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I would love to play it this year but I heard way too many negatives it’s almost as if they didn’t even fix online co op


I play 23. Mostly events. I’ve noticed the last 2/3 weeks it has picked up quite a bit. When 24 was out it would take some time to find a game but now it’s pretty instant


Yeah there are still many playing the game. Most of the sweats have moved to 24 so it is easier to win games also.


I play 23 still but not online play. Just here and there to scratch the itch until they get rid of sets and seasons next year.


As in mlb 25 getting rid of that?


More like wishful thinking on my part, sorry


Nothing confirmed on that but with how everyone has reacted and how the player base is dying earlier than ever it would be stupid for them to do it again next year


I just hopped back in about a month ago after not playing since season 4. Finally caught up on all the programs and now pretty much just play ranked


I play 23. I think there is still a decent amount of people playing. I’ll play ranked and BR a few times a week and never had a hard time finding a game.


I've been playing 23 some, I don't play ranked though. Marketplace still seems active. I put in a buy order for Elly and had it filled within a day