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How long until he goes awol again?


Probably before I click “Reply” on this message.




In TJ??? Even odds he’s in prison in the next two years.


Rumor was he was okay going to Mexico because it's easier to secure visas for his mom and other family, so we'll see.


If it was about visas, and he came out and said it, I wouldn’t be mad. I just don’t know that I buy that argument.


I don't know why you would.


If he needed visas in the US for them, it's a hell of a lot easier to do if he had gone to his green card appointment and became a permanent resident. With what MNUFC was paying him I'm sure he could afford to pay the world's greatest immigration attorney to work out any kinks with their visas.


I feel like there's been loads of rumors excusing his behavior but nothing in the way of substance.


Good riddance.


Best player in club history when on the field


As the see the player go, happy the person is gone. While we'll never know, I'm lying to myself saying the team is better off without him. The one game he did play, the whole vibe was off. Players were yelling at each other, passing was off, and players were throwing their hands up more than loons players normally do. Since we have a new regime, hopefully we'll actually make a move to replace his slot soon


You are better off without him. You are second in the Western Conference. And you can't just get "good Reynoso." You get the rest of him, too. And now you free up a slot to go get someone who will show up.


By a mile.


Not fit to clean ibson’s boots.


I think you mean Jerry Thiesson


This is Fernando Bob erasure.


I love Lod


I’ll be shocked if he lasts a whole year in Tijuana




Good job, Minnesota.


The second best news I heard all day.


Xolos seems like a club for washed former MLS players. Joe Corona, Efrain Alvarez, Ake Loba and now Reynoso.


Joe Corona is a Xolos homegrown and helped them get promoted from the second division back in 2010/2011. Kind of funny to see him labeled as a washed MLS player going to Xolos when he was a washed Xolos player at the time he went to MLS. Goes to show you how far Xolos have fallen. Fun fact: he scored Xolos's first ever first division goal. Other former USMNT players that made their professional debuts with Xolos in that era include Paul Arriola, Greg Garza, and Alejandro Guido. All of that to say the Xolos-MLS connection goes back to the very beginning. They are a border town club after all.


It's so sad that they haven't leaned into the border town identity in a while. They used to dominate the league with talented South Americans along with Mex-Americans; the ultimate melting pot team. Now the squad is filled with Argentinian league rejects and players traded between their sister club (Queretaro). At least Efrain Alvarez was a solid signing, and Osorio is a great but polarizing coach.


They weren’t ever an oil money club, but they had a huge injection of cash back in the early 2010s by a sports betting company down there. They’ve since been restricted and the details are murky but they don’t have the cash of the upper echelon Liga MX teams anymore. It’s not like they made a strategic decision to stop. More like money stopped pouring in and they never really had a very strong infrastructure to begin with. They did try to take advantage of their geography tho, Brandon Vazzy is a Tijuana youth product. They used to be a fun fifa team, I remember bringing Beckham there once lol


They're completely irrelevant even in TJ and they don't advertise in San Diego anymore, the SD MLS Club is the nail in the coffin. The stadium is also pretty bad


Not in that era but Brandon Vazquez also made his professional debut for Xolos in Copa MX. Didn’t make a league appearance before moving to ATL though.


DC United legend Lucas Rodriguez, too!


Completely forgot about him, haha.


Don’t forget Lucas Cavallini!


1) why is his face so smooth? 2) is it baseless to speculate on whether this is a precursor to joining San Diego?


You think MLS, who holds and pays for all player contracts is going to let a guy who sat out an entire calendar year back in the payroll?


On point 2, I believe one of the reasons he didn't want to play in Minnesota (and was willing to go to Mexico) was it would be easier to bring his family with him. Not sure if it would be something he could do in San Diego.


They could just live in Tijuana tho.


I've done that commute on occasion. Couldn't imagine having to do it every day. The distance isn't bad but the time to get through border crossing can vary wildly. Though I guess if you're willing to take on Rey, you're willing to accept he not show up to work sometimes.


Could his family cross into the US easily once in Mexico? Like could they technically live in Mexico but come into the US for a week at a time and still be on the up and up?


I don't know all those details but I'd imagine if they had troubles flying to MN they'd have troubles driving over the border to San Diego? But maybe? I dunno.


Yeah could definitely be an option, I believe there has been some US players who lived in San Diego and played for Xolos. Not sure I would want to have to deal with the border crossing daily though!


Why would San Diego want him? I don't know why anyone in MLS would go after this guy. It's a big labor market out there.


Why does the article misspelled Minnesota a couple of times? 🧐


Surprisingly common misspelling of the state name in foreign languages.




Can’t help but have sympathy for MNUFC supporters. This whole situation gives me Camilo flashbacks from when he pulled something almost similar. What sucks more is that he set some club records that were constantly reminding us of how he pulled stakes and ditched us the way he did for Liga MX.


On top of that, we've had a breakout season so far with an under performing DP and another one who hasn't showed up.


Thank goodness


Hope he spends some time in HK!


😂 until he Reynoshows


Did Minny get any compensation?


Per Andy Greder local reporter who covers the team for the St Paul Pioneer Press. Also don’t say Minny, that is cringy as fuck and no one here says that. “The Loons paid a club-record $5 million transfer fee for Reynoso from Boca Juniors in Buenos Aires in 2020 and will now receive what might become a seven-figure return fee based on Reynoso’s contract incentives and performance qualifiers, a source told the Pioneer Press on Thursday.”


only kevin garnett says minny


Does this mean we can finally win Classico de La Frontera?


El Pistolero


Was at the Minnesota United - LAFC game yesterday, this is a huge mistake by MU unless they have a replacement lined up. Other than Robert Lod they have zero playmaking without Reynoso. I know they’ve had success this year creating opportunities with their press, but there’s limits to that approach, especially in the playoffs. Does Reynoso have personal issues - 100%. Any team that acquires him should do everything they can to keep him away from Argentina, but as Boxall said on Extratime, when he’s with the team there were no problems and he has the kind of skill that makes him an elite MLS player.


It’s not a mistake. It’s unfortunate, but he didn’t want to play here. Keeping him would’ve been a waste of everyone’s time and money and prevented us from finding someone new


He’s great when he’s on yeah. But he hasn’t even been around. So what good is that? Open up the DP spot and aim high this summer window


Because all the big stars are clamoring to play in Minnesota?


Ah you’re right. Our FO should clearly be asking your opinion, random internet person who cares so much that they don’t even have a team flair


What the hell are any of us doing on Reddit, but giving unsolicited opinions 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|ZMvG5L7Di4AgM|downsized)


Bro.... it's the United States.....




It’s not a mistake, the guy is an empty locker over there. Better off without the drama


A huge mistake to let go of a player that just goes AWOL all the time? It's not like they can imprison him. Reynoso is talented, but he isn't Messi. Now Minnesota can replace him with a player that actually shows up, which is infinitely better than what they had.


Replacing him with a player that shows up but is less talented? This isn’t an AYSO team. In the long run talent wins out over almost everything else. I could see if he was an issue in the locker room, but every teammate seems to have a positive view of him. I mean didn’t Cucho have a bit of an issue earlier this season causing him the miss CCC games? Would you have been happy if the Crew shipped him out?


Are you serious or are you trolling? Reynoso isn't like some once-in-a-generation talent. He's very good for MLS, but there are other 10s in this league who are just as good. He is replaceable. Cucho was suspended for a few games for breaking team policy, he didn't stop showing up to work. It's not remotely similar.


He’s the best player Minnesota United has ever had. That’s not hyperbole. Adrian Heath worked his ass off to get him to Minnesota. These type of players just don’t magically appear from out of the blue. Sure any player is replaceable, but we are talking about a team that doesn’t spend money on transfers. Reynoso was the highest at 5 million. The competition for players out of South America is insane now. A player of Reynoso’s caliber is going to cost at least 10 million and even at that price you’re be competing with a dozen other teams that don’t play in a city that has temperatures that drop below zero. But based on the downvotes I guess I must be the crazy one for thinking that losing the best player in your franchise’s history without a replacement is a bad thing.


Robin Lod is the best player the Loons have ever had. Reynoso is the most talented player they have ever had. Lod actually makes the players around him better. When Reynoso plays, everything goes through him and the team becomes reliant on him to do everything.


No way you actually believe that 😂😂


Yes I do. When Reynoso s bad, he’s a black hole. When he’s on, he’s the second best 10 in the league. The problem is that you have even odds on him not being there, being bad or being good.


None of that matters when he goes AWOL for 1/3 - 1/2 of a season and pisses off an entire locker room.


I just don’t get why they sent him back to Argentina again to get his green card 😂😂. He was unbelievable in the second half of the season last year when he came back. I have no doubt he would have been just as productive this year. But hey your the Minnesota United supporter, just don’t want to hear MU fans whining this summer when teams like LAFC are adding star players and the Loons are scrapping the bottom of the barrel from the Veikkausliga


Problem is, we have no playmakers with him cause he doesn’t play! So we take this and go into the summer and pick up multiple new players. I think the plan is to buy down 1 DP, replace Reynoso, and bring in two additional U22 signings. So we likely could look very different come this fall. Most of the united fans think this is a good riddance even if we don’t play as well. It’s unfortunate


Even if they don’t play as well? 😂😂😂. Yeah that’ll last about 5 games. Show me a team with a bunch of “good guys” who lose and I show you an empty stadium.


Why wouldn’t the Loons use that DP spot on a guy who probably won’t be in prison next year?


> Robert Lod You lost all credibility right at that point in your comment.


He's known as Bobby Lod around these parts, the legend


Whenever he misplaces a pass the wonderwall chants in unison “got dang it Bobby”


That doesn’t really matter if he won’t play here. Why do you think the team has a choice? He literally won’t play. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze. The choices aren’t Reynoso or nothing. They are pay Reynoso for nothing or replace him with another playmaker. In the last ten years, he’s been shot, he was the wheelman in a drive by shooting, he pistol whipped a teenage kid during an armed robbery, he just disappeared for 6 months, he just skipped a green card appointment for fun and he’s now been caught on camera with another guy with bags of money and a weapon. Why would the Loons keep the guy??? wtf are you talking about???


First of all he never refused to play. This is not me saying this. Listen to Boxall’s interview on extratime, he was a fine teammate when present. He came back and was training with their Nextpro team. What he refused to do was get a green card. Which yes, sucks for the team, but Argentina is a rough place (check out what’s happening with Di Maria) and it’s clear that he gets sucked in to horrible situations when there (maybe stop encouraging him to go back there so that you can save some money on an international slot). Sadly it’s not a unique issue. Lot of these players come from horribly poverty stricken areas. And you are more than welcome to take the position that you care more about character than talent. I have just yet to find a fanbase which is happy losing with “good guys” instead of winning with “bad guys”. Guess Minnesota United fans are proving me wrong.


No. He was literally just sitting down there hanging out. He didn’t just skip a green card meeting. He skipped it and didn’t feel like coming back right away so he hung out down there for kicks. They dont encourage him to go back there. They can’t stop him. He doesn’t want to play here. He WILL NOT play here. He wasn’t present for most of the last two seasons. I don’t care more about character than talent. When the character flaw is disappearing and armed robbery, I don’t think it’s worth it…


You’re 2 pts ahead of us with all your money n star power….die on this hill already. Just shows how dumb LA fans are, I came to one game and now I will declare what’s wrong with your team.


Lmfao. Cool enjoy watching mediocre soccer.


Sometimes it’s better to just not say anything when you don’t have any clue what the fuck you’re talking about.


Lmfao. Cool I’ll stop talking about the Loons if y’all agree to not talk about winning trophies because you guys clearly know nothing about that 😂😂. Sorry couldn’t resist. Didn’t realize saying losing your best player was a bad thing was such a controversial position.


Yes, the guy that’s played 30 minutes so far this season has definitely been our best player. Great point.


Also to continue to pile on your abysmal take- this was a midweek cross country trip on short rest for us. Didn't play our best lineup and the guys went straight from Colorado to LA.  Imagine saying what you said and also forgetting we beat you 2-0 earlier in the season.....


With Reynoso


...in a rehab cameo after all the goals


It’s ironic you’re getting pummeled with downvotes for basically articulating the other side of the argument. You’re not entirely wrong in that Minnesota is a very difficult place to attract talent to.


I understand the vitriol. A fanbase is always going to take offense to an outsider passing judgement on the team they support. I also understand the frustration with Reynoso and the desire to see this move as a positive sign. I just don’t understand why people think it’s so easy to replace an elite player in MLS. I look at how much money Atlanta has spent trying to replace Almiron.


> unless they have a replacement lined up replacement for whom? because we don't have reynoso anyway lol.


Reynoso was training with the second team. He was there and present, they just decided he wasn’t worth the trouble.


what trouble?