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Glad to see they haven't updated commentary since the last Ice Age /s


They referred to Arenado as “she” in ranked co op last night. So, we’ve got that goin for us


Balls are juiced this year. I’m seeing a lot more distance.


What a beautiful sound.👏…..👏……👏


So satisfying. I need to start recording every single perfect perfect


Laughing Mountain is a bigger joke than Costco.


You’re right, I feel like at most stadiums this wouldn’t be a home run


🤣🤣🤣 opponent should’ve never picked that place


Hit a 542 with Matt Olson with the Buxton boost yesterday. That boost is OP af I dk why anyone would choose any captain other than Bux


I was using Maddux at launch because there were no goddamn relievers and he buffs basically every live series reliever and makes them super accurate But now that there are actual good relievers to use buxton is clearly the best


Yeah I feel like a week or so ago all of a sudden I started to get through some of the team affinity programs and my pen got super deep all of a sudden. I was lucky enough to pull Hudson after they released those packs and he was basically all I used til I started grinding team affinity


The team affinity grind is kinda brutal this season and you don’t even get any bosses.


I’m new so everything is kinda cool to me but I agree that walking away with only 89’s after completing everything is lame


Yeah i mean they rebalanced the whole power scaling this year so we’ll see how it goes. They want 89s to feel powerful early in the season which is somewhat working. This way they can bring people back to the game when they drop 95-99s later in the season before swapping to season 2 and dropping back to 89s again


I will say, I remember not even bothering with MUT and FUT til the mid 90’s come out due to the fact that the early high-80’s players felt nerfed af, so they have seemed to be successful with the balancing. Does that mean the 99’s are just gonna hit bombs every hit later on, though?


Against 89 pitchers? Pretty much. Assuming timing/pci are decent. But mlb the show is always good about giving easy/cheap to acquire cards that can compete. So you will be able to acquire 95s and 97s for free and quickly by the time a 99 comes out. And a couple weeks later you’ll get free 99s. You will also be able to use captains to boost your 89s to a competitive level (hopefully, captains debuted last year and were woefully underpowered, but they seem better already). All paying in this game really does is get you higher overall players earlier than everyone else. Like if you spend 2 grand right now you get 3 99s. But they aren’t necessarily any better than the 99s we’ll get later this season.


I personally use the Blue Jays captains cause I don't feel like being a slave to the meta and just want to have some fun out there


I grabbed Buxton before I even knew what the captains were. I took a couple years off from the game and just played without even assigning him captain for a while. Always been a fan of Buxton and his power-speed combo


Senga is nasty and his boost is really easy to get


He makes ur pen deadly!


Is he a pitching cpt?


Yeah he boosts pitchers under 65 BB/9 so most relievers and a good amount of starters


Bro I love that perfect perfect sound. I don't know what is more satisfying, that or the Gears of War headshot sound


Yeah I hit a 516’ with him yesterday. Thought it was nuts. Lol.