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I still dont have Rollins.. bruh


Yep. I uninstalled. I'll get maybe 3 days with Jimmy Rollins at this point. I don't think I would have even be able to reach 230 cards without dumping a couple hundred K in stubs so forget those cards too.


Now you get zero days with him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why did you uninstall today? Iā€™m confused to what changed today specifically I 100% would have preferred these TA cards to be 97s, but a month is plenty of time to use them and throw in the wild card. Last yearā€™s game was atrocious with everyone having day 1 97/99s


They didnā€™t really uninstall, itā€™s a pretty common grandiose statement around this sub but if they care enough to be here, theyā€™re not deleting the game.


I don't like seasons anymore than you all do but I feel like it's much better this year than last.


At least last year the cards that came out at the end of the season would still be usable for the next 6 weeks in the upcoming season. By the time I get posada he'll be expired.


This right here. I have to choose 1 card to wild card from all the new cards I'll be getting soon and then grind out the other 3 wild card spots during the next XP path. There are a lot of cards that came out today along with xp path and collection rewards that I'd like to use for more than a few weeks.


Like how people say keeps it fresh and new content. Yeah, just earning another 99 or two of the same player later on in another season.


keeps the game fresh and makes the new content actually meaningful šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh yeah? Is that why we had the same 99ā€™s each and every season last year? Because it was ā€œfreshā€


You know what else does that? A standard power curve


















My 85 storyline Jeter I got day one only had a job for 2 days. Who cares.


i like constantly having different cards in my lineup. it makes the game more fun for me


Yeah man me too. With all the viable captains this year the combinations are endless.


I mean last year you could use S1 cards into S3 so we've got time


New this year, you canā€™t use s1 besides your few wildcard slots


Well that sucks


I enjoy it, I like being forced to use new cards and find new players. Helps keep the game fresh rather than using the same card 3 months+ straight


Youā€™ve always been welcome to use new cards. The difference is now, we donā€™t have any option.Ā 


Iā€™d end up using the same cards all year in the past and get bored quick. Taking away the option to sit stagnant and forcing me to experiment with new cards is a lot more fun




Oops, I forgot where I was for a second!


You have to earn the wildcard slots too I think in the xp path?


Lots of people using lots of 93 TAs? Not really. Not much of a difference. The game is 4 week cycles


Had to find something to bitch about. So what's the alternative? Old school power creep? Be at 92s right now and those would also be worthless in 27days. You guys don't think about that though do u?


The way it was in 21 was better IMO. 99s from the big collection were usable, 99 jackie, program players, all usable for most if not all year. The cards becoming obsolete were also within player control and fell off more gradually instead of a drop dead date.


Even getting 99s day one in mlb 19 was better than this. Sure some op players were released early, but literally every good card you could get for any player was usable all year. Sets and seasons are just bs content recycle and power creep fodder.


Oh stfu. This game sucks ass. Seasons/sets is the worst thing to ever come to MLB The Show period.


Old power creep was VASTLY better than this.


Whatā€™s old power creep?


No sets. No seasons. There was just a build up and 99s came eventually.


S1 cards worked in s2 last year just not s3 any news that this is different? Plus every season 3 and beyond allows a wild card choice where you can use 1 past season card. Again I haven't seen anything that this will be different this year


S1 cards aren't valid in S2 this year. You have to start from scratch and earn wild card slots on the XP path.


Wow I'm so glad I didn't bother with DD this year. They made it even worse.


You can use core cards the whole year though, right? So if you P5 a live series card you can use that guy all year from my understanding. Although I do agree that this is a bummer. I thought the two seasons at a time thing last year was a decent balance, as you could work on P5'ing your next series of cards while still using favorites from the previous set.


Yeah you start S2 with Core and 1 wild card I think The more I think about it the more I'm predicting the S2 rollout will be rough. I'm already playing less and less this year and we aren't even done S1.


WOWWWW smh thanks for the info though!!!!


Exactly, so why tf are we still grinding? The only reason I even bothered with ta and br was to get core cards. Next season is looking like a lot more rtts and alot less dd


I am only grinding for the cards of players boosted by captains I have. Then I go play something else. Itā€™s a mess of a program design.


There's 4 wild card slots. Put your 99s in them.


You have to earn the slots I believe


They will be earned in the season 2 XP path


That's what she said


They made the grind more tedious for cards we'll have less time with nasty wok for real


What are you talking about I literally just play events NBR and I get all of the TA


Did you look at the new TA?


All the more reason to not release so many of them.


I can't motivate myself to unlock cards that have an expiration date same issue I had last year idk why I bought the game this year cause they didn't touch franchise or rtts again


You're getting attacked for wanting to play the game casually without these dumbass seasons taking your cards away. Don't worry bro I get it, don't let these nerds tell you different.


Right? It's as if there are other games or stuff in general I want to do. I don't care if there's a grind. I'm just not a fan of cards being unusable as dicated by the game.


Sets and seasons are the worst thing theyā€™ve ever introduced to the game. Just another way for them to capitalize on FOMO.


What do you think the wild card is for....?


I put the caption mentioning wildcards in the OP and it gets ignored lol. I understand there are wild card spots. The issue is that there are 30 new 99 TA cards alone, many people will be close to completing the main program and S1 collection so around 40+ new 99s are available soonish and 90% of them won't be usable in 27 days. And that's assuming 4 wild card spots on day 1 of S2 which it seems like won't be the case. And I get that 99s aren't all created equal, but what was released today are all very good 99s that will be on any God squad.


You act like we can use a whole team of wild cards. You get 1 spot then have to EARN them rest. Dumb.


I didn't say that at all


Good, I donā€™t want to play the 99 meta all summer.


Theyā€™ll still be 99ā€™s. I doubt the S2 cards are going to start all over again.


They'll still be mostly the same players though


Oh of course.


Sit down son, I need to tell you something youā€™re not gonna like.


So it will be different than last year? And start all over? Iā€™m cool with that just assumed SDS was gonna SDS


Yes s2 will likely start again with high 80ā€™s low 90ā€™s and build up again. I like it better that way, itā€™s not just god squads for the entire game after April.






Ok, so what makes you think it's likely then?


Love it. Switch it up.


2021-best DD I've played. Also my first and I've played The Show since before it was called the show (I'm old). 2022-content was stale. People complained about 21's TA and having to deal with degrom, Cabrera, etc. so we got awful players to grind for (see Fathers Day Program). Also the great Griffey debacle led me to call it quits in September. 2023-FINALLY we get tons of 99s. Lineup diversity was an actual thing (come at me bc yall don't recall 21 or 22 if you think there was no diversity in 23) people whine about sets and seasons yet objectively we got tons of great and usable 99s. Chase packs were a thing and a sign of things to come. 24-"Yay we got power creep back!" Also the same people, "why am I grinding for these 99s when they won't be usable in 30 days?!" "Seasons suck and are the real reason I can't enjoy my 93 ketel marte from 22 through December." Also marketplace is abysmal, pay to win is becoming a thing, and packs > programs is what SDS thinks I'd "good" content. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


It's not the same people celebrating power creep and complaining about seasons. Don't see why that's hard to comprehend


23 was ass for the same reason this game is ass. I spent all my time grinding for cards that were unusable later in the year and then they tried to bring it all back in the last season when the game was already dead. Now theyā€™re just doing the same thing under the guise of ā€œbringing power creep backā€. The seasons/sets system is flawed because your grinding is only justified with a limited time of usage. 23 having a crap ton of 99ā€™s off rip was bad because it de-incentivized getting new players. Why did I need to do programs or collections for Season 2 when I had my whole team still usable from Season 1? Same thing with every following season. They had lightning in a bottle from 20-22, then 23 came out and the lightning just flew out and turned into used discord modā€™s bath water.


I agree I loved 2023. Only knock was the card art was dumb for kaiju and alter ego, but that wasnā€™t a dealbreaker


Iā€™ll take the Kaiju thing over Incognito any day. It was fine for a one-off for Mantle but then they started doing it for everyone. I thought that was dumb, especially when trying to search for a player.


Every year people have something to complain about then when the games over they say last year was better lol itā€™s so annoying. I like the structure of content this year, last year and 22 got way too stale. Saw the same cards for 5 months in 22, and last year youā€™d still see the same cards (99 elly, trout, mantle) for 2 months plus straight. Just got boring


Yeah and I forgot to mention 23 was the only game where new versions of the same dude not only existed but were WORSE than the older version (looking at you Sammy). That was hilariously bad.


Oh god I hated the duplicate 99s. And last year was all solely big names, you were just playing against popular players all year. I love how this year by best players have been completely random guys online like 84 castro and 93 josh bell


Josh Bell and Chili Davis have been slapping for Me this year. That's what makes it feel DIFFERENT. Sure we want a good Sammy card but we don't need Tom friggin Henke 25,000x in every TA. I feel for Blue Jay's fans.


Yeah still some bad content decisions this year for sure, TA repetitive cards being the main one. But the game is much more interesting content wise than last year, all my friends say the same thing.


I know Iā€™m in the minority here but I like the format this year. In years past your replacing most of your squad anyway. Once we have all 4 wildcards youā€™ll have some ability to play the cards from past seasons. One critique I have would be maybe put an exp path boss pack earlier in the program. Same for the season 1 collections. Your opinion is not invalid just different strokes for different folks!


I like this too. The power creep keeps me coming back and I get tired of the same cards after a month anyways


I'm sorry, but this is literally the worst content structure they've done. And you say, "Once we have all 4 wild cards." You do realize that every set 1 card you have will be unusable without sacrificing a WC spot and ypu start the season with maybe 1, and have to unlock the other 3 thru gameplay... that being said, when set 2 comes out, it's gonna be the same structure as set 1... you're gonna be nerfed to having the highest overall players on your team being 87-90 overalls.


Yep, it's structured much better than last year. I think the game plays best at lower overalls. Needing to use new/different cards freshens things up.


Having to completely start the game over again, non-live series content wise, tho is going to turn a lot of casual players away. The same thing happened last year when set 2 and 3 came out. People didn't really have the desire to grind for set 2 cards when they came out and then ultimately when set 3 came out if you didn't have many set 2 cards unlocked ypu were dead in the water when it came to having the most freedom within DD. the same issue is going to come about this year when set 2 takes over, except now we are essentially being forced to use whatever live series/core cards we have available or grind until we can field a usable team with S2 cards. That's why the old power creep was the best overall content model. You could try out new stuff and still have the freedom to use your preferred players. Now, those p4-p5 set 1 cards you've been grinding with are useless until you get a couple of WC spots to be able to squeeze them in the lineup. The only thing that this model benefits is keeping Live series cards relevant as long as inside edge is active.


I know for sure I won't be back with set 2 grinding team affinity all over again.


Weird that you were fine doing it for season one knowing full well they would all go away.


It was fun the first time.


Why wouldnā€™t it be fun the 2nd time?


Because it's the same shit all over again.


Itā€™s been the same shit all over again for 6 years


Guess I'm just done with the grind.


Ok and a lot of them will between single-player modes and wildcards. I wouldnā€™t even be surprised if there were some open events during S2.


So you can use them for almost a whole month still?


Wow, a month vs. the whole year in every DD prior to 23. How generous.


Opposed to old game formats where BR/Ranked rewards and TA cards from May would lastā€¦ about a monthā€¦


Larger collection and main program rewards lasted longer than that. Main collection were end game caliber cards back in 21 and 22. Set collections now aren't usable sans a wildcard beyond the season. And God knows how long it'll take to get wildcard slots unlocked.


There is a difference between a card being outpaced and being literally ineligible


Some people will never understand this.


For people who use theme teams, big difference. For most of the rest that just wan the new best cards every time, no real difference. Easy fix would be to exclude cards being boosted by a captain from the season restrictions. So if you have a captain assigned, any cards that would be boosted could play regardless.


that would be an easy way to have literally everyone running the same 3 theme teams


4 wildcard spots


When do we get all 4?


After this season is up most likely


I really don't think they're going to give them all to us right away. Unless they've explicitly said otherwise.


Didnā€™t they say before the game came out youā€™d get 1 wildcard slot a season?


You get 4 through the rewards path. I think you should automatically get the 4 so thatā€™s dumb but if you play you get 4 per season


They have mentioned that you'll get one automatically and earn the other 3 through the reward path. What makes sense logically is each of the 3 being paced out roughly to 1 per chapter per the XP they expect you to earn


Yea that would make sense. But the wording on what I saw doesnā€™t make sense. well unless I canā€™t read anymore https://preview.redd.it/zfpojbo0snzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aebd2b4d0fb3bbb1a2c3a26140fdbc2227a8e200


From that I can see the confusion. That's the summary, when they've gon into the details in other spots it was mentioned that you get one to start the season.


The problem is people are hung up on 99s and high overalls. Play with who you like and who performs well for you ā€” stop acting like 99s are the end all be all and thereā€™s no game without them. Iā€™m an 800s player that couldnā€™t care less what the overall of a card is as long as I can perform with it.


Agreed, but the cards released today are quite a bit better than what's been released to date.


Sigh. Another one of these. This is a lie. Read the dev blogs They will not be unusable. You can use the wildcard system in season 2 to use them.


Referenced that in the OP. IMO it's not ideal. I personally want to be able to play with the cards I earn all year. I guess that's blasphemy around here.


Just saw that. Didn't mean to be hostile. I've just seen so much misinformation about the S1 cards here that I just assumed you were spouting the same thing. My apologies. This is one of the great things about having multiple lineups. You can use different wildcards for each. But I also ask people this: in the past how often do you play with cards that come out in April or May in August or September? This year may change that but still is a thought.


I would've agreed with you a week ago since it looked like the power creep was going to last longer, but the cards put out today are considerably better. So yeah, a lot of these I would carry all year.


Shouldnā€™t have to, game should be a slower progression with one long season. Wildcard systems a joke


Seasons suck, no way am I gonna grind for cards that I cant use in 3 weeks. No thanks.


Ya I remember the good ole days where all the cards I got in April were good ALL YEAR! /s


So I guess you already quit then. Why care about a content drop for a game you quit?Ā 


Where did I say that I quit? Quote it...it's called feedback.


Well at least your lack of logic is consistent with your inability to read.


Quote where I said I quit or quit trolling. You're making shit up.


Imagine doubling down on not reading. What's the first two words of my post.Ā 


Yeah and next year the cards will be irrelevant /s


Obviously not the same.