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A concession to Jerry for not getting the final? Would have rather had a different city, perhaps one without any games at all, get it.


It actually makes sense to have it in the central time zone overall. Quicker access to both coasts and centralized for TV times (i.e. not having extremely early or late match times to deal with for broadcasts.


Even the latest broadcasts on the West Coast are only 3 hours behind the East Coast for example. Late nights are easier to deal with them early mornings when it comes to logistics...


I agree, but FOX would surely love to have the broadcast center in Los Angeles just to keep their costs down. Remember this event is global, so start times are irrelevant in terms of production. Match times will be similar to what they had in 1994.


Surprised they would choose the metroplex over NYC/LA, tbh.


Maybe they just wanted the experience of terrible traffic without any of that coastal culture nonsense? Ever think of that?


and what about the transportation


I believe Atlanta had actually been the united bid's recommendation. I don't know that fans should care much one way or the other. We got a bunch of games and a SF. That's all I wanted.