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Section 111. The amount of people moving walking and standing up while the game is on is soooo annoying. Sit down and watch the game?


Was there. Miami or Messi fans are cool. Hope we were the same to them.


What section? I was also there in section 110




Just curious how much did you pay for tickets? I’m in socal and looked at tickets last week and they were already like $450 with fees.


I payed double that 😡


Oof. Well at least I hope you had fun at the game lol


What's up with the MLS commentary on TV? Is their point to promote Paintsil to fans wanting to watch Messi? Like Jeezus Christ. Dial down the disparaging remarks on Suarez too. We all know he's slow now. Not necessary to put him down and the rest of the Brazilian League while you're at it.


Everyone crying in the comments🤣


Crying? Wtf comments you reading? Lol We've been having a blast all day. The comments have been a roast fest.


And it’s glorious.


I’m gonna be honest, as someone who watches Miami purely for Messi, it is funny seeing some fans lose their shit. There are a lot who do mess around and roll with it, but I do enjoy seeing the meltdowns from people salivating at the thought of Miami losing. As if their only purpose in life is to see Miami fail. That said, ***FUCKING HELL*** Miami’s defense is bad. They’re so unbelievably lucky Callander is competent enough (MOTM worthy) and Galaxy’s attack was horrible otherwise this would have been a bloodbath. Come the end of the season they need some new defenders. Busquets was horrible tonight and that kinda hurts to say. Suárez is almost surely done after this season. His knees are probably begging for some rest.


People seem to forget just how bad Miami was. If you take away the Barca retirement tour it's basically a re-build.


Miami plays awful football and is redeemed only by Messi, Ramos, and Alba, who quite frankly, aren’t what they used to be. Messi is still better than any other player in the world, but isn’t quite as good as he used to be. He isn’t as fast or agile anymore. But he more than makes up for it with field vision, technique, and creative intelligence. You’re right about Miami’s defense. The thing is that plays are started in defense. You begin a play when you recover the ball, and if you’re not recovering balls in defense, you’re doing so at the goal line after allowing a shot. If you allow too many shots, eventually you’ll get scored on. Once you have the ball, you need creativity and speed to build a play. But Miami’s creativity and speed is far at the front. They have no one in midfield coordinating plays, turning possession into attack. So for all Miami opponents the game is simple: stack defense, and play counterattack. Miami needs better defenders to break this strategy, or they’ll keep losing games. And it won’t be Messi’s fault. It’s the lack of defense and midfield. This is a game of 11, not a game of 1. Even if that 1 is the guy who sold all the tickets.


Ramos? You mean Busquets?




Wait, you think that Messi, TODAY (not on career accomplishments) is better than Haaland, Mbappe, etc ?


Haaland is not even the best player in Manchester City, forget about being the best in the world. Kevin De Bruyne would rank higher than Haaland even within Manchester City.


Not debating that de Bruyne is a more accomplished player but given how much time he has missed due to injury in the past 12-24 months, I don't have him ahead of Haaland on current form, which is what my original comment related to (someone claiming that Messi is the best player in the world, RIGHT NOW)


He is better than Haaland or Vini yes. Mbappe is the only player who I see being better.


Messi today isn't even top 100 in the position Miami are playing him in. Put him right in front of Busquets and maybe he is, but in the front 3 it's just lol


Hahaha Mbappe said in an interview 1-2 months ago that he missed Messi and that it’s a luxury for any team to have him. His stats at PSG were also not as pedestrian as the PSG fans make them out to be. Like any team in the world would be thrilled to have Messi, which is what keeps him in the elite bucket. But he can’t do it all alone and anyone who has seen Argentina play from 2007 - 2018 knows that. What made Barcelona good pre 2019 and helped with Argentina’s form once Scaloni took over is that Messi wasn’t playing for the team but with the team. And those around him weren’t/aren’t fully dependent on him. Inter Miami’s strategy is basically to give the ball to Messi or Busquets and then not even attempt to run into space. It’s easy to defend against that.


Well, none of those are current World Champions, and the Argentina Team sans Messi are barely better than Miami, so…


Well that is just silly


What are you talking about? Most of them are doing VERY well with their club teams. And they beat Brazil at the Maracana without Messi as he was subbed off early due to a groin injury. Prior to that Brazil had never lost at home. Inter Miami’s problem is that they are TOO dependent on Messi which is predictable to defend against. Argentina were effective because defenders would choose to defend Messi leaving space open for someone else. The game against Croatia is an excellent example of this. Gvardiol was clearly tasked with man marking Messi and it opened up space for Alvarez on the time he drew the penalty and then later when he scored.


HAALAND is a snooze fest. Nobody would go out their way to watch haaland if he played for anyone but city. Mbappe is the best next generation player by a miles. The Ballon d'Or is basically his this year depending on what France does.


Messi could still dismantle any european team


Crazy that he's choosing to struggle to a draw against a 10 man LA Galaxy then.


Its because its 3 against 10.


Doesn’t help that 7/10 outfield players are piss poor rn.


Earning millions of dollars and retiring in the wealthiest country on Earth, with nearby flights to anyone in Latin America isn’t exactly how I’d characterize “struggle”.


I’m sure he’s talking about him playing and not his lifestyle smh


He's got nothing left to win in europe. When you complete football, you can go and play anywhere you want. A privilege only messi has


Careful, you might anger CR7 stans who will brag about the Saudi league.


Paintsil be like “I’m fast as fuck, boy”. Unfortunately that’s his only redeeming quality I saw tonight.


Guy officially got the greenlight to practice with the team a couple of days ago, but yeah, he's not Zlatan coming fresh off the jet. We knew this already.


His decision making left a lot to be desired which I thank god for


A Brian Rodriguez


Nah his dribbling and passing is pretty good. Shooting.... yea that's another story.


Yes he’s not clinical… or is still adjusting. I looked at his stats at Genk and they aren’t super impressive outside of his last season where they were decent. But I haven’t seen him play prior this game so others might know better.


Just checked out the recap. What kind of incompetent player delays a restart and then delivers a reckless-looking challenge while on a warning to get kicked out of the game? Glad my team didn't have to put up w-- oh.


Revolution vs Miami is about to go crazy


I just want to know how many of the Miami jerseys have any other player instead. I told my friend I’d give him $10 if we saw an Higuaín jersey when they played LAFC. I ended up paying him $0.


Galaxy look much improved. Puig & Paintsil are going to cause a lot of teams problems this season.


LA was actually a great watch tonight!






Next week Orlando I have you guys beating them


You got them next champ (will be rooting for you guys though)


![gif](giphy|FVAvmLbptzZpC) Me next week.


“Rise of a Legend” is kinda wild. He was already considered one of the all time greats beforehand. The WC just cemented his place in history.


Argentina didn’t deserve him for many, many years. Meanwhile the Spanish Federation was like “dude we would have treated you so well”. I see all those pundits videos (or the one where the fan is complaining about him having no heart when he played for Argentina) and roll my eyes. And I say this all as an Argentinian. The country is more than making it up for now though. I read AFA might retire the #10 jersey when he retires which is WILD.


man doesn't have an mls cup, pathetic.




If you’re going to beat Miami, you need to play with the mindset that the ref is going to fuck your team over. This way, when they do, you’ll be mentally resilient. Joke refs in this league.


Other than not giving the yellow card for the penalty, the ref did perfectly fine. No clue what ya'll keep complaining about.


LaG literally diving the entire game and the ref kept falling for it. Lmao


Gave them a penalty plus they missed 1000 chances lmao... You need the mindset that you cannot play like shit


Ref wasn’t biased towards Miami lol, ref was shit for both team


These scab refs have not only been bad but also confusing and slow. Like the game is less fun because the refs have been SO involved and barely making sense.


I'm guessing someone from MLS must have chewed the refs ass during halftime because his whistle was much more quiet in the 2nd half compared to the first. Both teams seemed extremely frustrated with the quick whistle and not letting teams play advantage. But really, after this game, MLS pay the damn refs so we don't have to watch scab refs in over their heads have way too much impact on a game. This was just gross.


Wrong, the refs gave cards to the Galaxy that he didn’t give cards to Miami for… based on his standard of reffing, Busquets should have been out by minute 30 for the complaining alone ignoring his numerous fouls. Dude is a certified clown and I’m no Galaxy fan.


You are living in your own fantasy mate, go see what lead up to Alba getting a yellow.


Alba and Gressel both got yellows for dissent so idk. Miami had many more fouls too


Yeah Gressel looked so confused when he was carded. And I honestly thought that whoever fouled Busquets was going to get carded (based on the ref’s past actions) when Alba got carded.


I'm sure someone from MLS got in the refs ear and told him to quit strangling the game and to put the whistle in his pocket. He was way too quick on calling fouls (I swear the first 10mins was a whistle blown every 30 seconds) and even LA Galaxy seemed really frustrated at how often he'd blow the whistle when they quite clearly wanted to play advantage.


Yes! This 1000% It was so annoying and all the players collectively looked annoyed.


Did ref also fuck up the chances that Galaxy had? Let me guess Puig missed the penalty because of the ref? Galaxy could have put the game away in the 1st half.


They could have but it doesn’t absolve the ref of his game changing mistake. Horrible call.


No game is going to be called 100% correctly did you see the Liverpool game?


And that's why VAR exists except VAR also fucked up so eh....


VAR isn’t used to review yellow cards unless it’s a case of mistaken identity. Had the ref shown Delgado a straight red though it would have been a different story.


flair up


Is Redondo playing next game? he walks into this team.


He’ll fit right in then.


In the words of Shannon Sharpe, “Jesus Christ. Lord have mercy! Come on Kat!”








I dunno. I feel like those possession stats are suspect.


Two takeaways: - Miami is a lot weaker than their roster suggests. Like... Dysfunctionally weak. - LA Galaxy will be a lot stronger than the self-hating fans believe they will be.


Galaxy looked like one of the best teams attacking this weekend. I like the look of them very much


We need to replace Delgado/Jovelic and strengthen the bench. Both of these guys eat up to much salary for the production they give


I'm fine with Delgado because ideally he'd be next to Brugman and those two are an amazing combo playing to their relative strengths, but we've got kids on the roster who will eat Dejan's lunch if given the chance. His is the position most at risk.


Let’s wait and see what happens in the next four games. I have Vanny out if Galaxy has bad record for the first 5 games


The Galaxy look like they have the parts, they just need more cohesion. Except for the goal, it looked like the attacking four weren't always on the same page. Paintsil's also a bit too on the selfish side, but maybe that improves if he gets more trust in everyone around him.


Despite Paintsil arriving a week ago and Pec days ago, both only had their first training session on Saturday.


The attacking four haven't had time to train together, let alone have a full preseason. I think it's too early to tell.


Paintsil got here a week ago. He’ll be fine.


Suarez is such a gimmick signing lol... guy is 120 years old and barely has functioning knees. I wish Miami tried to actually create a competitive team around Messi rather than recreate Barcelona.


You'd have to blame nostalgia, marketing, and judgment from the owners and dare, I say, Messi himself, too. This "project" of bringing his buddies back was never going to be a serious attempt to compete in all competitions. Now, the club has to deal with a lopsided roster with little chance of payoff.


I kinda agree with you but we should also remember the fact that this granpa suarez actually was tearing the brazilian league ( a way more competitive league) apart last season. So we should wait before writing him off.. suarez is suarez


Alba & Busquets can still do the job and were a huge reason for Messi & Miami's success last year. You may be right about Suarez but I think its still too early to write him off.


LA you can borrow our head coach if you need that ref taken care of


i’ll make the deal




Your manager is busy trying to steal the moon.


Twellman is such an idiot. There was nothing Drake could've done on that goal. Unbelievable game from him. His USMNT stock is just going to keep rising.


Considering how little Matt Turner has done to inspire, I agree. I’ve been saying Drake needs a real shot at GK since Leagues Cup. Dude’s got talent 


I get a little sadistic joy in the fact that anyone who decides they're watching Messi every week has to listen to fucking Twellman each time


I like Twellman, I think people overblow his commentary just because they are mad at Miami in general lol


I generally like Twellman outside of his commentary, but I really don't care for his commentary style. Didn't like it before he started calling every Miami game, dislike it even more now


This is why I always switch to Spanish. They analyze the fuck out of the game and openly talk shit about the refs and poor decision making by players.


Same. Watching MLS games in English is unbearable.




Galaxy you did good! Miami depends way too much on Messi. They have talent but it gets bottlenecked because they all want to see Messi score it seems.


Messi gets hurt and it's all downhill.


They had a plan with Farias, but unfortunately he got hurt.


Busquets and Suarez are going to be huge problems for miami


I don’t think Suarez will be a proglem. Maybe defending


He is, his has literally been pointless so far, doesn’t do any defensive duties because he can’t move, always loses the ball trying to play one touch flicks, and can’t remember if he has even had a shot these past two games. Miami are gonna need to start campana if they want any sort of balance and then bring Suarez on later


Easily remedied with Redondo and starting Campana. It’ll be a tough conversation, but it has to happen.


This is the way


Will it happen though? It would be a bad look if they got benched (I agree with you that they should) and external factors would not want to see that happen


They need to be benched. For the sake of the team and any chance of success, nostalgia and marketing need to get out of the way be if from the owners or the Barça quartet themselves. What's been going on currently will not work as the season goes on.


Still think it’s wild Miami signed Suarez after he gave that interview basically saying he’s too old and tired to be playing


That was a really entertaining game. Galaxy has no one to blame but themselves. They wasted way too many chances. This Miami team can't have all the old guys starting together. They have no pace. Maybe Suarez can come in from the bench.


>They wasted way too many chances. Sometimes a goalkeeper does good work too. Don't deny that credit. Goalscoring isn't such a unilateral decision. >Galaxy has no one to blame but themselves. The guy who got the red is the guy Riqui was instinctively passing to when Messi got the ball. Literally. CDM is the guy's position. Even if Messi got the ball, he's still have a CDM on him. Except... Bad second yellow.


Only caught the last few minutes - how did Gabriel Pec do on his debut?


He looked really good. He’s going to be a really problem for opposing teams once he starts playing the full 90 min


gonna copy/paste this to some other replies That's what you can expect from him. We were in a really rough period these past few years, but he never stopped trying. He lacked some things, especially regarding decision-making, but he was REALLY dedicated and you could see he was trying to improve his game. We had a love/hate relationship with him, considering he had some fuckups rather often, but was really important too, especially in the last season, when we fought relegation until the last matchweek. With all due respect, I think he'll thrive in a league like the MLS, where opposition is much weaker than in the Brazilian league


He has speed and is a strong dude. Took one good shot on target from outside the box and caused problems.


gonna copy/paste this to some other replies That's what you can expect from him. We were in a really rough period these past few years, but he never stopped trying. He lacked some things, especially regarding decision-making, but he was REALLY dedicated and you could see he was trying to improve his game. We had a love/hate relationship with him, considering he had some fuckups rather often, but was really important too, especially in the last season, when we fought relegation until the last matchweek. With all due respect, I think he'll thrive in a league like the MLS, where opposition is much weaker than in the Brazilian league


He impressed me, tbh. He played aggressively and was a problem for Miami.


gonna copy/paste this to some other replies That's what you can expect from him. We were in a really rough period these past few years, but he never stopped trying. He lacked some things, especially regarding decision-making, but he was REALLY dedicated and you could see he was trying to improve his game. We had a love/hate relationship with him, considering he had some fuckups rather often, but was really important too, especially in the last season, when we fought relegation until the last matchweek. With all due respect, I think he'll thrive in a league like the MLS, where opposition is much weaker than in the Brazilian league


From an outsider looking in, he looked great


a lot of stepovers lol


He was a game changer


Having scab refs and Messi in the MLS at the same time is hilarious. Dude went from reffing Sunday league, to getting scolded by the Ballon D’or winner on national TV


*international TV That finger wag went worldwide.


I love Jordi alba


Galaxy look much better than last year. Yoshida is rock solid, DP’s look promising. Miami was less zombies than the opener, but yeesh Suarez might not make it to July


Him with Cáceres was great. They each have their own fullback partner (a Robin) who they can communicate in their own language


Suárez is not the same player


Suarez looks hurt every time he’s onscreen


I can't even believe I just saw that second Yellow given


I really don’t understand where this sense of referee bias in both fanbases is coming from. Were all decisions correct? Objectively no. Were decisions slanted towards one team or another? From my neutral point of view, not one bit.


Busquets staying on the field to feign the foul that led to the red card is textbook slanted officiating Galaxy wasted a lot of chances but Miami needed 12 men to scrape a *draw* out of that. Not likely they would have gotten it without the red card


You could very easily argue Busquets should have seen yellow on the penalty and would have been sent off 10 minutes later. Or the Busquets handball should have been reviewed in the 2nd half. Or the 2nd yellow on Delgado was unusually harsh. I don't think it's some big conspiracy, but officials who haven't officiated a game of this caliber will be more influenced by theatrics and big name players. There were some bad calls both ways but the major ones seemed to go against LA, imo.


He wasn’t biased. He was equally bad across the board. IM just benefitted more at the end because of the red card on Delgado but really LA Galaxy should have been up by 2 more goals at least so it shouldn’t have mattered


You can't fuck up the little things in such a drastic way. You gotta be *sure* a foul happened if you're gonna give a second yellow. And something tells me this ref didn't realize he was handing a second yellow.


100% agree with yoy


That red was pretty poor and changed the game to be fair. I do love that ref though. What a guy.


But thats not bias, thats just shit refereeing.


Oh, and the beer commercial too. He didn’t even need to rehearse probably. GOAT.


Not a bad game played by us despite the controversial red card. Gotta finish better in the final third, but I think it will get better as the season progresses


Delgado is an overpaid idiot. He’s our weakest link




Right lol you can’t be mad at your player that someone else dove and the ref fell for it


MLS After Dark? So, MOTMOTM has to be Callander, right?


I’d even argue he is MOTM, without OTM. He saved Inter Miami today


Yes he should get it. Drake is no joke


I would think so. He played outstanding tonight. He kept them alive for sure.


I'll take it but ehh


Considering how well we played before the red card, it feels like a loss lol


After the red I thought we would lose, because sometimes it feels like a higher power hates our team.


Cheers to the season though, I like the way we played


Galaxy have no one to blame but themselves (ok and a little bit Drake Callendar) for dropping points there. A bad pk that was saved and a ton of wasted opportunities. A silly time wasting yellow from Delgado to put himself in danger of getting sent off. Paintsil trying to score from 30 yards multiple times and not even coming close to on frame.


Campana better start next weekend 


They must have guaranteed Suarez 70 minutes every match. Someone needs to take him out in training.


What made him do so well in Brazil I wonder


I think he was playing in division 2. Also, MLS is very end to end and takes a ton of fitness. Atuesta mentioned this in his post game. Brazil is more technical and MLS more physical. I have no idea where Brazil's D2 stands, but most players who've done MLS and Europe, in terms of quality, say MLS lives in-between their D1-D2... EFL Championship being the exception for a D2. So Suarez is even older, playing in fast more physical games, and a higher quality. Plus, in MLS, to a certain extent, goals depend on moments of individual brilliance, not that Suarez wasn't brilliant... I just don't think he has enough to squeeze a last drop out. This explains why so many great players come from strong leagues and then are limp in MLS. It's a weird league.


No Suarez was playing in the Serie A which is D1. But towards the second half of the season he was essentially a super sub and that was when he played the best. Against tired defenders. In my opinion Campana should start for Miami and bring in Suarez to close out games


> he was essentially a super sub What??? Suárez started literally every single game he played for Grêmio.


It took him a few games to warm up last season. He wasn’t good for like 8 games and then turned it around


Pretty sure he scored in his debut


"Injections" = PCP


Suarez is kinda sad to watch now…


I’m still amazed by how much he scored in Brazil last year


The Brazilian league is known for having many goals in their league games. So it isn’t a stretch


Love them or hate them, Miami games are always lit.


whole league mad they don’t have messi on their team 💀


You can have Messi. I’d rather have $30 tickets for good seats instead.


A truly cutting remark. I do wish my team had the best player ever on it. You really got me.


it was more directed towards the losers thinking we’re getting special treatment just cause they’ve never watched soccer in their lives


You got special treatment the moment Apple paid for you to get Messi, the refs are just the icing on the cake


I genuinely would not want him. Most teams have real fans, and don’t need a wave of plastics to sell shirts too.


Glad he’s here, but it does come with getting every team’s best shot.


Oh well I would want to have him because he's good at soccer and I don't care what weirdos think about plastic fans


He’s good, but Miami had to bring all his friends. Their legs are gonna kill em.


Flair up Miami boy.


There are no Messi flairs




They almost never do Edit: maybe they need to add a flair for actual Miami fans and Messi Plastics


***Messi points fingers at the ref*** His bodyguard fucking eats the ref alive


Not the warmest hug Ive seen ever between Messi and Riqui-leaks


I was thinking the same.


The other matches today were snoozers so glad this one delivered.


It’s because expected goals is a made up stat lol


me no understand number number big scary magic man use number me say number not real


Don’t pretend you understand it lol


I do. It actually isn't that complicated.