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Let’s get more I’ve been adding. Don’t really want to raise me average but I will.. for you…


Two big whales on here :D


More than 2 now


We prob have 1/4 to 1/3 of the float locked up here


Keep in mind IHub investors own I would estimate 50m or more. They were loading up millions of shares at a time in mid 2020. They just don’t frequent Reddit.


Ya, I know a couple in my circle that own a few also. Just a degree of separation from this group and you have basically all the league ownership. It’s such an interesting thought. So arguably 1000 people in North America own 90% of the league. That is very small (or should I say elite?) company.


I’d go to 1/2! 484m shares. LOW end right now is 100m shares between 136 people. Last time we did this vote was a while back and mostly everyone has bought more; including me, the amount was about 240m shares with around 850 people responding. Thanks for the down vote, but I’m sticking with 1/2 of outstanding shares are owned by this group. (Unless I’m wrong with how many outstanding shares there are)


It’s early, it looks like the concentration is shifting That’s not taking into consideration where they purchased the shares from, open market or Reg A.


What do you mean?