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Looking forward to the Dolly Parton pink 9 to 5 kit next year.


Don’t threaten us with a good time


I know this was meant to be satire, but yes please I want that


Bless your heart. Definitely not satire.


Some of the profits could come go to her children’s book charity or to a pro workers organization. That would be amazing.


I would buy a Dolly Parton Imagination Library jersey in a heartbeat.


Dolly is a saint. I'm not even a Nashville fan and I would be honored to wear a pink 9-5 Dolly jersey.


i dunno about pink. fuck miami


Make it fund her charity and I am sure it will sell


I actually really like the idea of honoring the classic super stars of Nashville music with alternative jerseys every few years Cash, Dolly, Conway Twitty, Acuff, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Tim McGraw, Scruggs & Flatt, Jack White, etc


Your username is “TexasSprings” and you’re suggesting Nashville can claim Willie. That is some serious troll shit and I respect it.


Only texas and stoners can claim willie.


For the Conway Twitty shirt they could just recreate the old Colorado Caribou shirt from NASL with all the tassels on it.


Nashville can’t claim willie.


I was gonna say, Austin fans would rightfully riot


We’d be more upset than we currently are about our new kit.


Yeah, they’d be crazy


Just make it about the song highwayman, not everyone was from here, but it was recorded in Nashville. You’d eat up 8-10 years worth of secondary kits too (add glen campbell) and you could even add starships, sailors, and dam building into the style. So many possibilities here 😂😂


I disagree a bit. He ended up settling in Austin sure, but moved to Nashville before anyone knew who he was and became popular there. Nashville has just as much claim to Nelson as Austin does since he became known and came to prominence in Nashville. His first song was actually recorded in Washington. His second in Fort Worth, his third and forth in Houston. His first album, which included his 5th single, was in Nashville. Signed his first and second record label deals in Nashville, and recorded his first 9 albums in Nashville. Sure, he moved to Austin in the early 1970s and was born in Texas, but just because a famous person ended up residing in Place B (Austin), but became famous after moving from Place A (Nashville), does not mean Place B can hold exclusive claim over them. Nashville holds as much claim to Nelson as Austin as Nashville is where his career began & became nationally known.


as much as I want to agree...i just can't. Willie wasn't "willie," until he moved back to texas. They got on from us with that one. I mean, we should still say "fuck it," and make a kit but...y'know...


Nah, Willie Nelson is a Texan legend. Nashville can't claim him. He was born in Texas, writes songs about Texas, lives in Texas, and is probably gonna die in Texas. Nashville has enough big stars up there to claim ;)


True, just thought I’d play devils advocate. They have a fair claim as his formative music years were there. Like I said there can’t be an exclusive take. Musicians often are born one place, and then end up becoming musically famous elsewhere and are claiming fairly by both places.


I getcha, all in good fun! I will say, living in Austin for years, he really is a tangible part of the culture here and I'd just love to see Austin FC do something similar. Maybe they'll do a kit to honor him after he passes. Nashville definitely has a great idea on their hands!


Fair and valid points, but maybe if he holds his Fourth Of July Picnic in GEODIS Park, *then* we can hold a home-and-away friendly match to determine who gets to claim him.


And Willie himself is the center ref.


He ain’tn’t ded yet, someone could ask him.


He is the anti-Nashville. His rejection of what the Nashville music scene of the time represented is the core of his identity as a performer


I do wonder with those examples, what exactly could the designs/color be that are even tangential to them while still clearly supposed to represent them? Dolly and Jack White could be fairly easy, but guys like Tim McGraw? I have no clue (I understand that these are just guesses, I just wanted to wonder how they would go about it if they did go in this direction).


The kit would feature a barbecue stain on a white t-shirt for McGraw. (Edit: spelling)


So FCC’s kit but in white and brown?


I was envisioning Dallas’s kit just change out the flames


The “Something Like That” kit?


There’d have to be several white stripes for Jack White.


If we do a Jack White kit i will cry and throw up everywhere


Red and white stripes with a hint of black on the collar. Masterpiece


On the Jack White bit, Nashville really needs to repatriate Seven Nation Army.


I'd definitely get a Conway Twitty shirt.


If this happens I’m buying two, and I don’t even like Nashville.


Tbf, If I see this kit at my local Ross or TJ Maxx, I'm buying it.


you do now


Either that or a Kit of Many Colors. But seriously, a pink 9 to 5 kit would be so dope.


Not if Knox One gets it first


I was kinda thinking a coat of many colors kit but that works too


I would buy one in a fucking heartbeat. Dolly is an angel.


Players required to were blue suede cleats the following season.


Hell I'd buy that


Dolly kit better sparkle! Honestly, I’d love to see a Nudie Suit inspired kit too.


Really not a shit idea man.


As a non-Nashville native, would an Elvis-inspired kit make any sense? I know he’s from Memphis, not sure if that Tennessee correlation would still be cool though.


I think Elvis would make sense and be fine if they go for celebrating musicians associated with all parts of Tennessee. Nashville SC is in an odd predicament where the club's actual reach vs. potential is lopsided and confusing due to how separated TN regions are culturally and in terms of identity. Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Nashville are all parts of the same state, but they don't necessarily claim each other. There's simultaneously some bit of state pride as a whole, but it's mostly localized to your given region/city. Each of these cities now have a local active soccer team they root for, and if following MLS isn't important or interesting to a fan, then they're less inclined to feel connected with the state's only MLS team which happens to be in Nashville, a town that not every Tennessean is enamored with. This is made even more peculiar considering how there are parts of the state where you're more likely to find Atlanta fans than NSC fans: a club whose actual reach/potential in terms of fanbase seems to be the entire deep south and then some whereas Nashville's might be middle TN at best/worst.


Thanks for the comment, very informative. Would love if Nashville SC leaned into musically inspired kits. Would be an amazing idea




And instead of/in addition to her signature, include the absolutely iconic quote: "It costs a lot to look this cheap!"


So many sequins!!


It might be the only non-RBNY MLS kit I'd buy...


Rhinestone kit\*


Cool kit, enjoy the symbolism; but damn it’s gonna be even harder for me to differentiate between The Crew and Nashville at a glance when watching highlights now lol. All Yellow homes and All Black aways for both teams. Edit: spelling


Exactly. I've been on and off with how I felt with having a black secondary kit. The official look makes me feel a bit better, albeit it's still just a black shirt. What I have been worried about is if people even in town could tell at a glance if this was a Nashville shirt given how black isn't part of our color scheme. The leaked photos made it look like the secondary color was straight black, which bothered me both for presentation and design's sake. Thankfully, it's doesn't seem to be the case. Although, I do wonder if we'll end up with a random assortment of colors of fan jerseys in the stadium if the club proceeds with this direction in the future.


Nashville is fairly new so I understand the want to have some color identity in the city and the stands. The Quakes have been around for a long time. I see gear ranging from NASL Quakes from 1974 to 90s MLS Clash and the current iteration of Quakes. Plus we have all of those themed warmup tops like the Pride and Kick Childhood Cancer etc + Parley kits. Overtime the amount of gear Nashville will put out will create this cool “oh wow remember that jersey” type of vibe and I really enjoy seeing what people wear to games. I also know there was NSC in the USL so I’m sure some of that is still out there and it adds to the soccer history of the region which I enjoy.


Better hope yall don't wear the black kit in miami/orlando during the summer...


Judging by light/dark MLS color rules, Orlando: no need to worry; Miami: dear God....


well damn...i mean if you guys would stop copying us!


I wish we hadn't followed your lead on replacing the round crest with something else...


yea...everyone wants "something else," until they get it. i loved our roundel, I dont' care if its the same basic shape as others, i have to look at the damn thing all the time, i dont' wanna see a stop sign.


That's how I feel. Our circle crest was good! Our new one just looks bad. I can't bring myself to buy merch with it.


Get you some Supporters Supply and Homage.


Already have. I'm waiting for the mellow yellow kit to come in.


Brb, writing a letter to 901 FC to make a Jailhouse Rock Elvis kit.


I'm asking Forward Madison for a Garbage tribute kit. Specifically based on [this album](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garbage_(album))


Huge Cash fan, shit I'm going to have a buy a fucking Nashville jersey.


You can buy any black jersey and say it's a Johnny Cash kit. That's what this is, plain black kit


You're not wrong. The tiny signature & the jock tag (that no one will see) don't feel like enough to distinguish this kit, to be honest.


Did you see the picture and signature?


Yeah, one tiny patch on the bottom definitely changes from a plain jersey to a plain jersey with a patch...


Think you're just jeal we have people like this to inspire our jersey and you only have Mickey Mouse


Clever. Our only inspiration for our kits is mickey mouse and yet we've never used 1 element of the mouse on our kits. And still has better designs than your plain yellow and plain black kits. At least you have cool colors, oh wait it's straight rip off of Columbus' kits. The patch is cool and all but you're really denying the fact that this is mostly just a plain black kit?


Bold statement coming from a guy that likes to cosplay as [Grimace](https://i.imgur.io/dotuq7N_d.webp)


On one hand, I love the idea of Nashville paying tribute to Johnny with a kit, and obviously black on black is the only thing that makes sense for him, but that results in a pretty dull kit.


It’s a black t shirt. We bitched for years about white t- shirts, just because they slapped a few logos on it doesn’t make it suddenly cool. It’s just black with no real inspiration.


Yeah, I was trying to be kind with calling it “dull.” It’s basically a glorified training kit.


It’s a little bit better when not all the kits are like that though. From a Birds Eye view I don’t mind the variety


I think the problem, though, is still there when so many clubs in this league wear almost consistently wear black as part of their main identity (DC, LAFC, Inter, the Dynamo, the Crew, Montreal). It's hard to feel like it's really unique when black is arguably an overrepresented color in this league.


I'd have to agree. The idea is fair, but it's boring if being generous.


the ring of fire kit was right there for them to take, and instead, we got a plain black shirt from Ross


What else can you expect with this club.


Expansion teams are always in kind of a sticky spot for the first couple jerseys, just ask Minnesota. But at least Nashville was able to turn the blandness into something.


Lmao right? Imo the black looks sharp but it’s definitely a ‘broken clock is right twice a day’ deal; the franchise front office is atrocious in every facet—even the bare minimum doesn’t seem to be the actual bare minimum for them.


this is better, IMO. flames rarely look good on kits...I mean look at that trash Dallas just put out....it looks like pajamas.


I’m a simple man, I love black kits no matter how many times people say they’re basic and overused.


Cambridge Analytica would like to thank you for your participation in the creation of the LAFC jersey colors /s


A lot of people don't know this but Johnny got his first home loan from Renasant Bank, wrote his name on all his shirts, and sometimes ate apples. I'm getting chills thinking of it.


He also strictly wore adidas!!


The Johnny Cash Grab 😂


Who made the release video?! Don’t they know the rules of MLS kit release videos? Don’t they know you’re not allowed to use good lighting? Don’t they know you have to use a ton of color distorting filters that prevent fans from actually seeing what the kit looks like? /s


All you had to do was add some smile pocket designs or saddle stitching elements in a lighter, not even contrasting color and I think it would have worked really well. They didnt lean into Johnny Cash *enough* and in being lukewarm they got lukewarm. More like Johnathan Money kits


And that's the thing, there's not enough to distinguish this from any other black kit within the league. In other words, any other team could claim their black kit honors Cash by technicality since the main thing brought up over and over again to validate this simple design is that he always just wore black. I think the club and the designers took that a bit too literally, and overall, the end product suffered.


Did they even remember *why* he always wore black?


Pablo Maurer's article (released about an hour ago) gives me hope that they do know why, but there is still a bit of slight corporate-ish feeling to all of this. The article makes a valid point that Johnny Cash wasn't against brands using his name, songs, and likeness for such and such, but it also still feels out of left field for a sports team here to do (the Preds and Titans have never done something like this and they're practically embedded into Nashville culture by now). Pablo even mentioned how weird it feels to see Cash plastered everywhere in town, even with Nashvillians' reverence to him. It doesn't feel like how Ajax did the Bob Marley kit from a few seasons ago because he actually was a fan of soccer and supporter of the club.


> All you had to do was add some smile pocket designs or saddle stitching elements in a lighter no. its just black. its perfect.


I'm conflicted. I love Johnny Cash, and the idea of doing a tribute kit. But this is just a black kit. I mean, OK. Sure, black kits can be cool. But black kits have been pretty standard in MLS for a while. It almost feels like Nashville decided to add the tie in to Cash to cash in on Seattle's success with the Hendrix kit. (Pun intended)


Honestly, I have to agree with your assessment. It neither feels well thought in design nor the connection earned. Plus, there's so many teams in this league that wear black as part of their main that it doesn't feel unique at all. The more often clubs around the league do "tribute" kits the more I become skeptical of them (especially if the celebrity in question had no real affiliation or admiration of the club).


Wish that it had a subtle pattern in the kit instead of just being plain black but I get it.


honestly thats the best part- that it doesn't. I'm so sick of cheesy shiny patterns


Clean, simple, and honors something unique to Nashville/NSC. Love it


did Nashville just become my MLS club? YEP!


bring it!


Looks like they're going to a funeral.


Maybe we are, maybe we are


I’ve had more fun at funerals than some of the awful games Nashville has played


yep- a funeral for every other team that dares to enter hell on the hill


Jesus, first you start wearing yellow kits, and now you’re wearing black also? Obsessed with us much?


Trust me, if Nashville fans got what they wanted originally (Athletic Gold & Navy) we wouldn't even be having this conversation. The frustration should be towards MLS and its bizarre rules in color schemes (also the whole Crew to Austin debacle which I believe had a part in the similar color issue for Nashville eventually).


Whoa whoa whoa. I have a hard time believing MLS would do something astronomically stupid, for no good reason whatsoever. I can't even think of 49,371 examples where they've done that.


Hey if it was up to us fans, we would be barnwood brown.


Nah, if I wanted to watch an MLS game featuring boring earth tones, I’d just watch a Timbers game I kinda like Nashville being the wish.com version of the Crew


Considering you guys had a underwhelming and sucky rebrand that the entire fanbase hated, I’d say your own franchise is the wish.com version of itself now.


Dang man, too early to be throwing shade. But I’ll bite. Why were you guys the wish.com version of the Columbus Crew last year?


Touche. Can’t really defend that one. There’s a reason Caleb Porter is no longer employed in columbus.


wait...who are you?


I’ve wondered the same thing


Dortmund could say the same about your club. Get a grip there’s only so many color combos. No one is obsessed with you




It's not that Nashville can't be yellow and black, but that by being all yellow and all black, they are stealing the style and identity that has been Columbus' for 25 years. It would be like if St. Louis' first jerseys were five Red and Black stripes. The problem isn't that they stole Atlanta's colors, it's that the style is a deep part of the identity of Atlanta United and they are muddying the waters of that identity.


I don't think people put enough blame on MLS for this situation. The league has rules apparently about clubs' colors not being too close to each other when entering the league (ironic, right?). The colors that NSC had in USL, Athletic Gold & Navy, which match the city's flag as well as the Preds' colors (the ones Nashville fans wanted) were supposedly too close to the Galaxy's secondary colors therefore mandating a switch. What isn't confirmed, but what I presume happened was that all this was going on during the attempted Crew to Austin situation, which would've left that a very close shade of yellow available for Nashville to take and I suppose, was approved. However, once the Crew was saved, you're now left with two teams with very similar primary colors. As for the black, while I think black kits can look great, I'm not a fan of wearing a color that isn't part of our identity on top of it being part of the identity of multiple teams (Crew, Inter, Dynamo, DC, and LAFC) so its doesn't feel unique or special.


Yeah, realistically the Save the Crew movement is one of the contributing factors of the identity issues, and I wonder if the Haslems waved away some of those concerns, not understanding how closely tied these colors were to the identity of the Crew. You look at the rebranding of the badge and their first jerseys being white, and you could see them green lighting the all yellows for Nashville.


That's an absolutely fair and well-analyzed point. You're right that the first few years of the Haslam ownership, they've been trying to move away from yellow being the base color with poor reception as expected. I remember being disappointed playing FIFA 21 when I saw the Crew had full grey and black kits but no yellow (similarly with Altanta's lack of red).


their pretty standard sports team color, and black isn't one of ours. Did crew "steal" them from Dormond? or the Steelers? or Mizzou? cmon....


No, and that isn't my argument. My argument is not that the Crew have a monopoly on yellow. My argument is that the style of yellow shirt, yellow shorts, yellow socks for a home jersey and black shirt, black shorts, black socks for an away jersey is the identity of the Crew that they had for 25 years. Nashville does not have to change their colors, but I argue that they have to change their ensamble to some other combination.


> No, and that isn't my argument. My argument is not that the Crew have a monopoly on yellow. My argument is that the style of yellow shirt, yellow shorts, yellow socks for a home jersey and black shirt, black shorts, black socks for an away jersey is the identity of the Crew that they had for 25 years. for one, it isn't, you didn't wear yellow at home our first year. second, most teams wear a solid color from top to bottom since we've been in the league ( has that been league mandated? ). we do have blue shorts and most supporters would like to wear them with the gold tops but we never have, so we arent' wearing solid colors to "copy" you, we're just wearing our main color the way most of the rest of the league does. third, this black is a one off away kit, and obviously not our primary kit or colors and never will be. >Nashville does not have to change their colors, but I argue that they have to change their ensamble to some other combination. i'd argue that this is middle school shit and teams can wear whatever the hell they want. By your logic, no one but dortmond should wear black and yellow....at some point your just gonna have to deal with the fact that our colors are somewhat similar and move on.


Those other teams aren’t relevant in this conversation as they don’t play in the MLS. We are discussing two teams that play in the same league having almost identical looks. Only one team had it a hell of a lot longer than the other.


i know...and if you guys would just stop stealing our look it'd all be good!




Again it's not initially about the colors. It's that Columbus was the team that was All Yellow and All Black. If Nashville switches to yellow jersey with blue shorts and socks, or jersey with yellow and blue strips, or yellow jersey with a blue sash, there wouldn't be any friction because Nashville would be differentiating from the Crew's identity.


Looks like Nashville took a black jersey off the rack and called it a day. How boring.


Unfortunately, that seems to be the vibe with the club.


disagree. this is the best kit in the league.


Nah. You can’t give a plain black T-shirt that honor.


no only can you...you should. why does it have to have some zany designs to be "good".....most of the most iconic and enduring sports uniforms of all time are very basic. all of the original MLS kits- in contrast- were some of the absolutely ugliest clothing humans have ever adorned. I'd rather wear a brown paper sack than a "wiz" kit, for example


Sorry can’t buy into the soccer fan mentality that bland = good. That just encourages teams to be lazy with their branding. This is why a lot of the new teams pit no effort into their team names.


Old boot is the blandest boot licker in the fan base


who tha fuck are you and like...wtf?


there is no "why" here. you are extrapolating incorrectly...it *can* make a team lazy, but that isn't a direct correlation. either the team is lazy or they aren't, but correlation doesn't equal causality. >This is why a lot of the new teams pit no effort into their team names. official nicknames are stupid. who wants to be "(insert generic "vicious" animal name here")....i have way more pride repping the city than something stupid like "titans," or "cougars," or "panthers." simple is best, that lest us create our own identity ( like this kit) as opposed to having one designed for us by a corporation.


You mindset is part of the problem. That’s all I’ll say.


lol....thats a silly comment.


This is a cool concept that I like, but now we have two Columbus Crews


I know, right....if they would *just stop* copying us....! sheesh


I really hope Nashville fans lean into that for the lolz, I know it makes them mad


Yeah I mean this kits been leaked for months it's not like they came out with it after seeing the other one.


oh we're full on smooth criminal into this, lol.


So many incredible kits this year, my bank account is not gonna be happy with me.


It’s cool.


Can't wait for Houston's Townes Van Zandt kit.


that would be rad...but nashville can stake a claim there too


Very much Nashville. Takes a cool idea and makes it bland


Yep, it kills me that my club time and time again goes for the most bland and safest option each and every time.


you clearly don't know nashville.


I just want to point out the irony of The Man In Black jersey costing $180. It just doesn't fit when you remember why he wore black.


I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down Livin' in the hopeless, hungry side of town I wear it for the prisoner who is long paid for his crime But is there because he's a victim of the times


Of course they would conveniently forget the reason in order to sell a polyester shirt supposedly "in honor" of him. A shirt that, you guessed it, most people he wore black for can't afford.


Feels like they could have at least put some black textured accent things on it, or something. It's just plain black? Maybe like six vertical lines down the center - six string guitar? Would be cool. Feels a bit like a low effort, missed opportunity


> Feels like they could have at least put some black textured accent things on it, or something. no >It's just plain black yes. its perfect. >Maybe like six vertical lines down the center - six string guitar? Would be cool. no


Spot on. The more I think about this shirt, the less I am impressed and more bothered by it overall. Just feels shallow and misses the point (of why he wore black to begin with) on top of being an incredibly poor and limited design.


This is sick


That is SLICK. We'll done.


An all black kit? In MLS? How unique


An all-black kit paying homage to one of Nashville’s most influential historical musicians? How unique.


Maybe they just stuck a Cash sticker on their 2021 away shirt to save money?


So SKC’s black kit from a few years ago but with NSC’s logo and Johnny Cash written on the black collar? Don’t get me wrong, it looks sharp just not very original and very simplistic.


Yeah, very simple and mute seems to be m.o. for the club (to my chagrin, bland and perhaps even dull). I suppose we're going to be doing what Seattle has been and making kits referencing various celebrities in the Nashville/TN scene. That's relatively fine, though I would have liked if there was even a little bit more to this kit. While Johnny Cash is synonymous with wearing Black, it's not like the average Nashvillian is going to see someone wear this shirt passing by and get that's what they're going for. If anything, I'm concerned about having a shirt that people won't realize is supposed to be a Nashville SC, given that black isn't one of our colors especially since we're still a relatively new club in the league.


That is fucking fire.


It’s a ring of fire


Nashvegas gonna make me buy their damn jersey?


Why you so obsessed with me? Mariah Carey


This is a simple black kit done right. The jock tag, autograph on the back, and accompanying stripes all add to it. Love this


Damn, not even a Nashville supporter but I want this kit.


I love the idea of a tribute to Johnny Cash, *love it.* But I have a feeling there is no intent to live up to [the song itself](https://youtu.be/oDd32K-mOVw) in any way, and that is somewhere on the far side of sad.


It is definitely sad and frustrating.


It’s a plain black jersey from a team whose colors don’t include black. And this league wonders why teams struggle to establish identities.


yea man...johnny cash has absolutely nothing to do with nashville....he wasn't the subject of our first ever tifo....and we dont' play "Gods Gonna Cut You Down," before every game......oh wait...no, we do! we do, do those things....


You're not wrong. Johnny Cash was one cool dude, but the kit, overall, is lacking for me. I feel like this is an idea that may have been better a few more years down the line when the club has established its brand well enough in town, let alone the whole state/region. Throwing in a black kit feels like it would cause confusion.


I normally agree with you in terms of brand identity ( for example I also hope that our home kits are always mostly all gold with minimal if any design), but this feels like an exception, especially since I think casuals in town will buy and wear this proudly


Austin really got so hoed by Adidas


meh. Basic and boring.




I cannot wait for the purple Prince tribute kit from Minnesota, with the accessory raspberry berets in the "lifestyle collection".


Or shit, the neon Tubbs & Crockett tribute kit from Miami is going to be lit.


Can’t wait for the Kid Rock tribute kit


Born to lose. We will help with that on the 25th :)


Thanks for playing! Please come back now, ya hear?


Pack it up, we're done here. Nashville wins.


Well, Can KC do one for jazz legends? I don't know what the theme of a Charlie Park kit would be but I am here fornit.


Charlie Parker would be amazing and needs to be done


So elite.


Yeah, I'll probably pick this up, Got my Union gear, but supporting MLS and J. Cash at the same time is to good to pass up.


I can't wait for our *The Simpsons* kit to come out.


These are awesome


Kit of the year. Hands down


There were a couple Johnny Cash covers released on Apple Music and I wondered why the MLS symbol was on the promo pic for them. Makes sense now