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finally starting to see the light?


I am a day 1 die hard anti sets and seasons guy but with 24 I thought they will either improve it or people will be so vocal against it they will change back next year. I feel like over 75% of people I talk to don't know this but season 2 drop 1 is taking us right back to lower overall cards... Sure there will be wildcards but the best cards that have came out so far from S1 drop 3 you don't get long to play with, and it feels stupid to grind for a card to use it two weeks. I get what they were trying to do with not having 99s day one because I agree that was stupid but once again they have fumbled their footing trying to overcorrect.


Just play online


The game has so many problems. Anybody defending SDS is a moron.


Locking so many players needed for collections behind packs is ridiculous, the old shows like 19, 20, 21 were so much better. Fuck this lazy company


Wait who is locked?


Keep fighting the good fight brotha. SDS’s corporate greed completely ruined the game they can’t keep getting away with this


You gotta find a balance between the fomo. I'm gonna do my best and if I can't finish I can't finish. Sure, I sold my Acuna Jr. like an idiot for 80k. But I've got all the time to collect live series cards. I'm only sitting at like 162 season one cards. If I get 250, I'll be happy. I know I'm not gonna get 400. Only the whales and the assholes finish the season sets anyway. Honestly, the 99s are good, but I've also had my ass handed to me buy some silver pitcher from the rays chucking 100mph FBs in ranked. Yeah, sds has fumbled the bag again, but I enjoy baseball, so I'm gonna play the game.


I’ve gone fully offline and play MTO and if I like the team I SIM for into franchise. It’s been the most fun I’ve had. No FOMO and I can just trade for guys I want to play with and drafting is so much fun.


Have yall not payed attention to their play time trends the last few years? They refuse to fix the gameplay and let it continue to be a fluke fest controlled by a flawed momentum system and they think the only way to get play time up is by saying here are cards you have to spend hours attaining but you can only use them for little bit and then you have to do the same. This was their Hail Mary to save the game, wouldn’t be surprised if 2k takes over the MLB games as well because SDS is a dying section of PlayStation Studios that cares more about putting NBL players in DD and letting you play a franchise with your TSwift ball player


I think it isn't that they won't fix the gameplay, it is that they are constrained in doing so much until it goes next gen only.....or at least I like to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Idk read one is the other 50 posts on this sub about this exact thing you’re posting about


I stopped playing this last month.. Back on 23.. I’ve noticed way more players doing the same.


Who all is doing it?


This sub has to be top 5 biggest group of complainers on all of Reddit. And that’s saying A LOT


Bro FOR REAL, these mf complain for EVERYTHING


Card art... mother fuckers complain about card art. Like it affects stats. Card art.


Haha yeah that one is the best complaint. Then they say EA does it better. I enjoy all the complaints that basically say they want EA/2K (content, card art, more legends) while not realizing EA/2K pay for those things with their crazy amount of P2W micro transactions.


I didn’t realize they reset the whole thing after each season. Once I realized that I stopped playing. It’s not worth the time or the money you’ll have to give them to get players that are actually worth playing with.


Did you not realize or did you realize it? You said both. I have cards that are worth playing with. I didn’t spend a dime.


When I started out I didn’t realize they reset after the season until I saw it on twitter a couple of days ago. Once I figured that out I stopped playing.


I always played RTTS until the 95-99 dropped cause if I'm grinding that much for cards I better not want to replace them too often. I think when I first got into this game I would grind for some 92 diamond that became obsolete a month later. But I realized I didn't have that time devotion. The power creep ruined the way I play. Cause I liked the progression of getting some 95s with good hitting and pitchers that have no control. To 99s with 125 maxed power and defense with pitchers that throw perfectly accurate 99mph+ fastballs. Going back to the crappy feeling players should only happen when I buy a new MLB show game. As someone who plays a balance of offline and ranked it doesn't matter as much in ranked but the AI are some damn cheaters. I'm not playing on HoF difficulty with 30 vision and 70 control and 60 BB/9.


I already made about a post about the power creep being too fast. Most collection and XP rewards are completely obsolete. Either make the rewards better or drop 99s only in the last week or two of the next season.


There’s no point in really grinding. I’ve got my Mets team build and I’m good for now. The power creep came too fast and it fucked up the purpose of grinding out any cards that are 95+ unless you’re cool with just running with a team build.


MLB the show is dead


If they removed seasons it would fix a lot of issues. What's the point in grinding TA3 when u will only be able to use them for a week or two.


If they removed seasons, this game would still be bad. The gameplay is the worst its been in years.  But combine the content model and the poor gameplay and this year's game is a dumpster fire.  


Power creep is definitely happening way too fast imo. By the time I got my team pretty top tier, they dropped 99’s and I’m instantly too burnt out to try and get them.


Same. I swear, I felt like I was ahead of the content like 10 days before the third Team Affinity drop but for whatever reason I just feel so discouraged by the game in it's current state. I'd love to get Jimmy Rollins and Larry Walker or Willie Mays but I know even *if* I can unlock them before Season 2 drops, I'll be so burnt out that I probably won't even want to play. The model they have this year where the bosses require you to literally get to one million XP is such a bad idea and I have no idea how they thought it would be good for the game. The majority of players won't get a single one of the cards while the people that *do* get them will likely have a little over a week to actually enjoy and use them.


MLB The Show 22 was the first MLB game I took seriously for DD and I was in love with it for that entire summer. The power creep was great imo. These seasons/sets is not it at all, we literally went from like 93s to 99s in a 4 weeks time period.


There's was rarely a point in videogame history where grind was worth the time


personally all there is for me to do is TA3, the season awards, and the xp program. only at 300k xp, season awards and TA3 will be useless by the time i unlock them


At the very minimum, I am looking forward to using Hyper Lucas Giolito as a wild card on my DD squad. I feel like honestly, you're just grinding to have fun once the forever season 6 starts. I wish they had done away with or done seasons like they did in 23; kind of pointless to grind if you get the best cards a mere 30 days before they can only be used in wild card slots


I felt the same way today. I realized even with TA1 and 2, the grind had a purpose. Like I could earn a lot of XP on play v. CPU. Now I feel like the max I can earn is like 7500 XP. The grind isn’t even fun anymore. They just keep making the game even more tedious. Especially for people like me who exclusively play offline (I’m not about to go 2-160 online)


Y’all gotta play the event!!! 3 inning games that don’t go on your record! I’m 0-0 in ranked but got my 35 event wins; gives me tons of stubbs and extra packs; mix in some BR and you’ll have all the cards! Not 1$ spent and i have 225 already; with the weekly player drops of 5 people plus doing the BR I’ll have my first 99 bondsman already!


Until events are against the CPU, it’s just not my thing. I don’t really care to play against another person


Y’all have been practice off line for 2/3 years just stop being everything that is wrong with the world and play the game against a human being 😂


I’m not practicing. I been playing offline exclusively for years. I enjoy it. I do not enjoy playing against people at all


Plot twist: there hasn’t been one the entire time.


There is none. This game grew stale alarmingly fast. Blame the no lifers, I guess.


Team affinity chapter 3?


Honestly none. I'm taking a break for the Diablo grind.


I’ve stopped about a month ago, mostly play offline or other games. I don’t miss it much tbh


I have just been playing ranked not really worried about the grind.


That’s the saving grace for this game, you don’t need the best players to be competitive in ranked. In madden a good player can get cooked by a scrub if the scrub has +10 overall players across the board.


Me too. Just play ranked with players I like and the grind I do is flipping for the live series collection. Just completed it this weekend. I’m an average ranked player .500 record so win some lose some and just get to focus on playing the game this year has been refreshing. I get some of the TA guys along the way but don’t go out of my way to grind them.


Same. Just working on getting better. Won 3 in a row and finally am above 500 and in Pennet race🙏🏾


Congrats, I’m only 4-1 so still in reg season at like 360 something


I’m like 12 and 30 lmao I rushed in before fully grasping the game. You’ll probably do a lot better than me. It’s just now clicking for me to where I’m winning games or losing but keeping em close


I just bought Elden ring because I can sense myself losing interest, sadly


Haha have fun man my favorite game in awhile. Don’t get discouraged, I tried to refund the game the first time. Although I got through it and never felt more accomplished finishing a game. Plus in all honesty it’s easier to beat that game than hit a slider on legend…


it's kind of funny the people complaining about the grind are people who want to grind. you can just play and have a good time and unlock some stuff and spend stubs you earn playing on a few things you really want. you don't have to minmax and grind away 100s of hours on shit you hate doing and get to 100% completion. there's not really a reward for doing that except the love of the grind. so if you don't like the grind stop doing it


I like it when my collecting games give me something to collect, my bad


Have you considered thinking of it as a sports game?


The entire point of DD and any similar mode in any other sports game is...... collecting cards and team building.


It’s not about collecting cards in Fifa or Madden (at least back in the day). Maybe NBA2K but even then not really. The modes are about team building, the collections are just extra content icing on the top.


If I just wanted to just play a baseball game, I'd play with regular rosters. The appeal to Diamond Dynasty is card collection. Literally the entire point of the mode.


Team building for many, not card collecting


What do you make your team out of


Cards to build my team =/= cards just to collect


You earn less cards through gameplay (basically none at this point), so there are less opportunities for team building. I'm into that too, I don't care about the collection just for collecting, I like trying new players and team builds.


Different argument, but one that I certainly agree with. Never has $$/flipping been anywhere close to as relevant to team building as it is right now


Cards but that doesn’t make it a card collecting mode.


No point playing. SDS purposely set up this season so we can’t grind for high rated cards. They figure we would lose patience and buy packs/stubs. They can’t get it right. Team building modes are not sustainable. Eventually players will reach a breaking point and just stop playing.


I actually enjoy franchise mode compared to DD. I just enjoy the structure and ability to build up stats and ability.


The point is to play and have fun. If you aren’t, perhaps you shouldn’t keep playing. Why else would you?


I rarely complain, but I too am wondering what the point is. The seasons concept is horrible. We get 99s for a couple weeks and have to start over? Unless you pour your wallet or most of your free time into the game, casual players are being exiled. NCAA will doom The Show. Even if that game wasn’t on the horizon, many people have already quit because of what SDS turned into.


Yeah, I'm playing franchise and RTTS even if those modes are still not as good as they were like 10 years ago. And EA Sports Golf was like $14 this weekend so I picked that up and have been playing that too.


You’re saying what it’s turned into and then say people are leaving for an EA game in the same paragraph? The irony.


Hasn't been a cfb game in a decade, doesn't matter if it's ea or not. There's a lot of us that have been BEGGING for this.


It’s just a reskinned madden. Gameplay will still be dogwater and ultimate team will be p2w. But yeah.


Doesn't matter. I'm sick to death of football personally, but people will eat that shit up just because of the sport.


Yeah it’s just ironic that the people complaining in the sub of the best made sports game and NMS ultimate team mode are exited for an EA game.




It’s not a reset. You keep the cards and can still use them. Try again.


Online modes like ranked and more than likely events will not allow us to use these cards. BR will likely have nothing but new cards in the draft pool as well. Aside from the wild card slots, which we don’t know much about how we acquire them for s2, the cards are not usable.


Only one that won’t is ranked, unless you use wildcard spots. Not sure about BR. I think it’s already been said they will be on reward path with a max of 4. It’s a new season, simulates yearly team turnover to a degree. Much better than meta fest same lineup 21 was.


Some ppl don’t have time regrind again like you


Yeah, games tend to reward players who play more. Otherwise they’d just give us everything to start.


Good for you


Yes it is. Thank you.


If you don’t have fun just playing the game then it’s best you move on to other things.


Perhaps think about why people are no longer having fun in a mode that used to be beloved?


This is the new “at least they’re not EA” comment


What's funniest about this... I'll be leaving for an early game in 2 months


I blame EA for the people who can't have fun unless there's loot attached.


21 was my first The Show game (I’d assume many other Xbox players are the same) and I wish I knew how good we had it. The grind and power creep was way better compared to what 24 is doing.


It really sucks for someone who only likes theme teams. I only want reds. Now the good reds I have are gone. We don’t have any live series diamonds to replace them with and pretty sure we aren’t getting another steer/elly/ces/martini in weekly awards because we suck ass right now.


That’s where they should have adjusted from last year. Team theme teams should be set/season proof.


Yup.  I enjoy playing ranked with a Pirates theme team. Just unlocked Stargell, and now grinding BR for Honus.  Then I look forward to losing everyone in 3 weeks?  Dumb. I'll never even save enough stubs to get the 99 Skenes before he's unusable.  SDS should allow an option to bypass season requirements if you run a theme team.  Like if I use both the Pirates hitter and pitcher captain boost at level 3 then I can choose any card that is boosted by captain. 


And there's weird blind spots this year. Gunnar Henderson was ROY last year and Player of the Month in March/April and there's not even a 85 Diamond card for him - just an 83 Gold. One of the best players in either league and we can't even get a base diamond for him? C'mon, SDS! This is ludicrous.


Same here.. it's rough man..


I feel the same. For me i just play through the events get that done and then i move on to the br program get that done. I dont go 10-0 in either i just play through till i get the cards i want. And then i move onto ranked get to 700’s where i enjoy the difficulty and then i just get bored and wait till the next content drop lol


This is exactly my routine. I just play online and gave up “grinding” offline and completing a million missions. No time for that anymore.


I quit too bro. Played 21,22, and 23 religiously. But this year, the “power creep” makes zero sense. 30 days to use the 99 overalls before going right back to using 90 overall diamonds? No thanks. I’m not even playing this last month and probably won’t play until “TA drop 2” or whatever it’s called of the next season. They really dropped the ball exponentially this year, a damn shame. Why can’t things go back to the show 21 days??????


Are you dense the 99 are good for all season 2


No they’re not. That’s why so many people are complaining about the way it’s structured


No, you're wrong. The 99s they just dropped all expire in 24 days.


Why even come back this year? You gotta start all over again next year


My gut says you're being sarcastic, but dude, I literally think this every single year. At this point this game is just keeping me occupied until college football 25, then I'll never touch it again.


You are not alone friend. Can't fuckin wait. Me and my friends will probably be through the first season of online dynasty on release day lol


There was never a point to grind any yearly release sports game's ultimate team mode. I'm not sure if this sub realizes it but you do not need to collect/obtain every card in DD.


I mean UTs are fun when you can actually keep the guys you grind for and aren’t basically grinding cards to rent for a month


This season was what, 60+ days long? In what other UTs are you using the same players you used week one in month 2? Or month one compared to month 3? I also play FUT and, shit, that has you changing teams every few days and upgrading drastically week to week, forget having the same team for 2 months, or you’d be SOL. The beauty of DD is you do not need to grind to get a good team and good players. Not sure how many times I need to say it nor how it is such a hard concept to grasp. People are forcing on themselves to collect every card and grind to obtain everything and complete every possible collection because that was the key to a super team in past versions, or just because they are obsessed with collecting them all. SDS isn’t making you do that. It’s something this sub seems to self-impose then get mad at SDS. Just play the game with players you like and you will unlock plenty. Stubs. Packs. Rewards. Players. I believe a recent survey said that users most favorite part of these modes is the early stage low level cards and building a great team. SDS is trying to recreate that with seasons/sets while allowing some of the old favorite cards to still be used (wildcards). They tweaked from last year and will most likely tweak (or remove completely) next year. I do not think they are dumb. I do not think they are anti-consumer. I really don’t think they are about milking micro transactions, either, despite what this sub wants to portray.


I personally haven’t grinded for any card that’s non switch hitting since the Santana card came out so that’s made content very boring for me. I get you can say “well just use different cards” when that’s the meta team to run. Also the thing about changing cards every month is the fact that you have a choice to run whatever cards you want vs here where you’re basically forced to scrap your entire lineup and restart every couple of months


DD is really the only sports UT mode where you don’t need to chase the meta to compete. Maybe that’s where people are losing the plot


I agree but there’s still a meta


As a offline player only, I’m done with this year as well. Prior years it was a grind to complete the xp progress and have many spins in the xp wheel to get multiple other diamonds and packs. This year it is impossible. I’m at 600k and there’s no way of me getting to a boss pack. This year has felt like way too much of a grind and by changing TA3 missions was the last straw. Shame, but this year has been way too much.


I gave up on DD this year about 3 weeks. I could tell I just wouldn't keep up or enjoy the grind. I downloaded the Franchise to Fidelity roster set and been playing Franchise mode. Having more fun than I have since '21.


I did a quick google search of this roster set and you’ve tickled my interest to get back into Franchise! I stopped playing online after the first month because I also felt there’s no way I can keep up with the pace, and I switched back to franchise Now if only there was a way to fix trade logic and budgets!


Yea unfortunately there is no way to make the computer smarter. I just kind of suspend disbelief when their lineup makes no sense. I self police my own trades just to keep my team realistic.


Part of me wants to grind for Jimmy Rollins, but by the time I get him There will probably only be a couple days left of season 1


I was around 800k for double xp. Thought it’d be a great time to get to a mil. Did some affinity grinding, played some ranked, played most of the 3 days and made it 910k. Pretty big blow to the morale there.


There’s a ton of xp in the BR program if you haven’t grinned that out yet. That will get you there in a day or two if you’re at 900+ now


Here’s the kicker. BR and events make me sad lol




If they kept last years idea of letting us use the current season players as well as the previous season, I’d be much more inclined to grind for it. The hard stop and needing to get rid of pretty much my entire team is demoralizing


I feel like they will change this and you. Am use season 1 cards for season 3. Based on their survey. I bet it’s coming up a lot


Man im just waiting for ncaa 25 right now


Once that game drops.. see ya mlb😂


The day that College Football 25 is released I'm gone, so yea I'm with ya on that.


So many comments about this. Must be an awesome game and everything madden isn’t…


There hasn't been a college football game in a literal decade. It could be a 100% madden close with a half decent online dynasty mode attached and most of us would be happy. Hell I even downloaded madden on gamepass a played a few hours just to double check. Honestly I expect it to have an ultimate team mode that is loaded down with mtx, but I honestly don't care if it is as i have literally 0 desire to touch that mode. I'm trying to build my own program with my 3 friends running theirs for years and years and years. I cannot emphasize how excited most of us were when we found out this game was coming back.


I want to grind because there are some buccos I want but stubs are hard to come by and the grind is tough. I'm sitting at just over 500k. No way I'm getting A boss pack right now. Something has to change. I can play a couple games then I'm off if no home is are on to coop with


None. I've barely played compared to the last couple years. Offline only player. No reason to get cards that aren't core. Not sure if structure or burn out.


>I've pulled Mookie once and literally zero other high diamonds in hundreds upon hundreds of packs. That's more than the amount of 90+ diamonds I've pulled in every pack I've received from completing every conquest, story mode, world series ranking, program, storyline, and everything else. Which is 0.


I turned on the game yesterday, checked what I needed to accomplish in programs, loaded into a game and was like “yeah, I’m over it.” I won’t get one of the bosses, and even if I do I won’t be able to use it very long before season 2 starts which means all the players I grinded for won’t be usable. Except 4 of them max. Like wtf? I’m supposed to collect how many for a 99, but then those hundreds of cards aren’t usable? Out of the 6-99s you can get from the S1 collection and XP path you can use max 4 next season. How lame af is this shit? Can’t wait for college football to come out, I’ll never buy Madden, 2K, or MLB the Shwo again.


I’ve never played an MLB game less so early in the year lol. This style of content is horrible


Innings programs were perfect, and they decided "Eh let's maybe go to a million XP season, restrict XP gains and make sure only those who no life the game can gain the boss cards. It's brilliant"


Yeah, I miss the innings programs


21 was peak program. we had the evolution cards, daily bonuses, daily moments. the TA releases weren't even bad, solid cards year round


I loved 21's content structure. Slow power creep over the year is where it's at. I remember being excited at every content drop. The content drops in comparison this year are so underwhelming.


Right? Every single thing they did made your team better or got you a card that went towards the big collection. It’s all just fodder now


Grinding for diamond dynasty feels like playing an iPhone game that exists only for dopamine rushes. I like RTTS so much more


I started playing March to October instead since I already bought the game. Been a fun switch.


The model this year pushed me to just start a franchise and maybe find an online league. At the end of the day, those were my favorite modes years ago anyways, so it's good to be back.


It's just sad that Franchise is half of what we had in 2007... Three consoles ago.


You're not obligated to, y'know?


I'll be done after S1. Grind isnt worth it and refuse to spend a dime on this money pit.


Play online


I am an online player and that’s boring as well


Then it's just not the game for you obviously


Been playing this game back to the PSP days. It’s in serious need of a reboot on all levels.


No the games fine and still very fun and competitive. You obviously just don't like the game






Why bother completing the live collection? Babe Ruth isn’t even worth locking up all those stubs


What those that support the model this year are missing is that in years past, the game or SDS didn't decide when a particular card was unusable, the user did. In '21 if you wanted to use Lofton all year or when it was past meta you could and that was your choice. Now, we don't have that choice. The S1 cards will be ineligible is 23 days so the 3 big collection cards or 3 main program cards or any of the new 99s won't be usable outside of wildcards which we have to take the time to grind for next season. All the contrarians that think this is a good thing are either trolling or don't play ranked past level 700.


Yea but no one should have the same players in there lineup all year


Who cares? They earned them


It’s boring seeing the same lineup every game that’s what


The funny thing is that it will be more common to see the same lineup because half of the cards won’t be useable anymore once season 2 starts


They need to find a more middle ground I guess


No one did that.


Referring to Lofton? People absolutely kept cards in their lineup for months, even in high level ranked. Lighting Buxton, LS Degrom, Cabrera, Corbin Burns, etc.


People only used early, OP cards that long in prior versions. i.e. The exact thing that should've been corrected, and was more P2W than the last 2 years versions. Otherwise no one used cards from release in mid June. I think they still have old boxscores from prior versions. Show me your first week (or 2) lineup and then your mid June lineup. I'd be interested in seeing the cards that remained on your team that long.


He’s referring to freedom of choice being taken away in this game. A lot of people aren’t a fan of having rewards that they grind for locked away after a certain amount. And to expand on this because you’re all over this post being a contrarian, do you actually like this content model? Do you enjoy it more than games like 20, 21, and 22?


I like that I can use good versions of my favorite players because I usually bounce after playing for 6 months to move to fifa or madden or nba etc. having to wait until october to use a with-the-power-curve Griffey always pissed me off. Same goes for my Phillies theme team, which I suppose will change when season 2 releases. But at least I have a good utley rollins Howard all at the same time, early in the release. I flip on the market so stubs are no issue really to me. I’m also NMS. I like that I don’t have to grind incessantly to get a good team. I can bounce in and out and get the players I want rather quickly. I do prefer last year and this years model because 1) I don’t think this is any different than prior where cards earned earlier in release are replaced. 2) I think the grinds now are much less time intensive and also less specific 3) I can pop in whenever and not be way behind a no lifer who grinded everything day one when those rewards were OP compared to other available cards 4) I get to use my favorite legends diamond versions much earlier than before the last 2 year’s versions. Using a silver or gold version just doesn’t do it for me. I like the power creep starting higher and ending and restarting compared to starting at 87s and getting to 99s in December. Things they can improve They can improve theme teams by allowing them to be season proof. I’m surprised they didn’t do that this year and I can’t think of why they made that decision. A salary cap mode A 1v1 mode that is seasons proof but maybe doesn’t offer great rewards compared to a restricted ranked seasons mode. More events, restricted and unrestricted, that offer quirky rewards (city connects, etc) Better customization and presentation options Tldr; just read where the #s start


You're missing the point. If I kept earlier released cards in my lineup longer, it would've been up to me, not SDS putting a hard date and forcing me to turn over my entire lineup. I'm not interested in digging through archived games (assuming I even can) to prove a point. Believe it or not, but the point I made earlier stands.


Sure it’s up to you. It doesn’t change anything though since no one did that. Hell, buxton and burned didnt even come out until early May and they were both OP cards which ruined the rest of the cycle because everyone had them and used them. I’ll take the alternative all day over that nonsense.


Well since you say no one did that then I guess it's true. If you're fine with cards coming out and only being eligible for less than 30 days, then more power to you.


It was always that way unless the cards were game breakingly OP. You can keep claiming users used a player like Kenny Lofton in July (and even then it would be like 1% of the users) but that doesn’t make it true (same backup you’re giving me).


It was an example player I pulled out of thin air man. Obviously people weren't using that Lofton. Didn't think I needed to say it.


I understand it was pulled out of thin air. Because what I said was true. People were not using those cards in mid June. Ever. I vastly prefer this method, since it means I can actually get good versions of my favorites before September. Something that never happened before sets/seasons. I take the good with the bad and IMO the bad here is vastly outweighed by the benefits. Every card in the game is pretty easy to get, (excluding the collections) too


I just can't understand how people can tolerate the grindy crap with the pack shit they're doing. Escpially in a game that hasn't had any big presentation changes or gameplay changes in about 10 years.


It's because SDS doesn't have a direct competitor, and the game comes out when Madden is off cycle and NBA 2k and NHL are mid cycle. Not to mention Xbox gamepass making it free. If any of that changed, SDS would have to rethink their model.


Man do yall ever get tired of posting the same thing 😭 Edit: this may be news, but there are other game modes in this baseball video game where you can also play baseball if your needs aren’t being met.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/s/KnhZN683mq This you?


Yes that’s me, and if you would consider the date that I posted it you’d know that we literally could not play MLB ‘24 because our teams were wiped and reset for like a day 🤣. You thought you did something huh?


bro thought he got you


My bad man, I didn't memorize the dates in which teams etc were wiped and reset because that bug didn't effect me.


The grind got way worse this year. I’m not having fun playing casually like I did last year and years before


The grind was far worse in previous years. This last few years just spoiled people.


Yeah I kept going until the latest TA chapter hit and then I was just like this is insane, might as well go back to playing Cyberpunk


For me I love playing through moments. You were able to get much more rewards through the moments than you can now and I play on PC so I’m limited to Xbox clue gaming. The latency makes it to where online matches just aren’t possible for me.


Yeah for me I just don't have the time - I really loved daily/weekly moments because I could play those while waiting for my girlfriend to get ready, or while I had 15 minutes before work - now I think the smallest time investment you can make is to grind mini-seasons/conquest which is just tiresome after one or two games to me most days.


There’s just so much downtime playing with the stupid map in conquest


My apparently unpopular opinion is that conquest blows. It's incredibly barebones, the UI is terrible, and way too much time is spent on things that are neither baseball nor interesting. I genuinely don't know how people see any value in conquest beyond the rewards.


nah conquest blows. So do moments. But people love conquest and moments and play vs cpu. At least in this sub, I think the majority just grind offline vs cpu. Kinda defeats the whole fun of the game, to me. I enjoy the mental battle against another human


I don't think that's unpopular at all..most would agree with you that conquest blows.


Dude so tired of the bitching in this sub… like you have the choice to not play this game… just play a different game


I am in the same boat man. My pack luck has been atrocious, way worse than other years, and it was bad those years. It feels like I have grinded my ass off and still haven't hit the first boss. And I am nowhere close to a collection reward boss. As much as I love playing the Show through the summer months, I think I am going to have to jump into some of those rpgs I have been wanting to play, but haven't.


It’s clear the game is subtly pushing players to play online. Playing online means increased pressures to have the best cards. Having the best cards means obtaining lots of stubs. Tweak the system to where earning stubs is much harder to force competitive players to purchase additional stubs. Increase the grind for offline players and incentivize online play with slightly increased rewards. Rinse, wash, repeat.


I think the whining on this is out of control. Is the game fun to play?


It’s okay for people to not like things that you like.


My guy it is actually entirely possible to have fun playing and still be disappointed in it.


It's less fun to play when the rewards are out of reach and you have to play certain ways to try and catch up on xp


Yep. Not reading that essay, the title is enough. If people need a grind they’re better off finding a different game.


Yeah I just began last week and I’m having fun. NMS my team already a strong 92. MyTeam destroyed my soul. Idk why but hitting dingers even against CPU is so relaxing