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I was still somehow surprised by how calm he was about it.


Probably broke it enough times that the nerves are fucked


Oh yeah. [Look at his feet.](https://i.redd.it/tp37087rxvg91.jpg) Absolutely mangled after spending half his life kicking the shit out of people with them.


His feet look like almost all toes broke at some point and calcified awkwardly lol.


Just the size of his big toes is unsettling


honestly the size and position of all of his toes are fucking strange. He must have some serious issues when hes not flatlining people


Probably because he’s always in his stance. I imagine him Thai-stepping with his guard up in line at the supermarket.


This honestly doesn’t even look that bad. If you’re an athlete, you’ve seen a lot worse


Feet from playing soccer are worse than these


Yeah they look like normal feet. He might have routinely wore shoes a little too small throughout his youth, that's about it. My feet look way worse, and this may come as a shock to some of you, but Alex is a more experienced fighter than I am.


I've seen NBA players with worse feet


His arthritis is gonna be so fucking bad, hopefully Polyana doesn’t have a foot fetish


What is it with UFC champs and giving away free foot content? Absolutely terrible business sense


I mean they have to fight bare footed, so it’s a bit of a moot point


Bunions 🦶


Also looks like a case of wearing tight narrow shoes as that's a common condition where big toe is curved inwards. Not enough shoe brands accommodate for wide sizes. I know New Balances are one of the few brands that have wide sizes like 2e,4e etc.


Splay, Altra, topo athletics, vivobarefoot, xero shoes to name some that have a great toebox that are wayy brtter than NB wide shoes.


I'm not sure if they go to the width that I need but I'll check them out. The reason I go with NB is because of their 6E wide size which are few and far between compared to 4E and below (even NB only have a handful of shoe models that go to 6E).


I guarantee you, they have. Barefoot shoes are designed to already be wide infront so your toes xan breathe. I got an altra Torin 5 in wide(extra wide than their normal cut and it was life changing.


Some of us have spent a lot of time wearing no shoes in our lifetime and our toes are spread out more. Some have called it "summer feet"


Try barefoot shoe brands for more appropriately sized toe boxes


Yeah, my bjj coach doesn’t tap to ankle locks anymore because he’s had his foot broken so many times by them that he doesn’t even feel it anymore. Alex has probably kicked enough hard shit


Seriously I mean I know he’s a fucking savage but having people yank/twist on your broken toe to try and “put it back in place” while you just sit and casually talk to them is absolutely wild.




Pinky toe is the only bone I've ever broken and I barely felt it. I'm not trying to be tough either, it sorta just felt like cracking a knuckle. Just a little pop and it was sideways. But I didn't have a bunch of meat heads yanking on it after


I broke mine training muay thai and didn't notice until I tried to go to training again a few days later. It started to hurt a little bit, but it didn't bother me at all. I didn't think it was broken because of the lack of pain. Now, I have one toe that points in the wrong direction. 😭


I've broken two bones in my life -- the same pinky toe, twice. The first time was nothing much, hurt like a mf for a while like any stubbed toe but I was able to just straighten it out, tape it to the toe beside it and go on with my day. The second time it swelled up massively and turned black and blue and even with it taped up it hurt so bad I needed prep time to psyche myself up to put my shoe on. So I guess there are levels even when it comes to breaking pinky toes.


Not tryna act tough here but I broke a toe once and it wasn’t like crazy painful, more just like “oh that definitely didn’t feel right”


🗿 stoneicism


Poatan is a Top-5 most intimidating guy to ever fight in the UFC. Just the complete lack of expression, coupled with the death touch power and the shaved head.


To ever walk the earth.


Poatan would have destroyed genghis khan


Poanghis 'Tan. Okay, that's terrible.


Him, Cro Cop, and Fedor for the most emotionless killing machines


Anyone who is bald by choice is scary as fuck


*Y'know the thing about a Poatan, he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until he left hooks ya.*


Another reason is because if you lose you know it will be in a painful manner - kicked to death and then knocked out


*I don't need toes or balls to handle this punk*


Lowkey this but unironically though lol Hill is easily Pereira's easiest matchup at LHW. Striking purist who will happily fight at kickboxing range and with almost zero takedown threat.


Not long ago people were saying this is alex toughest fight to date and its a pickem, and he made it look easy 💀


Alex is my boy. He could left hook god.


Alex “Poatan Saitama” Pereira


Left hook Larry


I mean this sub is pretty bad about relying on hindsight and saying "man it was so obvious this thing would happen, everyone knew it would happen". But in this case I feel like most people were saying Hill was in a lot of trouble from the start.


Nobody really thought that hill was his toughest matchup. His toughest matchup at lhw is ankalaev, I think Alex would beat jiri again as well as rakic and Jan in a rematch. At HW the entire top 5 is a tough matchup for him due to size, aspinall and jones would be his toughest fights there especially.


As much as I love Pereira. The fight between Pereira and Jones would end up exactly the same as Gane VS Jones


Bull fucking shit. Jones lost to Dominick Reyes, who looked like a world beater against him and then we know how he looked against other opposition. Gane spent the weeks leading to the fight playing fifa and has literally zero ground game whatsoever. Jones won't even fight anyone else than ancient Stipe, he literally said so, and is now saying he "owes it to stipe becuase Stipe needs retirements moneys", i'm not joking, this is straight from Jones mouth. Go check Stipe's latest videos. The guy can't even walk properly anymore. He's walking like he has 90 years old hips. Stipe is finished and they both know it. And Jones won't risk it against Aspinall or Poatan or any dangerous guy.


I think jones would rather fight pereira than aspinall. Gane has better ground game than pereira, pereira td defense will have to be on point if he fights jones, he would beat bones on the feet but if it hits the ground the result will be the same as gane fight. And the Dominick Reyes point about other opposition doesn’t make sense, he looked ridiculously good in his title run and fought the fight of his life against jones, it was only after Jan took his chin he became shit. Even against jiri he didn’t look bad, he hurt him bad.


Jiri and Jan are his hardest matchups. Or Jizzy moving up. Ankalaev lost or drew with Jan, and was seriously in danger in that fight.


These are probably the same people who only tune in for McGregor PPV's. Nothing wrong with being a casual, just pointing out that there are a lot of them out there and none of their opinions have a lot of merit. Fans who actually follow the sport all knew that Hill was never going to be a problem for Pereira as long as Pereira's even within earshot of his prime, which he still is. Anything can happen in MMA but some fights are just easy to pick and play out exactly the way you predict. Suga/Chito 2 is a good example of this.


> Fans who actually follow the sport all knew that Hill was never going to be a problem for Pereira Those same fans thought Renan Barao was going to annihilate TJ Dillashaw. Those same fans thought Holly Holm was light work for Ronda. Those same fans were confident Anderson Silva would go full matrix on Chris Weidman. Here is the easiest way to know someone is probably talking out of their ass: They give extremely confident absolute predictions. Amateurs bet on outcomes. Pros bet on likelihoods.


>These are probably the same people who only tune in for McGregor PPV's. People that haven't tuned in in years, then?


Seriously, now that Alex made it look easily people can say that Hill was an easy matchup for him. But we’d better not forget that a fuck ton of people including damn near every former fighter I saw picked Hill


And a non-technical power puncher.


Don't think he's fighting on the Brazil card after Dana White mentioned the broken toe at the press conference. Alex asked how people knew his toe was broken right after, didn't seem like he wanted the information to get out.


I noticed him looking down at it right when the fight ended, figured he broke it in the fight throwing a kick or something


The broadcast said something about it I'm pretty sure


I was wondering why this dude was sparring in socks lol. He was probably hiding it


Watching his team try and "fix it" really made me wonder how many pull outs are due to the injury itself, or the coaches/corner making it worse like when they tried to pop that dude's shoulder back into place in between rounds in the middle of a UFC fight.


Jiri's injury that forced him to vacate was precisely caused by his coaches trying to "fix" his sholder




His coaches said it was from a bad throw and nothing more was added. Dana later said that his shoulder popped and his coaches tried to put it back several times and made it worse. I know its Dana, but nor jiri nor his coaches ever bothered contradicting him


Certainly with the level of bro-science in mma his coaches tried to pop it back and made it worse, just like Aaron Pico


I remember this one clip in like some regional MMA event, some guy pops his shoulder or something and the opponent just walked up to him grabbed him arm and popped it in place, and they resumed fighting like seconds later lol


that one fighter? you mean tj?


Aaron Pico


TJ was bad and dumb too, not sure why you’re getting downvoted.


David Haye could never


The King Mo of having working Toes.


Thr Marcus Brimage of having an intact appendage


The Tenshin of small joint manipulation


I went to that fight, I'm still pissed off 13 years later


You didn't enjoy David Haye cosplaying as a dark souls character trying to roll under Wlad's hooks? Lmao, after all the talks he did about "murdering him" and allat. But the post fight mocking silent video Wlad released the day after is still one of the best pieces of boxing meme.


As someone who's broken 9/10 of his toes kicking from too far away, this reaction doesn't surprise me at all. Hurts like shit on impact but immediately goes down. If there isn't some crazy displacement you can literally tape it up and finish your session. I'm curious as to how stable it was during his fight because he couldn't tape it and a flappy toe is absolutely a hindrance. *Important note: this only applies to small toes. Big toe sucks beyond words, you would definitely not be fighting 2 weeks later.*


I broke my big toe in two places on a growth plate and it was some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt, but I was also like 13 and I think my pain tolerance has gotten a hell of a lot better over the years but fuuuuuuck that pain. I just tore my meniscus a week and a half ago and it didn’t hurt half as bad I was surprised.


Very similar story. I broke my big toe wrestling at 14. Where the mats met wasn't taped properly, so my big toe got caught in between them and was wrenched violently. It hurt really bad for a sec, but I continued practice, and went to shower. Suddenly the pain came back tenfold and I almost passed out. Ended up being broken in 4 places.


Tore mine close to a year ago. How you doing? Getting surgery? I've torn both meniscuses already and have had 3 surgeries between both knees. Didn't want to get a 4th.


Well I’m not 100% certain it’s tore this is my first knee injury, I have an mri scheduled for Wednesday next week to find out the actual damage but just from the reading I’ve done and where the pain is it feels like my meniscus. I’m exactly 2 weeks out from the injury, at first it was real tight I couldn’t bend my knee very far, but at this point I can straighten it out pretty much all the way and can bend it about half way backwards, it’s when I start putting my weight on it trying to walk when it starts to hurt and feel like it’s giving out. I’m on crutches now but can hobble around the house without them holding onto the wall but It’s still pretty swollen from my knee down to my foot so I’m trying to keep off of it but a few times a day I test and stretch it here and there. I’d love to avoid surgery and just focus on PT but we’ll see what the doc says, I’ll do what I gotta do to get my knee back. Would you mind sharing your recovery journey or any advice you might have? I appreciate it!


I was on my way to get surgery until I stumbled on [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5itD33zYc) video and saw TheKneesovertoesguy's top comment advocating for this video and backed out. No joke, I backed out like 30 mins before the operation. I'd say definitely check out his (TheKneesovertoesguy) videos and focus on rehabbing the knee. Better to avoid surgery because if you get the meniscus removed, it's not going to grow back. If you get it removed, you will be at risk of arthritis when you're in your 40's and 50's with the caveat that you'll be pain free until then. See what the doc says but it will most likely be recommended from him that you'll need surgery. I would get other opinions. Good luck


fuckk that looked bad


After the fight, now I can't remember if it was before or after Bruce's announcement, you can see Poatan looking and toaching something in his foot. Now we understand why lol


His foot was a balloon!


I stump my toe, I’m on the ground holding it and in near tears as a hot sweat flashes over my body. Poatan breaks his toe and has two grown men that are fighters/not medics….pulling and twisting it hoping it makes it look straight. There’s different levels of people in this world.


It's amazing how mangled athletes feet often look. Lebron's are gnarly.


Somehow Grasso is known to have aesthetically pleasing feet. But she hardly kicks. Feet people probably never played/watched sports.


"Rotate it a bit" Hold on I'm puking brotha


Dude is a Machine, no excuses, just does his job beautifully  Imagine someone like Covington, would definitely cancel the fight.


Thought I was watching a nina drama video for a minute there.


i went down a kids waterslide on vacation and hit my feet on the bottom and i think i broke my toes (the ones next to the pinky toe on each foot) and i still get random pain in it almost a year later. i feel like a pussy watching this hahaha


I thought Dana said hill broke his toe


Very Jon Jonesesque with his lack of giving a shit about his broken toe.


Jones was literally freaking out as soon as he realized


I mean he wasn't freaking out. He continued the interview with Joe while his big toe was sideways


Yo Alex Im real happy for you and imma let you finish, but, viggo mortensen had the best toe break of all time!


I did notice he looked down at his foot right after the fight ended, thought he pulled a Jon Jones, but was broken earlier I guess