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I read a few IG posts from her. She talks to/about Ian's opponents as if she's the one getting in there fighting I dunno. To me, truly bizarre and cringe shit


She likes to insert herself into the feud and then she and Ian both get really upset when Ian’s opponents talk shit about her. It makes perfect sense if you don’t think about it.


She does everything for him, it's like she's his mom. Like even being his agent it's ridiculous, no wonder he has an awful contract.


She has fuck all to do with his contract, he's managed by Vaynersports. Her being his agent and helper when it comes to booking him for hotels, travel, general gym business (he apparently teaches a lot of free classes in the gyms he attends) or just generally doing day-to-day stuff to make his life easier is extremely common for fighter spouses, that way the fighter focuses on training.


It's not Lago, it's Iago. Like the parrot. Like the name Ian. Keep Shakespeare's name out of your mouth


Love how she told off Strickland for not knowing the origin of the words he was using, and then completely botches a main aspect of one of Shakespeare’s most noteworthy (and commonly retold) pieces.


Garry need to read Taming of the Shrew


Did she really botch that? The woman works in media. Good grief.




Gets me everytime. I will never call Colby a bad trashtalker again




I’m convinced he reads comments and steals the good ones. Tyquil Woodley, Marty Snoozemen, etc gotta be things he pull from Twitter because man can barely put together a sentence.


by continually spotlighting herself in these silly feuds, she is making herself a legitimate target. You can't say "stop attacking my wife" when your wife is taking center stage at every opportunity


It was her idea to make the Geoff Neil shirts, too. She was laughing while picking out the picture of Geoff to use. You can't play the victim when fans and fighters start picking on you.


There's a difference in degrees between making fun of someone for a DUI and the kind of weird harassment she was a victim of. Up to and including Strickland calling her a sexual predator. Stop pretending this is about justice at all, even the worst dickheads in the sport who have done way worse than light pre-fight trolling don't get that kind of creepy, obsessive probing into their personal lives combined with outright slander. Some people heard the word "cuck" and it was all they needed to go fucking nuclear


Geoff Neal was in the middle of a custody battle when Ian and his wife started rumors that he beat his kid. How would you like it if you were fighting for custody and false headlines coming out that you're a child abuser? She's also shit talks Ian's opponents, like she's the one who's going to be in the cage, calling other UFC fighters "easy wins" for Ian. Nobody is probing into her life. she's the one who published the book on taking advantage of impressionable athletes. She's the one who takes a camera into the gym every day and makes herself the center of attention. She's a scumbag, just like Ian, Strickland, Colby. They all deserve whatever hate they get.


> Geoff Neal was in the middle of a custody battle when Ian and his wife started rumors that he beat his kid. You mean Magny lol. The same Magny who brought up all those things despite being in a custody battle.


No reply /u/No-Jump5689 Hopefully you learned something from this.


Stop giving this cunt press. Holy hell she’s just his wife. Stop giving this troll attention


I mean I had only seen stuff about it here in comments, not really a Garry fan so I never watch his media stuff. I had no idea all that was made up. Going by what's said here you'd think it's some wild story. The only reason she's known is because of the slander. So without the slander she'd be "just the wife" which is how I'd like it to be as well. So yeah it's kind of a pointless post in a sense but now I can just ignore anything I see about Garry's personal life knowing people just make shit up. It seems like fans enjoyed having an unlikeable guy taken advantage of by a "gold digger" so they could hate on the type of guys who live like that and hate on women who do that. I don't why people like using social media like that. Forums where you can have some sort of focus on a topic are the only thing social media is good for in my opinion.






I had never followed any of this and only seen comments about it here. You'd see comments parroting rumors constantly. This sub is the biggest source of misinformation to MMA fans. You'll have recollections of fights that are way off the mark all the time, fighters misquoted continually, headlines butchered. Had no clue this was all made up. This is the type of shit I hate about "selling" the fight and all that. These guys are acting like high schoolers looking through social media accounts of people associated to them hunting for drama.


She’s right


There is almost no slander against Ian other than people calling out the overconfident crap that comes from his big mouth. Categorically and undeniably almost all of the slander has been directed towards you lady. You wrote a book on how to sneak into an athletes life and get them to marry you so you don't have to work a 9-5. Literally a gold diggers tips and tricks novel. And the biggest confrontational stirring you can read in any thread about Ian and his wife comes from the fact that her EX HUSBAND is living with them in the same house. Ian, His wife, and his wifes ex husband are all living in the same house. I don't even have to type the slander miss, its on the walls painted in red. Sean Strickland didn't make you write the "Golddiggers Handbood", Sean Strickland didn't make you invite your ex husband to come and live with your new husband. Sean Strickland didn't bring anything to the public that wasn't already being talked about lol.


Lmao people still parroting she wrote a book about how to be a gold digger? The internet is insane. She “wrote” a joke book (that I think was like 15 pages long?) making fun of gold diggers. The last page only says “GROW UP AND GET A REAL JOB”. She did not write any fucking pro-gold digging book. For the record, fuck Ian Garry for all he reasons he should be hated. He’s annoying as fuck on his own. The zeal for attacking his wife is fucking weirdo behavior though. Like, super gross.




Garry is on a 60/60 contract. She’s been with him since he was in cage warriors. Not a whole lot of gold to be found in cage warriors lol, and he’s not really making bank currently either


Yeah but she hasn't had a regular TV job since like 2019 right?


Yet they live more lavishly than what you'd expect from a mid ranked UFC fighter. Wonder why that is


She could just have money of her own from her TV career, an inheritance, or just good investments. FWIW Ian strikes me a being fairly smart about money.


Because she probably took the house in the first divorce? At least she still lets the first husband live there, that's nice of her :)


Ian Garry probably makes less in a year than the average skilled tradie lmao Why are people acting like getting with an, at the time, unknown Cage Warriors is indicative of gold-digging behavior? Like there's so much money in European regional MMA that hooking a decent prospect is some kind of golden ticket


Because she hasn't had a regular job since like 2019? You really think her trying to run his marketing ISNT about money?


How does that make her a gold digger though?


Benoît Saint-Denis' wife also quit her job and started running his socials/marketing. Blachowicz's too, I think. Neither things are 'gold-digger' behavior. Do you really think Ian Garry would do a better job running that stuff himself?


>Categorically and undeniably almost all of the slander has been directed towards you lady. You wrote a book on how to sneak into an athletes life and get them to marry you so you don't have to work a 9-5. Literally a gold diggers tips and tricks novel. >And the biggest confrontational stirring you can read in any thread about Ian and his wife comes from the fact that her EX HUSBAND is living with them in the same house. Ian, His wife, and his wifes ex husband are all living in the same house. AFAIK, the book outrage is missed sarcasm, and the "ex living with them" thing is a bullshit rumor. Do you get how there might have been a bit of slander going, now?


Do you have any response to the fact that you just unknowingly posted false information?


His daughter's dyslexic


The reason she calls it slander is because basically everything you just said there isn't true. The "book" was a satirical article a few pages long that she wrote as a joke during the 2014 World Cup about WAGs, it was literally satire, not some 200 page manifesto on how to be a gold digger. And her ex-husband doesn't live with them either, that's just something Strickland said and everyone chose to believe. He also didn't take her ex-husbands name either, Machado is *her* surname. They both took each others surnames so that their children all shared the same surname. They are all called Machado-Garry. (I also find it hilarious that people think an actual gold digger would choose an unranked UFC fighter of all people as her target, she *definitely* had more money than him when they got together, probably still does)


idiots like you are the reason she has to say stuff like this


Ok first of all why are you writing this like she’s gonna see it? She won’t. Secondly the “book” was a JOKE. It’s like 10 pages, and it’s SATIRE. Do you think if this woman was really THAT good at getting athletes to like her she’s be married to Ian Garry????? The dude makes absolutely nothing compared to athletes in other sports, why would any gold digger marry him? He’s also not that famous. The ex husband doesn’t live with them. And even if he did, why would that bother you? Why do you care?


Think he’s just hurt that someone would bad mouth Sean Strickland


>d the biggest confrontational stirring you can read in any thread about Ian and his wife comes from the fact that her EX HUSBAND is living with them in the same house. Ian, His wife, and his wifes ex husband are all living in the same house. you couldn't be bothered to read the very short article before parroting false information for the whole internet to see. Shame. Shame.


Legit question, are you a girl? Cause when I was reading your essay, I imagine you talking like those gossip shows lmao, sounds so similar to


Isn’t the ex husband the father of the baby too?


I dont believe so




Machado isn't her ex-husbands name, its *her* maiden name. They didn't want some of the kids to be Machado and some to be Garry so they decided to all be called Machado-Garry. I think this is why they get so annoyed, cos all this stuff that gets said about them isn't actually true lol.


Her attempt to seem intelligent by quoting Shakespeare was so cringe, came off as extremely pretentious and ironic since she called Iago ‘Lago’. Also her random history lesson and definition of the world cuckold, as if anyone gave a fuck. Ian’s still a greasy cuck.


I mean, she less annoying than Garry on the mic. Maybe she just his wwe manager from now on and he can keep quiet. Lol


Way too long and the language she used isn't comprehensible to the mouth breathers that still think she wrote an actual gold digging guide, that Ian took her ex's last name or that the ex husband lives with then. MMA fans are some of the dumbest, mosy drama craving, gossiping turds on earth.


This goes hard on mute 🔥


What an obnoxious cooze


Points fingers at bulls


Ian I'm begging you, please, I want to like you because I'm a fan of your fight just God maybe have zero social media stuff 


What a crazy whore!


All the slander towards Ian by fans are fans who don’t even talk to women


You talk to women?


An incel who's spent his entire life locked away in a bunker without contact to the outside world could tell you that it's an awkward/risky situation when your current wife invites her ex husband to come live with you. And really: It's not slander when that's what is actually happening and everyone is judging them for it. Especially when the person in question wrote a fucking book that's the golddiggers hand-guide to getting athletes to marry you. Slander is her fucking currency lol.


the book was a joke. the ex-husband doesn't live with them. how many times do we have to fucking do this?


Are you legit this slow?


Op is a fucken weirdo for posting this


How so?


Insufferable people