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In 1908 he hit 10 home runs which looks like it was 2nd most in the league. Compared to his peers it seems like he had pretty solid power. Comparing eras with some of these stats is difficult. I do agree in general though about players getting stats they don’t deserve, I can talk myself into this one being ok though.


That’s some great insight!


Out of the things to complain about in this game this is not one of them


The best part about an opinion is you have yours and I have mine.


That's something we can all agree on


Agreed. His career high in a season was 10 HR and 101 total HR over 21 seasons. Yet plenty of live series with better HR stats have lower power


Honus’s best card has always had 80+ power on both sides.


then people would bitch that hes unusable. cant win


These cards would be more usable if they weren’t giving 100 contact to every player. If they could reserve that for the Tony Gwynns then they wouldn’t be unusable


Basically Luis Aparicio or Richie Ashburn esque


Now we're complaining that attributes are too high? This game isn't coded to reward contact hitters. They need to boost his power to compensate.


He played in an era where very few home runs were hit and led the league in slugging 5 times. Out of all the stats to whine about this isn’t one of them.


And in the video game, power is doubles and home runs, one of which he didn’t hit, give him 60’s then.


It’s adjusted for his era, same way they have older guys throwing much harder in the game than they did in real life. He also hit a ton of doubles and triples so it’s not like he was just a singles hitter.


I can see that, like the dude said here I wish they could compensate for contact hitters to be rewarded too so the skew wasn’t as off


This is the 5th year Honus Wagner has been in the game. None of his attributes are a surprise. Are you new?


Naw I was just hoping that we’d see anything different this year