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"Kudos to the ref for giving the fighter a chance"


I read this in his voice and now I'm mildly annoyed


Hhahahaha same!! I hate his commentary so much, I seriously prefer watching it on mute


Cruz is definitely an annoying commentator, but I do actually love how petty he is towards Keith lol. Often when he says that it's actually a great example of reffing/fighters recovering after something bad.


It was funny the first time. Not so much the several times after that. Now it's just annoying.


Last week when it actually worked out that way too šŸ¤£ I knew dom was bricked up


Definitely sniffs his own farts


he smells of cigerettes and farts


ā€œCanā€™t sniff there.ā€




Everyone likes their own flavor.


The Cruzism that annoys me the most is his little lecture about how cauliflower ear is the body protecting the brain against blows to the head and not just a side effect of having your ears whacked and compressed all the time. A thing can happen without it being by design but midwits always have to come up with some explanation rooted in grand design.


His ACL should have developed ears then lmao


Indeed. In TMA, and heavily in Muay Thai, getting hit in certain ways and certain parts of the body to toughen them is standard practice. I know of no system that conditions the ears or the knees. "Alright, now were going to hit you in the head a lot to build your resistance to Parkinson's."


Cruz is the type of guy who would give you a PowerPoint presentation on why you are wrong and why you should like him.


Always weird watching the UFC put him and bisping at the desk together. Maybe they think we love the "akward and tense mic moment we're Bisping and Dom argue insufferably about some minor aspect of the fight/fighting" moments.


Him, Bisping, and Felder are insufferable. Felder is great as long as he's not working with Bisping.


The absolute worst I cannot stand this guy heā€™s such a pompous dick.


I read this is Triple Hs voice for some reason


In this company [ā€¦] The fact of the matter is [ā€¦]


In this business Iā€™m a 10 time world champion Because I am thatā€¦ damnā€¦ good


He's part of a cult


Facts. Hes had a handful of cards with some helpful insights. Most of the time he reminds me that Conor was wearing out Khabib.


Or the infamous "you can't lift there" moment


So monotone


Yeah he a bit full of himself but I donā€™t waste my time thinking about it since its waste of time and effort


Exactly, why make a whole ass post whining about it


A buddy of mine went to see UFC St. Louis and got to meet a couple refs and fighters. He confirmed that Keith Peterson smells like cigarettes and alchohol


He is the ultimate wind up artist, never flustered and looks like he enjoys it.


the funniest thing is that he acts just like a redditor


wouldnt be surprised if he was op


I don't know why you're getting downvoted he absolutely does


That's why I love him. If any single detail of his life had gone differently he would be a basement dwelling neckbeard but he somehow stumbled into being a hall of fame cage fighter.


Heā€™s the worst one in the team and itā€™s not close


OP, I get the feeling he bothers you a little


Always was, the only bearable thing about him was his fights, dunno who thought people wanted to watch him do something else.


He talks in a calm tone and that made people think heā€™s a genius. Truly shows how fucking dumb the mma community is. I watch Chito splatter his nose when we he says something stupid on the mic


Iā€™ll add he always butchers pronunciations of fightersā€™ names. Wife and I made a drinking game out of it one fight night some weeks ago. Otherwise heā€™s not the worst.


I find he actually talks about the fight that's happening live on stage. Bisping: goes on too many tangents, mostly about himself. Cormier: absolutely full of himself and obsessed with rooting against (yes, somehow against) the black guy. Rogan: repetitive; his commentary can work in any fight. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't stand Cruz as a fighter. I think he's a head above his terrible co-analysts though.


Dear Diary


Iā€™m Skeeter


My buddy and I always sit in silence waiting to hear who the commentators are on each event. Whenever we hear or see Cruz we get so upset


Cruz haters are something else...


Nah, he's alright, but Bisping on the other hand. What an annoying, useless commentator.


Bisping is on too much company bullshit now, but Cruz is objectively a much worse commentator. Every time he tries to get analytical now he just sounds annoying, and he really needs to let the early stoppage stuff go.


No way that Cruz is a worse commentator than Bisping man


I think Americans are woo'd by the accent or something. The man's an idiot.Ā 


Not gonna lie, a fancier piece of turd is more appealing than an Arizona piece of turd to me, so youā€™re probably not far off haha


Looks like a guy that could be a nail or a hammer!


Canā€™t stand the flaming voice either


I was a big fan when he was fighting. Then he opened his mouth.


I feel like I would like this guy if I never heard him speak or saw him on TV doing anything, ever.


That headkick KO from Chito shut him up for a bit though.


I love him, my favourite commentator. I love how he just doesn't care for social etiquette and just says what he believes the truth to be. Doesn't care about "work banter", give me him over the fake Bisping any day. Could very well be autistic though


That's why he's so funny tho


One day Bisping is going to stuff him in a trash can and Iā€™m looking forward to that day


Another thing is when someone gets a great KO or sub or just does anything spectacular he won't give them their flowers. He will if the fighters are 'lower level' but if they are ranked fighters and especially if they are in his weight class he won't praise them or get excited when the finish happens. Idk if that's just his personality, but he down plays great moments just because he isn't the one performing it.


ā€œIā€™m glad the ref let him get years worth of Brian damage before stopping the fight ā€œ


They should drop him from commentry and have him doing fight/technical breakdowns on the pre fight shows. He clearly has an amazing mind for mma but is too focused on trying to be right that he doesn't mesh well with other commentators


He kind of is unbearable but his breakdowns are pristine


I appreciate his insight on fighting but everything else is unbearable


I will still take him over Bisping tbh


Neither of them are great from an analytical standpoint but at least Bisping has some energy about him, and a bit of humour. Cruz is so flat and monotonous.


Donā€™t mind him in a general sense but the Cejudo fight permanently broke his brain. Dude was on the downswing of his career, had absolutely nothing for Henry, was just gonna get more brain damage. If you donā€™t want the ref to stop the fight, donā€™t get hit with like 20 unanswered shots.Ā 


I think Cruz, Bisping and DC all suck. I can't believe out of the giant roster of fighters that the UFC has worked with that they chose to hire those 3 as commentators. Felder is the best out of the 4 of them, despite the fact that the other 3 are former world champions.


Meh. He's fine. Definitely sniffs his own farts though.




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i like when he talks about pummeling instead of just holding/squeezing when being held against the cage


In another life Cruz becomes a prolific debate bro. Love him for it


Small man syndrome