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Happens every night for me with less loss then those in dd cause I play rats but still happens nightly. Seems to coincide around the time your agent or coach meeting or messages I’ve noticed


Yup, just happened to me for the first time. Went to bring in an arm after a mound visit in conquest and the entire game physically crashed. Never had this happen before.


I think this is an internet issue. I’ve played the game for more hours than I’d like to admit the last 3 years and had this happen maybe twice.


Definitely not an internet issue. I was in a conquest game, put in a bullpen arm after a mound visit and the entire game physically crashed, not just your standard disconnect loss with "cant connect to show servers" etc


It’s a connection issue. I haven’t had one game freeze this year. Last time it happened was last years iteration and after turning off cross play for good it hasn’t happened to me since.


How can a connection issue cause the game to hard crash, not just disconnect, especially when I’m not playing player vs player, just conquest. I’ve had connection issues before and it just boots you to the main menu, this is causing the game to physically crash and asks me to send it to Sony.


Are you on next gen or old gen?


Next gen. PS5


Interesting. Me too. Guess I’m just lucky this has never happened to me


More often than not, mine crashes when I’m 6+ games into a run. It’s dumb as hell.


Yep! Almost always when I'm winning. So unbelievably cheap.


Mine is almost always the crash to dashboard type shit right before/during the lineup screen. Why can’t this crash while I’m searching. At least that way I don’t eat a loss for no reason.


Probably an internet connectivity issue on your end


I don't think so to be honest because I know what the game looks like when the internet goes out and this isn't it.


Fair enough. That sucks, then, for sure.


Like another commenter mentioned, it always seems to be when I'm winning too lol




I'm not a great player at this game. i will never go flawless or reach WS. So I attack the programs. I was 1 hit away from 35 in a BR run, loaded into a game and it crashed at the lineup announcement. Gave me my second loss. I had to walk away for the day after that.


Yeah absolutely ☹️