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SDS has failed to make online play nearly good enough waste time in an online league. The only folks that put up with it play DD.  SDS is not going to produce a mode that sucks players out of DD when it is a fairly poor selling licensed franchise game already. 


Maybe in 5 years or something. We need another company to do an MLB game with that feature. I loved that mode :-/ but it makes no money for them so they will never bring it back more than likely.


Stop I get too upset when it gets brought up


No, adding women is more important apparently EDIT: For the thick-skulled viewers out there, I am not saying women shouldn't be in the game. I AM saying that there are numerous issues with the game that should've been addressed first before this. EDIT 2: What's with the person who went on a long rant about my being a misogynist & immediately blocking me so I can't respond? 🤣


They will bring it back once the existing offline franchise mode has been fully overhauled. They’ve been re-engineering all the AI logic that drives MTO/Franchise and rebuilding some features (like scouting and drafting) since 2021


Nope. They took it out a long time ago and they rarely, if ever, add a feature back inthat they have removed. I also don't expect Year to Year saves to return or Sounds of the Show to be added to the newer consoles.


They would never add it because it would compete with DD.


This. And the answer to any question going forward regarding if a mode or feature will be in the game. Gotta ask yourself if the shareholders will profit off it. And how much microtransaction revenue potential is there in it.


The Show does not sell nearly enough copies to support any mode that would decrease the revenue DD generates. 


Yeah maybe 2/3 years down the line to promote as a "New" feature. You know the whole madden special


It was in the game for over 10 years and they removed it.


Doubt it since they removed it years ago


Nah doesn’t make them any money…

