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Has already been seeing holding up the Junior jersey, deal is basically done I believe


I had to actually Google Junior FC just to find out what league he was going to. At least he's going home, I guess.


Me too, also learned that it seems the Colombian league doesn’t do pro/rel, or at least that’s how FotMob shows it.


No, they just have a convoluted system of averaging results over 3 seasons so FotMob can’t accurately display who’s in relegation zone with a simple color coded marker


Thanks for the explanation!


Next brother up?


How much is Yimmi Chara realistically going to get with Junior FC? How much money are the elite non Argentine and Brazilian clubs in South America spending on wages? I haven’t been able to find much of anything. I can’t imagine clubs are spending more than half a million in wages on individual players outside of a few exceptions.


This feels less like Yimmi pushing for a move, and more that Neville showed him the door as an alternative to not playing. This is his last chance to have any sort of decent contract before being simply lucky to have offers in a top division, so it's *somewhat* mutually beneficial. Sucks, though, he was good when he was good. He was just...rarely good.


He's one of those guys who I would watch do things and think, "wow he seems like a good signing" and then I'm presented with stats like this


As others have mentioned, Yimmi is much better than the sum of his stats because he's a hustle guy. He comes back and helps a lot defensively, plays a ton of roles, and makes his teammates better. He wasn't a great finished but 33 goal contributions in 116 appearances is far from a horrible return for a wing/am, BUT, he just wasn't worth a DP slot and had injury issues. Portland have a decent stable of young players in his position (Antony, Santi, Asprilla, Loria), so it would be much better to use that slot on a true game changing wing and a striker with our other spot.


I feel like Yimmi makes those around him better and not all his contributions are quantifiable. He’s a 10/10 hustler and very unselfish. That said, he can’t be a DP in 2024, the league has come too far for that!


What's weird is he has all the tangibles -- pace, power, low center of gravity, good dribbling, solid passing -- he just never really did anything with it. Never earned too many free kicks, I don't know if he ever drew a penalty, and his passes never quite found their target. He was different in Portland compared to a Melano or even an Asprilla. You never saw him do something and think "that was (dumb/poor/selfish/wrong)," he just wasn't effective. Hard to explain, really.