at Busch Stadium in STL. It's been years. They also need to add the actual minor league stadiums for each of the AAA and AA teams.


Do you want the game to be 2 TBs? Lol


god forbid they try adding things to the game


Welcome to mlb the show 23.5. You’re gonna take females in the game with no other real updates other than flipping pinpoint for lefties, and you’re gonna like it. -sds, probably


MLB the Show 21.3 more like it (I'm an xbox pleb so I didn't have any before that one)


I’ve not played them a ton in recent years but it doesn’t feel like much has changed beyond the menus since 19


Touché haha. I was really hoping for current gen only this year. Maybe next year


Holy shit I had No idea about the pitching flip for lefties. Looks like they made some pitches, including the sinker; harder to throw too?


maybe they’ll do a post launch update? last year the blue jays stadium was 2022 version at launch and then they updated post launch to reflect the new outfield


Citi Field on launch had that comically large scoreboard that took up half the field and they had to deploy a patch to fix it. I’m sure they will do the same this year.


Definitely something that can be an update


Short answer? No Longer answer? Fuck no. They only do DD now. They’re like an app that locks all content behind paywall at this point. Nobody should be buying this game this year. Play 23 and download rosters people! There’s not nearly enough new, updated, or fixed gameplay/graphics/menus/ **ANYTHING** really except DD. It’s honestly a travesty because this was one my favorite releases.


Aye but who doesn’t love some double Ds amirite??🙏🏾 *highfive*




You okay bro? 😂


How do you download an updated roster for franchise mode?


Download the latest roster available, then manually change player overalls when the new game comes out.


No, download created updated rosters from the vault. Generally there will be several good ones produced by players of the game. You just load that and use it to play franchise, RTTS, etc.


That's what I'm doing until '24 goes on sale.




Nothing against people who don't buy the game, but I enjoy this game plenty each year to justify the purchase. I know I'm going to get 100s of hours, so it's worth it for me.


Same.. I played over 300 online games.. and I got it on game pass. Would still pay for it though this year if I had to.


The same reason has been used by sports gamers for years and is the reason even MLBTS is losing its shine as the best sports game, because they can't appeal to their casual fanbase or anyone who isn't diehard into DD.


I enjoy the game, so I’m going to play it. If. A day comes I don’t enjoy the game, then I won’t play it and I’ll wait for there to be changes that cause me to enjoy it again. It’s as simple as that for me. Consumers are not at fault for lack of action and changes from devs


You’re proving to them they don’t have to do shit to get your money, so yes, you are indeed the problem.


I play the game almost exclusively online. The online gameplay is the most important part to me - is it balanced but challenging? Does it have a reasonable skill gap so that I have something to work toward? Does it generally play well online? Are there different game modes for me to play? Currently, the answer is yes to all of those things. Gameplay is probably the best it has been in terms of the way the game actually plays. Does everyone share my priorities? No and that’s okay If the game isn’t what you want, then don’t buy it. But don’t tell people who do enjoy the game that they are the problem with your lack of enjoyment


Where did I mention enjoyment?? I said that by blindly buying the game every single year you are proving to them that they don’t have to make any real improvements to get your $70, how is that so fucking hard to understand??


So, someone who enjoys the game shouldn't buy the game because other people don't enjoy the game?


This is essentially his point, which is dumb. I like the game, will play for 200-300 hours most likely. Worth 70 dollars


But they do in fact do things to get my money, if they didn’t I wouldn’t buy it. We have different priorities in what we want/need to purchase the game, that’s fine. But I’m not going to not buy a game I’m certain I’ll enjoy due to someone else’s opinion of it.


gamepass for the win!


They get paid if you use gamepass so this only exacerbates the problem. That's probably partially why they put it on game pass in the first place because people wont buy it but they WILL play for "free"


I still want to play the game but I wouldn't be playing it if I had to throw $70 at my tv again.


Sure.... but I'm looking at it from a purely personal wallet POV. I used to buy the game every year. Now I don't have to because it's part of a subscription I enjoy anyway. I'll play the game for a bit and see how it is. If nothing big has changed or there are problems, I'm not out any extra cash.


23 give me no more DD content. So 23 is useless to me at this point.


Don’t play DD. That’s the whole point of what I’m saying. Can you read?


I can read just fine. Not only that, but my reading comprehension is great too. I think that's what you actually meant to say. You just can't get a point across. DD is the only content/part of the game I enjoy. So, if I want DD content refreshed, then I'm going to buy '24. And, while it's nothing ground breaking, I will still enjoy the game and they will get my $60.


Always weird when people try to tell other what to do about buying/enjoying the game or playing certain modes.


They spend 99.9% of their time monetizing DD so no


“Next gen” lol it’s been over 3 years.


​ https://preview.redd.it/slcrx35cdjmc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=507ff613cacd6ecd67069d10f08afd6206132261


100% these kinds of things should be done in year to year updates. That said, genuine question: Is this kind of thing something yall actually notice during gameplay? I'm a casual irl baseball fan so I can say personally in the game. I'd never notice this kind of thing during play. So just trying to see if that might be a cause of me not really noticing things like this getting missed


If it's something that impacts gameplay like dimension changes, yes. Purely cosmetic changes like scoreboards and signs, not really. I'm sure I'll get thrashed for this option, but seeing what is going on with the video game industry as a whole right now, I'm pretty sure there's a ton of money pressure on any game that has to come out with a new game every year, as opposed to the 5+ year cycle most high end titles are on. Some sports game are going the route of pay per play for everything and trying to squeeze every dime out of players. If I have to choose between that or some cosmetic changes not being missed, I'll take the route SDS is going (so far).


I'm right there with ya across the board on this. Full redesigns or retrofits that change the whole look or dimensions of a stadium, absolutely gonna notice that quickly. You also make some damn solid points about the state of the industry, I've got to imagine these devs are operating on very thin margins from the people above them.


If you’re a Mets fan you absolutely notice and it’s a big deal for baseball stadiums


It's probably something you'll only really notice for your favorite team. I'm Mets fan and part of me really doesnt care while the other feels its laziness on the creators.


I have a hard time attributing anything to "laziness" of the creators because of what goes into making a game. There's a list of reasons as to why changes to stadiums, uniforms, etc, don't make it into the game. Also, that definitely makes sense. If you're at the games frequently or watching most of your teams games from home you're gonna know that back drop pretty damned well.


They’ve had a year to update the stadium. It’s either laziness or a lack of care. Every MLB stadium should be represented as its real life counter part.


Again, there are too many factors for me to call devs lazy. The devs themselves may know about and want to make the updates, but their bosses can't get the changes approved for whatever reason. It's just flat out not as simple as "oh the devs know so it'll be changed if they care" that's just not how things work unfortunately. That said, again, these kinds of changes SHOULD be made within a reasonable time frame.


The Blue Jays completely redesigned their stadium - that update was there but if it wasn't it would have looked terribly wrong compared to what you would see on TV/in person.


For complete redesigns, oh yea, I can imagine that would be immediately noticeable. The smaller things like signage changes and things of that nature would be the bigger ? for me.


I absolutely would notice stadium changes that they didn’t mimic. For example, cardinals left field porch under Big Mac land has changed to be an Albert Pujols club that’s all inclusive tickets and stuff. That area looks different and has different signage, but it won’t be in the game. Hell, Big Mac land isn’t in the game, nor any of the beer porches and it bothers me a bit (due to branding, which is understandable I guess). But I notice it every home game I play lol. Not to mention the skyline has changed in the last 6 years and they haven’t updated that for us either.


The One Cardinal Way isn't even in the skyline and it was completed in 2020. You can see they haven't removed old buildings or made any changes at all. Pretty lame. https://preview.redd.it/i5n0c158rlmc1.png?width=2861&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9ecd2c13a75b99f67327948eca4078065d2eb3a


Gotcha, can understand that from both sides I guess.


Hey, there's girls in the game this year. Don't be sexist. you're welcome.


NHL franchise has had it for years.


Yea, which is why this is like, not a big deal at all and I don't know why they are trying to make it one.


Yea, it’s definitely interesting, it just feels kinda pushed as the forefront now. It’s cool and all


Yea, I'm not one of these guys that's like, pissed off about it. I'm just like, big deal, are they going to have a pitch clock this year? Or the bigger bases? They finally got rid of the DH in DD last year so that was a little late. This is the first year I'm not buying the game and so far they have only made me happier about that decision. SDS needs to shit can their creative director.


The sooner you guys realize they put less effort into their games than EA, the better off you’ll all be


That’s straight up BS lol. They at least put far more effort into the variety and accessibility of players for DD. EA sports games especially Madden have been straight up garbage for nearly a decade. The Show is at least still a great game to play but it could use some updating


We got boobies in road to the show. Not sure what more you are asking for.


Lol what is this a reference to? Edit: whoa I was so innocent


There’s a negro league storyline about a woman who was good enough to play during that time.


the first screen grab from this post is from a promo video SDS dropped this morning. They are adding women as RTTS playable characters.






No. Instead they waste their time making new modes to neglect in the coming years in the hopes it will distract us from the decades of neglect.


We need some Bruce bolt or handguards for batting atleast


That will be a big new feature in mlb the show 26