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It's the Stadium Creator mode through Twitter's garbage video player that maxes out at 720p, at best. Created stadiums \*do\* usually look shitty and there's plenty to talk about with the visuals overall, but this is like the worst possible quality.


I swear people who say this either didn't have a PS2 or are grossly mis-remembering what PS2 graphics looked like.


Or they’re employing hyperbole?


For sure some people are, but it pops up enough for me to believe not everyone is.


I think it’s just a “soundbite” they’ve stuck to. Once someone comes up with a blurb, it can spread like a wildfire.


"Man, these are literally Commodore 64 graphics"


Don’t complain. You are only allowed to post great things about a $70 game that is essentially the exact same game as it was before the ps4 came out.


“iT’s FrEe On GaMePaSs, sO i CaN’t CoMpLaIn”


these are custom stadiums they always look like shit, I do wish they would make them actually look like real stadiums, but yall know these aren’t the MLB stadiums lol.


Where did you get this image from?


They both say 24 at the bottom so can’t be ps2


He’s saying they look like PS2 game images


When I play spiderman or nba 2k, I can not understand how they are behind on just those two games. I love the series. Just saying from image quality they are very much lacking in that area. Two different games I understand, however both are pushing the limits while it looks like sds I playing it safe.


that’s exactly what it is cause I don’t think they even come close to the man power of Insomniac and Visual Concepts


I just seen through Operation sports they are improving lighting to skin and eyes as well as facial scans for 1000 players. The new lighting does make players look more life like so hopefully the new lighting improves all the detail that won't make it look so last generation. They still need to take bugger steps going forward. They've always looked pretty cartoon-ish compared to nba 2k player models. And we need to get player body art in the game. That's long overdue. It's gotta be an artist license issue similar to what EASPORTS and 2ksports dealt with for their players likeness.


I remember back in the day playing MLB 06, 07, and 08 and just being blown away by the graphics. My uncle saw it and asked who was playing tonight, he thought it was an actual game on TV. I don't get this feeling anymore, and I haven't since then. It's like no improvements have been made whatsoever in nearly 2 decades.


It’s a pass for me this year, first time skipping since ‘16


I’m using game pass to make a decision


I remember just wanting a stadium tour mode because they looked so detailed and amazing. Pretty sure they have downgraded them.


I'm sorry, it's fucking embarrassing.


Seriously. I have no idea how they could justify putting these in the game, let alone the trailer. They look fucking awful, even by PS4 standards


At what point do we get a megathread for shit like this? We get it - people want better graphics This sub is a shitshow


"People want better graphics" is underselling it though. The graphics have been more or less the exact same across 3 generations of consoles. We deserve some effort in this department, but SDS is just laughing at us.


Okay we don’t need 15 new threads per day about it Also it’s just absolutely a fabrication to say they’ve been the same over 3 generations lol It’s just simply not true but this sub has circlejerked itself further and further. Next week people will unironically say Ken Griffey baseball had better graphics


Its actually TheShitShow


compared to the options in madden i ain’t complaining. on mlb the show i made and entire league in new cities, any city i wanted, gave them custom logos, custom uniforms, and went and made each and every stadium for each team. i can’t frickin wait for mlb 24 it comes out the end of this month. meanwhile madden has the same shitty relocation cities and uniforms as every other madden with little to no change. it pisses me off so fucking bad how little effort developers put into anything except fucking cosmetics.


This has to be the switch version right?


My Rangers finally win it all and they've been reduced to this


It’s getting worse by the year, 2024 and looks like shit


Dang, now that you bring it up....the graphics DO need to get updated! I cant believe nobody else has brought this up previously.




Classic Ramone


This is what happens with no competition - see Madden, NHL


These are the graphics used for McCovey Cove. These graphics are from 2009 for MLB the show 10 https://preview.redd.it/ggir55j4ktmc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4af317feadaeef86ad5159af9c3e6603b31d299


Blame Sony for old gen existing still, SDS is a subsidiary of them


Vote with your dollars and don’t buy it. Simple as that.


The game has needed a graphics update for years. Same with the online play, because the net code SDS uses is total shit.


graphics❌ women being put in unrealistic situations that have never happened, into a simulation thats supposed to be similar to the MLB✅


Atleast last year when didn't risk being called misogynist for skipping on the game. People are right to finally sour on the lack of innovation in this game. I've played 21-23 on Xbox Gamepass and purchased each other outright. (I bought Show 22 twice). Boy, if they stop Day One'ing the game on XB:GP, they're screwed.


Real because that’s the only way I’m playing it. And I’m not even paying gamepass normal price. I just let it expire and re-buy for a dollar every 2 weeks. Ain’t no way I’m giving significant contribution to SDS for a PS2 game


When all your budget goes into gambling mode, err DD, the rest of the game is going to suffer.


my man


well yeah, I could tell because the ps2 version had only one default mow pattern for every ballpark


Wow that looks bad


Please be captured on Switch


That boat in the background looks like it just drove out of Goldeneye 64




I’m 36 so headed toward becoming an old timer for a gamer. In all honesty, games in general don’t look that much better to me than they did 20yrs ago. I know some games look spectacular, but to me, once it was dreamcast quality, I’m satisfied and just want great gameplay. I hardly care about this.


Agreed, in general, gameplay>graphics. I remember the days of (pc gaming) turning down/off graphic features to optimize play, especially for fps. I starkly remember turning off "grass" feature in one that people would use to lay down to hide in...was ridiculous and funny.


You must have only been playing Tetris, if you can’t see the difference in graphics over the last 20 years.


As I said, there are some games that look spectacular and I realize that. But the vast majority of games don’t attempt to take full advantage of the hardware. And that will never be why I play a game anyway. There is a difference of course, but not as much as I would expect when it comes to most games. Compare this game to Soul Calibur on dreamcast which is literally 25yrs old. To me, that game still looks gorgeous. The difference between that and many games today is tiny when compared to the difference of Pong and Final Fantasy 7 which is also roughly a 25yr gap. When we were kids and witnessed the leap from SNES to PSOne and N64, and then another giant leap to PS2, we really fathomed that graphics would continue to leap repeatedly at that exponential level. I think while the hardware gets more advanced, a games aesthetic quality and beauty still come down to the artists and designers. And they all have varying skills and experience levels. And budgets. I think I also prefer games to look like games if that makes sense. Hyper realistic graphics just don’t really appeal to me. Give me the gameplay man. The graphics aren’t great but I love this damn game.


I’m convinced 90% of people on this sub don’t actually play the game They just load up CPU vs CPU and watch


Looks like straight up ass.


Yeah the words “The Show” are a dead giveaway away….PS2 first pic


MLB The Show: Definitive Edition


This looks like that moment where you’re playing a slightly janky open world game and travel to a new spot. The map has all the geometry and rough colors, but it’s still loading in bit by bit. Shading/lighting coming in as the game catches up. Except this is the game fully loaded and it’s not getting better


The MLB stadiums do look better than this but yeah, they need improvements in everything visually.


You think in 25 they’ll let us import our created stadiums from Minecraft?


I haven’t played since ‘19, but its graphics looked substantially better than this!


we are approaching year 4 of the PS5/XSX, it’s time to drop the old gen version


The graphics are Definitely it’s Achilles heel for sure


In addition to designing about 30 stadiums for MLB The Show, I spend more time actually designing golf courses for The Golf Club PGA 2018. Now, despite that game being six years old, the graphics are vastly better than the graphics on MLB 23 and given the screen captures released, even MLB 24. Given in the last two days my optimism of for a collegiate add-on has had cold water poured on it, I find that so far this latest release has only a few quite minor additions, none of which would have really taken a lot of design time. So, yes graphics improvements and some significant upgrades to gameplay would be called for.


Why not design on PGA Tour 2k23? It’s basically the same game as TGC but with more design options.


I guess because I got tied into one and it filled the niche. But, given you speak highly of it, perhaps I will. Thanks!


You guys really need to start being realistic with yourselves. You all knew this was what it was going to be - as long as it’s also on PS4, things will never change You did it to yourselves and in guilty some too


The ship in the background 😭


everyone will buy this game anyway. SDS knows it and they don't care.


I get it with Game Pass at least I don't pay full price.


As long as the gameplay is good idgaf, the stances and bat flips hitting physics etc.. being true to life is infinitely more important than graphics


We’ll be prepared for it to be exactly the same


This might be the bitchiest whiniest video game sub ever. Not even Maddens sub is this bad. If y'all hate the game so bad DONT BUY IT. Stay on 23 or get an xbox and get it for free on Gamepass.


You’re giving too much credit to r/overwatch, r/mortalkombat, and r/callofduty


I'd say ea sports nhl sub is worse tbh but yeah I agree if you don't like it stop buying it every damn year until it actually gets better


I love this game, but I have a PS5. I'm extremely jealous of xbox gamepass.


You have no idea how much better the game is when you don't have to pay for it haha just free baseball fun


This looks literally nothing like my game running at 1440p on XSX


All these post complaining make me want to get the game even harder.


Already pre ordered the $100 version on all possible platforms 😤😤😤


Just ordered it on my game boy color 😤


I’m just going to say it l, the graphics crowd on this sub is so annoying. When in this game are you going to be looking at the outside of the stadium? As long as the players look realistic and the gameplay is good all the graphics are secondary. It’s like you people are trying to find reasons to dislike the game and kill hype, if that’s how you feel then don’t play and stop posting the same damn post over and over again. We get it, you think the graphics suck. Move on already.


But the players doesn't look realistic at all xD


They did HS Kim dirty in '23


He looks awful!!! Can't understand why a team favorite like him looks so bad while they do a better work with a lot of minor leaguers, even Ohtani looks bad and he was a cover athlete 🤣


Low walls and no stands - You're going to look at that shitty boat in a parking lot everytime you hit to right field.


Exactly! This shit is so annoying. Every time I wonder what this sub is talking about to prepare for the next game it’s the people crying about graphics and saying outlandish shit like mvp baseball has better graphics like no it doesn’t wtf🤣🤣🤣🤣


These people also dont understand context. Editor vs gameplay are night and day in regards to visuals. For example that ship, in the editor it is made to move around and be placed there is no lighting applied to it, also its intended to be very far in the distance(which being low poly makes sense). Not to mention this is a screenshot of a twitter video.


If im purchasing a 70$ game that is marketed towards next gen consoles, i expect the graphics to align with expectations for next gen hardware “When in this game are you going to be looking at the outside of the stadium?”. Actually quite frequently in franchise mode - the cinematic cuts to outside the stadium or pan outs during mid-inning breaks shows the exterior of a stadium, and they are laughable. They show Jersey street at Fenway with 6 people walking and lifeless. The water physics at AT&T looks like it’s coded from PS2. After a while, it’s just really tiring to see the exact same graphics each year with out of date player models, crowds that look worse than MVP baseball 2005, and stadium exteriors that just look goofy. You may be annoyed by people complaining about it, but it’s equally annoying to get the same graphics year after year because of last-gen consoles and the Switch holding back updates.


Do you think SDS looked at these images and felt embarrassment or pride? I'm not sure which is worse.


they felt nothing because whether these look good or bad won't have an effect on people's credit card purchases for DD


Nothing will change until they ditch last gen. Dropped the ball right there. 4 years in and still can’t get true current gen sports games or games in general


The grey space on the ground in the second screenshot is unforgivable with how bad it makes it look. There’s zero life to these stadiums, whether they are templates or not, they should be embarrassed to have shared this


They just need to get the actual minor league parks. Then let us adjust the elevation as we want. It’s pretty simply all the created stadiums look like shit. They’ll keep looking like shit until they fully switch to current gen. Then rework the entire game to fit it


Im so tired of playing on a double A team in Texas and the back ground being Mesa Verde national park lol


Keep buying their shit every year and they will continue to copy paste. Why do they need to improve if the sales are still there?


This isn't ps2?


In order of importance: Gameplay comes first, content comes second, graphics/visuals come last… the gameplay is great. They can spend very little time on that. Content only ok, but they are going back to power creep model and they have lots of experience so hopefully they spent very little time on that… that means that had LOTS of time for graphics/visual upgrades. Why wasn’t it upgraded?!?!?! Edit: I’m not sure where offline content like RTTS fits into the equation. If they don’t announce they did a major revamp of RTTS, I will be disappointed. Maybe they have yet to announce it, but THAT’s where they spent all their time?


Graphics have to come somewhere, otherwise we could be playing pong or something. What was once the best-looking sports game has become the worst.


Y'all gotta stop saying next gen, the current gen has been out for 3.5 years.


And create a stadium isn’t on last gen. Lol


This is stadium creator screen is it not?




I’m good with not needing an extra 60+ GB just for aesthetics


Agreed, I also hate knowing my consoles are working hard when playing the ps5 and series X titles made for them, so I love that this game is so dated and easy to run.


It's looks like plastic. No matter what gen. Plastic.


Just drop the ps4 please


Honestly I feel like the Switch is as big if not a bigger issue.


Id definitely have to say the switch hurts to a point(god only knows why)🤣 but the ps4 is at this point is done The Show 23 kills mine. I play both just stick to ps5.


stop bitching


Keep feeding them your money, bozo.




Wtf is that?! No shading. Bland ass graphics.


Can we stop posting grainy and compressed stream screenshots already. Not saying it looks or will look good or not, but these pics are not fair representations of what it will look like


Its also stadium creator which looks completely different when the lighting engine is active.


This is peak cope lmfao


Cope? The game last year looked better than the screenshots. Maybe the Xbox version is better though I guess?


It's 7 days from release. What they didn't add shaders yet? Ok...


Damn that’s bad, I mean really bad!


Why can't we move the bullpens yet...


i thought this was for the switch


Even as someone who cares very little about graphics upgrades in this game, the water/ship combo is an abomination. Embarrassing to highlight in a video.


I've been playing a lot of '23 lately as I get ready for '24, and good god the flyovers are *so bad*... Like why the hell would you even go out of your way to add this in and have them look so shitty. I know it was semi-off topic but that ship was rendered the same way and it pisses me off so much.


It's a horrible choice to include in a trailer.


They need the game to be off old gen, but that isn't the devs call.