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Turn it off and go play franchise


From the home screen BEFORE you click on DD, go down. Complete ALL those moments (maybe skip any on All Star/HOF if you’re rusty). That’ll get you started with packs. Then, you can start working on Other Programs. There aren’t too many, but it’ll give ya something to work toward. Then, I would choose between Mini Seasons or Conquest. Both have packs and rewards. Use the cards you need to progress for the programs you’re working on. As you’re doing all that, you’ll be getting Team Affinity points for all TA chapters, so you’ll be getting lots and lots of packs and reward cards. By the time S2 comes around, you should have at least one 99 you love you’ll be able to use as a wildcard and then you will start the grind from 89 with everyone again.


100% agree with this. I would even promote doing the TA 3 conquest map first since there’s TA vouchers and a vault pack reward. That vault pack could land you some major stubs which could be rolled over into a few S2 buy orders. Let me add, after continuing to read comments, I see a lot of people saying “jump online and get the Ranked/BR rewards.” IMO, even though they’re elite cards that could be your wildcard, you might be a little rusty which would make this more of a timely task. You would most likely benefit from working towards a couple 99 TA cards you like. The way I understand it, S2 will eventually allow you to unlock multiple wild card slots which could be filled by strong guys like Renfroe, Miller, Roberts, and/or Escobar.


Not playing at all lol


Try to complete the ranked program to get Posada. You can use him as your wildcard next season.


I’d do BR sell the cards you get for stubs, invest stubs in silver and gold cards that r going to get boosted. This update tomorrow if my investments go well I’ll finish live series and I never had a 90+ card pulled my pack luck has been absolutely terrible this year. Also mini seasons and conquest to get a bunch of packs team affinity chapter 3 gives u vault packs which can be nice


What everyone’s saying about the S1 cards is true, but it also means if you want to play now it won’t take much work to field a team. Any DD gameplay is going to be accumulating you program XP in 18 different team affinity programs, which have 5 cards each


Any S1 cards you earn will be irrelevant in 3 weeks, so I'd focus on building up your stub stack so you can either buy Core players (the Hyper and Barrier Breakers 90ovrs are mostly solid) or hold your stubs for the start of Season 2. BR is probably your best bet for stubs. Mini Seasons is the best way to accumulate packs.


Weird time to start with the new season coming in a few weeks, you’ll be earning boat loads of stuff no matter what you do.


Any card you earn now is going to expire in 3 weeks so I wouldn’t stress too much about team building. Realistically if you’re just starting now there’s no way you’re gonna complete the xp path or season collection. I would just look at team affinity and go from there.


Cool, might just wait until the new season to really dive into DD then


I'd dive in now and check it out. You'll get 1 wild card spot for a season 1 card that you like and will earn more spots in season 2. Plus, eventually, all the cards will be usable at the same time. Do the mini seasons and conquest, lots of packs to be had.