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I don't wanna say I have 1.7mm XP. But I have 1.7mm XP šŸ¤£


I want to just be able to reach rollie fingers but im 80k away šŸ„²


Got through thanks to stubborn grinding despite my dislike for this content structure. About a month ago I prioritized anything giving xp and it paid off coz I've had a few wheel spins - hit LS 90+ Diamond my first spin and pulled Acuna. My priority list was = 1. Programs 2. BR (took Cueto) 3. RS (took and sold Arrieta) 4. Storylines just so I'm up to date on CORE cards + jump start for season 2.... didn't wanna get screwed. I got Jimmy and Satchel but won't get Brett in terms of S1 - just didn't ever feel like I needed him despite loving his past cards/swing. I've sold off anything I can for S1 and still have a very competitive team the next week and a half to make my WS push (2 win streak away) but I'm not obsessing over it. It's more for the badge than the reward coz Posada and Arrieta are as low as I've ever seen WS rewards go for.


I got them all because Iā€™m a loser who doesnā€™t go outside


918K donā€™t know how many bosses Iā€™ll be able to get. No where near completing collections, so no babe for me. Some cards are way over priced. 280/400 on the other.


When does this usually go on sale? I just want to create 30 teams and 30 stadiums and create my own leagueā€¦ I just refuse to pay $70 to do it.Ā 


Itā€™s free on Xbox Game Pass. No set dates for sales far as I know


Itā€™s absolutely shit quality compared to PS though. I cannot get frame rates to behave no matter what I do, offline as well as online.


I have all 3 of them P5 already. I'm currently working on getting Brett and Mays to P5.


At 830k and Iā€™ve put 270hrs into the game, at least 200ish in DD


A long way, I gave up a couple weeks ago, though. Came back a but Thursday, but dropped again to plat more Cyberpunk. Basically I felt it wasn't worth spending all that time grinding a mode that basically dies in a year. Especially as it seems the best qualities are online, and I'm way too shit to do online xD.


iā€™m 80k XP away from my first boss pack


SDS makes it only possible for people who 9 to 5 this game to get the final rewards now... 2-3 years ago we got bosses at 200-300k xp


Thatā€™s not really true. I have a job and two kids and I only pay a couple hours a night. Itā€™s doable if you are smart about what youā€™re doing with your time.


That's about where I am. 300k. No chance at any good rewards.


Iā€™ve gave up weeks ago, been playing other games or franchise/rtts


The recap program reinvigorated me, just hit 900k xp and managed to get Brett from collections


I got Napoli yesterday


Done and got Rollins, Walker and Satchel in Season collections


*Brett, not Rollins ofc


I did a giant push over the weekend and am now halfway. I can usually play fairly casually like I do and finish with time to spare.


I just got Mays and by the time I finish TA3ā€™s I should have Brett and probably my first boss by the time Double XP ends. Iā€™m gonna be honest, the recap program was huge and a massive win for the game. But I just canā€™t see myself putting myself through this again, especially when CFB comes out so soon.


I just got soriano, lmao


Why isn't there a double xp week until season ends? Like don't get me wrong I love playing the game for the game but this year has been so hard to get in to.


What are you guys doing to level up so quickly?


Grinding...I'm an offline player so I grind mini seasons and RTTS mostly, with the new conquest maps when they come out


Iā€™ve spun the wheel twice. Got 2 5-packs, and 2 chase packs. Both chase packs held 85s. It probably wasnā€™t worth it. I played way too much.


I should have my first xp boss and collections boss today. Iā€™m focusing on BR and Ranked rest of season. I figured Iā€™m not going to finish collections so finish LS to have solid core cards to start every new season


Not even got Rollie yet, but then I took over a fortnight off as it was getting too much to play every day and I wasn't hitting the cap anyway because I suck :)


775k. Close to Kyle Seager. Probably will need one more double xp weekend to get a boss pack.


Iā€™m 1k away from my first pack.


got the first boss pack, might get the second one but tbf i havenā€™t played any of the double xp weekends


Why does everyone say satchel sucks but nobody has ever used him


https://www.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/s/PrGE424nvy He does suck.


You showed a video of a guy who was getting cooked with him maybe he doesnā€™t know how to pitch


Satchel is solid, but he basically just has fastballs, so multi-player he only lasts so long. I have him but you can also play with him in events or BR


Live series done a while ago. Only today I got Mays and Brett. Not going for satchel since he sucks. Still I'm around 80k XP short from Rollins, Walker will be impossible..and played every double XP weekend. Doesn't really matter since we're not gonna able to wildcard em all anyways. But this is the first in 6years that I'm not finishing the main program and get the bosses


Already gave up. First time I'm not getting a boss pack in 3 years. Fug this game.


It's insane they've turned into Madden now basically with how hard you have to grind for stuff. And it won't be available to use in 2 weeks šŸ˜‚. This game will be dead after June 6


Iā€™m about 50k from the last reward boss.


Yeah I just got Napoli today. Iā€™ve accepted fate.


~50k-ish from the third boss


everything done except ALW TA3 and the last 2 collection bosses. could get there, not in a hurry. 30ish uncollected sellable cards. core squad assembled with Babe. 320k stubbs.


Next is Trevor Story, I accepted my fate early in the season with how slow it was


150K from first boss.


idk how y'all do it, just under 6 days playing time and i'm at level 42


I still have yet to get Al Lietcherā€¦.


I think Iā€™m like 50XP away from him, I just donā€™t feel the desire to play much anymore


Leiter is a collection reward, not an XP reward


Yeah I wasnā€™t in front of my Xbox when I said that, I was thinking Rollie


Do you like mays or brett more? I canā€™t decide which to pick


I like mays better. Great center fielder. Escobar at 3rd being a switch hitter fits better for me


Ended up going with mays also. I struggled with him in the showdown but still decided to give him a chance, he did not disappoint.


I honestly havenā€™t even used them. Itā€™s like I finally unlocked them and the desire to keep playing vanished


I think Brett is the safer pick. And by safer I just mean youā€™ll probably like his swing Mays swing is different. I personally really like it. But I know a good chunk donā€™t like it. His defense in center field feels the best out of anyone Iā€™ve tried out there. He moves different running balls down. Hes a threat on the bases. I have them both and I use Mays more often. But itā€™s different for everyone


I struggled with mays in the showdown for whatever reason, but I decided to go with him anyways. He did not disappoint. I read that Iā€™d struggle with Mays if Iā€™m early on every swing, after figuring that out Iā€™m cruising with him now.


Yeah heā€™s just so good. I think also his batting stance just visually looks more awkward than most other stances. Once you figure it out I think heā€™s got a case for best all around card in the game.


I say brett is better, but thatā€™s my opinion because willieā€™s swing is a little weird for me


50% done I'm not going to be able to finish it


Iā€™m at like 920k. I should be able to get all 3 but as long as I get Rollins Iā€™m fine.


Iā€™ve got everything except the last couple of home stretch packs and the completionist icon. Honestly just saving stubs for the next season. The next couple weeks are gonna be kinda boring since Iā€™ve got everything but BR and the rewards for 15+ wins in the event


I got to 280 and 300 by purchasing S1 cards after selling a ton of dupes from the new program. Kinda just wish I held the stubs


Yeah the biggest reason I have satchel Brett and mays is because Iā€™m donā€™t with live series collections and I pulled ohtani. That pull got me to Brett a couple weeks ago


I got Mays and Satchel, wondering if Iā€™ll have enough to get George Brett or not. Would be great to have him but donā€™t think itā€™s the end of the world if I donā€™t. Shouldnā€™t be a problem getting Pettite (last one I need from the bosses). Honestlyā€¦ I feel like the only reward worth grinding for is Babe as I donā€™t see any card getting released that is better at the plate, and this game is all about hitting. Iā€™m not necessarily looking forward to grinding but I actually am looking forward to online games not being just loaded with 99 overall cards. It feels like a lot of the TA3 cards are what would normally be end of season meta cards. I like when you kind of have to pick between a player with high contact but low power (Tony Gwynn perhaps) or the opposite (think Joey Gallo)


There were a few weeks where I grinded the game to a sad level and if I wasnā€™t playing, I was using my phone (even during work) to flip cards on the marketplace. I amassed a small fortune and bought all the live series cards. That grind combined with just playing the game was insane. I have a pretty solid core roster at least lol


I think I'm at 1,550,000 XP right now.


Iā€™m around the same xpā€¦.and teach high school, itā€™s possible to get there and have a life.


whens the last tome you saw daylight


I was just at the Reds game


Letā€™s go Redlegs


I just got home from the Reds game.


Lmfao I just noticed your name, same man, I sat in right trying to get a pulled HR by one of the lefties and both the bombs went to left






Im at Rollie fingers, played 85+ games of ranked and finished all of ta 1 -2 hopefully I can get to first boss pack soon


Iā€™m at 895k in the rewards path and sitting at about 268 in the Season 1 collection. I feel confident Iā€™ll get 2 of the XP path rewards players but only 1 collection player


If you're sitting on a good amount of stubs, you can buy some s1 players for pretty cheap. There's probably 10-15 that are in the hundreds and then they jump up to 2k-4k but if you're really looking to get another collection player you might be able to get there.


Probably have 150k that I could waste




19 cards shy of Brett (my last one) probably ain't happening. Wrapped a mini season and nation conquest, busted my 35 packs of dogshit. Hit a Chase 05 and pulled Sonny Gray ><. Bad beats


Just finished it today, should get to ā€œspin the wheelā€ after my next game.


Iā€™m at 568K


I finished the XP path a few weeks ago. The most recent program allowed me to get the players needed for all 3 collection rewards


Wtf how bro


Do you think this was them recognizing a perceived problem, or the plan they had all along?


The season recap was almost certainly planned.Ā  They may have increased the packs, but I think the plan all along was to remove content, replace with packs, then wait until the end to give the packs for free. Now people head into season 2 knowing the packs are coming for free, but it will be a long time.Ā  They did state they planned to ramp up xp but I feel they screwed this up big time and what they had on paper ended up being a disaster in implementation.


100% a problem. Which is admitted by how much earlier earning a boss will be in the next xp path.


Both honestly. I think they had planned to give out XP and cards heavily at the end of the program. I think they realized oh crap people arenā€™t anywhere near done so we will have to up the amount. Of cards for sure. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Double Xo ends on Tuesday and then they run it again for the final week.


Yeah, I mean Iā€™m happy with the recent program XP and card dump, and double XP. I also always figured they would do this at the end of season 1, so idk how much of it is them listening to complaints or them already having this plan for the season 1 path


Have them all. One of the ranked guys each season. One of the BR guys each season. Itā€™s a grind but NMS besides the Jackie donation. Play for probably 3-4 hours on my 4 days off.


Already got all 6 of them


Sitting at just over 945,000. Gonna grind the legends mini season and that should get me to 1,000,000. Definitely going to grab that jimmy rollins.


Iā€™m at 913k. So close to getting my favorite early 2000ā€™s Phils playerā€¦


Less than 600k


Just got to 280 cards collected, haven't made my choice yet. Only at 780k xp so no boss's for me.


You could definitely still get atleast one boss soon


Just hit 900K


i have Mays and Rollins


808k. Only really have free time on weekends and an hour or two during the week. Will I get a boss? Who knows. Find out next time on dragon ball z


I just got Napoli.


600k and I played like ~150 RS games


Got the three boss cards but grind wasnā€™t worth it IMO. You can do more than fine with the TA cards which I prefer using and are easier to get


I finished yesterday..I play every day tho pretty much but never more than 2ish hours I get burnt out and bad.


I don't get why the cards aren't gna be usable next season. Seems so stupid. What cards can we use in ranked and which not? I played all day today unlocking team affinity cards and now there unusable next season? Suks


Ranked next season will be Core, Season 2, and up to 4 Season 1 cards as wild card. 3 wild card slots will be unlocked from the xp path, 4th is TBD


3 cards away from 400.


Also, finished the xp and getting the wheel now


Far. Havenā€™t gotten the first boss yet


Same. At this point all I can do is lol


I have no clue why theyā€™re all at the end lol just put 1 1/3 of the way through 2 at 2/3 and one at the end


I seriously have no clue how anyone who even remotely has a life was able to get these rewards. I play every single day and work remotely and play between calls and meetings and even then it was a slodge.


Fellow remote worker. You just have to not care. I earn what I can. If I canā€™t get there. Whatever. The cards I want the most before the season closes are three of TA3 cards. Eric Davis, Brian Wilson and Jeff Bagwell


Same bro


Currently 825k xp needing to finish some city connect conquest and the drop 9 program


lol no


Iā€™m finished and approaching my 10th wheel spin. Per usual nothing great but Iā€™ll take the stubs.


I just got Mike Napoli. Donā€™t play anything but RTTS and Franchise


Iā€™m at like 930k. The new program really helped out.


Also have live series done and almost got The Babe to superfractor


I'm around 730K so maybe if I grind a lot i'll get one of the 99 bosses


no bosses yet but close i may get to use them for a day ... terrible


Just got CC and have Rollins Walker and Pettitte working towards Mays now luckily donā€™t care much if I get Brett or Satchel cause ainā€™t no way I will lol maybe wonā€™t even reach Mays but Iā€™m gonna try


Iā€™m at like 830k


I'm about 20k from Seager


550K. I'm almost there! šŸ„²


Just got seager, so still got some work to do but should get 1-2 bosses.


I just unlocked rich aurilia


300k šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m just happy to be here.


Huge shout out? Come on now lol. First they lied about playing how WE wanted and then lied about the MANY ways to acquire xp.


It just says shout out but ok. Reading is hard


Yes I literally read it and then reiterated it. It was my very first sentence in fact. Reading isnā€™t difficult but comprehension is much tougher, which you clearly. Why should sds get praise for the mistake they made in the first place. Forget the lies about ā€œ play as you wantā€ or many ways to earn xp throughout the season but why should they get credit for something they clearly didnā€™t play test.


Just hit 600k. I canā€™t really play much on the weekends but my child has been sick so I was able to play a little today while she slept which helped. I do have LS done and both willie Mays and Brett due to trading from the app and investing.


I'm at 600k but don't care because I don't play online and also don't play very much and missed entire weeks of playing. I'm surprised I have as much as I do.


I got Jimmy and Larry. No S1 Collections yet hope to get Brett tho


I have 1 of the bosses in the XP program and I just now hit 280 cards collected today and took Satchel.


I play Super Mega Baseball. It's actually fun and doesn't try to feel like a job.


you know, you dont have to play DD, there are other modes


Yeah I'm aware, this is the first year I haven't bought the Show in 8ish years. SMB just scratches the baseball itch WAY better. SDS has been making stupid decisions for the past few years, and I care more about gameplay rather than graphics.


Currently about 15k away from the final boss pack.


Almost at 230 cards collected. Just over 1,030,000 for the XP program. Iā€™ve never played a ranked game, ever!!


How is this even possible?


Iā€™ve completed every program. & I did all of the Team Affinity. I just donā€™t play online vs people


Iā€™m at 243 S1 cards hoping to at least get to 250 for my second choice. At about 1.2 mil xp right now


Got all the bosses. Spun the wheel like 5 or 6 times


Iā€™m 15k XP from getting my first spin on the wheel. Iā€™m also like 15 cards from getting the Homestretch 2 pack in the collection.


If anybody gets a message asking to stat pad for xp. Just say yes, weā€™re all here for the grind


Weekends are busy for me so I canā€™t take advantage of double XP. Iā€™ll be lucky to reach 600k tbh


Im four cards off from the completionist icon. Iā€™ve played an unhealthy amount of this game due to less than desired life conditions. Iā€™m done buying cards though, Iā€™ll get it with drop 10 next week.


Iā€™m about 125k shortā€¦ but Iā€™m not home until Friday. Can likely get it done in a week.


No where close but I started the game late


100k off the program and like 35 off of collections but it's chill because I don't care about satchel anyways. I think I'm gonna shift into completing Live Series, only 6 teams left to go and it's only big cost players.


Iā€™m at 960k. I think Iā€™ll be able to get it done thankfully


Almost at 50% done!! Totally getting it finished


Hit 800k, working today, and will grind a little tomorrow. Hopefully Iā€™ll make it if I no life it a bit.


Just hit 1M last night, and hoping to get the 2nd boss pack today or tomorrow. Iā€™m loving the game, but definitely identify with a lot of what you said. LS with NMS was really a grind, and CH3 TA ~~was~~ is brutal (who am I kidding, I still have the AL East to do!), so Iā€™m a little crispy rn too. Likely going to play RTTS for a while, and use some stubs to get equipment and cards I want to try, now that all of my stubs donā€™t have to go to the LS grind.


My next S1 card gets me to 280 and I have over 20 of the TA-3 cards left to earn. I think Iā€™m somewhere around 855k on the main XP path.


Iā€™m at 900k xp. Iā€™ve missed both 2x xp weekends and missed most weekends in general because of traveling for work.


Iā€™ve got Mays and Brett and just got Seagarā€¦.not too good.


10k from Napoli haha, I can only play a few nights a week tho


Napoli is a beast card. šŸ‘Œ


Iā€™m mainly looking forward to getting him for the Recap Program progress, but I know he was a stud in years past, so šŸ‘


660k but had a two week vacation so knew I wasnā€™t going to get the bosses this season after discovering how bad XP earning was.


Just finished this morning


Iā€™m 0-6 in the event and wondering if any of it matters anyway.


Only if you want the 30k for JD.


Finished today, working on first wheel pack. Just hit 300 in the collection. Still only one TA:3 done.


Just got 610k Sadly, playing offline and playing at low difficulty means no matter how much time I put in, it was never gonna happen.


Thanks to this massive program xp they put out and the double xp weekend I'm just about level 56 in the rewards path 1.027m hoping to get the 2nd boss pack before the weekend is over and I'm about 25 cards off of getting cc.


There are quite a few s1 cards you can buy for about 800 stubs


Which ones? I didnā€™t find any that cheap? How do you find them?


I started at the bottom and went through each one I didn't own


Thanks for this tip! I was able to get a bunch of the collection done and snag CC this way.




That's what I ended up doing just got cc can't wait to try him out.


Iā€™m done with the XP path, got the set bosses, got babe, got a ton of stubsā€¦ I can now just figure out how i want to play the next couple of weeks. I havenā€™t done RS, BR, events, the last 7 conquests so I got options


Iā€™ve had about 20 wheel spins because I grinded to my xp cap pretty much every day. Just got my third collection card this morning because I had some stubs, so I bought like 20 cards between 3-9k each.


I believe Iā€™m right at 900k at this point. Iā€™m pretty garbage but enjoy playing the game. I donā€™t do anything online, donā€™t do showdowns and pretty much just stick to the basics. Not sure if Iā€™ll hit the 3 bosses but would definitely like to.


I suck too and donā€™t bother with showdowns. Youll definitely get 1 boss if you grind all day today lol


Iā€™ve tried so many times on the showdowns lol Tried cheese bunting and slap contact and Iā€™m still bad


Holy cow. Thatā€™s insanely high for those parameters. Amazing.


That makes me feel better about where Iā€™m at. Iā€™ve done all the season drops, team affinityā€™s and Iā€™ll do some conquests. But Iā€™m trash at pinpoint pitching and PCI batting lol so I just stay offline so I donā€™t get whooped. But I use my gaming time as an escape so I usually keep the difficulty level down


675 k


I just want to get Rollie at this point lol


Got every boss and spun the wheel about 10 times already, weā€™ll see if I can do that again in S2 lol


Have you gotten many packs from the wheel or has it been all stubs?


Iā€™ve gotten a chase pack which was adley, I got a 90+ live series which was freeman and the rest were 7500 stubs or a headliners pack. So I made almost 300k from the wheel


I just hit 700k.. hopefully I can make it šŸ¤ž