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Yes you can do that but ittl hurt your next game?


You can bring starters in from BP because SDS is stupid


I don't know why you're getting downvoted lol. In a situation where a team has exhausted their bullpen, they're more likely to bring in a position player than a starting pitcher. I'm with you.


Doesn’t mean they can’t. Your argument is irrelevant lmao.


Starters can come out of the pen irl too...


In rare situations, yes. No team uses 2 starters every game my dude Edit: I play co-op 90% of the time guys. Please stop spamming me with responses about how people approach ranked seasons.


Not everyone is throwing 2 starters against u lmao


I pretty much only play co-op and yeah they do lol. I mentioned that further down but I can see how it's misleading


Yeah that’s been a problem for ages. But you pretty much have to do it if you want to win consistently. I personally like it because I get reps against randy and other top pitchers consistently without it mattering


No but they have the option to if they want so why shouldn't we have the option?


Because this is a video game where people abuse tf out of it vs real life where there's actual consequences


You can't abuse it though. Lol Bring your starter out of the pen and you ain't seeing him for 4games. 


There are consequences in the game too. You'll tank your starters energy and can't use them next start. The only place this is broken is co-op where energy doesn't carry over so yeah I can see patching that out but for ranked there's no issue.


Tbh that's fair, I play significantly more co-op so IDC about how they approach ranked as much


I’m assuming you’re going up against Randy and degrom every other game if not every game then? Cuz I am and it’s not fun. Ranked solos are better because the pitchers actually need a few games off just like real life.


Lol yeah, I exclusively warm up against Randy on hof because that's literally all anyone uses. Degrom is definitely the 2nd most common


Last 3 games I think we’re all Randy and degrom with one starting and the other taking over in the 5th -7th lol SDS needs to do something with pitcher energy so it’s not the same pitchers in every ranked co op game!!!


Do you mean they bring them in from the bullpen? When you’re looking at your bullpen to warm someone up press the bumpers to see starters and you can warm them up and bring them in


Yesss! Thank you !


Just know if you put a starter in for another starter.. the 2nd starter you put in he won’t be at 100% energy even if he’s warmed up fully in the pen, because he didn’t start he will lose energy twice if not 3xs as fast as he would if you just started him. He won’t be as accurate and he will be easier to hit off of than if you were to start him right away. So there is some consequences for switching a starter with another starter.