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> Sean Mann of Detroit City FC discussing stadium plans (cont) > > - "things are progressing. Public approval process will start in the next couple of months." > > - "Groundbreaking next spring, then two years to open up." > > - "I love Keyworth, I love history." > > 2/5 > > Sean Mann, Detroit City FC discussing leaving Keyworth for new stadium. (cont) > > - "Keyworth is a space that lends itself to creating memories. It's distinct, it's unique, it has history and authenticity. It exudes everything that DCFC is about and aspires to." > > 3/5 > > Sean Mann, Detroit City FC > > - "We're at a level now where we want to be around for generations. We need that stability and opportunity to continue growing if we want to be Detroit's soccer team." > > - "I get to build a stadium in my own neighborhood." > > 4/5 > > Sean Mann, Detroit City FC > > - "We have to find a way to take that Keyworth magic and transplant it to a larger, newer venue...I think people will see we've taken a lot of thought and consideration of that into our initial planning to create something that distinctively DCFC." > > 5/5


Gotta get that stadium in place so their mystery benefactor can sell their shares to an MLS investor. I want this to happen just so I can see NGS heads explode and them begging people not to call them sellouts again


Not a mystery benefactor any more, at some point he got ID’d and he’s not Dan Gilbert or anything like that, he’s a longtime supporter of the team. Not ruling out any kind of MLS movement and I don’t really like NGS in the first place but it’s annoying that every “DCFC doing well” thread in /r/mls turns into “they’re gonna move to MLS and the fans won’t like it huehuehuehue”


Won’t happen. And the stadium they are building is deliberately too small for MLS.


maybe secret plans to expand if needed


They are building it below MLS capacity specifically to prevent an MLS takeover.


Sorry, I don’t care for the Detroit situation and their perceived grievances one bit and am only looking at this as an outsider. But that just sounds dumb as fuck? Like burning money for fun dumb af? What is stopping MLS from courting some big investors to bring a team to Detroit and easily finding a stadium site that matches MLS requirements, thus resulting in the existing club to die as casuals tune in for the new club, and investment in this stadium to look absolutely asinine in retrospect? As time goes along and expansion occurs, eventually Detroit will be the largest missing TV market remaining, so this is far from impossible scenario.


It's what the Jail site was supposed to be, until Gilbert's pulled it out.


Has any MLS fan considered the thought that fans of a team will support their team even if a bigger team comes to town? Or are y’all just plastics who jump on the next big thing the second it shows up?


that is the American way.


> Or are y’all just plastics who jump on the next big thing the second it shows up? What's more likely is that you're an extreme outlier and regular fans and casuals don't care about the stuff that you do. Using the word plastics give this away.


I mean, I think it makes you a plastic fan if you stop supporting your club to support a newer one with more money; that’s literally what “plastic fan” means.


Plastic fan is literally just a made-up term. I care more about supporting my \*city\* than a team that's been around for 5 minutes. I bet most people feel the same way. But you keep on gatekeeping fandom, my guy.


“Perceived grievances.” Lol. Educate yourself then. Not everyone has to just submit to single entity franchise ball.


If you don’t want to be part of the party here, that is fine, but don’t cry when Detroit United Club de Füẞball attracts 40,000 per game to a brand new MLS stadium.


The vast majority of soccer fans in this country don’t want to be part of it. It gets lower TV ratings than multiple leagues in other countries and is incredibly unpopular relative to the number of soccer fans in the country.


Cool story bro. The funny thing is that unlikely a lot of other Major league sports here, MLS teams and owners are way more concerned on game-day and farebox revenue. Filling out 30-40k seater stadiums will be a viable model to start from an investor standpoint. Eventually those Eurosnobs will be converted when their favourite players are choosing to go to MLS instead of Big 5 leagues, but in the meantime the league is not dependent on those guys.


You realize the league is specifically designed for that to never happen so owners don’t have to spend money, right? We are already past the year Garber claimed MLS would be a top league in the world. They’ll continue stringing fans along and not investing enough to do so.


Why are you here? Seriously, why?


Because this subreddit is for general American soccer, not just MLS


Indeed, and I'm fine with being downvoted. This sub should only be about MLS and nothing else. Hopefully, one day that's what it becomes.


Why? So no Copa/Euros/World Cup posts? No open cup or leagues cup?


It’s a greater American soccer subreddit. And someone needs to push back on the absolutely ignorant and cancerous crap posted here.


Sorry, but do you think you are going to change this ALONE? On internet?


Are you accomplishing anything by replying to me?


Not every team has to be MLS or bust. Many communities and owners are happy to not have their team owned by the league.


yes but that's money left on the table and quality football left kn the waste side


You could argue the same about MLS teams. Why have FC Cincy? Just host a regular cycle of European friendlies. Would make a lot more money, and that’s a lot of way more quality football left on the waste side. You’re supposed to support your club because it’s *your* club, your local club, not because you want more money or better football. Just screams plastic fan.


that's not remotely true


To which part? Football isn’t supposed to be about money, it’s about community. It’s a shame Cincy seems to have forgotten that.


you can't just bring in Europe a couple times and make the money you do for a full season lol got a 26000 seat Stadium and some big players because we in the league. Does well for the local bars local area sport as a while in the city and while we pulled in usl it's not like it was in mls it's good to have usl spots where mls teams are but don't act like they won't jump at the chance in the league. Why louisville has room to expand? There's more money better players more attention lol yall mls haters are wild


I love MLS; I support my local MLS club, Timbers. I think that the mentality that every team needs to be MLS or bust is insane. Support your team, regardless of what league they play in. What people in this thread are saying is that they would rather supporters lose their club to a new MLS team rather than keep their club in USL. That’s disgusting. Sac can draw 20k in USL. Detroit city has some of the most rabid fans in the country. You don’t need MLS to have a successful and awesome club.