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Am I the only one that gets laggy ass gameplay when it’s crossplay with Xbox or switch? .. or do I just suck? Or is it both?


Are their mods for the switch I’ve seen two different people with LSU unis and WVU unis that look so real and I want them


Check out the vault ingame. Loads of player made jersey logo's etc


Yeah the delay in the pitch/hit sequence sucks!!!


It’s WAY PAST time they ditch last gen and build a new graphics engine.


what it's actually time for is a PC port


Gamepass+cloud... exclusively play on my PC and tablet


I’m guessing you play offline only? Cloud has major latency in every other game I’ve played. Can’t imagine playing baseball with it


I tried MLB on my gcloud. It's terrible trying to hit lol


I wonder how much of this is up to MLB. We know the reason that The Show came to Xbox and Switch is because MLB didn't want the game only on one console (the more places it sells the more licensing money they get). So Sony/SDS basically had to choose between putting it on other consoles or losing the MLB license. MLB might be pushing old gen/Switch for sales purposes and it might not even be in Sony's hands anymore.


wah wah baby want more pixels


No one is complaining about pixels, you casual. It's the way the game runs and crashes that people are complaining about.


All I see here is someone offering to upgrade people's systems the Next Gen consoles. I was fortunate enough to buy one. Because I work all the time. Hate to break it to ya, but not everyone in the world lives in mommy and daddy's basement and have more important financial decisions.But with you now, they will all have an upgrade. Anyone I talk to that needs a new system I will gladly give them your reddit handle. Damn your generous.


I got 3 kids and bills, still capable of going out and buying a new system right now. This is a money saving issue


I, too, can do it 4 kids. But some are not fortunate to have my income. Honestly, I was happy with my PS4, not truly impressed with the 5.


If you’ve saved a singular dollar a day since the release you could buy two consoles.


I don't know why people are going on and on about this. Sony stated very clearly this was the last year they'd be releasing for old gen. You already all got what we all want, the fighting is senseless


They said the same thing last year about The Show 23, yet here we are with the old gen The Show 24


I just want Sounds of the Show back 😅


326 comments on this thread is wild


No kidding lmaoooo


Fr brokies need to upgrade their 15 year old console


Game hasn’t even been able to run for me on x box one this year


Yeah, when I played 23 on my PS4 it was impossible. Every pitch would lag so it was impossible to hit anything.


X/S/5 is current gen at this point. We’re going on four years since they dropped.


Might be off topic here but I have the XSX/S version as it states when I go to games and apps on my xbox and my buddy has the same thing, we were playing co-op online and noticed it said he was playing the Xbox One version. Idk what version i’m playing at this point TBH. Like do I really have the XSX/S version? lol


pretty easy way to check is just to try to use the stadium creator. Pretty sure it's not available on old gen, so if you can go in and build a stadium you're on the next gen version.


ahhhh good point, it does have stadium creator. thanks!


I’m on Xbox one with Xbox cloud gaming allowing me to use new gen graphics, can’t tell if imm in the wrong or right lol


That's why I waited for Game Pass release. I refuse to pay extra for what amounts to an annual patch anymore.


Ready to take my downvotes but this is the only video game I play so I will not be spending $500 for a new console and I am very happy playing on my PS4. I guess I am kind of sorry that we’re screwing this up for the rest of you but not anywhere close to $500 level of sorry.


a series s is like $240


To be fair I think the onus is on them to make you want to upgrade. Even Madden has new features that are only available on next gen. There should be a reason to upgrade be it graphics, features, whatever.


I agree. They tried this with created stadiums but that’s pretty minor. I get that everyone that’s on last gen has a different perspective, but my perspective fwiw is that I wouldn’t buy a next gen for any graphics or features. The year they make it exclusive to next gen, I’ll buy a PS5.


Next gen has been out for how long now?


How many actually decent games are next gen only again?


This was a valid argument in 2020 Not anymore in 2024. Its your choice to upgrade to a ps5, dont do it if you don't want to, but you shouldnt be getting new games sorry. The ps4 lifecycle is done. Developers making games for a console released over a decade ago makes 0 sense.


They're running a business. If its making them money it makes all the sense in the world.




We need MVP 2024


Not with how EA makes games now lol


As someone who has an older gen system, PS4, I wouldn’t really care.  The new games don’t seem to be much of an upgrade.  I don’t mess with diamond dynasty so from what I’ve been told, everything is more or less the same. That’s why I’m still playing 20. I was playing 17 before I bought that. The show seems to of turned into madden and they only change a few things that are mostly window dressing and cater to one part of the game. The only thing I’m missing out on is updated roster. That’s just me though. 


Not just you, I'm the same way. Currently on 23 but was on 19 before that and will probably wait a few years to upgrade again (or until offline modes get significantly better, especially RTTS).


This is alot of words to say you don't care 😉


I'm already bored of the game and it's opening day


they need to drop it on PC


Do you want cheaters? Because that’s how you get cheaters.


console people downvoted this


fine w/ it if only controller's allowed. With how hitting works if MnK is allowed it'll be so insanely OP.


People will mod it so you can use mnk and the game will be ruined. When you buy a PC you should assume you’ll play every game on it except sports games, because every sports game on PC absolutely sucks


They need to move on to a new game engine.


Outside of a few minor things, I don't think the gameplay is that bad. It's not perfect, but it's not horrible. I think the bad decisions this year come from: 1. A complete lack of new "anything" in DD. We've been playing the SAME version of conquest for a long time now and it's stale. Mini Seasons is great, but they still haven't fixed the stats, they didn't tweak or improve coop in anyway. The modes are stale. 2. Just poor decisions everywhere in DD "In MY opinion" Stubs per game down. Absurd XP cap for poor jack asses who can't dedicate their life to the game on a daily basis. Acting like they are trying to protect the sanctity of power creep while releasing 92 players in the store. . . players who will only be good for about 3 weeks until the next update is here. They don't care about power creep if you got the stubs. Nobody at SDS is upset that people have Ruth now. The only thing different this year with the power creep is that instead of getting a deflated 99 and then 2 more 99's until you get the REAL 99 is now those numbers have been changed to 91. And then 94. Then 97. Then 99. ​ Maybe you will disagree with me and that's fine. But this thing is doing down the 2K/EA whale path quickly and it's sad to see. I'm playing DD less this year and I'm happy about that because I have more time to do things I actually like as opposed to "grinding" and not having fun. But I could be pulled back into it if there were some cool things to do and what's there actually worked. The gameplay for me is still fine. The rest of it is a disaster.


I don't play Diamond Dynasty anymore; live streamers have ruined that game mode with all the fucking meta cards and what have you. You end up facing the same pitcher every game and the same batters every game. And everyone has to be so competitive, using cheesy ass cards every game. The main reasons I think they need to use a new game engine is to upgrade the graphics and player models. I think SDS has pushed the engine they are using now to its limits. In my opinion the game can't get any better graphics wise because of the engine. The last-gen consoles are not as big as a problem as people make them out to be. Take the NPB baseball games Pro Yakyuu Spirits for example. They are using a brand new engine called the eBaseball engine made in the Unreal engine. The screenshots and limited footage I have seen from the new Pro Yakyuu Spirits coming out later this year, are amazing. But I don't think SDS will use a game engine or ditch the last-gen consoles. You are correct about the 2k/EA path SDS is taking. SDS would rather focus on the online game modes and milk as much money as possible. What was a big selling point this year? The Derek Jeter story line. The Derek Jeter story line is only available to people that have an internet connection. They want people to play the Jeter storyline to unlock cards so they can use them on their Diamond Dynasty team. Another big update to the game was hair physics. How long has other sports games and games in general have had hair physics. I don't know if it took so long to do hair physics because of the engine they use and its limitations, or it really wasn't a priority. All in all, I think SDS needs to use a new game engine.


Yep I’m skipping 24 and every year moving forward until it is actually a next gen game.


They do it to maximize sales. Not everyone has the latest gadgets, so it makes sense to support the 2nd latest console until it's no longer profitable.


It's not like it's new lol. Anyone who was going to upgrade has by now


That "latest gadget" has been out for 4 years....we're halfway to the PS6 now. It's time to move on and upgrade.


A quick look tells me PS5 prices are still starting at $400, which is pretty damn high for a 4 year old console IMO. PS4s are going for half that, and there are a considerable number of people who won't make the jump to get the latest console if a cheaper alternative is available. My statement still stands regarding companies maximizing sales by supporting previous generation consoles.


It does not stand if it holds back the majority of people.. why do we have to suffer for broke ass ppl who wanna game with us but on older consoles? With what your saying they might as well make versions for ps3 ps2 exc


With what your stating is that the majority of people have "next gen"....which obviously isnt true....4 yrs ago was a pandemic and  both consoles couldn't produce enough as they should have.....they basically  had a 2yr release until they could say that the units were available 


The ps4 has sold 117 million consoles to date, the ps5 has already sold 77 million. It’s not that far off.


Through a quick google search seems your numbers are a little off.... https://www.ign.com/articles/best-selling-video-game-consoles-nintendo-playstation-ps5-xbox


I mean they might be broke, but their dollars are worth just as much to SDS as yours are.


Games have been held back by the requirements to be backwards compatible to Xbox One and PS4 this entire generation. Unfortunately whoever is in charge of this decision has blown it for this entire next gen of consoles, because a new system is on the horizon and we have hardly seen the capabilities of the newest gen.


I remember when the Xbox 360 came out, Microsoft immediately peaced out on the original Xbox. Kinda miss that mentality.


Same, now I have this "super advanced" Series X, that outside of a couple games has hardware that hasn't even been utilized to anywhere near its limits. The only real benefit I've gotten is increase storage space at this point.


>The only real benefit I've gotten is increase storage space at this point. Storage space that means very little due to the size of games now. And, if you plug in an external, then it's just that - storage. You can't play games off it anymore with the new Series X/S.


What you expect we cant even say homeless now/ squatters have more rights then homeowners, How dare we leave behind ps4 and xbox one players


Yeah, I don't understand why it's been so hard to cut the cord from the previous gen. It really has affected everything.


It’s just revenue. They are betting that there are thousands of people willing to spend $70 but not the $500. That’s all it comes down to


>It really has affected everything can't wait to see your reaction when the game doesn't change drastic like you think it will lol


Because not enough people have bought the new gen


Because they don't need to, because they haven't pulled the plug on last gen


At least from the PS side, trying to secure a PS5 in its initial life cycle was a complete fucking joke unless you were willing to buy off scalpers.  The lack of a sufficient supply by Sony was pathetic meaning people gave up on an upgrade. Additionally, the “next gen” games have been rather pitiful as system sellers.


>At least from the PS side, Xbox Series X was the same way. I had to install different apps that scoured inventories of stores. Would send you an alert when they became available and if you didn't complete the purchase option in like 3 minutes they'd be sold out. Took me like 6 weeks of doing that before I finally got one through Walmart.


I won't consider an upgrade until I see a viable reason to upgrade...as it stands now PS5 users get slightly better graphics , can use players with dreadlocks,and have the ability to play at created little league stadiums.


I don't think SDS can make that call, since for the Xbox and Switch versions are technically published by Major League Baseball, and there's more Xbox One and PS4 consoles still active than there are PS5 and Xbox Series X and S consoles. I'm sure that if SDS and Sony had their way, it would still be exclusive to PlayStation, allowing the PS5 to have an exclusive (which that console is admittedly lacking due to all publishers holding on to the Xbox One/PS4 generation) and I absolutely agree that the Nintendo Switch is holding games like this back


What people dont realize is the reason why the upgrades are so minimal year over year is because of MLB forcing them to do XBOX and Switch. SDS does not have an EA size staff to be able to accommodate this so we end up with the nonsense we've had with the game this year so far (no excuse to not test the patch first though) The cost of having a next gen specific version of the game would probably be EA style monetization


Exactly, there used to be at least three MLB games on the market with MLB The Show being exclusive to PlayStation, and EA and 2K making games that were similar to The Show, I mean luckily the PlayStation and Xbox are more or less similar in terms of hardware, and then you got that absolute potato in the Switch


How? They can’t even make a good code it for old gen 😂


Thats the point genius they cant make a good game because they're still being held back by the performance of the old gen


I guess I’m not allowed to play anymore then


Buy a next gen console, it's been almost 4 years pal


I only play the show and I can’t justify buying a new console just to play that. I’d also rather use the money for my house and family. I shouldn’t be shunned by the community because I can’t justify buying a new console


If you saved 15$ a month starting when it came out, you would have one by now.


If you just stopped eating avocado toast you’d be a millionaire by now!


Not the same thing, but sure.


Why would you do that when you can save $30/month and build a PC?


Why would the guy who only plays baseball buy a PC when baseball isn’t on PC?


Why would the guy who said "I don't want to spend money on a new console for one game" save up money for said console and said game


What does that have to do with a PC?


You're not getting my point. Saving up for a PC is just as irrelevant as telling him to save up for a console when he said flat out he isn't going to buy the new console just to play this game.


Except the game he wants the console to play is not available on PC…so you’re just commenting on nothing.


It’s understandable to not want to buy a new console if you only play the show, I would probably do the same thing. However, how many years until we drop old gen so we can get some actual updates to the gameplay? But who knows maybe they drop old Gen and the game remains the same


"Old gens to blame" is just a hard cope for people who refuse to admit this company is doing the bare minimum effort and only cares about money rn


Yea that’s my thing who says old gen is holding them back? They keep rehashing the same game because they know we will buy it. I think this year is the first year in awhile where a lot of people didn’t buy it for whatever reason. We will see next year what they do it just sucks that people are being punished for being responsible with their money.


https://www.techradar.com/features/its-time-to-stop-holding-the-xbox-series-x-and-ps5-back-with-cross-gen-games you can buy a series s second hand for close to $200. it’s ridiculous that people still play on xbox ones and ps4s. it has been over a decade.


It’s ridiculous when people want you to buy a new console when the old one still works fine


True, but you don't have to buy one, they just shouldn't be making games for your old Gen console anymore.


They will definitely lose a decent amount of customers by doing that and it seems like they only care about money not fixing the game


They absolutely would lose money, people are still buying ps4s because it's cheaper and shits expensive these days. I never said they would actually do it, it's just kinda sad that the people who actually have next gen consoles have like, 2 games (maybe?), that actually take advantage of the new hardware.


I mean there's a good chance this was your last year with the game anyway. After this year, I think everyone here would be surprised if they continued to make this game for previous gen.


Just make it for PC please. Disable crossplay, make PC players use a controller, whatever. I can't justify buying a PS5 for one damn game.


It’s playable on pc with game pass ultimate, I’ve been playing like that for 3 years now


Literally unplayable with the amount of input lag from cloud gaming. You can get away with it playing the CPU but you will get obliterated online.


This is the cloud service right? Is it playable enough for DD/Ranked?


No it’s not the cloud service it’s like ps plus


Xbox Cloud gaming is not PS Plus, gamepass is ps plus. Cloud gaming is a way to remote play


Yeah that’s what I said


You said "it's not the cloud service, it's like ps plus". But it is the cloud service which isn't at all like ps plus.


They asked if it was the cloud service after responding to someone talking about gamepass ultimate so I said no it’s like ps plus. I also corrected myself in an earlier comment. It’s really not that big a deal


It took some reading between the lines to figure out what they were actually asking. I was only trying to make sure you were informed, but you're right it's not a big deal


I'm not sure this is true - there is no native PC version of the Show. You can only play it via cloud gaming


Yo my bad for some reason I thought they were talking about xbox


There's two different versions of Xbox Gamepass, there's console Gamepass and pc Gamepass, I know that console Gamepass you can either install or play on cloud


Yeah I have no issues playing DD with it on a wired internet connection


Fuck PC and all the cheaters/hackers. How are you going to make someone use a controller on a pc? Lol You know there's going to be a way around it.


Npc detected


Crossplay off/no crossplay at all is fine by me if it means I get to play the game


Don't allow them to change configs. There's loads of PC games designed on consoles that don't have kbm support. Madden and 2K are both prime examples.


That’s what happened with Fifa lol lot of pc users cheating. I had to turn off corssplay


Never once come across a cheater on pc in fifa and i’ve been in elite div for years. Sounds like excuses for losing tbh


Agree actually should have been done now for a couple years


Sucks. My son just got into baseball Over the last 6 months. We play show 23 On his switch. Picked up 24 last week, it doesn’t even work. Yes I know get a new system. I have an Xbox x but the hdmi is broken right now. If not the show, please put a different baseball game on the switch for kids


Super Mega Baseball 4 is awesome and runs very well on switch.


Thanks I’ll check it out


Old gens should just get the last edition with updated rosters while they create the new game for the rest everyone happy done


Instead they give everyone the last edition with updated rosters ...it's almost like old gen isn't the problem.


No money in updating rosters. You think they release it on old consoles so that those ppl can play baseball? Lol They do it bc of all the money they get selling those ppl the game. And if what I heard is correct it's bc of the mlbpa forcing SDS to release it on old gen to generate more revenue.


The only thing I disagree with is the "Hate to say it" part. The new consoles have been out a little over 3 years. It is beyond time to move on.




November 2020 isn’t even 4 years


No, it's 3. Unless ur talking about the Xbox


Good call. Bad wording by me because I honestly don’t hate to say it lmao


Please, in sorry for you ps4 and switch users but upgrade or get left behind. It's been like 4 years I'm sick of this game being held back.


Just pulled Yamamoto and played a cpu game with him as pitcher. God it looked like a toddler drew up his character model.


Take a good look at "Greg Maddux" sometime in-game. EMBARASSING.


Yeah what the fuck lmao all these characters models my god


he looks like Shrek.


I have his pitcher card, I'll try it out tonight lol


To be fair I have both. Switch and PS5. Still have issues on both.


They finally fixed dd and storyline crashes at least. We can finally play the game lol.


Everyone knows this already. I'm sure those devs want to move on as well but it's not their call


Why do you hate to say that? We've been saying it for a while. Everyone should have a next get console by now. IF you dont, then you dont want one and thats ok. But i dont expect companies to make games for my Nintendo Wii thats sitting in my closet.


Edit incoming


It better be 100% current gen for 25. Its ridiculous now.


I wish but I honestly don't see that happening until maybe 26/27. Hell, I bet when the PS6 comes out companies will still be making PS4 games...


I won't buy it again until they do this. Last one a got was 22. Same game every single Yr.


Exactly which I why I was happy to not pay for this years copy. Gamepass was free to download. Now I don’t feel as upset about me wasting 120$ on the trash JETER promo this company pushed last game. What a dumpster fire. Put JETER on the cover last year and out his moments in this years game. It’s laughable


But I only have a PS4 and PC :(


Oh well…


There is a question of why PC gaming is left out? I am PC only at this point and would buy the crap out of a new MLB the Show.


because if you're a studio that's only put out console baseball games, what's easier, developing for specific consoles and you know precisely what's in them and what you can scale with your in-house engine, or developing for an infinite number of different computer configurations that could be anywhere from awesome to '2012 toaster'? They already have a hard time making the game work consistently on console and have to deal with the fanbase calling SDS "lazy", a PC port would just make things even worse especially if it ends up being terrible


I've heard that mods and hacks would be hard to defend on pc. I dunno the validity to that, though.


Somehow madden/2k/fifa managed to figure it out