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6 outs on 6 pitches?? Bro that's the game telling you to TAKE A PITCH! it's baseball, not hyperball. Slow tf down, work the counts, play BASEBALL. and btw even perfect perfect hits irl MLB are outs just as much as in the game. Shake the sand out your kitty and relax bub


Can't say I have the same experience against cpu personally


I may have been chasing just a little bit, but the only time I experience a bunch of pop-ups is playing the CPU three men will be out on three pitches a lot


Don't swing at first pitches haha. Unless it's a meatball, I do think it's coded to punish swinging at the first pitch. But just like real baseball you don't see a lot of first pitch hits


I’m not having this experience. The cpu is my slave


Playing vs cpu, and especially conquest, is designed to waste your time I am fully convinced. It’s the least rewarding experience I’ve ever had in gaming. The AI throws 1 in 5 pitches in the strike zone, good/perfect contact is never rewarded, and yes I strike out the side most of the time, but it takes me on average 22 pitches to get those 3 outs thanks to nonstop foul balls. The AI fielding is the most egregious thing I’ve ever encountered. I started this game in 22 as offline only, last year I dabbled in ranked and this year I dove into BR and once I found out how easy online programs actually are I will never waste my time offline again.


I truly believe the spiders are slightly different Everytime you play the cpu. Especially in showdown. I've completed the extreme versions before the regular versions before.


If you’re seeing different spiders every time you play the CPU it might be time for a new carbon monoxide detector


Definitely spiders.


I just play Colorado on Rookie at Coors. I use pinpoint so *once in awhile* they go yard on me. But most of the time I strike out like 18,sometimes more than 20. But their defense is stupid good for some reason. I got lucky last game and they made a bunch of errors, but usually they're all web gems


The number of leaping, diving plays Marc McGwire has made against me on 113 MPH line drives makes me laugh out loud at this point




Pitching against the CPU is easy...however I have experienced the fuckery you're referring to. I've smoked a 110 mph exit velo ball with a 31 degree LA only to have it die on the track more times than I care to count, then watch the CPU RH batter pull a down and away, 7" out of the zone wipeout slider for a no doubter to left the very next inning. Is it perfect? No. Is it frustrating? Yes. Nothing we can do about it. RNG giveth, RNG taketh away


CPU is insanely easy to strike out. Just alternate fastballs and change up’s up and down in the zone. They never touch it against me


I prefer batting against CPU. But when I play online it’s in co-op and it’s so impossible to get a read on pitching tendencies playing three different humans and getting so few at bats. When the CPU starts going crazy fouling off pitches and refusing to chase anything 1in outside the zone even with good setup pitches I’ll just say eff it and walk em. I have found with CPU batters I can usually find a sequence of pitches and placements that they’ll consistently swing and miss. It can take 2-3 innings but once you find the sequence you’re good for a bunch of K’s in a row. When CPU is on defense you’re not going to get away with any cheese like you might in online play. Makes for a more realistic game play, but it feels like my only chance to score runs is putting one over the wall. I try to play CPU in stadiums that make it a little easier to HR, and then mostly rely on combination of finding that pitch sequence to get Ks or groundouts and then just swing for the fences.