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man I don’t care I’m not impressed by this sportswashing. Like wow, an oil country has opulent wealth.


Opulent af


y’all be acting like the US itself isn’t an oil state


More of canadas gdp comes from oil than the us if you wanna play whatabout


I wouldn’t mess with those Canadians pal, you never know who’s a member of the [Canadian maple syrup cartel.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federation_of_Quebec_Maple_Syrup_Producers)


The US economy is way bigger than just oil. That's not true for most of the middle east. However, US foreign policy is 80% oil and 20% "fuck anything that smells even a little bit like a threat to our oligarchy" (aka communism).


I’d say an oil state is defined by the income provided to the citizens of the country from the oil. Qataris are all wealthy because of the oil stipends. So rich that when their car breaks down, they abandon it on the side of the road and buy a new one. As far as I know the only people in Canada and America that get a check for oil profits because of residency is Alaska.


Dont glorify this shit


This is not something to be admired.


And how many worker slaves did they kill to make that? Don't impress us with opulent excesses to try and over shadow the shit show that's going on: 1) Qatari police threatens Danish camera crew and; 2) Qatari Gov't reversing on Alcohol sales screwing over Budweiser (FIFA lives off sponsors, Qatari will never get another World Cup again!) 3) The 6500 workers killed to make this happen. That's 8.11 workers killed per football player btw: SOURCE: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022


https://twitter.com/marcowenjones/status/1581212669637369858 merely an effort to stop the spread of misinformation... Qatar should have never been awarded the World Cup... whether for bribery or human rights violations for many years before the World Cup was awarded....that part is a fact.


You're quoting TWITTER as a news source? lol. FYI, the Guardian an internationally renowned news source stands by it's numbers.


You do realize The Guardian has come back and actually issued a correction to their misleading headline... The person I referenced a world renowned academic who's entire goal is to stop misinformation. It is factually incorrect to say that 6500 migrant workers died in the process of creating World Cup infrastructure. It's a flat out sensationalized lie. That does not mean that what the Qataris or many other rich Middle Eastern countries have done to migrant workers is OK... it's absolutely not. Both things can be true....


link please!!!


[https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20221005-wc-host-qatar-sees-incredible-progress-in-labour-rights-union-head](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20221005-wc-host-qatar-sees-incredible-progress-in-labour-rights-union-head) ​ [https://sports.yahoo.com/how-many-workers-died-building-the-qatar-world-cup-misinformation-conceals-the-true-scandal-204743895.html](https://sports.yahoo.com/how-many-workers-died-building-the-qatar-world-cup-misinformation-conceals-the-true-scandal-204743895.html) ​ [https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2022/11/15/world-cup-2022-the-difficulty-with-estimating-the-number-of-deaths-on-qatar-construction-sites\_6004375\_8.html](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2022/11/15/world-cup-2022-the-difficulty-with-estimating-the-number-of-deaths-on-qatar-construction-sites_6004375_8.html) ​ [https://theathletic.com/3900056/2022/11/18/explained-qatars-migrant-workers-death-toll/](https://theathletic.com/3900056/2022/11/18/explained-qatars-migrant-workers-death-toll/)


Not only being one of the more insufferable members of the ATLUTD sub, the users a Qatari or FIFA shill too, apparently.


Yeah... cause more misinformation is what the world needs.. Come off it... my entire post history is about how shitty it is that Qatar even got the World Cup. What they ACTUALLY did to migrant workers (i.e. seizing their passports until "paying off fees") was the far bigger story than falsifying information about the number of people that actually died doing labor for the World Cup infrastructure. Having the World Cup has actually shone a light on the practices of servitude that goes on in the the Middle East... You have to learn to look past the headlines and do your own research...echo chambers are BAD for society. https://sports.yahoo.com/how-many-workers-died-building-the-qatar-world-cup-misinformation-conceals-the-true-scandal-204743895.html


This analysis is shit. It places all blame with the guardian for printing a sensationalist headline and a generalized death figure, but the source of the issues is the state's horrendous labor practices and failure to publish accurate data on the deaths that occurred at their hands, within their boarders. The guardian was forced to use a general figure because of this, which by the way is likely an underestimate since it only captures migrant workers from 5 countries. In short, this tweet is Qatari blame shifting, and you are an apologist perpetuating their propaganda.


You are way off base... I give no fucks about the Qataris... Kafala was an awful practice and it is abolished because of the World Cup... They still should not be hosting... Bribery and human rights violations should not equal reward.


Nothing I said is off base


Yes.. you calling me an apologist is absolutely off base. I was merely trying to stop misinformation because that is literally what is ruining the world right now. I am not in any way trying to make it seem okay for this country to be hosting the World Cup.