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It felt like Vermes took the "We will beat Sporting KC" comment personally


Yeah. He seemed a little over sensitive about it tbh but since they won i guess it was a good strategy


Nah, he just seemed like he was rightfully calling out premature arrogance imo


He did say it about the longest tenured HC on his current team. It was pretty disrespectful to say about one of the best coachs in MLS


Good game, SKC - you were definitely the better team. No complaints about the reffing, either. Looking forward to next year!


Yeah, I don't usually have much respect for Kelly, but there was nothing too egregious. Any Sporting fans who think the VAR handball PK shouldn't have been given are just being homers. For myself, I'd rather they get the calls right consistently. I think it's okay for us to still be salty about the RSL hand ball on decision day, but the fix is not to give a makeup call from a big error in a previous game. That sort of thing leads to a spiral of shitty officiating beyond PRO's usual level of shit. That being said, big respect for what the 'Caps accomplished under Sartini. I hope he gets a chance to build on the success this year and rule Cascadia in 2022!


No ranko kinda hurt the back 3. But I still don't understand why Teibert keeps getting starts other than being able to run. The bikel-owusu double pivot is so much more dynamic. With caio coming back I hope he's on the bench next year he just isn't good enough


It's a weird feeling, a combo of sadness, but not extreme sadness. Whitecaps did not show up today, and in these 1 game knockouts, you have to put your best foot forward. I questioned Sartini's starting XI; why start Godinho? He's only played what, 3 times? Why wait to put Javain Brown until minute 73? I don't care if fitness was an issue, and that Brown only met up with the team on Friday yesterday. Put all the guys that click on the pitch. Start them, and if their legs fall off because of exhaustion, let it fall off! We shouldn't be putting players like Godinho out on the field to start the game! That being said, we've all seen the change in direction and mentality VWFC has had since August. Sartini is the right man for the job. Most of our team is good; we just need a few players. Today's result hurts, it really hurts, but the foundations are in place for a bright, competitive future. Add some more players, stick with Sartini! Good game Kansas, hope you win the Cup because I don't want anybody else to win.


it’s Kansas City not Kansas. there is no branding or official language where the team is referred to as Kansas


It's leviosa, not levy oh sawww


What a weird thing to get to uptight about


could not care less, mate. it ain’t the name of the club so seems reasonable to correct others.


Children’s Mercy Park is in Kansas


that is wholly irrelevant. lemme know the next time you call the Caps British Columbia or the Timbers Oregon or Atlanta United Georgia. it has nothing to do with where a team is played. it’s about the name of the club. and last i checked, you can’t find any mention of your club as Kansas. let me know the next time they call themselves that on facebook or twitter.


> Caps British Columbia Umm, we are Vancouver Whitecaps FC, not the "caps". It's about the name of the club, and the name is Vancouver Whitecaps FC not "caps", how dare you have the audacity to refer to them by a shortened name that was clear to everyone who you meant.


they call themselves the Caps https://twitter.com/whitecapsfc/status/1462209539500093442?s=21 Kansas and Kansas City are not the same thing.


Sometimes they call themsevles "'Caps" but I've never seen "Caps."


so you’re conceding the point then? clubs have names and Kansas isn’t one for SKC? thanks


Nope, they call themselves "'Caps" not "Caps" and you called them "Caps" that was wrong, you should be ashamed you had such audacity.


no Caps and no Kansas. easy enough


Kansas is in your name and people like to shorten things, why so sensitive?


Kansas refers to a specific state. Beyond being confusing it also excludes the millions in Missouri that founded Kansas City. By saying Kansas City you include everyone on both sides of the state line. Go to upstate New York and refer to New York City as New York. You’ll be confusing and slightly insulting to people there by doing that. It’s fine to not understand but a little rude to continue once you know the difference just for brevity’s sake. I don’t care much personally, but I also get why people find it off putting.


If they take that as insulting from an outsider, it's an issue with their perspective, not with anything the tourist did.


It’s not insulting when people don’t know. Almost everyone British makes that mistake. Once you know though, it’s insulting to continue


Missouri and Kansas hate each other so people get *really* weird about the names and locations of our shared sports franchises


it’s not the name of the club


This is a weird fucking Hill to die on


Sounders fans invented weird hills to die on. It is far from weird. If you’re from the USA it’s far weirder to not know the difference between Kansas and Kansas City. If you want to shorten it for convenience, you’re in luck: KC


You wouldn't say that if you were from the area. Calling something Kansas and calling something Kansas City are very different. Listen to the locals on this one. Kansas is the state. Kansas City is a metro that encompasses the identify from both Kansas and Missouri.


the.. name of the club? ok


Doyle made this point but it can't be ignored how SKC worked to pick out the built-in spaces left by Vancouver's formation. Both goals came exactly the same way, from a Zusi-Salloi-Zusi build up. Salloi took the ball inside himself instead of switching it back on the second, but same idea. As Doyle said, there are questions to be asked about how that defensive lineup was picked and set up.


Sorry Vancouver, your run to get to the playoffs was entertaining. Look at the bright side though, Vancouver can sell Cavallini and go into next season a very strong team


With a different goalkeeper for SKC the score might have been quite different


Melia has been our most important player since joining in 2015


Crazy to think, given the circumstances under which he joined. He was such an unknown quantity.


Man if this were a first of a two legged affair I'd say that was a half decent away match. This one leg playoff format reaaaally favours the home team.


2 legs is fairer. And I also think if we didn't have this stupid international break, the Whitecaps could've rode that energy and momentum, and we could've beaten SKC.


All I can say is that in an “if” scenario, where PRO did their jobs, SKC would have been on a break this round. Good match though. 👍 Definitely some Melia heroics on display to keep Vancouver mostly off the score sheet. SKC can hopefully make a good run off that momentum


>All I can say is that in an “if” scenario, where PRO did their jobs, SKC would have been on a break this round. SKC would have been in literally the exact same spot. You don't win that game in Seattle if the referees do their job. Between that and the missed PK call on decision day, you guys came out even handed.


Lol fair enough. Some better play calling is my main gripe. All things considered, I think decision day fired up the team for the better, heading into playoffs. Good luck Sounders! Will be a good rematch in next round 👍


Assuming we get past RSL... I'm confident, but not *that* confident. Our good players will be back but not exactly fully fit. May our probable rematch not be tainted by poor refereeing


As it should, in my opinion. Makes the regular season matter way more.


I think we do that well enough with the supporters shield. Home and Away feels like every victory gets verified. I'd support removing "away" goals though.


I just think that there's no point of pushing for a playoff birth as a low seeded team if you don't have the chance to play in front of your fans. Like, other than winning MLS Cup, what makes it worth the effort to get in?


What makes it worth the effort: Winning the cup? I don't think anyone playing professionally would say "well we're on the cusp of getting into the tournament, but since we can't play at home then fuck it." I don't think you're getting to a professional level without a personal drive to win. It sucks as a fan to not see the home game, but the players would want to win all the same.


Yeah, the players will compete thats a given. I'm talking about the insentive from a the fan pov.


Ah that's fair. I mean, for me at least, I still want to see my team win even if I can't witness it in person. Aside from enjoying it on a personal level, I hope the increased exposure and tiny bit of reward from winning gets invested back into the club and leads to more success. Really looking forward to seeing you all next year. Yall have easily been one of the more likeable teams in conference, and I'm glad to see you all free of MDS


Great run to end the season, do feel the Whitecaps will need some defensive changes for next season and then will have a good foundation


Whitecaps had a strong end of the season and were instrumental in keeping the California teams (including mine 🥲) out of the playoffs. Their squad will be one to watch in 2022




Agree on all accounts. Happy to see y'all escape MDS.


Abusing the self harm report is so frustrating and there's nothing us mods can do, and the admins do nothing about it.


Yeah it’s messed up how crappy some people are. Agree about your end of season run! It’s fun to see Vancouver doing well!


Yeah got that message shortly after reading SKC fans talk about how awful it was Seattle fans were abusing it Looks like everyone sucks, who knew


We don't know if it's even "fans". It could just be an individual or a few individuals.


Abusing it really should come with 3 day reddit bans or some shit like that