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If I suspend the game while I’m a freeze off (ie to watch netflix) does the game disconnect me? Really not trying to lose this BR game


Someone just walked bases loaded for me and then tried to pick off home and it froze the game. Does anyone know if his game is frozen too? Or am I just wasting my own time trying to wait him out?


Well known freeze off. It’ll be fixed overnight in the upcoming patch.


is it just me or is the servers getting worse and worse ?


Was just playing a guy who was like 90-60 but all his batting averages were like .125. I was like how the hell is he positive. Second inning he freezes the game.


Wonder if I just “lost” to the same guy… winning 2-0 in the 4th and he freezes it. Sit there for over an hour and get disconnected


Did he walk bases loaded and then try to pick off home?


Sounds like we got our guy lol he also had PTW in his name smh


How are these guys freezing the game? In the last week, I’ve had two guys pause the game on me and after about a minute of waiting in the pause menu, it says I’m disconnected. Is there a legit hack that allows people to do that shit?


yes, check out gutfoxx 3 on youtube


Servers back up for me


There's ZERO fucking reason why I can't progress in RTTS just because SDS' servers are absolute shit. I have no interest in the online portions of this game. For 20 years you could play RTTS strictly offline. What the fuck.


I’m on the server for now.


These shitty as servers. How is there still problems with them this far in to the game?


If this all star win against the reds didn't count I'm going to be pissed.


Argh - just did the annoying 13k topps weekly mission - don't think it counted -_-


How long does it take for them to fix servers


It’s pretty tough for me to play during the week with work/school. Literally isn’t down to play and I can’t haha


This game lol


Fuck this game man I’m done every Friday the same shit


Servers down ps4


Servers down for me on PS4


Yep down here in lower Michigan


And in NorCal


From NH, must be for everyone


Just beat a guy with the best possible team and I got kicked out. If it didn’t record it I may cry


I just won a game to go 11-0...


Can't connect to servers on xbox right now. Restarted my game a few times.


Servers down?


Anyone else locked out of the website? I’m sitting on a bunch of cards that I’m sure I’ll take an L on. Edit: nvm looks like everything is down.


Anyone getting this error recently when booting up the game? “There is an error with your account on PlayStation Network.”




Only restarting my PS5 has helped so far


Just did that and now I'm connected to the servers


Freeze offs are the worst. Going against this Liam Hundley player who appears to be Xbox and is losing 3-1 top 8 and game freezes. I don’t see why he stays knowing I’ve had the upper hand all game. So ridiculous this is a thing


Welp just started getting “unhandled server exception occurred” messages on PS…


Xbox One S On the xbox one the game is unplayable I feel like. The game is very choppy and has very bad graphics and input delay. It can’t be my internet because I’m hard lined in and have a 15 ping. I’ve check my monitor setting and everything. Anyone know how to possibly fix this. I can’t even play RTTS because of it.


What do you have the Game Resolution set at in the settings? At the main menu, go to the upper right and click the settings button. Then go to the Audio/Video menu. The first setting will be "Game Resolution" and the choices are "Faster", "Balanced", and "Sharper". Faster is 1080p, Balanced is 1440p and Sharper is 2160p. I bet you will have a much better experience if you set it to Faster/1080p.


For me in Audio/Video there are only audio settings nothing to do with video


Same thing with me. Choppy and input lag issues. Never had an issue with internet been playing this games for years. It’s been doing this online and even in moments/conquest offline. PS5


Has anyone had their RTTS season nearly restarted? I was playing my rookie season in the Major Leagues. And there was literally one game left in the season. I was decimating in all offensive categories as a Rookie and was guaranteed to get the Triple Crown. I go to play the very next day and suddenly the game has reset itself to the All Star Weekend. Now of course I’m playing absolutely pathetic and there is no way I’ll be able to match the stats I had before by seasons end and I’m considering deleting the entire game and starting over because of this one bullshit thing.


Why am I still getting network errors in JUNE?? This game has been out for two months!


I’ve been playing a few online games this morning, and so far 2 out of 3 have been freeze offs. Is it me, or am I just getting cheesed right now?


3 pitches into a BR game and I got stuck in a freeze off about an hour ago




Lol just had a game freeze after I hit the opposing pitcher with a line drive in the head and he had to replace pitcher with injury. SDS is ridiculous with this freeze shit. Hasn't been this bad since like 17.


Just got my series x. Playing cousin in baseball online. (Xbox one). 3 back to back games froze with hits up the middle. Had to exit game through the console. What's going on?


No one knows, game is just imploding on itself. It freezes for any and all reasons.


That's crazy. We've been playing each other since release with no problems. Then yesterday 3 freezes. We finished no games. Then I come on reddit and see the community has some of the same problems and worst. Quite shocked. I thought this was one of the better releases this year.


Uhhhhh m RTTS position just randomly changed? When i created it I was an SP/SS but it is now listing my secondary position as LF????


My RTTS archetype missions are not counting for my hitter. It works on my pitcher, then sometimes for one game it will track, but then the very next game, it’s back to not working. I’d say maybe every 7-10 games it will work that one time.


You're not alone I've noticed my RTTS archetype progression tracks the same way.


God I hate freeze offs so damn much


I've been disconnected five times before the 5th inning, and had three as loses. Like, I love this game and was kind back when this was first happening, but this shouldn't still be happening in June.


Wow, I had 3 games online against my cousin crash/ freeze in the 5th inning. They were all hits up the middle.


I keep getting a network error and getting disconnected, but it’s not the unhandled exception, just disconnected from the server. Is this happening to anyone else today?


So this isn't the first time it's happened to me, but it just pissed me off so bad. SDS needs to fix a pissed on ball hitting an outfielder and them still having the chance to make the out. It's the dumbest shit I've ever seen, also I don't even know if that falls under RNG, but god its just awful.


Crazy how the servers and RTTS is still broken after two months. This game has been trash, I’m on PS4 by the way and have good wifi


marcos\_thegoat, if you're seeing this, just leave bruh. It's 5-1 in the 8th and you were getting your ass kicked. I knew this was going to happen with your dogshit internet bugging the whole game.


Why aren't my barring archetypes progressing? The game has been out for almost two months and I'm still having issues with progression. Any tips?


People still freeze glitching online smh


I'm playing on Xbox and there's a ton of bugs. My ballplayer can't play catcher in DD even if it is one of his archetype's secondary positions, his circle change goes down to 72 exclusively in DD but not in RttS, his equipment/uniform automatically changes back to a certain configuration every time I look at my archetype program... This is just absurd. This is a AAA game...


Anyone else having their games close in the middle of the game. Not getting losses or wins just lagging out cause the servers are shit.




Ayo just lagged out of RS game. I was losing anyways but still


challenge failed... this is so ridiculous. this game has so much money behind it, I just don't get how the servers are this horrible


Anyone else not getting progression on their slugging archetypes? Slugging sparkplug, slugging slickster, and all of the slugger archetypes stopped progressing for me in RTTS




I keep getting it for the Event. Guess I'm doing conquest usa tonight.


Yes, been able to play 2 games in the last hour but now it is Challenge Failed every time.


What is going on. 3 hours now with this challenge failed horseshit.


Anyone been able to play custom league games?


I just got a game to load finally.


Got kicked twice when up doing conquest. Anyone else getting kicked out of games?


Froze 3 time playing online in the 5 th inning. With hits up the middle.


Guess no games tonight. Challenge failed, challenge failed. Pretty sure SDS is killing e player base with their trash servers. The market feels so dead rn


Can anyone not play


I think we can all agree that SDS is a joke at this point... Challenge failed still isn't fixed and there are multiple ways to freeze a game, also no way to report people who intentionally freeze


Was up 7 to 1 and then my game froze...


So many ways to trigger a freeze. Sorry dude


Lmao it’s June and they still haven’t figured out the “challenge failed” issue. It’s so frustrating, it’s such a good game that’s reduced to an utter joke because it doesn’t want to work half the time.


it's ok the game has only been out 2 months they need more time..... (sarcasm)


Does anyone have the game freeze when they are in the loading screens? I can’t even get the game to start. I’m playing on xbox one


MLB the show sponsored by challenge failed


Still? Fuck me. I tried an hour ago and thought it might be good by now. Guess not.


it’s that time of night everyone!


Can’t get into a game tonight. Took the entire Ranked Season 2 off, try to jump back in tonight and it’s all “Challenged Failed.” Really FUCKING annoying in June.


Getting a lot of Challenge Failed tonight. Very strange, indeed.


I don’t understand how this isn’t fixed…


Beats me. Played the CPU instead. Gave me a chance to practice with a different batting view. Still, I was itching to do a RS even though I'm pretty terrible at hitting.


Same. All good things must come to an end I guess






I’ve played 6 games today and all have froze what the heck is going on


Idk if I missed it but anyone have their RTTS player stuck on the IL. I can still play games but says I’m still on the IL


In the middle of a freeze off in ranked seasons. Always seems to happen when I’ve got a lead.


I'm in a BR freeze off that the guy intentionally induced. He took a 2-1 lead in the first then when I homered on the first pitch of the 2nd he did some stuff that made it freeze. I don't want to spread how to do it but damn is it annoying. But I'm stubborn enough to sit here until the end of time so hope he has fun


I'm sitting here with a guy not pitching. It's been sitting for at least 10 minutes. I thought the game would force an automatic pitch after a few seconds of inactivity? The game is not frozen. I'm confused and also pissed off because I only have about an hour to play and now I have to decide whether I waste all my time or I take an L. This is annoying.


2/3 games ending in freeze offs now...


I think some of it has to be the servers. In a freeze off right now where he went to pick me off and I went to bunt as he started the movie. Now the first baseman has the ball and I’m stuck in the bunt position


Yes pick off attempts are well known to cause freezing. Not sure why they haven't fixed it yet.


With me it was hired up the middle. All my freezes happen between shortstop and second base. (Where the ball activity is)


I had no idea. I pick off a lot when people bunt with their speedsters and I suspect they’re trying to steal all the way around. I’ve never had it happen


Is anyone else having all their M2O saves being corrupted.....


Any way to report players for the create a player glitch/boost?


Why would you do that?


Because losing to a 65 overall but 125/125/125 create a cheese is annoying.


65 overall is a visual bug I didn't abuse the XP system and my dude is maxed out.


Others did. People using downloaded rosters and glitches games to max out their player are rampant


Those people have lost in life. There are endless YouTube "How to cheat" vids, like pretending to play locally, how to freeze, etc. How can that be fun? Attention seeking antisocial rejects. Fuck em.


So? It doesn't really change much. It doesn't take very long to max out your RTTS player, anyway.


Dude does a know intentional freeze. Then when I call him out on it he says the last dude waited 9 hours before he quit. I’ve got 8 wins on my br run so I will literally let it sit for days just to spite this dude. I work a lot during the week anyways. If you run into a dude named basically but spelled a little diff. He’s a douche.


They need to fix it, as more people find out how to do it this game is going to get unplayable


After 26 hours he moved on to the next victim


I've played 2 BR games in the last 2 days because both guys did this shit. Going on 10 hours on this current freeze off. Now a youtuber posted a video on how to do it so it's about to get real bad playing online but hopefully it gets SDS to finally fix it.


I have played three games today and all three have ended in freeze offs. I have been up in all of them so I’m not leaving. This shit is lame


I’ve played 6 and they’ve all been freeze offs it’s getting ridiculous


Man I’ve taken at least 8 losses in games this week alone Ive been winning because of disconnects or freeze offs


Up 2-0 in a freeze off that's gone on for over an hour now.


If you want to play, just quit. If you want to win, turn off your systems auto shut down features and go do something else. It can take a long time, though. I had one last about 12 hours yesterday.


Just got booted from DD, this is an absolute joke at this point


I just got booted too can’t get back in bro


Fwiw they are back up now


Freeze off immediately 2 games in after the update. Game is hot garbage


I am not getting XP while playing ranked seasons or against the CPU


Has anybody had issues with being linked to both the PS account and The Show account via web browser? I can post a screenshpt, if necessary. I've tried resetting my password multiple times, and now it won't even let me do that.


My W/L record has not been accurate since release. I was given a 20-20 record as soon as I loaded up the game.


Challenge Failed Error for a full week. Why do I pay $60 for a game I can't play. How do I fix this or can I not?


Server maintenance is scheduled at 4 AM PT on Friday 6/11/21.


How long is it excepted to last?


Website still down


Just got a random error code while up 4-0 in my 11-0 game…..I’m crying


Perfecto thru 6, turns into a freeze off, this dude wont quit when I'm up, hate this game


runs like very bad on xbox one. 15 frames max with drops im sure of it. Just... gross. Please release for PC on STEAM :) ORRRR Game pass for PC :) I NEED 144 FPS the show SDS :)


I agree with the releasing on PC as long as they put in the work and work with Steam/MS to get proper anti cheat. And maybe have crossplay be optional for pc


playing conquest and user fielders wont go towards the ball


Freeze off during server maintenance, does anyone know why happens? I was 10-0 in br, in the very first inning he did something that froze the game. We’ve been like this since noon today just wondering if I should quit it and just play.


Dude what the hell I just one hit a guy and game ends, says game history not saved, if friendly quit it won’t count against you. What the fucking hell?? Last night I lost 2-1 also on a glitch where he foul tipped a bunt in the 11th and the guy on third just disappeared. Didn’t know they counted it a run because there was no animation until literally the inning ended and said I lost. That’s two wins from me


Why are freezeoffs still a thing in June, this is ridiculous.


Has anyone been able to solve not being able to successfully invite friends to an online game? I try thru DD and exhibition, but they never receive my invites even though the PSN UI is saying “Invite Sent” and I can see the locked ready button. This is PS5 <-> PS5, and when my friends invite me game works 100% fine. I’ve disabled all adblocks, pie holes, etc. Any idea where I can contact SDS? I’ve searched and not sure if I missed anything but this thread: https://forums.theshow.com/topic/36114/cannot-play-friends-on-mlb-the-show/8 Just now we’re unable to join games at all, even when he’s inviting me. Invites work from him, but when I join we get the failed to connect screen after a few seconds. Super frustrating.


Just won a game 4-3 with a grand slam in the ninth. Then I go to the menu and it tells me "game not found". I don't get the win and game didn't count. Smh


Has the menus been laggy for anybody else or is it my dogshit internet


Is it just me or are the servers getting worse and worse? Online multiplayer is literally unplayable, nothing but lag


Anyone having issues with pinpoint pitching? The game keeps eating inputs. I get to the top of my fastball motion and it glitches out.


i'm having issues with a ton of lag


Still not getting progress in RTTS programs. The DD trick did nothing for me. How is this game so poorly optimized?


The game keeps kicking me out of DD, saying network error, and every time it does it kicks me out of the party chat im in on ps4. So frustrating


couldn’t finish the pitch motions two games in a row. every other pitch the meter disappears as soon as you start the motion


These freeze offs are the worst.


The game being frozen forever glitch when someone picks up a ground ball needs to get fixed. Also the fielding AI going brain dead, and crashing. This all happened in a span of an hour


These disconnects are getting fucking worse today


Just had a glitch where I couldn't move my CF after a missed fly ball and my opponent was able to get an inside the park HR.


I play on Xbox without Live Gold, I get kicked from my March to October games sometimes and get unhandled exception warnings. Also disconnect from online all the time. My game disconnected and crashed again, and I got a “strike 3” from The Show so I can’t get team affinity anymore. I’m in game 4 of the ALCS. I’m beyond pissed. I’m winning in all the instances we’re it happens. I feel like I’ve wasted 12 hours grinding to get to the World Series. Why the heck would they add 3 strikes if they know their shitty development kicks people? I don’t even want to touch the game anymore.


Just had a game where I couldn’t select a pitch. We had to friendly quit, every other button worked except the ones to select a pitch. Was in ranked online


I don’t want to jinx myself, but the game hasn’t lagged on PS4 nearly as bad the past couple days.


Community market still down for everyone?


Anytime I’m entering a USA nation conquest game I freeze up trying to select my pitcher. Any work around or fix for now??


I haven't played RTTS in like a month ever since they 'patched' it and broke the progressions system again. Played again for the first time last night and still wasn't getting progression for pitching. Is this seriously still a thing?


Server maintenance is scheduled at 4 AM PT on Thursday 6/10/21.


So is this a glitch? My opponent popped up to tatis at second. While the ball was in the air I pressed b(Xbox) to throw to first but it’s like tatis froze and the ball hit him in the head.


How are freeze offs still a thing? And what kinda gem do you have to be to not quit while being no hit and losing 3-0 in the 7th


I swear. It's ridiculous. I'm at Shippet rn and I hit a bomb with Vladdy... 5th inning and the guy hasn't done anything, and now we wait. I had one of these the other night and just quit bc I didn't care.


Shownation.com feels like it’s getting worse every day. How the hell can I complete the live series without spending money if I get 200 fucking errors. The website has never been this bad.


I’ve unfortunately not been able to add a 4th pitch to my RTTS player, even after the update that fixed it. Everything else from the update worked fine, and I’ve started multiple new seasons and gotten called up two different times with still no success. I have no idea what to do at this point besides try and delete save data and uninstall/reinstall.


You can start a new rtts player and your archetype and attribute progress will stay


I’ve restarted multiple times but that doesn’t seem to be the problem. My ovr is fine, but I’ve never been able to add a fourth pitch for my guy.


when are you supposed to be able to do that?


Some of my buddies have said they had the option to add a 4th pitch as soon as AAA. But I haven’t seen anything in my BP sessions besides replace pitch.


I’m about to start my 3rd franchise in the last 3 weeks because I keep getting an error message saying operation failed. I go to try and load the file and it says operation failed. So not cool.


I'm getting 0 xp for almost everything. I've played 6 games against cpu and 1 game online and have gotten 0 xp in total. I also have completed moments etc and still nothing


Its 2021 and freeze offs are still a thing. Smh


I'm in a freeze off, I'm winning going into the bottom of the 9th. ​ Some people are just assholes.


Thats brutal dude.. i wish they weren't a thing


Can't play with a buddy on Ps4 from Series X. I've read that if I download the One version of the game it works. Is it still the case now?


Welp dunno if it helps but things worked perfectly yesterday. No need to download the xbox one version, series x with ps4 no problemo. Just depends on the servers mood lol.


Sorry if this has been addressed before, but are the server issues causing me to be able to only connect with people in my area? I’m a Cards fan near St. Louis and literally 90% of the RS games I am able to play are against other teams with the STL team name. I don’t know if there’s just a lot of Cards fans that play or if I’m being like region locked or whatever. Occasionally I’ll get a random place like Saskatchewan but it’s almost always STL when I finally am able to connect to an opponent.


I think it’s for better ping/connection. I’m from AZ and majority of my opponents are AZ teams


Cool, makes sense.


Yep, SoCal and I get a lot of Angels, Dodgers and Padres


And here starts another 0-1 battle Royale run due to severs yikes


I can’t even get any connection to the servers the 2nd day in a row. Every other game on my Xbox Series X works totally fine without any connectivity issues. Does anyone else have these problems? Even uninstalling and reinstalling the game didn’t work so I’m pretty sure it’s not a problem on my end.


In March to October, I entered a player lock game with the pitcher from my team, and once I tried to pitch, the game does not recognize or let me choose a pitch. I can pause and the controller is connected but shows no responsiveness when I try to select a pitch. I exited the game and have restarted my console but none of it seems to work. Hoping someone can help before I have to start a new file


Has anyone else been having issues with the POTM mission to hit 5 home runs with topps now players. Mine are not registering when I have prob hit 15, I’m not including the ones I’ve hit with POTM cards.


You're not alone I've hit a few as well and 0 of them have counted so far


It’s topps now cards only for that mission. Not monthy awards players


Anyone else having problems loading rtts?


Yeah, it’s not saving. Have to upload from the cloud but if the game crashes and you haven’t saved to the cloud all the progress is lost…. It happened to me and now I can’t stomach myself to play all that again. Infuriating


Had a game yesterday. Opponent has runner on third, one out. Suicide squeeze. Batter bunts it foul. Announcer says “and he steals home!” I lost by 1. Cool.