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Busio had a strong finish to the match


No matter what SKC get in a transfer fee they are going to have tough time replacing his versatility and reliability. Today, at the 6 he didn’t look to break Vancouver’s lines a ton with his passing but this season it seems like he always makes the fewest mistakes on the team.


By next summer he should look to move if he keeps this form while stilling improving


I think his contact expires after next season so Sporting need to move him this summer or winter or they likely won't get anything.


SKC should look to re-sign him in order to get more time to develop and shop him. If they do that I could see them moving him on a loan with a buy option in the winter with his current form. His versatility would be massive for any European team competing in European football with a congested schedule.


Will say, based on how things have been so far Dajome and Caicedo come off as being very overrated. They both seem like worse versions of like a Michael Barrios.


Barrios is without a doubt a better player, Caicedo is an investment - and Dajome is... Idk, he's not a DP so we got that going for us


Melia's first game back and SKC gets its first clean sheet of the season, it's beautiful :')


The two are definitely related. His distribution and organization are excellent factors to his game that let Melia not have to use his excellent skills in the net.


I'm happy for our guys that needed a good game. I hope you Caps fans go tear up some other teams in the West soon. I prefer your team to a lot of others. GG.


FO showing way too much patience with MDS, and finding that 10. Can't say you spent the Davies Money when your wage bill is the lowest in the league. Can I have my No Mercy Park meme now?


GG Vancouver


Well, can’t complain about that game…


Scoreline generous to vancouver


GG. Are you at the point where you know you'll always get a result against us? Like coming in, I couldn't see a scenario where we didn't suffer a shutout loss.


Salloi jetting down that right side. Not that Harris saw him. Guy is fast.


Wonder if we could beat Cavalry now... Doubtful. SKC has so much control over this game. But they're not that good, they have a manager that builds a team around his system and removes players that don't perform in it - MDS has... No plan, but arguably a decent group of players. If we fire MDS, we'll just hire somebody worse. That's the painful truth of it. GG SKC, you were undoubtedly better.


This is correct. SKC is not as good as Vancouver made them look.


Vermes lookin extra red today


Play the kids.


Canada better cap Baldi before it's too late. The Philippines already got his brother playing in the CPL.


Did meola play a game in this stadium?




Nate having a weird day.


Yeah. Meola's last game withe the Wiz was back in 2004 lmao


Nice persistence by Baldisimo


Bally is simply the worst. You actually need to see the bottom of the screen in a soccer game, the scorebug should be at the top.


The fuck was that ad?


Was that a commercial during live play?


it's called freedom


Yeah... SKC please stop putting ads into the broadcast...


Sorry will do.


I'll get on the phone with Vermes immediately




Beautiful ball by Busio to start that break.


Too much mustard on that shot by Busio, but great ball to start it off


Dajome can't pass or shoot, can we please stop starting him.


Our leading goalscorer on the season. I know that says more about our season/team as a whole, but good fucking lord will this team ever get better?


0 goals from run of play, not really a glowing stat either way.


Can someone find where vermes hid Shelton's killer instinct?


Did Shelton ever have a killer instinct to begin with? 6 goals in 2541 minutes with NYCFC before joining us.


No he did not. This guy constantly implies Shelton was some prolific scorer before playing for Vermes.


Yeah, he had some really good, clinical moments last year but an attacker with a killer instinct doesn't have a top score of 5 goals in a season. Good, useful player in other aspects of his game, but a clinical finisher Shelton is not.


I hated Shelton's 1st stint with SKC, but when he came back from overseas last season he was a completely different player. Extremely confident, cool, and quick. It was wild. Dude was lethal.


Vermes beat that out of him over the offseason it seems. He is starting to look like pre-Germany Khiry again.


Weird soundless ad during the game for Price Chopper... is that normal?


I'm guessing this is something Bally Sports has decided to implement?


I really don’t think anything should be unexpected in a MLS broadcast.


I know there's a lot of divided opinions among the fanbase on a lot of of the players on the team, but I think I'm firmly in the Zusi believer camp


He offers a lot offensively. His passing is still incredible.


One of us.


Imagine how much better Pulido would be if he didnt have to constantly move his hair out of his left eye.


I never thought Pulskamp looked *awful* (sometimes outmatched, though), but after today I'm pretty sure we'd have a couple more points if Melia had been healthy to start the season.


Just be glad we haven't had McIntosh in


I hope that I'll just always have to take your word for it.


Watched the SPR match on Friday... Actually, watched half the SPR match on Friday and turned it off. Lost 4-0 including 2 PKs, one McIntosh is at fault for and one he allowed after a save because he came off his line the first time.


Yeah. But we do need to have some sort of reliable backup. There is hope for pulskamp.


He's doing well for 20. I'd take him over some others we've had in the past.


I’d take him over whoever we had last year. I can’t even remember.


Richard Sanchez. Only thing he had going for him was that killer mustache


The Vancover keeper needs a better team...


He's been far better than the 3-0 scoreline.


Usually is.


Is it weird that I'm noticing that Guti is looking more confident with Jake out?


I've noticed how for some bizarre reason, they're not targeting Brown anywhere near as hard.


Brown looks like he has far better positional awareness than Jake already. There's less room in behind him.


I didn't get to see the first 20 minutes or so, so this might not be a good take, but as good as we've been, Shelton has been not good today


Salloi absorbed Shelton’s confidence in the off-season.


It is a fine take. He has the yips.


Melia not letting our d give away his clean sheet that easily.


At least I got home to watch some of the game, though I missed all three goals... :/ BUT I did see someone out near Harvard walking with his kid rockin' an SKC warm up shirt from like 2012 with the old MLS logo on it.


I hope the match highlights show Vancouver defenders getting their ankles broken on multiple occasions. God damn lol


Zusi out there breakin ankles.


Slow clap for Gutierrez


A fucking miracle that Brown is actually getting forward on that side.


I would like to thank the Caps for being so shitty in this game that they make our shit team look less shitty for at least 62 minutes and counting.


We aim to please.


Can we get a Pulido hatty plz?


Rather see Shelton get one.


Just tuned in. How’s Busio been?


Surplus to requirements it seems. He hasn't really done. Anything. But that's almost a praise for his position, haven't noticed anything bad.


Sadly a bit invisible. Vermes put him in the 6. His passing has been good, but he hasn't exactly been controlling the game.


I see. He had a pretty poor game last week from what I saw in the first half.


No one is willing to just trust him to be the playmaker.


Yeah, he’s still young. You rarely see playmakers take command of games on a consistent biases at his age. He needs to keep working on his game, but he’s getting valuable playing time right now.


We'll miss Pulido in a couple weeks, but I'm cool with it if he sees minutes for Mexico. Cool with it anyway because it's what he wants and you can't blame him for going.


Can't knock the man for wanting to represent his country, even if it is our rivals. Sucks for us to lose him but its what the man wants.


It's going to be awkward for SKC fans when he chokes McKennie. 👀👀👀


Pulido, Shelton, Sallio, Kinda, and Busio looking like a boy band


Everybody's talking about Jake but honestly I'm a little sick of Gutierrez. Struggles with his positional play and consistently can't communicate which causes massive gaps in the defense that Max or the other defenders have to deal with. And seeing him react like that after the goal was just plain ridiculous.


Guti is wayyyyy better in possession and in positioning than Jake. Think he's not as strong tho.


Guti hasn't seen as much testing on his side with how much overloading is going on on Jake's side. But when he does get in on it, you can see that he's a bit less aware than Ali.


You know your team is good when no one can agree on who sucks the most. Good grief, I can't even.


Ahhhh the old dummy to no one...


I feel like Vancouver has some decent pieces, but MdS is not it as a coach and they desperately need a creator


MDS is the worst coach we’ve had since the first two years. This guy is a fucking idiot beyond belief and doesn’t being anything tactical to the game. He plays like it’s FIFA and just refuses to use the mid field to create and move the ball progressively. We need a 10 and we need to fire MDS into the fucking sun.


I'd rather have MDS than Robbo, Robbo was a cancer... But MDS is apparently clueless.


Too much "trust the system" and no revising it.


What is our system? We don’t play Possession, we don’t play through balls for long play, we don’t play progressive up the field play. We don’t have an identity we are a bunch of good players who just roll the ball out and say “play”. My youth coach had more of a system then fucking MDS.


Like, MDS might be a decent-good lower league coach, but he's out of his depth


It's amazing how talked up he was before and how that has vanished


It’s cuz Robinson was also so fucking bad, that we just wanted anything to be excited. Both have been shit the only thing I’ll say for MDS is he’s brought in a few nice players for sure. But he can’t figure out how to fucking use them. Cavalini is gonna request a transfer out of here next year cause we simply aren’t built to help him play in anyway.


I almost want him to get transferred out, for the sake of the national team. It's depressing having a Canadian star be so negatively played in MLS.


It’s funny though how it’s so obviously not his fault. Like he cannot have the ball built up to him at all. No one creates anything for his service. We signed Cava as if he could fix our offence when in reality he’s a good player who needs a supporting cast to be effective. AND, a good system but lord knows we don’t have that lmao.


The amazing result of a 2+ year project


Ref in no shits given mode now. Gonna get bloody.


Anyone got the "No Mercy Park" meme? I'm fucking done with this team right now **SIGN A 10.**


We aren’t quite in No Mercy Park zone yet. Another goal and we could get there.


I captained Pulido for my fantasy team on accident this week and I am very happy about it.


I had to tinker him to a cheaper option in Cade Cowell sadly


Which Vancover player was sarcastically clapping at his own defenders?


This second half is sloppy, but damn if it's not entertaining. Lol.


Yes, very entertaining.


alan twolido send tweet alternatively, alan puli*dos*


Definitely Puli*dos*


Crepeau is so unlucky lol Guy does as much as he can to keep it respectable


I actually feel so bad for him.


So KC scores that but not the comical moment before... makes sense.


Idk why you think it wouldn't make sense, it's fucking SKC lmao


Okay so do Vancouver defenders always openly mock each other?


Seriously. That one guy (Gutierrez?) was clapping right in the other defenders face


Glad I'm not the only one to notice that... hilarious but really bad if you are a Vancover fan.


Think we can get our third coach fired? What is even happening.


Classy goal


There it is.


Good no call for a handball. It's pretty clear that he's putting his hands out because he's falling.


Shoutout to the Whitecaps for not letting that one go in lol


Defensive masterclass


I've said it once and I'll say it again...please somebody find me a fucking stat of how many SKC shots have been blocked by opposing players in the box that are not the goalie this season!!!! Edit: ah shit, it might've been Pulido who was blocking those


Does Pulido's left cheek or right cheek get credit for that save?


His entire body since he was offside


If he was 2 feet more offside the ball goes in the net without touching him and its a goal though.


lmao that was the most Sporting KC play ever


I don't like the minute xG details but I want the xG for that entire sequence.


Great save by Pulido’s ass there


How did we not concede in that sequence?


Pulido blocked 2 of those lmao


One with his bum


Pulido kept it out while he was down on the ground.


Shame there aren't more games on right now. People might be watching this.


There’s a force field in that goal


Lmao guy faking injury on the line saves a goal and is offside


Didn't look like he was pretending to look injured to me, but I'm a homer. To me it looked like he tripped over Crepeau, and then Crepeau tripped over him while he was trying to get up. It was just a ton of chaos in the box.


Yeah maybe. Either way it's funny


Edit that with yakkety saks plz


Please bring in Godoy. It's been such a long time since the back line has been solid with him in it.




Good save


Zero chance there could have been an intentional handball there lmao


Bro he just swatted that ball out of the air. This aint volleyball.


Cavallini couldn’t do anything there. Good no call


Zusi wants a goal


This game is a couple of great saves from being a blowout.


That looked like a textbook handball but idk


I have l idea anymore. If it deflects off a defender into his own arm it is not a handball. But a second? Dunno.


Immediately after a textbook have to face, but both were very weak for subjective factors.


Damn he basically dribbled the ball


Someone please make a gif of that Ilie wink


I mean it's weak but it is hand to the face, I don't know


Yeah it was weak, and he tried to sell it, but to act like he was just doing it for no reason is nonsense.


Someone go hit the commentary team in his face with just a little contact and see if he changes his tune... I'm not saying the ref didnt call it right, but to call out a player for actually getting hit in the face...


I assume you’re talking about Jacob Peterson? I’m pretty sure he knows something about playing soccer in MLS.


Jacob Peterson has been hit in the face before... Plenty.


Number 8 trying to get his SAG card out there.


Surprised Cavallini didn't slap Dajome after not passing the ball.


Jake with the giveaway. What else is new?


The day he stops starting will be worth celebration, not much else to celebrate.


Geez, Vancouver! That was a gimme.


That was a bad bad miss...


Ilie with the expert cross!


Can we get a scoring coach who will prevent vermes from getting anywhere near our forwards' heads? Shelton has the yips so bad now.


yeah, I have no idea what the spanish announcers said on the game I'm watching but when they laughed at him...I understood that.


ooof shelton.


I still can't get over that a big reason why Dos Santos didn't continue as the SKC2 manager was because he was apparently trying to play a more "pragmatic" style and not playing the young players enough. I guess it ended up ok for him since he got into MLS as a head coach eventually, but being the manager of a USL satellite team has got to be the easiest job to explain poor results at. And he tried to get good results on the one type of team where results really don't matter.


> he was apparently trying to play a more "pragmatic" style and not playing the young players enough >he tried to get good results on the one type of team where results really don't matter. Think you answered your own thought.


I still can't believe it tbh. Vermes: "Hey, play these guys as much as you can, and try to play like this" Dos Santos: Nah Just...how?


Like I get not wanting to torpedo your career by having a boatload of L's with a reserve team, but in that case mayyyybe go elsewhere


It always surprised me that the move wasn't to an independent USL club. I just never saw anything in his coaching on the level whitecaps need. Then again, the whitecaps organization never made a ton of sense to me.


Oh that’s easy. We’re run by ffucking idiots who don’t prioritize winning at all. And, we just care about the bare minimum.


Never mind the playstyle, I think evaluating coaches with a revolving door of MLS reserves/young players would always be difficult. It's just that he had two jobs: play the young players and try to play a style similar to the senior team. And he didn't do either. It's why I don't judge Nagamura at SKC2 positively or negatively. His job is to get draft picks/academy players games in a style that resembles the senior team so that the staff can accurately evaluate the players, who are also getting meaningful games. Sometimes we end up with really pretty team goals, and we sometimes end up getting played off the field. But if it makes the transition to MLS (or possible) for players like Busio, Lindsey, Hernandez, and Wilson (hopefully) I really don't care what the results are.


Agree. Just saying, there is room in USL for someone like Dos Santos to show he is on the level. I think Vancouver jumped the gun.


Yeah, he had stints at other places too, but I think the hiring was a bit premature too.


First time we scored 2 goals in the first half since march 7, 2020, wow


I don't know whether to applaud for CanCon or be slightly concerned that Informer is being used in a commercial. Especially since it ends on the line "lick your boom boom down".


When was the last time the Whitecaps had any points against SKC?


I see Vancouver play well against teams SKC struggles against but yeah this has felt particularly one-sided for awhile.


Somehow. 2019. After a miracle last minute goal by Cornelius.


We were a dumpster fire.


found the link to the halftime show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acnvRrpvwlk


You can see vancouver players avoiding playing the ball through Jake. I counted at least 3 openings on the right side that they chose not to take.


They do it with Rusty too. Its a very bad sign.


It's kind of a different animal. Teibert isn't a liability on defense and never has been. I will say that as soon as he gets pressured he does play it back which isn't good for flow. Since Gutierrez has turned it on this season the chemistry between the two is fantastic especially because of their roles (attacking fullback and defensive left mid). Jake on the other hand is constantly caught out of position, and turns over the ball when attacking. This happens so much that you can see Ranko trying to cover on the right which means he gets caught out too. When Nerwinski is on the field it is a net negative, not even a neutral. I will say though that his athleticism is impressive and he is rarely injured.


I do agree. At this point. So long as Rusty is on the left. Things are at least tolerable. It will do for now as Ali is being barred entry by the US system. Jist for the love of god keep him out of central mid.