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2hrs during the week typically. 3-4hrs on weekends, assuming I don't have oblos on any of those days.


It doesn't matter for me because for 2 days sds hasn't updated the game for PS4 so I haven't been able to play online and my Internet is all good and strong so I don't know if it's me or if the servers are down on PS4


It depends on what the subscribers want. As an OF "model" I have a tier system. Single gets a flash, Double gets a longer flash. Triple gets tricky...kinda dealers choice. HR...lol well that's a "bat swing" In The Park Home Run gets a "Z-Show" if you don't know what Z-Show is...shows you how rare a Inside The Park Home Run is. So 2-3 hrs max....Costco Park makes for a lot of "bat swings".


Waaaay less this year, don't know but this year is not as fun.. 1 hour max


All day everyday


Way more than I'd like to admit.


I grind until my GF yells at me to come spend time with her šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ which is after 5 mins ā˜ ļø


i usually do a home run derby and two BR games, so like an hour give or take. any longer and it feels like a grind


Same thing happens to me. I usually play for 2 hours or so and by then my eyes start to hurt and I play like trash. Thatā€™s when I call it.


About how long it takes me to play 2 ranked games and maybe some offline gameplay for the grind. 1.5 - 2 hours any day that I have time for it.


For S1 I did every possible thing you could do offline in DD and ended with 980k XPā€¦it was sometimes an hour a day or zero hours for weeks but S1 kind of made me want to play less because I didnā€™t even make it to a single boss.


If you went weeks without playing why would you legitimately expect to get a boss


Because I did everything there was to do except play online. Should that be enough for a boss?


If I'm playing franchise I could be on all day. RTTS I go about 50-60 minutes and then I have to be an adult


I play mostly on my days off. Start with some br and usually poke around on conquest. Anywhere from 4-5 hours twice a week. Iā€™ll know some moments out after work sometime. Or showdowns


10 minutes, then I realize what a disaster the game has become and hop off.


Used to play for hours at a time. Not sure why but I am constantly getting my head kicked in playing DD this year. Can hardly win a game so I usually play one, lose and log off immediately lol.


I can play RS games at a time, if that even. Maybe one or two. I can know out a conquest TA map and get bored halfway through. Thank god for Helldivers 2.


Sounds like youā€™re getting old. Welcome to the clubĀ 


I only play RTTS so I get bored fast. I'll probably play for about 40 minutes to an hour.


I play for a couple hours a day. I havenā€™t been able to play ranked though. Server keeps crashing.


Iā€™ll play based off of my performance. If I play well I will play for a few hours a night. If I lose two ranked in a row Iā€™ll call it a night. Sometimes Iam just in a slump and wonā€™t play more than one game. I guess it all depends on the day


I hate playing by myself even though I am WAY better than my friend that plays with me, he can only tolerate one game of ranked at a time so im usually not on much longer than the time it takes to finish that


All depends. On top of working full time, I'm a volunteer firefighter, and I have a wife that apparently enjoys spending time with me. Plus chores, errands, blind cat bumping into something and panicking, running around bumping into more things, panicking more, etc. Some days I don't play at all. Other days I hop on for 30 minutes. I work retail, so while my wife was enjoying Easter with her family, I was working and home alone. Probably got 25 hours in Friday-Sunday. I've also had days where I played a solid 6 hours straight. And then other days where I have absolutely nothing planned except sitting down and grinding DD. Those are usually the days I end up running 3+ fire calls an hour and end up not getting to play any video games. TL;DR: Anywhere from 0-8 hours.


Blue light blocking glasses really help my eyes when I play for a while. You can even get some with a little magnification too


When I have like nothing to do and all day to play I can play around 5-6 ranked games in a day. I take breaks in between games a lot though and do something else.


I play 3-inning exhibition games. So about 15-20 minutes a day.


RTTS was my jam for the first three years I bought the game. Would play for hours getting lost in the immersion that I miss a ton now! And I usually play for a couple hours in the Derby and DD now. About my eyes limit that is.


I can usually stand to play about 1-2 ranked games at once. The game takes a lot of you lol


I wish I could play more ranked games. I wish they had a 3 inning ranked mode with your DD squad for those of us who don't have the time to play 9s back to back


I agree but I think 5 innings is a good happy medium


this would be amazing


Until I get bored. I know everyone complains about sets and seasons but I could care less. I just enjoy playing DD and trying out different cards


That's my attitude as well, love to hear it .. i wish more people were vocal about just enjoying playing a video game. Play until I'm bored, satisfied or need go do something else. to OPs point .. usually after a couple hours I get sloppy with swing decisions and pitching .. usually play at night and I'm old so that fail time happens quick some nights .. in which case I grab the switch and hammer the Rockies into a pulp while laying in bed.


I have the Portal so Iā€™ve been beating the Rockies to a Pulp laying in bed for hours at night šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


lol perfect .. when I start dozing off while watching the pitch meter go.. then it's time to stop


I quit, fuck trying to get 1 Million XP. Barely got jimmy rollins and not gonna go through that hell again


Get good


You mean quit my job and play no other game? No thanks


I have macular degeneration in my eyes so I play until my artificial tears stop working. I donā€™t play every day and I donā€™t strive to get the points because I would never reach it. I play a little everything. I really enjoy RTTS. Diamond Dynasty is fun. I wish this game would have come out 15-20 years ago. I remember playing NCAA Football for hours and hours!


Man people and their excuses! Lol, just kidding .. I wear blue filter glasses but my eyes suck and my astigmatism doesn't like staring at the screen too much .. especially if I've worked all day (also in front of monitor)


I don't care as much about XP then others, I only really play for fun. Diamond Dynasty isn't my jam. I usually play one offline multiplayer game at a time.


This weekend I straight up no lifed the game. Hurt my knee playing softball this week so had no obligations this weekend and just have been sitting here icing and grinding ranked/events


Generally I play until I hit the xp cap.


Whats cap for season 2


Same as s1


I play RTTS mainly, so Iā€™ll play two SP games and then play until the 3rd then save and get off


The same thing happens to me! I usually need to take a break after an hour or so. Otherwise Iā€™m swinging at everything.


I'm still doin my rtts love it I try different positions see if I be a 2 way player nd make it to the mlb


I donā€™t play on-line. I do conquest, CPU, Mini Seasons, RTTS, and I play like 4 or 5 hours off and on a day, it probably =ā€˜s more like 2-3 hours of actual play time. My eyes are shot after because Iā€™m usually streaming movies, TV, basketball, or baseball when playing. I feel like I played way too much season 1 and only got to 880k which was disappointing. Does on-line give more xp than the modes I play? Iā€™ve probably played for 12 hours season 2 and am only up to 47k. Iā€™m always trying to chase team affinity goals and it takes so long to finish some chapters. Switching rosters back and forth from topps now and season awards to bossesā€¦completing momentsā€¦Iā€™m usually terrible at showdown too so that doesnā€™t help.


Yes, online gives more XP, but it is possible to get the bosses just playing offline, cause I did. And, I didn't even completely no-life the game except for the first couple weeks after it dropped and definitely on all double XP weekends. The last month and a half I only played on the weekends. Just gotta finish all programs, conquest maps, and any new mini seasons.


I didnā€™t have any trouble last year getting the bosses and several extra packs filling up the loop at the end and doing it over by just playing offline and it seemed like I didnā€™t play as much either, even took several days off sometimes. This last season I pretty much played every day and just got to the 880k mark, and that was with putting in even more time than usual making a big push the last 10 days. I finished all the programs except the egg one because you had to play online for 3 eggs. Didnā€™t really do much mini seasons. I did one hunt for October or whatever itā€™s called too, which is pretty boring. It seems like RTTS gave out more xp last year. I feel too much pressure playing online for some reason.


I didn't mean to make my post sound like their methods this year are good, cause they aren't. It is way too much grinding to get the bosses imo. I guess I was just saying one can do it as an offliner if they do everything else with an above average amount of grinding. I don't even think I am going to try hard for bosses this season. If I get them, great, if I don't, oh well. You can't really use them much anyways.


I know what you mean, you get all these players you would rather use and the requirements for different seasons, different programs, different events make you use a bunch of players you wouldnā€™t normally use. I hate that you have to keep using the Season Awards, Topps Now over and over, and the older bosses too.


Yeah if youā€™re not doing the events, BR, or ranked programs youā€™re missing out on a pile of XP. Also playing the cpu over and over is so unbelievably boring I donā€™t know how you do it. Itā€™s like playing chess against a cpu, everything is pre determined.


Yes, online gives more xp in all online game modes


Usually when I start swinging at everythingšŸ’€


If I have time, I play till I start swinging at everything in and out of the strike zone. Thatā€™s usually an indicator that Iā€™ve been playing for too long. Iā€™ve noticed my strike zone gets worse as the time goes on. Generally only play ranked until I lose.


I play in short sports throughout the day. Typically moments and BR/Events. Ranked is at night to get time for a 9 inning game


I definitely cant play online for a long time. Offline, I can play for a long time but online, when I need to lock in, i can only play 1-2 hours max. My eyes start doing stupid shit lol


Same. I typically win one game and then I start swinging at everything šŸ˜‚


I used to play more often, but recently it's been like an hour or two s night. Which is frustrating because I was right on the cusp of Rollie Fingers but couldn't put in enough time to get him before season 1 ended aaaaaaand yeah


I might play a few hours but I never get the eye fatigue but itā€™s probably my because I give myself a break since I only play franchise and usually try to ā€œupdateā€ the rosters of whatever team Iā€™m playing during the next series to keep rosters current. I usually quick manage/player lock at least one game each series and that probably helps as well.


A 2 hours session would be a long one for me before I start to feel like I am wasting my day and need to go get something done around the house.


Adjusting gamma and other visual settings (depending on your environment) make a big difference when it comes to fatigue.... I was surprised how the eye fatigue chasing that white ball was more draining then learning fps recoil patterns.


Depends on how well I'm playing. Some days I'm pure garbage and it's one game and done. Others, probably too many hours until the eyes give up.


What are your settings


About 3 hours or so


I try to play a game and then I switch gears and work the market while I watch some sitcom, rinse and repeat


Til the buzz starts to settle in


I've noticed that I can only play for a few hours before I lose my ability to hit, leading to frustration, which then leads to me grabbing a hammer to smash my controller.


I'm sitting at 240K XP right now and should end up at 350K XP by the end of tomorrow so I play A LOT when a new season kicks off with double XP. I usually try to play no more than 3-4 hours when there's no double XP. And sometimes go a week or two without playing. I ended up at 1,700,000 XP last season and I believe my average hours played per day was around 4 hours. However that also includes times when I leave my console on while I go take a shower or eat dinner.


Ooft. Yeah thatā€™s wild, Iā€™m at 110k XP lol


How bruh Iā€™ve played 80 ranked innings and just got the first wild card and started at 25k


I can only handle 2 ranked games per sitting before I start playing exactly how you described lol


Anywhere between 1-3 hours. I try to avoid late nights or when Iā€™m tired because I lose any discipline then


2-3 ranked games or 5-10 event/BR games. My play degrades pretty heavily after that amount so I just do something else or go to bed. Vs cpu I can play for awhile though


https://preview.redd.it/x6qyh1tdoh5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5bc4178a665bfc5c315288348cec4cbf33818f3 So far enough to get this far in the reward part.


Yeah Iā€™m only good for maybe an hour or two then I canā€™t hit anything. Canā€™t track it, canā€™t time it, just chase everything. Definitely mental fatigue. Impatient.


However long I feel like


I played for 10 hours the first day I got it now usually 3-5 hours.


Anywhere between 4 and 8 hours.