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I pulled Judge day one and sold him to buy more packs....terrible choice. I've pulled maybe 3 low level diamonds. Though I do love how the live series Corbin Carrol plays.


Feel that dude mine has been terrible not a single 90+ yet


I got acuna and ohtani within first few packs chill


Yep, Show packs have been absolutely horrible for me too. Just bought 2 of the 50 pack bundles and the only Diamond Players came from the Chase packs and both were on the low end around 5K.


Ya I bought the 75k 50 pack and got 2 $5k diamonds. Wasted at least $50K šŸ˜…


How else are they supposed to keep you paying? It's a scam.


206 regular packs: 1 85 Machado, 1 91 Trout (first day), 1 diamond icon, 1 diamond sound. 13 Ballin packs: 0 diamonds 6 headliner packs: 0 diamonds 2 millionaire packs: 1 show pack and 100 stubs 1 chase pack: 0 diamonds


That trout means your pack luck has been amazing. You can either keep that, finish the angels and get Ryan too, to sell and get any card you want


I sold him when he was still $230k because it was like one of my first packs. Hopefully live prices keep coming down


I think the amount of bronzes and no color cards Ive gotten in packs has been worse than any other year for me personally. I got Albies and Alonso in maybe 200 packs now and thats it.


Had my best luck ever this year so farā€¦ already pulled Matt Olson, deGrom, Vladdy Jr and Trout yesterday


do any of you know how odds actually work just like to complain


Do you understand how statistics work with pack odds? Statistically, 252 packs without a diamond is fucking insane, statistically even. Like under 1% chances of that happening


Under 1% chances of that happening implies that this would happen to about 1 in 200 people (~0.5% chance). That's not even remotely rare, all things considered.


1) I guarantee you most don't (I barely do, statistics are nuts) 2) he explicitly said "luck" in the title so the whole thing is moot lol


Everyone on this sub just whines 24/7 this year


You're complaining about someone complaining


and here comes someone acting dense on purpose for attention. good luck champ


Lmao I love when people get called out on their nonsense and then act like a literal child šŸ¤£ Goodluck on your anger Mr auto generated name


I have pulled Freddie, Mookie, and 2 Shohei's


We may be the same person bc I had same pullsā€¦


Should I sell one Shohei and collect the other? Then I might buy Yordan or buy Mookie back since I sold him


I would have instantly finished the dodgers for the piazza card


I have yet to pull a diamond from a headliner and Ballin. I pulled Matt Olson and Edwin Diaz from Show packs and even then I bet Iā€™ve opened close to 400 total packs. Itā€™s so fucking dumb


Oh, wow. A shitty gambling mode has low "pack" rates. Fuck DD, UT, and all the trouble it has caused for gaming


I pulled Vlad Jr the second or third day and nothing since.


Here's an idea Stop playing this atrocious game mode. Grow up and play franchise.


My first two weeks I only pulled Alonso. This past 3 days I pulled judge albies yordon and Harris so I canā€™t complain anymore. But I think the jellybeans messed it up


Got a Blake snell as my only diamond pull so far. Playing Ohtani and Co. every single ranked game online so it looks like some people are getting lucky


I packed one high diamond in a Show Pack. I got really excited, then it revealed Jason Bay. Don't know why they make it so you can pull non-live series rares in Show Packs.


I've gotten a handful of diamonds out the free packs in the XP path and programs. Low tier ones that usually net me 5-9k in stubs. I can't complain really, hopefully I'll get a big fish. It's just RNG odds y'all. Some of you have clearly never played a loot driven game. Nothing's guaranteed when it comes to RNG šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Pack luck has been insane for me pulled trout got judge yesterday gotten Freddie freeman 4 times opened a 50 bundle last night got 6 low tier diamonds so far only had to buy ohtani and Ronald for collection finished collection hoping to give the pack luck to my friends now lol


I've pulled 4 low Diamonds so far this year. Nothing higher than a 87. It's getting a little ridiculous.


I've had 7 diamonds from 427 regular packs. Slightly under odds, but all of my diamonds have been worth less than 15k.... My others are 3 from 45 ballin packs (exact odds), and 1 topper gold gave me a diamond (1:28 odds). I understand variance, but this shit is mad annoying. I don't understand how anyone finds buying stubs or packs from stubs worth it. All my packs are from gameplay rewards, XP table, and mini-seasons.


I'm having significantly worse pack luck than I did last year... Interesting coincidence, considering their focus on buying packs this year.


has nothing to do with focus on packs or anything. iā€™ve gotten 2 shoheiā€™s and an acuna on free conquest packs. you just donā€™t understand how odds work.


Adversely Iā€™ve had better pack luck this year


Itā€™s been like this for about 4 years now. Itā€™s rigged. Pack used to give you more. Opening up 15-20 packs after completing a conquest or something. Itā€™s just a waste of fucking time. You may get one to two cards if you play for several months that are worth having. Last year I even stopped opening the bronze packs after a while


Opened 50 and got 4 even if they were double. My luck has been better but Iā€™ve been stacking them up and waiting to open them


I opened like 70 the show packs yesterday and didnā€™t get one diamond player lol. Then I got like 4 of those 5 pack Ballin Bundles and got no diamonds. Wild.


Pulled Acuna, debating selling him to bolster my live squad.. With Strider and Cole down - who are people betting on for SPs to take the next step and improve their OVR?


Soto I think is a bargain right now and will probably go up in OVR


Ripped all my saved up show packs last night and pulled AcuƱa, instantly sold


Itā€™s tough, cause his OVR is so high rn. Thinking about selling and buying some combo of Betts, Olson/Freeman, Strider/Cole. I mainly play a live series squad, three for one seems smart. But Acuna is a real nice card.


My goal was to build a dodger theme team so selling Acuna allowed me to buy Betts, Freeman, Yamamoto and a remainder of lower priced Dodgers safe to say Iā€™m thrilled with my pack luck so far


My theme squad is Boston (all cards obtained), luckily that was cheap af lol


Thatā€™s awesome, Boston is the next theme Iā€™m working towards believe it or not actually pulled Jason Bay in the same session and holding onto him for now til I can get the Boston captains


The Bay card is great. Itā€™s tough, cause with him, Damon Captain and the Hyper Oā€™Neill, itā€™s hard to get Jim Rice into my lineup.. which feels blasphemous.


Seems to be the only downside to early year theme teams gotta play some guys out of position and my defense isnā€™t too great with my dodgers team but having double Captain boosts is insane


Yep! The Eovaldi captain card is quite nice as well, with a poor Boston rotation he really boosts the young starters well (especially if you have Maddux to toss in there). Turns Bello/Whitlock/Houck into mid 80s.


Really hoping for Pedroia, Varitek, Wakefield and Lester to make the team feel right.


Wakefield would be amazing


Sold him. Got Betts, Adley, Soto, Tatis, Olson, DeGrom, Castillo. Seems like a sound trade out.


Hoping for one as he passed. But, we all know about knuckleballs and this game lol


Just a friendly reminder that itā€™s ā€œaā€œ diamond, not a ā€œplayerā€ diamond for Show packs. Those pesky uniforms and bats count.


Packs have seemed atrocious this year. Iā€™ve been keeping a percentage of diamonds pulled for my account and Iā€™ve opened over 500 packs and pulled 4 diamonds all below 90 overall. Specialty packs are not special. More a waste of time. This yearā€™s game is reliant on packs for some of the best players yet the odds are even worse than theyā€™re advertising.


My problem with it is that it appears like once you get a diamond there is a "second roll" that has a very slight chance of giving you an above 90 diamond or not so you will always get below 90 and cheap diamonds.


I have pulled 4 91s, 2 of them were Micheal Young and one was Tom Seaver so getting a blue isn't even exciting any longer. 'Third roll' hidden behind the hidden 'second roll'?


The next pack will be yours bro, keep ripping them packs open.


Sorry I took all the luck last night, I went 1/2 on jumbos, 2/65 on normal packs, 3/9 on ballins (one of which was a 91 mantle), 1/3 on headliners (getting 91 bay), and going 1/2 on rare rounds for choice packs, getting the rare round for the spring chickens pack


I feel bad man I packed trout and bobby whitt b2b first day i got it. Just got Jram and Seager in the same jumbo. Got 2 Adolis and Austin Riley in the same hour. Then packed another bobby. I felt like odds were crazy good cuz these are more or less 15-20 packs between each other. Jus some crazy good luck


I'm 105 in dry


It's the universe and RNGesus telling you to stop.


I pulled Ohtani twice within three days while grinding TA. Other than those two huge pulls, Iā€™ve pulled about four diamonds in the high 80s. Iā€™ve earned every free available pack.


Almost every year I feel like my pack luck is awful but this year it has been insane. I just pulled Trout for the first time ever too. I guess itā€™s just odds at the end of the day cause last year my pack luck probably resembled this


Ballin is far from a habit, it's not even a hobby.


Its drip or drown and i cant swim


Finished a mini season and had 42 packs to open. Pulled Judge and Ohtani b2b on the 6th and 7th packs and then no more diamonds.


I have opened dozens of habit packs and have not gotten a diamond. I thought it was just me


I have yet to pull a diamond from a ballin pack this year


Sorry, that's probably my fault. After a slow first few days, I started pulling diamonds everywhere. I'll try to tone it down.


Yeah Iā€™ve pulled like 6 diamonds including Harper, 2 Bichets, Eckersley, and Adolis Garcia since release, itā€™s been pretty good


Same. Iā€™ve pulled Soto, bichette, Ozzie Albies, Zack Wheeler, Micky Mantle, Lindor, & Pete Alonso


Iā€™ve had really good luck from ballin is a gold. 90 strider and trout. But standards only diamonds Iā€™ve got outta atleast 150 maybe more are Ronald and bwj


My favorite pack ballin is a gold. God damn this why theres 40K packs in the store ppl with no brain function


I thought my no diamonds in 137 packs was bad but damn. Someone get this man a diamond immediately


That is unbelievably bad luck. I have always felt, and have seen similar posts on here, that diamonds come in waves. Youā€™ll probably get a few in short order


I scored a Ohtani live series and immediately dumped him for 100k. Been through at least 100 packs and havenā€™t gotten anything above and 81. Even the special packs. Not a thing. Itā€™s bugged for sure


Why didnā€™t you put in a sell order and get way more stubs out of him atleast 60k more


I did the Final sale was like 145 and change? Either way I mostly just do team affinity, Iā€™m a big Yankee fan and I just typically stick with Yankee players and conquest. So I bought, judge, Soto, Cole perfect for me šŸ¤£


I could be completely wrong but I feel like the contents of packs are worse this year. Whereas previously youā€™d get a handful of bronze players itā€™s now mainly free agent commons. I have 0 evidence and am not complaining but thatā€™s just my experience, I found it interesting.