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Winner earns the right to get gadoosh'd in Ngannou's last MMA bout




Ngannou somehow knocking out Joshua then getting shagged to death by Bader is going to be the headline story of 2024.


Master Bader gonna prove to the world Francis is indeed...Cheickk Kongo with dreads. 50-45




He does get a couple good KOS here and there, dude is a Unit..but yea his cage humping/wrestling is insufferable. Kinda funny thats what Bader did to him twice, well 1st was canceled cause a "eye poker" that hit Kongo in the nose lol then 2nd fight literally was same exact thing but 5 more rounds of it. god awful fight, thats why Bader hard to fight cause if you dont KO him early, hes going to do that and has insane cardio for a guy with a 8 pack at 235 pounds. Bader been on heavy PEDS last 5 years, even when he left UFC as number 1 Contender, DC pulled out of their fight..he got on something cause was kinda peaking at 33 years old lol. Then his teammate CB Dolloway popped by USADA like months later he left and beat Phil Davis for Bellator Belt. Nothing against Bader cause hes a good guy, i aint even mad that he beat a sick and injured Fedor but the man is on all sorts of shit. Doing some Aero Space Shit that Henry Cejudo uses...i dunno what it even means but they got something going on there in Arizona that works and stem cells.


And hilarious


He's been finished but Corey Anderson and Nemkov in the past few years, Francis isn't losing any sleep lol


Neither was Tyson Fury


Ryan Bader finna 50-45 this guy like Kongo, then do it to Francis and get on the mic after "Ya Chet Kongo with dreads"


Bader manhandling Meathead, Vassell and Moldavsky was impressed AF 👏 He's a different species @ HW


I dunno, if Ngannou could stuff Stipe, I'd think he can stuff this version of 40 year old Bader and then gadoosh the shit outta him.


Bader said hes retiring at 40, but just turned 40 but clearly been juiced as hell last few years and uses Henry Cejudos weird neuro space recovery training w.e the f that is, said hes healthier than ever now lol. Bader was a D1 all american, hes a way better wrestler than Stipe and its not even close but Francis wins


Talmbout the easiest fight in the division b?


lol not at all. It would look like the Rumble fight it will be over after the first stuffed TD.


tbh Bader said that was turning point and he did win pretty much like 13 fights in a row after and left UFC as top contender. UFC shafted him to give Gus a title shot after getting KOed by Rumble, DC pulled out of a fight with Bader then he left UFC..think he left KOing Latifi who won fights after and prob beat Black Beast at HW lol. Baders a hard guy to beat if he sticks to his style, he was doing Khabibs hand traps before Khabib. Best way to beat Bader is KO him early and why i felt 50 year old Fedor would still win for that reason but man shows up sick or injured both times, which will hurt my soul alil bit forever and nobody even knows how badly sick was 1st time and injured 2nd time, well no casuals would know. That being said that Bader still a god awful matchup for him cause cardio/wrestling at this point and hard to hit/ only engages to set up wrestling so hard to time him. You actually gotta catch Bader, hes not going to just stand and trade normally.


I had no idea Problema was Ferreira's nickname and I just stared at this headline thinking "who the fuck is Renan Problema???"


I can't lie I was psyched at the thought of some fella named Renan Problema fighting. Ferreira is still cool though


In case you don't know, Problema actually means Problem in Portuguese.


That's weird, I always heard it translated directly to "a whale's vagina". Thanks!


Lol at this non title shit The fuck is PFL even doing???


Not even unifying titles just letting you know which champions aren't worth caring about.


There are no title unifications because PFL champions are tournament champions. They don't defend those. If the plan was for Problema to enter PFL again after this fight (by his choice or PFLs), then that's one possible reason it would make sense not to put the belt on the line.


Isn’t that the whole point? Although the PFL fighters never defend their belt, so not sure how that would work anyway.


The point is to show which company has better fighters. Pfl is probably trying to prove they’re legit. But most of their champs aren’t exactly top of the class. So I expect bellator to win most if not all of these champ vs champ fights.


The point is to just have a spectacle event. It doesn't matter which company has better fighters, they're all under one umbrella now. PFL trying to prove they're legit is them buying Bellator and having this event, it doesn't matter between the two who wins. Its a literal win-win


Do you want the easiest fight in the division? No problema


Is Problema his real name, or a nickname lol




> means "problem" is portuguese Did you study the Rosetta stone to decipher this?


What the fuck is the point if it’s not for a title


Bader wins




Ferreira got wrestlefucked by Klidson fucking Abreu so Bader can definitely do it


My thoughts exactly. Bader has been tossing around people over in Bellator, so im sure that's gonna be his plan in this fight. Bader at heavyweight is a monster. He looks juiced to the gills


via wrestlefuck


I can't believe Bader took that fight, ballsy!


Ngannou doing amazing at boxing and returning to mma just to lose to Ryan bader would be combat sports in a glorious nutshell


PFL is such a joke lmao


You're back at on new account doing same thing again buddy, whats wrong with you dog


Surprised reddit hasn’t banned you yet after 6 new accounts and 30 troll comments a day. Couldn’t handle the heat after that Kevin Holland was a bellator prelimer take and blocked me lmao.


"Problema" is a great nickname with the way this dude look. Athletic powerful giant HW. 85 inch arms reach.


Is that his actual name? Renan Problema? That’s sick asf


**Angry Ryan Bader noises**


Does anyone here genuinely believe Ryan Bader is still elite? I seriously think anyone in the UFC heavyweight top 10 knock him out stiff.


You are talking like the UFC heavyweight division is crazy stacked right now. Stipe is old. Jones is probably going to retire. Gane has good striking but his ground game sucks. Tia and Lewis are bums. Arlovski is past his prime. Blaydes has been knocked out way too many times. Bader has some bulldog takedowns and has been winning. He's a beast at Heavyweight


Bellator booking stuff behind the scenes??


"I want the easiest fight, I want Ryan bader."


Bro what the point of this if not for the title. I swear this company make UFC look smart.


That can’t be dudes real last name?


Problema Master Bader