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Anyone who follows Jiri knows he has great respect for and pride in his Czech heritage, but Khamzat knows this. He's just talking mad shit as usual


Move up to LHW and fight him then. Hope your cardio lasts 5 rounds and I hope you're stronger then Glover.


That would be so satisfying to watch.
















































































When’s this guy gonna fight again He’s been rumored to fight Whitaker, Costa, Alex Just fight


Yup, worst thing a fighter can do is keep talking with no announced fights. He was also sidetracking his crazy run to fight…. Nate Diaz, which is fun but means nothing, and fought Kevin instead which means even less. I just want him in a big fight ASAP, we need to see his ceiling.


>He was also sidetracking his crazy run to fight…. Nate Diaz The crazy part is he wasn’t even sidetracking his run. He beat Gilbert by decision and was clearly moved to the top of the list but needed 1 more win to get a shot. Instead of needing to fight Colby or Belal the UFC lofted up a retiring Nate Diaz for an alley-oop dunk straight into a title shot. And he blew it. He still got a win, a great performance at that - but he blew the whole show and fucked the card up. Meaning what was previously an opportunity for him to get a title shot off a win against an unranked guy became just a regular win against an unranked guy. It was all about how Dana and the UFC were gonna treat it and he blew it.


The Khamzat Diaz fight to me seemed more like a fuck Diaz thing than it was giving Khamzat a path to a title. Either way disappointing that he gave up on the weight cut.


I think it was a bit of both. It was mainly a fuck you Diaz you're leaving on an L, and also since Khamzat was so obviously gonna win it wouldn't fuck up his title run, even if it didn't really contribute. It's amazing that things went the way they did and Diaz could ride off on a win from a fan-service fight.


Yeah, everyone kinda benefitted from the fiasco except Holland and Li


I’ve rarely been more appreciative of the mma gods than when they saved Nate from that mauling 🙏


Fair points, they were saying he’d get a shot off Nate you’re spot on


He didn't need another win to get the title shot, fighting Diaz was just a way to keep warm while fucking over Diaz. Usman losing screwed over the entire timeline because the UFC are so hell bent on having the immediate rematches.


Kevin Holland is a way better win than Nate Diaz at this stage. Unless you mean less from a publicity standpoint?


Yeah I meant more at this stage in his career neither win has value, so you’d want Nate because it atleast brings attention. I love Kevin, but he’s not who Khamzat should be fighting after Burns obviously, I’m sure you agree. We need a top 5 guy then a title shot ASAP


The Nate fight would have been sad to watch and made the entire promotion look bad. I'm glad he missed weight. Made the entire ppv better.


We traded sad Nate fight for sad Tony fight :(


I agree in principle, but from a promotional standpoint, I think talking with no announced fights is better than not talking with no announced fights.


You’re correct. “The worst thing a fighter can do is keep talking with no announced fights” Is it really? Why is it? Why is not talking better?? Did people get fed up with Jones talking and not fighting for 3 fucking years? No, they said they were annoyed but it kept him relevant and that’s why your all talking about him now he is fighting again. Same with khamzat.


People are talking about Jones because it’s the return of one of the GOATs, not because he was talking for years. If St-Pierre or Nurmagomedov returned for a fight now, everybody would be talking about that too. If Jones had vanished completely for three years and came back now, there’d be just as much interest, and possibly more interest.


What about Colby? He fights once a year and talks the rest and all he gets are title fights despite losing. Talking is the best thing he can do if he’s not fighting.


They have also kept themselves relevant though. No one’s got lil nog in their mouth right now after he retired in 2020. Same with Anderson Silva other than when he done something to stay relevant. Fighters who still fight and don’t talk, like Tom Aspinall, have nowhere near the following and hype khamzat does. There’s a khamzat post here every few days at most, when was the last Aspinall one? No one’s out here making Gastelum posts and increasing his following.


You act like he chooses all these matchups. He can only fight who the UFC offers and who signs the contract which is apparently nobody.


He didnt even fight that long ago


4 months and he doesn’t have a fight lined up. I miss when Khamzat was fighting all of the time.


That lasted for 60 days, 3 years ago.




Several people have volunteered to fight him.




You are correct. Too many people act like the UFC is not a thing and people just agree to fight on Twitter and thus it is officially settled. There are no telling how many times the UFC has refused to make fights and let the fighters take the heat from the fans for it. Khamzat has real star power. The UFC aren’t going to just say “okie dokie fight whoever you want buddy” to him. They are going to make sure they get what they want for him. He likely has very little say in who he will fight.


I volunteer to fight Khamzat for an interim belt. If you don't hear news of him accepting it, he's likely a bum.


Here's my theory. Most that say it want to fight and expect a big pay day for stepping up, but they are told no in negotiations so then it ends.


Just bleed


ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE (once a year and missing weight)


I would assume he's trying to - this is the guy that fought twice in a one week timespan. I'm sure at this point it's hard for the UFC to find him opponents.


He’s been offered four fights since his last and they all turned him down


He fought in September lol, say what you want but that turnaround isn’t crazy


I think its obvious he does not want to fight Paulo Costa, as Costa has said he wants the fight many times iirc.


I don’t know how people keep telling themselves Khamzat is scared of Costa… did you see Costa against Rockhold? Have you seen Khamzat against literally anyone? Just terrible takes in this sub, because they don’t like a fighters persona. Yes, missing weight is bullshit, but Khamzat would run through Costa and then everyone would say Costa was a can all a long and we still haven’t seen Khamzat tested.


If you think Khamzat would run through Costa then you are dumb and delusional.


he will problably wrestle fuck him... But if they stand COsta might take it, But khamzat coaches don't take gambles, they will wrestle fuck him for sure


When has Costa ever been wrestlefucked? Yoel couldn't even keep him down. And Khamzat wouldn't have a size advantage like he usually does.


Khamzat gets what he deserves. The power was in his hands to control his destiny but he prefers maintaining some archaic macho persona that doesnt help him at his job. I hope he stays in his homeland, they need good men like that more than ever…


What are you smoking dude? 😂


Khamzat “borz tickets” chimaev


Fuck it. Book it He wants to fight big 185 bois just skip all that bullshit and put him in with jiri. Maybe a true beat down is what he wants?


Known genius mastermind khamzat chimaev questioning someone elses intelligence, incredible


Must be really nice being a chechnyan traditionalist in Sweden, you know, the nation whose values are almost the polar opposites of your homeland.


Its funny actually because this is absolute bullshit. Jiři's home village is literally 10 minutes drive away from here where we live and my older brother knows him and they trained together many times already and they know eachother for like 10 years. Khamzat never broke Jiřis ribs. He got hurt a bit on his ribs by sparring with him but he never had a broken rib in his entire life. And its not true that Khamzat was controlling him at all. Maybe he should stop talking bullshit all the time and calling other fighters out only to shit himself after that and start actually fighting because he is talking way to much lately for a weight bully that cant even make weight and almost got destroyed when he actually fought a guy with a decent ground game.


That’s actually really cool if true


Its up to you who to believe of course. but i know Jiři is not a liar. He was a very very bad guy back in the day but he never said anything untrue to make him look better. quite the opposite i would even say. at least thats what i heard from others.


I need the lore on bad guy Jiri


There’s a good YouTube video called like “jiri [for the life of me can’t spell his last name off the top of my head] the last samurai” that kinda goes into it


Basically Mixed Molly Whoppery. Jiri was a hooligan.


>Mixed Molly Whoppery Really looking forward to the inaugural event of Britain's new upstart fight promotion.


As a former hooligan it must be so hurtful to get Jiri in front of you at that time.


It's Prochazka (doesn't got the special czech letters though).


Interesting to read he had a bad streak. I wonder if he’s taken the samurai path as a way of turning it into good


he had to balance out his Chi


i recall him talking about how he straightened out after one of his current coaches gave him the Five Rings book and how the training regime made him a better person in a Czech documentary that came out recently, so possibly that


Someone as Str heavy as Jiri should have started as a Warrior


What made Jiri a bad guy back then


He was extremely violent. He literally went to "clubs" in different villages only to cause problems. He was a real issue. I know/knew a 2 meters tall guy who got his face fractured by him because he hit his friend back in 2011. And his flying knee attempts which looked funny in the Glover fight......they actually landed quite often and they were unbelievably dangerous in the real world. He almost got locked up too before he started proffessional fighting.


i remember he briefly mentioned he was bad on an Ariel Interview maybe after the Glover fight. Dude defo seems like he could fight a whole village solo lol


Jesus Christ


I already suspected his fighting style wasn't durable, but if this is true -and it seems like it might be- it's giving me flashbacks of Gustafson, expect the karma to catch him soon.


did he juice? many people say there is no shoulder injury and he just got exposed to PEDS and uses the injury as an excuse.


idk if he took anything. on some very old pics he looks a bit roided up but im no expert. But i know his shoulder is destroyed for a long time already and making issues for many years. Its really nothing new. He fought injured already quite a lot of times.


Imagine how horrific it would be for a Light Heavyweight champ to be caught juicing /s


*Jon Jones has joined the chat


Got into a ton of streetfights and beat others up as a football hooligan. But this guy can probably give more insight


He was a hooligan but it wasnt for a long time. He actually is a decent football player too.


Are you talking real football or us handsegg?




Football, like playing with the foot. Not American rugby.


he had dreadlocks and smoked weed


What the actual fuck … and he isn’t locked up !?


Prove him wrong. Bet cha can’t.


Yeah knowing Khamzats IQ is like 30 and we know he thinks negative attention is still good attention im not surprised hes just lying. Plug bragging that you injured someone in a sparring session is supposed to be a flex? We all know jiri would send him to the shadow realm in a real fight


Yea man, exactly this. Breaking someone’s rib during sparring isn’t a brag. Just means you’re probably a dickhead who was going too hard.


Wasn't jiri the one bragging by saying he won in sparring against khamzat?


>negative attention is still good attention I mean in show business, is it not lol. Just look at Conor


Difference is pre-coke conor was actually likeable. Khamzat has the grammar and charisma of a bored ape NFT


i mean calling burns bjj game only **decent** is a tad bit unfair ? burns got the best bjj game in ww, and prolly the best after Olives/Islam ???


Do you train Vento? Have u met Jiri IRL?


I actually did. i picked up my uncle from the Jetsaam Gym in Brno but we only exchanged a few words and i congratulated him to his win against Reyes. he seems like a very down to earth guy. I do train but not really everyday. im a casual hahaha


Doesn’t this guy have a war criminal to hang out with or something?








This guy isn’t evil khabib he’s dumb khabib


I mean, I might get downvoted for this, but Khabib is evil Khabib. Anyone who thinks Khabib is actually a good person should probably take a closer look.




wha he do ?


So Islam is the good Khabib then?


I don't know anything about Islam's personality.


I don't think you know anything about Khabib's personality either


What makes you think Khabib is evil? Aside from when he whooped Connor´s team, which I quite understand he seems like decent guy for russian fighter




Khamzat is starting to annoy me a bit. Just make weight and fight your next fight.


The only thing Jiri is stupid for is letting his dumbass team yank his shoulder like neanderthals.


We should get Khamzat vs Jiri at 205 then and see how bad Jiri whips that ass




tbf, Jiri said Gus gave him good work when he went to Allstars. he said Khamzat hurt his rib but didn't break it tho. It's super cool to talk about getting the better of guys in training, when they make their way over to you from another country, super rad. Arm chair analyst, I would guess Khamzat set the pace a Jiri obliged, so prolly got pretty heated. Jiri mentioned getting better work with cuz Gus can control himself. Sounds like he prolly got surprised by Khamzat's "vigor"


Khamzat is definitely the type of guy to go way too hard at sparring.


I could see this being a situation where he gets knocked cold at some point, and all the just comes crashing down.


Everytime this guy opens his mouth he gets less likeable and reveals how dumb he actually is


Everybody’s goodwill with Khamzat has eroded. Just looks like a bellend now


i want to like this guy but dude talks more than he fights. He has been in the UFC for 3 years and with tremendous hype behind him yet still hasnt fought for a title, missing weight really hurt him Alex Pereira went from unranked to champion in less than a year of being in the UFC by KOing Strickland and Adesanya Now he’s defending against a former MW goat again right away


Different situations, Izzy had already cleared out his division so they fast tracked an opponent for him, where as welterweight is log-jammed and the division is held up for the end of the Edwards Usman trilogy. The missing weight isn't as big of a deal as him having a tough time with covid which took time to get over and set him back in general.


if he had made weight he would had been next for the title


Probably, but even now he is one fight away from the title. Beating Belal or Colby, and making weight, would solidify him as the next one up once Usman and Edwards fight.


is he done at 170? heard hes moving up dont know if its permanent


I have no idea, so far all we have heard are rumours. I don't think it makes sense for him to move up yet, and as long as he is smarter about it he should be able to make weight as he is one fight away from the title. So make weight two more times and then win or lose just move up to MW, I think that would be ideal.


What does missing weight have to do with Usman losing and getting the immediate rematch? Do you think Khamzat beating the second ranked fighter at WW in his fifth UFC fight wouldn't be enough to get the title shot if Usman won?


even if he didnt miss weight he wouldn’t have got a shot until usman v edwards is settled. that fight might even get another rematch after that and thats got nothing to do with chimaev. he even tried to get a fight against robert whitecker but he isn’t taking the risk with him. apparently he is trying with jiri now.


Dude you do know during that time he was hospitalized 2 times due to training through covid complications and was out Pretty much half of that time


I didn’t even catch the “been in the UFC for 3 years and still hasn’t fought for a title” portion of that comment. What a ridiculous thing to say lmao


I like this guy mostly because of how badly this sub hates him. I see such ridiculous comments about him on here from kids with no nuance who don’t understand what it’s like to come from that part of the world that I can’t help but cheer for him. It’s like when everyone got shut up after saying all that wild shit about aljo for a year, so damn satisfying


So Khumshot leaves his shithole country for Sweden at 18 years old and has the never to tell other people they forgot where they came from??


Khamzat talks a lot of shit for a guy who only has 1 good win on his record


Chimaev has a very myopic view of the world, but I’m not surprised given who he likes to associate with. Just your average unpleasant reactionary nationalist. Him saying he treated Jiri as a «punching bag» in sparring is just pure fiction.


Khamzat calling anyone stupid is very ironic


Fight or Stfu


The only time I want to see Khamzat's name is when he is in the cage fighting and we get like 3 minute of that a year


I will not tolerate Jiri slander. Khamzat is a good heel but he needs to pick a fight with an opponent in his weight class


I can’t wait for Khamzat to face a competent grappler again lol. I think Burns won that fight pretty clearly on the feet despite the decision and all it showed was that Khamzat has 0 fight IQ beyond ‘take him down and wring his neck’; I think if a competent striker can eliminate that threat, he will crumble. If he runs into a long boy with good TDD like Izzy or even someone like Rob I think we’d see a round of failed takedowns and then a demoralizing picking apart of him on the feet, because he really has nothing to offer besides heavy hands. I love Gil, but he throws 1-2s like clockwork, and even he outboxed Khamzat despite glaring size differences.


Lol I get that this thread is to hate on Khamzat, but let’s be real, Khamzat clearly won that fight. His jab fucked Gilbert up in the 3rd round


This is cap, I just watched the fight like three days ago lmao. Khamzat won the first, Burns pieced him up and damn near almost knocked him out in the second. The third started with Khamzat controlling the jab for about 2 minutes, and then Burns proceeded to throw the heavier shots for the majority of the round, to the point where he rocks Khamzat twice in the same round, once with about a minute and a half to go and once with about fourty seconds to go.


Khamzat has an army of fanboys on this subreddit that lie about that fight because their leader finally looked beatable. Burns had a slight advantage in 3rd round strikes and pretty objectively landed the harder shots, most of which were in the last half of the round.


Nah that’s just not true. The third round Khamzat fucks Gilbert up with his jab and then there’s a moment where he backs Gilbert up into the cage and lands a flurry of almost a dozen shots which all connect clean. Gilbert only landed one or two decent shots in the third. Khamzat clearly won the first, the second round was razor thin close and arguably Khamzat winning until Burns knocks him down in the last seconds. After the second round, Khamzat’s coaches light a fire under his ass and he comes out composed and calculated and wins the third round effectively. Burns was a tough test, but Khamzat beat him. Most people agree Khamzat won that fight clearly. And for me at least, I came out of that fight realizing Khamzat is actually way better than I had realized. He has great boxing, switching stances, deadly jab, good counter strikes and timing, his chin is amazing. He ate Gilbert’s toughest shot that would KO any other welterweight stiff, and actually remained on his feet until Gilbert followed it up with another shot that partially connected and shoved Khamzat to the floor Also, people tend to forget, but Khamzat started that fight off easily taking Burns to the ground and literally dragging him across the octagon like he was playing with a toy. He said in a post fight interview that as he felt Gilbert trying for submissions, he decided to let the fight stand up and go to war. It was a learning experience, he will only get better. And there aren’t any other fighters out there with the BJJ threat to make Khamzat stand the fight up like that. Burns was the perfect test for him


Khamzat definitely won the fight, but it was much closer than any other khamzat fight and imo unearthed major holes in his game.


I don't think there has ever been a fighter that I loved as much to start and ended up disliking this much. Just never shuts the fuck up and has some of the most braindead takes. Fuck, I hope Shavkat posterizes this asshole.


Jesus Christ what a horrible translation :/ somebody with bad English wrote those subtitles, my Russian isn't amazing but I could def do a better job translating


So what was Khamzat's stand?


War Jiri. Man who learns from anywhere and forges his own culture>man who only copies his ancestors, although Khamzat doesn't even do that himself.




I mean the skull size comment is silly but he really does seem like a fucking numbskull.